Keyword: Noctuidae
Title | Author and Source | Category | View TGIF Record |
Long-term suppression of turfgrass insect pests with native persistent entomopathogenic nematodes |
Koppenhöfer, Albrecht M.; Sousa, Ana Luiza. 2024. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology. JUNE. 204: p. 108123 [1-8]. |
336673 |
Long-term suppression of turfgrass insect pests with native persistent entomopathogenic nematodes | Koppenhöfer, Albrecht M.; Sousa, Ana Luiza. 2022. Mike Davis Program for Advancing Golf Course Management: 2022 Progress Reports. p. 331-339. |
328687 |
Turfgrass Insects of the United States and Canada Access Restrictions |
Vittum, Patricia J. 2020. Ithaca, New York: Comstock Publishing Associates, Cornell University Press. xxvi, 525 pp., [72] plates. Third Edition. |
310615 |
Ready for the cool down: As summer comes to an end, get a head start preparing for the fall |
SanSone, Arricca Elin. 2019. Lawn & Landscape. September. 40(9): p. 58, 60. |
308305 |
Unpredictable pests: Experts say it's hard to decide which pests will be the most problematic this season |
Miller, Jimmy. 2019. Lawn & Landscape. April. 40(4): p. 84, 86, 88. |
305284 |
Dealing with insect pests: Scouting and monitoring are essential for keeping your turfgrass healthy |
Fech, John C.; Larson, Jonathan L. 2017. SportsField Management. November/December. 12(10): p. 20-21. |
294574 |
7 fall turf threats: Find the best way to deal with autumn's most common diseases and pests |
SanSone, Arricca Elin. 2017. Lawn & Landscape. September. 38(9): p. 70, 72, 74, 76, 78. |
289399 |
Be on watch for cinch mugs [chinch bugs], army worms | Vaughn, Campbell. 2017. The Augusta Chronicle. August 24. p. [1-3]. |
289227 |
Armyworm |
Nixon, Phil. 2017. Home, Yard, and Garden Pest Newsletter. August 29. 14: p. [2]. |
290595 |
Armyworm |
Nixon, Phil. 2017. Home, Yard, and Garden Pest Newsletter. May 30. [21](5): p. 4-5. |
286847 |
Integrated Management of Turfgrass Insects | Richmond, Douglas. 2016. [West Lafayette, Indiana]: Purdue Extension, Department of Entomology, Purdue University. 8 pp. |
276186 |
A new(ish) pest in the Northwest Access Restrictions |
Carson, Teresa. 2016. Golf Course Management. June. 84(6): p. 34. |
272580 |
Bug 'out': Surface- and subsurface-feeding insects can damage turf like a group of bad golfers. Here's how to identify and control them | Fech, John C.; Larson, Jonathan L. 2016. Superintendent. June. 15(6): p. 40-45. |
273182 |
Integrated Management of Turfgrass Insects | Richmond, Douglas. 2015. [West Lafayette, Indiana]: Extension, Department of Entomology, Purdue University. 8 pp. |
267832 |
Black Cutworms | Smitley, David. 2015. East Lansing, Michigan: Michigan State University Extension. [4] pp. |
300391 |
A novel approach to biocontrol: Release of live insect hosts pre-infected with entomopathogenic nematodes Access Restrictions |
Gumus, Arife; Karagoz, Mehmet; Shapiro-Ilan, David; Hazir, Selcuk. 2015. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology. September. 130: p. 56-60. |
269297 |
Effects of Cold on Insect Populations |
Vittum, Pat. 2014. [Amherst, Massachusetts]: Turf Program, Extension, University of Massachusetts. [2] pp. |
249872 |
National Fineleaf Fescue Test - 2008: Final Report 2009-2013 | National Turfgrass Evaluation Program. 2014. Beltsville, Maryland: National Turfgrass Evaluation Program, Beltsville Agricultural Research Center - West. xiii, 174 pp. |
259005 |
Ataenius and Cutworms Feeding on Golf Courses | Smitley, Dave; Davis, Terry; Frank, Kevin. 2014. [East Lansing, Michigan]: Michigan State University Extension. [5] pp. |
275092 |
Biological control of native entomopathogenic nematodes (Steinernematidae and Heterorhabditidae) against Spodoptera cilium (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in turfgrass Access Restrictions |
Gulcu, Baris; Ulug, Derya; Hazir, Canan; Karagoz, Mehmet; Hazir, Selcuk. 2014. Biocontrol Science and Technology. 24(8): p. 965-970. |
270242 |
Rolling with the cool kids |
Binder, Nick. 2014. News Notes [Michigan Turfgrass Foundation]. Summer. 6(2): p. 7-9. |
248574 |
Little Rock, we have a problem!: Armyworms marching through Arkansas |
Anonymous. 2014. Turfgrass Producers International E-Newsletter. October. 7(8): p. 3. |
249042 |
Insect pests in turf sod production areas in Korea |
Lee, Chae Min; Kwon, Oh-Gyung; Lee, Kwang-Su; Lee, Sang-Myeong; Choi, Sunghwan; Lee, Dong Woon. 2014. Weed and Turfgrass Science. June. 3(2): p. 114-120. |
265182 |
Ready to roll: Michigan State's "Doctor of Green Speed" offers his top 10 reasons why lightweight rolling is good for your greens Access Restrictions |
Nikolai, Thomas A. 2014. Golf Course Management. April. 82(4): p. 44-46, 48, 50, 52. |
239091 |
Armyworm Alert | Hertl, Peter T.; Brandenburg, Rick L. 2013. [Raleigh, North Carolina]: TurfFiles, North Carolina State University. [1] p. |
290474 |
Residual activity of chlorantraniliprole and other turfgrass insecticides against black cutworm (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) Access Restrictions |
Williamson, R. C.; Liesch, P. J.; Obear, G. R. 2013. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 12: p. 369-373. |
223269 |
Curative dollar spot control on a creeping bentgrass and annual bluegrass putting green, 2012 Access Restrictions |
Popko, J.; Jung, G. 2013. PDMR: Plant Disease Management Reports. 7: p. T015. |
217605 |
Pest Watch: European Chafer | Murray, Todd; Stahnke, Gwen; LaGasa, Eric. 2012. [Pullman, Washington]: Extension, Washington State University. 4 pp. |
280019 |
Dollar spot control on a creeping bentgrass and annual bluegrass putting green, 2011 Access Restrictions |
Popko, J.; Campbell-Nelson, K.; Jung, G. 2012. PDMR: Plant Disease Management Reports. 6: p. T030. |
204019 |
Disentangling dispersal, vicariance and adaptive radiation patterns: A case study using armyworms in the pest genus Spodoptera (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) Access Restrictions |
Kergoat, Gael J.; Prowell, Dorothy P.; Le Ru, Bruno P.; Mitchell, Andrew; Dumas, Pascaline; Clamens, Anne-Laure; Condamine, Fabien L.; Silvain, Jean-François. 2012. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. December. 65(3): p. 855-870. |
249024 |
Baculovirus infection of the armyworm (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) feeding on spiny- or smooth-edged grass (Festuca spp.) leaf blades Access Restrictions |
Keathley, Craig P.; Harrison, Robert L.; Potter, Daniel A. 2012. Biological Control: Theory and Application in Pest Management. May. 61(2): p. 147-154. |
209142 |
Catepillar [Caterpillar] pests of greens in the Gulf south | Hong, Steve; Held, David W.; Williamson, R. Chris. 2011. Tee to Green [Louisiana/Mississippi]. Winter. p. 14. |
265791 |
Cutworms: How to control these pests, night or day |
Horn, Brian. 2011. Lawn & Landscape. June. 32(6): p. 111. |
228135 |
Enhanced toxicity of Bacillus thuringiensis subspecies kurstaki and aizawai to black cutworm larvae (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) with Bacillus sp. NFD2 and Pseudomonas sp. FNFD1 Access Restrictions |
Mashtoly, Tamer A.; Abolmaaty, Assem; El-Zemaity, Mohamed El-Said; Hussien, Mohamed I.; Alm, Steven R. 2011. Journal of Economic Entomology. February. 104(1): p. 41-46. |
176956 |
Does modification of tall fescue leaf texture and forage nutritive value for improved livestock performance increase suitability for a grass-feeding caterpillar? Access Restrictions |
Keathley, Craig P.; Potter, Daniel A. 2011. Crop Science. January. 51(1): p. 370-380. |
174182 |
Cutworms | Anonymous. [20xx]. OSU Turfgrass Program [Oklahoma State University]. p. [1]. |
167056 |
Prospects for managing turfgrass insect pests with baculoviruses |
Potter, Daniel A.; Bixby, Andrea J. [20XX]. United States Golf Association. 08:33. |
167521 |
An Integrated Approach to Pest Management in Turfgrass: Black Cutworm | Buckley, Richard J.; Koppenhöfer, Albrecht M.; Tirpak, Sabrina. 2010. New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers Cooperative Research and Extension. [3] pp. Revised Edition. |
202699 |
UC IPM Bermudagrass Seed: Pest Management Guidelines for Agriculture | Natwick, E. T.; Barlow, V. M.; Rethwisch, M. D.; Turini, T. A.; Laemmlen, F. F.; Tickes, B.; Wilen, C. A. 2010. Richmond, California: UC Statewide IPM Program, Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of California. ii, 17 pp. |
257855 |
Compatibility of entomopathogenic nematodes (Nematoda: Rhabditida) with registered insecticides for Spodoptera frugiperda (Smith, 1797) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) under laboratory conditions Access Restrictions |
Negrisoli, Alsomario S. Jr.; Garcia, Mauro S.; Negrisoli, Carla R. C. Barbosa. 2010. Crop Protection. June. 29(6): p. 545-549. |
237855 |
Cutworms ALERT | Brandenburg, Rick. 2010. TurfFiles - Turfgrass Information for North Carolina. June 11. p. [1]. |
168837 |
Professionals: Multiple targeting with pesticides | Gibb, Tim; Richmond, Doug. 2010. Purdue Turfgrass Program Website. April 5. p. [1]. |
162552 |
National Fineleaf Fescue Test - 2003: Final Report 2004-2007 | National Turfgrass Evaluation Program. 2008. Beltsville, Maryland: USDA ARS, Beltsville Agricultural Research Center and National Turfgrass Federation, Inc. xiii, 209 pp. |
139941 |
Identification of Potential Mechanism(s) of Resistance of Selected Kentucky Bluegrasses to Black Cutworm Access Restrictions |
Hong, Seung Cheon. 2008. Ph.D. Dissertation: University of Wisconsin - Madison. [3], vi, 114 pp. |
140898 |
Cutworms in Home Gardens | Hahn, Jeffrey; Wold-Burkness, Suzanne. 2008. [St. Paul, Minnesota]: University of Minnesota Extension. 2 pp. |
235714 |
Two new insecticides prove kinder to environment and wildlife |
Swier, Stanley R. 2008. Turf Talk [New Hampshire]. Summer. p. 1, 9. |
251641 |
Fall armyworm (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) resistance in Texas bluegrass, Kentucky bluegrass, and their hybrids (Poa spp.) Access Restrictions |
Reinert, James A.; Read, James C. 2008. Florida Entomologist. December. 91(4): p. 592-597. |
143899 |
Influence of soil type and rainfall on pupal survival and adult emergence of the fall armyworm (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in southern Florida |
Sims, Steven R. 2008. Journal of Entomological Science. October. 43(4): p. 373-380. |
144519 |
[Fall armyworm alert] |
Brandenburg, Rick. 2008. TurfNet Monthly. September. 15(9): p. 9. |
139707 |
Insect outbreaks | Code, Cindy. 2008. Lawn and Landscape. May. 29(5): p. 26. |
139366 |
Biological control of noctuid moths in urban turfgrass sites |
Kontodimas, D. C.; Nikolopoulou, A. E.; Katsanis, A. 2008. 1st European Turfgrass Society Conference Proceedings. May. 1: p. 107-108. |
137008 |
State of the pest nation: A coast-to-coast look at Canada's peskiest insects Access Restrictions |
Charbonneau, Pam. 2008. GreenMaster. April. 43(2): p. 18-20. |
136608 |
Possible biological control of the armyworm by the harvest mouse Access Restrictions |
Ishiwaka, Reiko; Masuda, Yasuhisa. 2008. Grassland Science. March. 54(1): p. 52-56. |
163522 |
Grub and cutworm control in the tropics |
Shetlar, David. 2008. Buckeye Turf. March 18. p. [1-2]. |
143988 |
National Fineleaf Fescue Test - 2003: Progress Report 2006 | National Turfgrass Evaluation Program. 2007. Beltsville, Maryland: USDA ARS, Beltsville Agricultural Research Center and National Turfgrass Federation, Inc. ix, 116 pp. |
126411 |
Armyworms and Cutworms in Turfgrass | Hodgson, Erin W. 2007. Logan, Utah: Utah Plant Pest Diagnostic Laboratory and Extension, Utah State University. 3 pp. |
132796 |
Organic maintenance and recycled water use from the Wawona Golf Course in Yosemite National Park | Porter, Kim. 2007. Environmental Institute for Golf - Edge. October. p. 1-5. |
133449 | |
Armyworms on the march can damage turf |
Anonymous. 2007. Athletic August 18. p. [1-2]. |
127807 | |
Armyworm caterpillars scalping turf in some places | Smitley, Dave. 2007. Landscape Alert Newsletter. July 13. 22(13): p. [5]. |
137564 |
Past, present, and future |
Entwistle, Kate. 2007. The Groundsman. June. 61(6): p. 38-41. |
125541 |
Stop insects before they start: Two researchers share their recommendations for improving your preventative control programs this year |
Niemczyk, Harry; Shetlar, David. 2007. Lawn and Landscape. April. 28(4): p. 126, 128, 130. |
126007 |
Head them off: A look at preventive approaches to destructive turf insects | Niemczyk, Harry; Shetlar, David. 2007. Golf Course Industry. March. 19(3): p. 92-94, 96, 98. |
137927 |
Getting the bugs out | Anonymous. 2007. Landscape Superintendent and Maintenance Professional. February. 4(2): p. 20-22. |
123842 |
Silicon fertilization does not enhance creeping bentgrass resistance to cutworms and white grubs | Redmond, Carl T.; Potter, Daniel A. 2007. USGA Turfgrass and Environmental Research Online. February 1. 6(3): p. [1-7]. |
120896 |
National Fineleaf Fescue Test - 2003: Progress Report 2005 | National Turfgrass Evaluation Program. 2006. Beltsville, MD: USDA ARS, Beltsville Agricultural Research Center and National Turfgrass Federation, Inc. x, 140 pp. |
112065 |
Biological-based management of white grubs, cutworms, and mound-building ants on golf courses | Potter, Daniel A. 2006. 2006 Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary. p. 13. |
119724 |
Silicon fertilization does not enhance creeping bentgrass resistance to cutworms and white grubs |
Redmond, Carl T.; Potter, Daniel A. 2006. Applied Turfgrass Science. November 10. p. [1-6]. |
118135 |
Cutworms |
Entwhistle, Kate. 2006. Pitchcare. October/November. 9: p. 30. |
118291 |
[August & September pest pressures] |
Brandenburg, Rick. 2006. TurfNet Monthly. September. 13(9): p. 13. |
118797 |
Microbial control of black cutworm (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in turfgrass using Agrostis ipsilon multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus |
Prater, Callie A.; Redmond, Carl T.; Barney, Walter; Bonning, Bryony C.; Potter, Daniel A. 2006. Journal of Economic Entomology. August. 99(4): p. 1129-1137. |
114656 |
[Midsummer insects] |
Brandenburg, Rick. 2006. TurfNet Monthly. July. 13(7): p. 8. |
113412 |
[Armyworms!] |
Vittum, Pat. 2006. TurfNet Monthly. July. 13(7): p. 8. |
113413 |
First black cutworms of the year found in traps | Gibb, Timothy J. 2006. Purdue Turfgrass Program Website. April 20. p. [1]. |
129296 |
Tall Fescue Seed Production in Western Canada | Najda, Henry; Yoder, Calvin; Cole, Dan; Coulman, Bruce; Fairey, Nigel; Gossen, Bruce; Huebner, Gerald; Johns, Mark; Soroka, Juliana; Tremblay, Michel; Watts, Michelle; Wong, David. 2005. [Edmonton, Alberta, Canada]: Alberta Agriculture, Food and Rural Development. 23 pp. |
179594 |
Biological-based management of white grubs, cutworms, and mound-building ants on golf courses | Potter, Daniel A. 2005. 2005 Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary. p. 13. |
109835 |
Pathogenicity of entomopathogenic nematode, Steinernema carpocapsae Pocheon strain against Anomis mesogona and Anomis commoda(Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) | Kim, Hyeong-Hwan; Park, Hyung-Soon; Cho, Yoon-Jin; Lee, Dong-Woon; Choo, Ho-Yul; Goo, Kwan-Hyo. 2005. Korean Journal of Turfgrass Science. 19(1): p. 17-25. |
133759 |
St. James Bay Golf Club: Discovering the forgotten coast |
Jackson, Joel. 2005. The Florida Green. Winter. p. 14-16, 18, 20-22, 24, 26. |
101127 |
Dry weather hampers turf recovery | Bevard, Darin S. 2005. USGA World Wide Web Site. September 16. p. [1-2]. |
111189 |
[10th International Turfgrass Research Conference] |
Charbonneau, Pam. 2005. Green is Beautiful. August. p. 10. |
121396 |
Be cautious when coring during hot August weather | Danneberger, Karl. 2005. Buckeye Turf. August 2. p. [1]. |
126585 |
Golf Course Turf Management: Tools and Techniques |
Quast, Danny H.; Otto, Wayne. 2004. New York: McGraw-Hill. xvii, 520 pp. |
92902 |
Insect Pest Management on Turfgrass |
Buss, Eileen A.; Turner, Jay Cee. 2004. Gainesville, Florida: Entomology and Nematology Department, Florida Cooperative Extension Service, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida. 9 pp. Revised Edition. |
131134 |
Turf insect pest survey 2004 | Umeda, K.; Towers, G. [2004]. The University of Arizona Turfgrass Research, Education, and Extension. 28 slides. |
149806 |
Biological-based management of white grubs, cutworms, and mound-building ants on golf courses | Potter, Daniel A. 2004. 2004 Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary. p. 14. |
101234 |
New tool for biological warfare on cutworms? | Prater, Callie Anne; Potter, Daniel A. 2004. USGA Turfgrass and Environmental Research Online. June 15. 3(12): p. [1-5]. |
97549 |
Insect management tips: Back to basics |
Braman, Kris. 2004. Through The Green [GA]. May/June. p. 14-17. |
97184 |
Evaluation of reduced chemical management systems for putting green turf | Grant, Jennifer A.; Rossi, Frank S. 2004. USGA Turfgrass and Environmental Research Online. February 15. 3(4): p. [1-15]. |
95002 |
Sod Webworms and Cutworms |
Cranshaw, W. S. 2003. Colorado State University Cooperative Extension. [3] pp. |
140292 |
Cutworms in Turf | Bambara, Stephen B.; Brandenburg, Rick. 2003. [Raleigh, North Carolina: North Carolina Cooperative Extension]. [3] pp. |
146369 |
Biologically based management of white grubs, cutworms, and mound-building ants on golf courses | Potter, Daniel A. 2003. 2003 Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary. p. 19. |
93199 |
Resistance of turfgrasses to the lawn cutworm, Spodoptera depravata Access Restrictions |
Park, Bong-Ju; Asano, Yoshito. 2003. Japanese Journal of Applied Entomology and Zoology. 47(4): p. 165-168. |
118169 | |
Armyworms: Marching on!: There's more than one kind of armyworm, but all of them can be controlled Access Restrictions |
Shetlar, David J. 2003. Golf Course Management. October. 71(10): p. 101-106. |
91345 |
[Potential issues of overwintered sod webworm larvae on golf course turf] |
Shetlar, Dave. 2003. TurfNet Monthly. June. 10(6): p. 7. |
292720 |
This material appeared early one morning and covered the green Access Restrictions |
Mascaro, John. 2003. Golf Course Management. February. 71(2): p. 26, 147. |
84758 |
Grow-in goodness: Victoria Hills reaps the rewards of its hard work |
Labbance, Bob. 2003. Turf: South. February. 14(2): p. B28, B30-B33. |
85976 |
What's bug'gin you?: Insect control challenges for New England superintendents |
Vittum, Patricia. 2003. New England Turf News. January 15. 1(1): p. 2, 7. |
87584 |
Turf IPM Facts |
UMass Extension. 2002. Amherst, Massachusetts: UMass Extension. iv, 202 pp. |
103903 |
Turf insect pests |
2002. p. 39-42. In: Neylan, John; Anderson, Peter; Laird, Euan. Sportsturf Protection: The Complete Guide to All Turf Protection Products. AGCSA, [2002]. |
89396 |
Pest control information and recommendations for turfgrass | Anonymous. 2002. Landscape Management. December. 41(12): p. 44-46. |
84728 |
Turfgrass insect control: Choices and timing for lawn and landscape turf | Koppenhöfer, Albrecht M. 2002. 2001 Rutgers Turfgrass Proceedings. July. 33: p. [167-179]. |
100637 |