Keyword: Pathogenicity
Title | Author and Source | Category | View TGIF Record |
Bacterial wilt of Toronto (C-15) creeping bentgrass | Roberts, D. L.; Vargas, J. M. Jr.; Baker, K. K.; Detweiler, R. 1982. Michigan State University Turfgrass Field Day. p. 9-11. |
155333 |
Effect of Tylenchorhynchus robustoides on growth of buffalo grass and western wheatgrass |
Smolik, J. D. 1982. Journal of Nematology. October. 14(4): p. 585-588. |
6633 |
Variations in growth and pathogenicity of fungi associated with red thread disease of turf grass | Kaplan, J. D.; Jackson, N. 1982. Phytopathology. February. 72(2): p. 262. |
1502 |
Isolation, culture and pathogenicity to Sudan grass of a Corynebacterium associated with ratoon stunting of sugarcane and with Bermuda grass | Liao, C. H.; Chen, T. A. 1981. Phytopathology. December. 71(12): p. 1303-1306. |
5937 |
Genetics of pathogenicity in Puccinia coronata: The host range among grasses | Eshed, N.; Dinoor, A. 1981. Phytopathology. February. 71(2): p. 156-163. |
159699 |
Rhynchosporium scald of Lolium multiflorum and Agropyron repens in Japan |
Nishihara, N. 1979. Bulletin of the National Grassland Research Institute. 15: p. 103-115. |
5158 |
Redescription of Ibipora lolii (Siviour, 1978) comb.n. (Nematoda: Belonolaimidae) with observations on its host range and pathogenicity |
Siviour, T. R.; McLeod, R. W. 1979. Nematologica. 25(4): p. 487-493. |
4602 | |
Longidorus elongatus and Tylenchorhynchus dubius on Lolium perenne |
Seinhorst, J. W.; Kozlowska, J. 1979. Nematologica. 25(3): p. 314-321. |
4631 | |
The effects of predatory nematodes on populations of plant parasitic nematodes in pots |
Small, R. W. 1979. Nematologica. 25(1): p. 94-103. |
4639 | |
Anthracnose - Pathogenic, fact or fable | Goss, Roy L. 1979. Northwest Turfgrass Topics. September. 22(2): p. 3. |
247059 |
Biology and control of Belonolaimus lolii n.sp. in turf Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Siviour, T. R. 1978. Australian Plant Pathology Society Newsletter. 7(1): p. 37. |
4722 | |
Relationship of root diameter and number of roots to damage of tall fescue by lance nematodes |
Rodriguez-Kabana, R.; Haaland, R. L.; Elkins, C. B.; Hoveland, C. S. 1978. Journal of Nematology. October. 10(4): p. 297. |
4076 |
Studies of the Developmental Biology and Host-Parasite Relationships of Tylenchorhynchus agri Ferris (Nematoda: Tylenchidae) Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Coates, P. L. 1977. Ph.D. Dissertation: (Unlisted). |
5552 |
Life cycle and pathogenicity of a grass cyst nematode, Heterodera mani, on perennial ryegrass in the Netherlands Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Maas, P. W. T.; Brinkman, H. 1977. Mededelingen van de Faculteit Landbouwwetenschappen Rijksuniversiteit. 42(2): p. 1541-1548. |
4800 | |
S-24 Susceptibility of bentgrass to Belonolaimus longicaudatus |
Lucas, L. T. 1977. Proceedings of the American Phytopathological Society. 4: p. 226. |
6230 |
Experiments on the control of the European skipper, Thymelicus lineola (Lepidoptera: Hesperiidae) by aerial application of a nuclear polyhedrosis virus Access Restrictions |
Smirnoff, W. A.; McNeil, J. N.; Valero, J. R. 1976. Canadian Entomologist. 108(11): p. 1221-1222. |
6438 | |
Sclerotinia borealis. Sporulation, spore germination and pathogenesis Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Arsvoll, K. 1976. Meldinger fra Norges Landbrukshoegskole. 55(13): p. 11. |
6442 | |
Meloidogyne microtyla sp.nov. from southwestern Ontario, Canada |
Mulvey, R. H.; Townshend, J. L.; Potter, J. W. 1975. Canadian Journal of Zoology. 53(11): p. 1528-1536. |
3640 | |
Pathogenicity of Trichodorus christiei to creeping bentgrass |
Sikora, R. A.; Taylor, D. P. 1974. Mededelingen - Faculteit Landbouwwetenschappen, Rijksuniversiteit Gent. 39(1): p. 713-718. |
6205 | |
II. Damping-off Access Restrictions |
Kozelnicky, George M. 1974. The Golf Superintendent. July. 42(7): p. 16-20. |
112535 |
Reproduction and pathogenicity on creeping bentgrass |
Michell, R. E.; Malek, R. B.; Taylor, D. P.; Edwards, D. I. 1973. Journal of Nematology. January. 5(1): p. 47-49. |
6212 |
Interaction of culture age and temperature on germination and growth of Curvularia geniculata and on virulence Access Restrictions |
Hodges, Clinton F. 1972. Canadian Journal of Botany. November. 50(11): p. 2093-2096. |
6211 |
Interaction of Meloidogyne naasi, Pratylenchus penetrans, and Tylenchorhynchus agri on creeping bentgrass |
Sikora, R. A.; Taylor, D. P.; Malek, R. B.; Edwards, D. I. 1972. Journal of Nematology. July. 4(3): p. 162-165. |
6214 |
Susceptibility of tall fescue, Festuca arundinacea Schreb., to crown rust |
Berry, Charles D.; Gudauskas, Robert T. 1972. Crop Science. January/February. 12(1): p. 101-102. |
2845 |
Pathogenicity of Five Curvularia Species on Five Turfgrass Cultivars Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Brown, Guy Earl. 1971. M.S. Thesis: Pennsylvania State University. 45 pp. |
216712 |
F-2a. Fusarium blight studies | Scheffer, R. P. 1968. 1968 Turfgrass Research Summary [Michigan State University]. p. 16-17. |
225052 |
Pathogenetic capabilities of a ring nematode, Criconemoides lobatum, on various turf grasses | Johnson, Alva W.; Powell, William M. 1968. Plant Disease Reporter. February. 52(2): p. 109-113. |
235835 |
Nematodes in bluegrass | Sumner, Donald R. 1967. Plant Disease Reporter. June. 51(6): p. 457-460. |
235813 |
Pathogenicity of Hypsoperine graminis on Tifdwarf Bermuda grass |
Heald, C. M. 1967. Phytopathology. May. 57(5): p. 460. |
241584 |
A blight disease of zoysia | Dale, J. L. 1967. Plant Disease Reporter. May. 51(5): p. 376. |
235808 |
Observations and studies on Fusarium blight disease of turfgrass |
Bean, George A. 1966. Phytopathology. June. 56(6): p. 583. |
241580 |
Stripe smut of turf and forage grasses -- Its prevalence, pathogenicity, and response to management practices | Halisky, P. M.; Funk, C. R.; Bachelder, S. 1966. Plant Disease Reporter. May. 50(5): p. 294-298. |
235760 |
Pathogenicity of the nematodes Pratylenchus penetrans and Tylenchorynchus claytoni on turfgrasses |
Troll, J.; Rohde, R. A. 1965. Phytopathology. December. 55(12): p. 1285. |
241653 |
Inheritance of pathogenicity in Helminthosporium to eight species of the Gramineae |
Nelson, R. R.; Kline, D. M. 1965. Phytopathology. October. 55(10): p. 1069-1070. |
241578 |
Effect of nutrition and soil moisture on Corticium red thread of creeping red fescue |
Muse, Ronald R.; Couch, Houston B. 1965. Phytopathology. May. 55(5): p. 507-510. |
241552 |
The pathogenicity of Helminthosporium spp. and Curvularia spp. on bluegrass in the Washington, D.C. area | Bean, George A. 1964. Plant Disease Reporter. December 15. 48(12): p. 978-979. |
241230 |
Prevalence of Curvularia pallescens and Helminthosporium spp. pathogenic on bluegrass in the Washington, D.C., area |
Bean, George A. 1964. Phytopathology. August. 54(8): p. 888. |
241550 |
Root-knot nematode on creeping bentgrass Access Restrictions |
Hodges, Clinton F.; Taylor, Donald P.; Britton, Michael P. 1963. Plant Disease Reporter. December 15. 47(12): p. 1102-1103. |
241227 |
An undescribed species of Heterodera pathogenic to St. Augustine grass in Florida |
DiEdwardo, A. A.; Perry, V. G. 1963. Phytopathology. August. 53(8): p. 874. |
241556 |
Rhizoctonia blight of tall fescue grass | Luttrell, E. S. 1962. Plant Disease Reporter. September 15. 46(9): p. 661-664. |
241232 |
Rhizoctonia blight of forage legumes and grasses Access Restrictions |
Allison, J. Lewis. 1951. Plant Disease Reporter. August 15. 35(8): p. 372-373. |
240759 |
Observations on the pathogenicity of Rhizoctonia solani on bent grasses | Rowell, John B. 1951. Plant Disease Reporter. May 15. 35(5): p. 240-242. |
240758 |
Melting-out of bent grass turf in Michigan | Andrews, E. A. 1950. Plant Disease Reporter. July 15. 34(7): p. 214. |
240749 |
Pathogenicity and Control of Corticium fuciforme (Berk.) Wakef Access Restrictions |
Erwin, Lester E. 1938. Ph.D. Dissertation: Iowa State University. 77 pp. |
214605 |