Keyword: Pathogenicity
Title | Author and Source | Category | View TGIF Record |
The role of Oxalic acid in Clarireedia jacksonii virulence and development on creeping bentgrass Access Restrictions |
Huo, Daowen; Westrick, Nathaniel M.; Nelson, Ashley; Kabbage, Mehdi; Koch, Paul. 2024. Phytopathology. November. 114(11): p. 2394-2400. |
341623 |
Assessment of Puccinia polliniicola as a potential biological control agent for Microstegium vimineum |
Tan, Min; Fang, Yanxia; Zhang, Yuanhe; Qiang, Sheng. 2024. Pest Management Science. September. 80(9): p. 4637-4649. |
339496 |
Unveiling dominant fungal pathogens associated with root rot of hybrid bermudagrass based on culture dependent and independent methods |
Cao, Zhiling; Zhou, Yuxin; Lamour, Kurt; Yang, Zhimin; Liu, Jun; Hu, Jian. 2024. Plant Disease. May. 108(5): p. 1289-1297. |
338821 |
High diversity of Epicoccum species associated with leaf spot on Italian ryegrass in southwestern China: Six new records and three new species |
Xu, Zhiting; Xu, Lingling; Liu, Jiaqi; Chen, Dongying; Cui, Huawei; Xue, Longhai; Li, Chunjie. 2024. Plant Disease. May. 108(5): p. 1308-1319. |
338822 |
Economic impact of take-all root rot on bermudagrass putting green management | Jo, Young-Ki. 2023. Mike Davis Program for Advancing Golf Course Management: 2023 Progress Reports. p. 275-281. |
336621 |
Candidacolonium agrostis, a novel species associated with summer patch-like disease on Agrostis stolonifera in East China |
Geng, Jiamei; Zhou, Yuxin; Dong, Yinglu; Lamour, Kurt; Yang, Zhimin; Liu, Jun; Hu, Jian. 2023. Grass Research. 3: p. 20 [1-7]. |
337815 |
Investigation of asymptomatic infection of Phellinus noxius in herbaceous plants Access Restrictions |
Chen, Chia-Yu; Wu, Zong-Chi; Liu, Tse-Yen; Yu, Shiang-Shiuan; Tsai, Jyh-Nong; Tsai, Yu-Chang; Tsai, Isheng J.; Chung, Chia-Lin. 2023. Phytopathology. March. 113(3): p. 460-469. |
339421 |
Etiology and management of Pythium root rot in golf course putting greens Access Restrictions |
Hampy, Halle D.; Van Ryzin, Benjamin J.; Butler, E. Lee; Kerns, James P. 2022. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. June. 14(1): p. 851-860. |
321471 |
Pyricularia oryzae incites gray leaf spot disease on hard fescue (Festuca brevipila) Access Restrictions |
Vines, P. L.; Daddio, R. M.; Luo, J.; Wang, R.; Murphy, J. A.; Zhang, N.; Clarke, B. B.; Meyer, W. A.; Bonos, S. A. 2022. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. June. 14(1): p. 997-1002. |
321501 |
Economic impact of take-all root rot on bermudagrass putting green management | Jo, Young-Ki. 2021. Mike Davis Program for Advancing Golf Course Management: 2021 Progress Reports. p. 306-309. |
317424 |
First record of the ectoparasitic nematode Amplimerlinius macrurus (Nematoda: Tylenchida) on the perennial grass Miscanthus x giganteus (Angiosperms: Poaceae) in Ukraine |
Stefanovska, Tatyana; Skwiercz, Andrzej; Flis, Łukasz; Pidlisnyuk, Valentina; Zouhar, Miloslav. 2021. Journal of Nematology. 53: p. [1-7]. |
315072 |
First report of Ophiosphaerella narmari causing spring dead spot of hybrid bermudagrass in China |
Geng, J. M.; Jiang, S.; Hu, J. 2021. Plant Disease. December. 105(12): p. 4153. |
316909 |
First report of stem rust, caused by Puccinia graminis and crown rust, caused by Puccinia coronata var. avenae f. sp. avenae, on tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea) in Georgia, U.S.A. |
Sapkota, S.; Raymer, P. L.; Martinez-Espinoza, A. D.; Bahri, B. A. 2021. Plant Disease. November. 105(11): p. 3748. |
316908 |
First report of powdery mildew caused by Blumeria graminis f. sp. bromi on Bromus catharticus |
Zhu, Mo; Ji, Jie; Duan, Xiao; Shi, Wenqi; Li, Yong-Fang. 2021. Plant Disease. April. 105(4): p. 1211. |
314954 |
First report of leaf spot caused by Alternaria alternata on Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum) in China |
Wei, X. K.; Xue, L. H.; Li, C. J. 2021. Plant Disease. April. 105(4): p. 1211. |
314955 |
Occurrence of powdery mildew caused by Blumeria graminis f. sp. poae on Poa pratensis in China |
Zhu, Mo; Ji, Jie; Shi, Wenqi; Li, Yong-Fang. 2021. Plant Disease. April. 105(4): p. 1212. |
314956 |
Re-identification of Clarireedia spp. causing dollar spot disease of turfgrasses in Japan |
Tsukiboshi, Takao; Hayakawa, Toshihiro; Sugawara, Koya. 2021. Journal of Japanese Society of Turfgrass Science. March 31. 49(2): p. 71-77. |
318051 |
Magnaporthiopsis cynodontis, a novel turfgrass pathogen with widespread distribution in the United States Access Restrictions |
Vines, Phillip L.; Hoffmann, Federico G.; Meyer, Florencia; Allen, Thomas W.; Luo, Jing; Zhang, Ning; Tomaso-Peterson, Maria. 2020. Mycologia. 112(1): p. 52-63. |
310810 |
First report of leaf spot caused by Fusarium equiseti on switchgrass in Shandong, China |
Jia, Chunlin; Wang, Yihong; Liu, Mingjiang; Li, Shuxia; Zhang, Weihua. 2020. Plant Disease. November. 104(11): p. 3074. |
313897 |
First report of the spiral nematode Helicotylenchus microlobus infecting Paspalum vaginatum, seashore paspalum turfgrass, in Georgia, U.S.A. |
Jagdale, G. B.; Ali, M. E.; Waliullah, S.; Hajihassani, A.; Martin, K.; Martinez-Espinoza, A. D. 2020. Plant Disease. October. 104(10): p. 2739. |
323882 |
Alternaria leaf spot caused by Alternaria species: An emerging problem on ornamental plants in Italy Access Restrictions |
Matic, Slavica; Tabone, Giulia; Garibaldi, Angelo; Gullino, Maria Lodovica. 2020. Plant Disease. August. 104(8): p. 2275-2287. |
315307 |
Characterization of Pyrenophora Species Causing Brown Leaf Spot on Italian Ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum) in Southwestern China Access Restrictions |
Xue, Longhai; Liu, Yong; Zhou, Su; White, James F.; Li, Chunjie. 2020. Plant Disease. July. 104(7): p. 1900-1907. |
313090 |
Anthracnose disease of carpetgrass (Axonopus compressus) caused by Colletotrichum hainanense sp. nov. Access Restrictions |
Zhang, Wu; Damm, Ulrike; Crous, Pedro W.; Groenewald, Johannes Z.; Niu, Xueli; Lin, Jinmei; Li, Yuting. 2020. Plant Disease. June. 104(6): p. 1744-1750. |
315283 |
In vitro sensitivity and pathogenicity of organisms causing take all root rot on ultradwarf bermudagrass putting greens | Stephens, Cameron; Kerns, James P.; Gannon, Travis W. 2019. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 120941. |
309561 |
First report of Ophiosphaerella agrostidis infecting creeping bentgrass in Wisconsin |
Kaminski, J. E.; Russell, T.; Koch, P. 2019. Plant Disease. August. 103(8): p. [1-2]. |
310029 |
First report of the root-knot nematode Meloidogyne marylandi infecting bermudagrass in Georgia |
Jagdale, G. B.; Martinez-Espinoza, A. D.; Ye, W.; Habteweld, A. 2019. Plant Disease. May. 103(5): p. 1044. |
305703 |
Evaluation of pathogenecity for a newly discovered summer patch causal pathogen | Grimshaw, Austin; Luo, Jing; Vines, Phillip L.; Hoffman, Lindsey; Bonos, Stacy A.; Clarke, Bruce B.; Murphy, James A.; Meyer, William A.; Zhang, Ning. 2018. Proceedings of the Twenty-Seventh Annual Rutgers Turfgrass Symposium. p. 29-30. |
298901 |
Comparison of Magnaporthiopsis meyeri-festucae isolates by phenotypic turf response | Grimshaw, Austin Lee; Qu, Henry Yuanshuo; Vines, Phillip L.; Zhang, Ning; Meyer, William A.; Bonos, Stacy A. 2018. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 112151. |
302065 |
Women driving North Texas research seek sustainable solutions for urban living | Texas A&M AgriLife. 2018. Newswise. March 8. p. [1-3]. |
297418 |
Identification and pathogenicity of bacteria associated with etiolation and decline of creeping bentgrass golf course putting greens Access Restrictions |
Roberts, Joseph A.; Ma, Bangya; Tredway, Lane P.; Ritchie, David F.; Kerns, James P. 2018. Phytopathology. January. 108(1): p. 23-30. |
294419 |
Gaining steam in 2017: A state of the pathology lab update | Koch, Paul. 2018. The Grass Roots. January/February. 47(1): p. 6, 8-11. |
295132 |
Evaluation of pathogenicity for a newly discovered summer patch causal pathogen | Grimshaw, Austin Lee; Lou, Jing; Vines, Phillip L.; Hoffman, Lindsey; Zhang, Ning; Clarke, Bruce B.; Bonos, Stacy A.; Meyer, William. 2017. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 105316. |
290330 |
Identification of fusarium species isolated from turfgrass in Qom province, Iran: A case study | Jafari Poor, Elham Mosavi; Riahinia, Shahram. 2017. International Journal of Agriculture and Biosciences. 6(2): p. 92-96. |
328162 |
First report of downy mildew caused by Sclerophthora sp. on zoysiagrass (Zoysia japonica) in Korea |
Lee, J. S.; Kim, K. D.; Tae, H. S.; Choi, Y. J. 2017. Plant Disease. October. 101(10): p. 1826. |
289755 |
Magnaporthe oryzae perennial ryegrass pathotype causes leaf spots and blight on Japanese forest grass in Ohio |
Farinas, C.; Villari, C.; Martin, D.; Taylor, N. J.; Hand, F. Peduto. 2017. Plant Disease. March. 101(3): p. 507. |
282568 |
Survival of adult Japanese beetle Popilla Japonica exposed to Metarhiziym Brunneum (Petch) F52 | Legrand, Ana. 2016. 2015 Annual Turfgrass Research Report [Connecticut]. p. 58-60. |
280459 |
Deciphering genome diversity of seven diverse fungal strains causing dollar spot disease on four turfgrass hosts | Crouch, Jo Anne; Beirn, Lisa A.; Boehm, Michael J.; Carbone, Ignazio; Clarke, Bruce B.; Malapi-Wight, Martha; Orshinsky, Angela; Tredway, Lane P.; Veltri, Daniel. 2016. Proceedings of the Twenty-Fifth Annual Rutgers Turfgrass Symposium. 25: p. 15. |
273424 |
Diacylglycerol acyl transferase: A pathogenicity related gene in Colletotrichum gloeosporioides |
Sharma, Meenakshi; Guleria, Shiwani; Kulshrestha, Saurabh. 2016. Journal of Basic Microbiology. November. 56(11): p. 1308-1315. |
286047 |
First report of Botryotinia fuckeliana causing gray mold of annual ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum) in China |
Xue, L. H.; Li, C. J.; Liu, Y.; Wu, W. X.; Zhang, L.; Huang, X. Q.; Zhang, W. 2016. Plant Disease. June. 100(6): p. 1236. |
272492 |
First report of curvularia leaf blight caused by Curvularia trifolii on creeping bentgrass in Korea |
Sung, Chang-Hyun; Koo, Jun-Hak; Kim, Jung-Ho; Yoon, Jung-Ho; Lee, Jung-Han; Shim, Kyu-Yul; Kwak, Youn-Sig; Chang, Seog-Won. 2016. Weed and Turfgrass Science. June. 5(2): p. 101-104. |
275226 |
Management of Take-All Patch in High pH Soils [September 2015] | Jordan, Katerina S.; Urquico, Ernest. 2015. [Guelph, Ontario]: University of Guelph. [4] pp. |
275905 |
Characterization of pathogenicity and fungicide sensitivity of Gaeumannomyces graminis var. graminis causing bermudagrass decline in golf course turf | Anonymous. 2015. Turfgrass and Environmental Research Program: 2015 Research Summaries. p. 223-226. |
285090 |
Influence of plant-parasitic nematodes on growth of St. Augustine and centipede turfgrasses | Plaisance, Addison R.; McGawley, Edward C.; Overstreet, Charles. 2015. Nematropica. 45(2): p. 288-296. |
286494 |
The infection process of Rhizoctonia solani in Zoysia japonica |
Yin, Ping-Ping; Li, Shan-Shan; Wang, Yu-Ling; Zeng, Hui-Ming. 2015. Microbiology China. 42(7): p. 1253-1262. |
269237 |
Labyrinthula species associated with turfgrasses in Arizona and New Mexico Access Restrictions |
Chitrampalam, Periasamy; Goldberg, Natalie; Olsen, Mary W. 2015. European Journal of Plant Pathology. November. 143(3): p. 485-493. |
269136 |
Bigger and better: A state of the lab update | Koch, Paul. 2015. The Grass Roots. November/December. 44(6): p. 10, 12, 14-15. |
267854 |
Pathogenicity evaluations of newly identified ectotrophic root-infecting fungi on ultradwarf bermudagrass | Vines, Phillip L.; Tomaso-Peterson, Maria; Allen, Thomas. 2014. ASA, CSSA and SSSA Annual Meetings [2014]. p. 89269. |
250247 |
Potential role of oxalic acid in pathogenicity of Sclerotinia homoeocarpa on creeping bentgrass and various model hosts |
Rioux, R. 2014. Phytopathology. November. 104(11S): p. S3.98. |
251481 |
Frequency and characterization of Acidovorax avenae and Xanthomonas translucens associated with bacterial etiolation and/or decline on creeping bentgrass putting greens in the Eastern United States |
Roberts, Joseph A.; Tredway, Lane P.; Ma, Bangya; Kerns, James P.; Clarke, Bruce B.; Ritchie, David F. 2014. 4th European Turfgrass Society Conference Proceedings. June. 45(2): p. 51-52. |
317763 |
The Effect of Photocatalytic Titanium Dioxide and Ultraviolet B Radiation on Sclerotinia homoeocarpa Growth and Pathogenicity | Hu, Chun. 2013. M.S. Thesis: The University of Tennessee. vii, 57 pp. |
281124 |
The pathogenicity and interactions of Helicotylenchus pseudorobustus in Florida turfgrass systems Access Restrictions |
Crow, William T. 2013. Journal of Nematology. December. 45(4): p. 286. |
247582 |
The potential for cotrolling Pangaeus bilineatus (Heteroptera: Cydnidae) using a combination of entomopathogens and an insecticide Access Restrictions |
Mbata, George N.; Shapiro-Ilan, David. 2013. Journal of Economic Entomology. October 1. 106(5): p. 2072-2076. |
272718 |
Differential gene expression for Curvularia eragrostidis pathogenic incidence in crabgrass (Digitaria sanguinalis) revealed by cDNA-AFLP analysis |
Wang, Jianshu; Wang, Xuemin; Yuan, Bohua; Qiang, Sheng. 2013. PloS ONE. October 8. 8(10): p. e75430 [1-6]. |
273315 |
Stimulation of radial growth in vitro of Sclerotinia homoeocarpa by subinhibitory doses of thiophanate-methyl |
Graf-Grachet, N.; Flores, F. J.; Pradhan, S.; Walker, N. R.; Garzon, C. D. 2013. Phytopathology. June. 103(6): p. S2.52. |
274679 |
Virulence of Xanthomonas translucens pv. poae Isolated from Poa annua |
Chaves, Arielle; Mitkowski, Nathaniel. 2013. The Plant Pathology Journal. March. 29(1): p. 93-98. |
290684 |
Pathogenicity and virulence of a root-knot nematode population (Meloidogyne graminis) on bentgrass | Witte, H.; Ploeg, A.; Becker, J. O. 2012. 2012 Turfgrass & Landscape Research Field Day [Southern California]. p. 19-20. |
246638 |
Isolation and identification on pathogen of turfgrass pythium disease and its' [its] pathogenicity to tall fescue Access Restrictions |
Li, Yin-ping; Yuan, Qing-hua; Wang, Yu. 2012. Zhongguo Caodi Xuebao [Chinese Journal of Grassland]. 34(6): p. 61-68. |
282552 |
Pathogenicity of Trichodorus obtusus on zoysiagrass in South Carolina |
Shaver, J. Bradley; Agudelo, P.; Martin, S. B. 2012. Journal of Nematology. December. 44(4): p. 490. |
230959 |
Summer patch 2011: Management, host pathogenicity, and rapid identification of Magnaporthe poae, causal agent of summer patch on annual bluegrass and Kentucky bluegrass turf Access Restrictions Access Restrictions |
Jordan, Katerina S.; Hall, J. Christopher. 2012. GreenMaster. January/February. 47(1): p. 36-37. |
197362 |
Host specificity of Cochliobolus sp., a new pathogen of warm-season turfgrasses |
Tomaso-Peterson, M. 2011. Phytopathology. June. 101(6S): p. S177. |
272553 |
Bioactivity assay of secondary metabolites of Rhizoctonia solani Access Restrictions |
Sun, Shu-qin; Liu, Shui-fang; Yang, Xiu-rong. 2009. Tianjin Nongye Kexue [Tianjin Agricultural Sciences]. 15(2): p. 75-77. |
291026 |
Relative pathogenicity and fungicide sensitivity of isolates of Rhizoctonia and other fungal pathogens and the disease reponses of seashore paspalum and zoysiagrass cultivars | Stiles, Carol M.; Harmon, Philip F.; Kenworthy, Kevin E. 2008. 2008 Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary. p. 6. |
144225 |
Identification, pathogenicity, and control of leaf and sheath blight of bermudagrass putting greens | Martin, Bruce; Park, Dara. 2008. 2008 Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary. p. 69. |
144299 |
Cultural, morphological, molecular characterization of Rhizoctonia solani, and its pathogenicity on zoysiagrass and bentgrass | Metz, Susan; Pond, Blake J.; Chandra, Ambika. 2008. 2008 Joint Annual Meeting: [Abstracts][GSA/SSSA/ASA/CSSA/GCAGS/HGS]. p. 43214. |
145589 |
Influence of temperature on pathogenicity of Pythium volutum toward creeping bentgrass |
Kerns, J. P.; Tredway, L. P. 2008. Plant Disease. December. 92(12): p. 1669-1673. |
142417 |
First report of brown ring patch caused by Waitea circinata var. circinata on Poa trivialis in Florida |
Flor, N.; Harmon, P.; Datnoff, L.; Raid, R.; Nagata, R. 2008. Plant Disease. November. 92(11): p. 1586. |
142421 |
Relative pathogenicity and fungicide sensitivity of isolates of Rhizoctonia and other fungal pathogens and the disease responses of seashore paspalum and zoysiagrass cultivars | Stiles, Carol M.; Harmon, Philip F.; Kenworthy, Kevin E. 2007. 2007 Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary. p. 7. |
132514 |
Isolation and characterization of Sclerotinia homoeocarpa causing dollar spot disease in 'Anyang Joongji' |
Park, Dae Sup; Kim, Kyung Duck. 2007. Journal of Japanese Society of Turfgrass Science. 35(Supplement 1): p. 67-68. |
228125 |
Genetic variation and pathogenicity of anastomosis group 2 isolates of Rhizoctonia solani in Australia Access Restrictions |
Stodart, Benjamin J.; Harvey, Paul R.; Neate, Stephen M.; Melanson, Dara L.; Scott, Eileen S. 2007. Mycological Research. August. 111(8): p. 891-900. |
225459 |
The pathogenicity of Gaeumannomyces incrustans on turfgrass Zoysia japonica Access Restrictions |
Bucher, E. S.; Wilkinson, H. T. 2007. Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology. March. 29(1): p. 56-62. |
157163 |
Isolates of Microdochium nivale and M. majus differentiated by pathogenicity on perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) and in vitro growth at low temperature Access Restrictions |
Hofgaard, I. S.; Wanner, L. A.; Hageskal, G.; Henriksen, B.; Klemsdal, S. S.; Tronsmo, A. M. 2006. Journal of Phytopathology. May. 154(5): p. 267-274. |
200538 |
Effect of turfgrass height and aeration on pathogenicity of entomopathogenic nematodes to white grubs on golf courses | Lee, Dong Woon; Choi, Woo Geun; Lee, Sang Myeong; Choo, Ho Yul; Kweon, Tae Woong. 2006. Korean Journal of Applied Entomology. April. 45(1): p. 67-74. |
295553 |
The Development and Utilization of Assays to Characterize Populations of Gaeumannomyces graminis Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Thomas, Samantha L. 2004. Ph.D. Dissertation: The Ohio State University. |
101739 |
Pathogenicity of Microdochium nivale isolates collected in Wisconsin and evaluation of virulence to bentgrass cultivars |
Chang, T. H.; Chang, S. W.; Jung, G. 2004. Phytopathology. June Supplement. 94(6S): p. S15. |
149228 |
Use of morphological, molecular, and pathogenic characteristics to identify Gaeumannomyces graminis varieties |
Thomas, S. L.; Lipps, P. E.; Boehm, M. J. 2004. Phytopathology. June Supplement. 94(6S): p. S102. |
149253 |
Pathogenicity of Heterorhabditis bacteriophora, Steinernema glaseri, and S. scarabaei (Rhabditida: Heterorhabditidae, Steinernematidae) against 12 white grub species (coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) Access Restrictions |
Koppenhofer, Albrecht M.; Fuzy, Eugene M.; Crocker, R. L.; Gelernter, Wendy D.; Polvarapu, S. 2004. Biocontrol Science and Technology. February. 14(1): p. 87-92. |
115555 |
Growth and development of different turfgrasses as influenced by nitrogen application and leaf nitrogen contents | Ahmad, Iftikhar; Khan, M. Aslam; Qasim, M. 2003. International Journal of Agriculture and Biology. 5(2): p. 175-178. |
245628 |
Comparison of blastospores of two Paecilomyces fumosoroseus isolates: In vitro traits and virulence when injected into fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda Access Restrictions |
Altre, J. A.; Vandenberg, J. D. 2001. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology. October. 78(3): p. 170-175. |
78778 |
Canada goose (Branta canadensis) droppings as a potential source of pathogenic bacteria Access Restrictions |
Feare, C. J.; Sanders, M. F.; Blasco, R.; Bishop, J. D. 1999. Journal of the Royal Society for the Promotion of Health. September. 119(3): p. 146-155. |
186723 |
Variation in cultural characteristics, pathgenicity, and RAPD markers among isolates of colletotrichum graminicola. Cause of anthracnose basal rot of turf. |
Backman, P. A.; Landschoot, P. J.; Huff, D. R. 1996. Agronomy Abstracts. 88: p. 141. |
41664 |
Pythium root diseases and disease complexes of creeping bentgrass | Hodges, C. F.; Campbell, D. A. 1995. 1995 Iowa Turfgrass Research Report. p. 56-58. |
51108 |
Entomopathogenic nematodes for the biological control of insects Access Restrictions |
Smart, G. C. Jr. 1995. Journal of Nematology. December. 27(4S): p. 529-534. |
234969 |
Variation in cultural characteristics and pathogenicity within a local population of Magnaporthe poae Access Restrictions |
Landschoot, P. J.; Hoyland, B. F.; Clarke, B. B. 1993. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 7: p. 335-341. |
21006 |
Pathogenicity and biological control of Gaeumannomyces-like fungi | Elliott, Monica. 1992. 1992 Environmental Research Summary [USGA]. p. 15-16. |
27774 |
Biological control of turf pests: Isolation and evaluation of nematode and bacterial pathogens | Klein, Michael G.; Gaugler, Randy R.; Kaya, Harry K. 1992. 1992 Environmental Research Summary [USGA]. p. 17-18. |
27777 |
Studies on cultural characteristics and pathogenicity of Rhizoctonia spp. and effect of fungicides |
Lee, Du-Hyung; Ryu, Wang-Kun; Han, Kyung-Sook. 1992. Korean Journal of Turfgrass Science. 6(2): p. 89-97 [560-569]. |
128286 |
Identification and pathogenicity of binucleate rhizoctonia isolates causing leaf blight (yellow patch) in turfgrass |
Kim, Jin-Woo; Shim, Gyu-Yul; Kim, Ho-Jun; Lee, Doo-Hyung. 1992. Korean Journal of Turfgrass Science. 6(2): p. 99-112 [570-582]. |
128290 |
Pathogenicity and biological control of Gaeumannomyces-like fungi | Elliott, Monica. 1991. 1991 Environmental Research Summary [USGA]. p. 11-12. |
44773 |
The relatedness of patch causing fungi in the midwest | Wilkinson, H. T.; Kane, R. T. 1989. 1988 Illinois Turfgrass Research Report. March. p. 95. |
69256 |
Ecology of patch diseases |
Anonymous. 1987. University of Illinois Turfgrass Field Day. p. 16. |
298351 |
Epidemiology of patch disease in grass ecosystems |
Lau, R.; Wilkinson, H. T. 1987. University of Illinois Turfgrass Field Day. p. 18. |
298353 |
Biological control of gray snow mold on creeping bentgrass | Burpee, L. L.; Kaye, L. M.; Goulty, L. G.; Lawton, M. B. 1985. 1985 Turfgrass Research Annual Report [Guelph]. p. 16-18. |
107300 |
Studies on the host range, biology, and pathogenicity of Punctodera punctata infecting turfgrasses | Radice, A. D.; Myers, R. F.; Halisky, P. M. 1985. Journal of Nematology. April. 17(2): p. 162-165. |
234021 |
The morphology and biology of Subanguina radicicola (Nematoda, Tylenchida) |
Chizhov, V. N.; Mar'enko, A. Yu. 1984. Zoologicheskii Zhurnal. 63(5): p. 767-769. |
5709 | |
Morphological and histochemical changes occurring during the life-span of root-tip galls on Lolium perenne induced by Longidorus elongatus |
Griffiths, B. S.; Robertson, W. M. 1984. Journal of Nematology. July. 16(3): p. 223-229. |
4262 |
Bacterial wilt of Toronto creeping bentgrass: A potential threat to turfgrass culture in North America | Roberts, David L.; Vargas, Joseph M. Jr. 1984. The Grass Roots. May/June. 2(3): p. 30-33. |
9572 |
Characterization and pathogenicity of Rhizoctonia spp. and binucleate rhizoctonia-like fungi from turfgrasses in North Carolina | Martin, S. B.; Lucas, L. T. 1984. Phytopathology. February. 74(2): p. 170-175. |
1479 |
The pathogenicity of Colletotrichum graminicola to two turfgrass species | Herting, V.; Jackson, N. 1983. Phytopathology. February. 73(2): p. 367. |
157071 |
Bacterial wilt of Toronto (C-15) creeping bentgrass | Roberts, D. L.; Vargas, J. M. Jr.; Baker, K. K.; Detweiler, R. 1982. Michigan State University Turfgrass Field Day. p. 9-11. |
155333 |
Effect of Tylenchorhynchus robustoides on growth of buffalo grass and western wheatgrass |
Smolik, J. D. 1982. Journal of Nematology. October. 14(4): p. 585-588. |
6633 |