Keyword: Phosphorus
Title | Author and Source | Category | View TGIF Record |
Soil testing for nutrient evaluation and chemical problems | Plank, C. Owen; Landry, Gil. 2003. Sports Turf Manager [STMA]. September/October. 21(5): p. 3-4, 6. |
91527 |
Effects of enhanced nitrogen deposition and phosphorus limitation on nitrogen budgets of semi-natural grasslands Access Restrictions |
Phoenix, Gareth K.; Booth, Rosemarhy E.; Leake, Jonathan R.; Read, David J.; Grime, J. Philip; Lee, John A. 2003. Global Change Biology. September. 9(9): p. 1309-1321. |
160373 |
Turf fertility the responsible way: Learn the ins and outs of new government regulations | Archer, Mike. 2003. Landscape Management. August. 42(8): p. 52-54. |
90328 |
Model analysis of an overland flow waste treatment system. II. Seasonal response to applied nitrogen and phosphorus Access Restrictions |
Overman, A. R.; Scholtz, R. V. III. 2003. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis. July. 34(13/14): p. 1957-1967. |
112576 |
Centipedegrass decline - Cause and prevention | McCarty, Bert. 2003. Georgia Sod Producers Association News. July. 13(2): p. 4, 13-14, 20. |
96560 |
Fine-tuning irrigation: Effects of irrigation management on nitrate leaching and nitrogen trace gas emissions | Burger, Martin. 2003. University of Minnesota - 2003 Turf and Grounds Field Day. July 24. p. [22-23]. |
115763 |
Natural background concentrations of nutrients in streams and rivers of the conterminous United States Access Restrictions |
Smith, Richard A.; Alexander, Richard B.; Schwarz, Gregory E. 2003. Environmental Science & Technology. July 15. 37(14): p. 3039-3047. |
241787 |
A question of fertilisers |
Lawson, David. 2003. Greenkeeper International. June. p. 33-34. |
88686 |
Analysis of phosphorus in sequentially extracted grassland soils using solid state NMR Access Restrictions |
McDowell, R. W.; Condron, L. M.; Mahieu, N. 2003. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis. June. 34(11/12): p. 1623-1636. |
88283 |
Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium responses and requirements in calcareous sand greens |
Johnson, P. G.; Koenig, R. T.; Kopp, K. L. 2003. Agronomy Journal. May/June. 95(3): p. 697-702. |
86553 |
Phosphite technology: Fertilizer or fungicide? | Witte, Scott. 2003. On Course. April. 56(11): p. 11-13. |
86582 |
Nutrient runoff in warm-season turfgrasses |
Shuman, Larry M. 2003. Georgia Sod Producers Association News. April. 13(1): p. 1, 17-18. |
96568 |
Best management practices for phosphorus usage in turfgrasses |
Waltz, Clint. 2003. Georgia Sod Producers Association News. April. 13(1): p. 2, 19. |
96569 |
Nutrient Management Guidelines for Sod Production in Maryland | Turner, Thomas R. 2003. College Park, Maryland: Institute of Applied Agriculture, University of Maryland. 5 pp. |
140881 |
Nutrient and sediment runoff from a prairie golf course: Tracking runoff offers important insights for management | Starrett, Steve; Su, Yunsheng. 2003. USGA Green Section Record. March/April. 41(2): p. 16-18. |
85438 |
Phosphorus removal in vegetated filter strips |
Abu-Zreig, Majed; Rudra, Ramesh P.; Whiteley, Hugh R.; Lalonde, Manon N.; Kaushik, Narinder K. 2003. Journal of Environmental Quality. March/April. 32(2): p. 613-619. |
85909 |
Swine effluent irrigation rate and timing effects on bermudagrass growth, nitrogen and phosphorous utilization, and residual soil nitrogen |
Adeli, A.; Varco, J. J.; Rowe, D. E. 2003. Journal of Environmental Quality. March/April. 32(2): p. 681-686. |
85910 |
Where is phosphorus run-off coming from? Access Restrictions |
Kussow, Wayne R. 2003. TurfNews [TPI]. March/April. 27(2): p. 48, 50, 52, 54, 56. |
86963 |
Extractable soil phosphorus concentrations and creeping bentgrass response on sand greens |
Guillard, Karl; Dest, William M. 2003. Crop Science. January/February. 43(1): p. 272-281. |
84095 |
Nutrient and sediment runoff findings | Hensler, Kevin L. 2003. The Grass Roots. January/February. 32(1): p. 17, 19. |
84998 |
The effects of soil carbon on phosphorus and sediment loss from soil trays by overland flow |
McDowell, R. W.; Sharpley, A. N. 2003. Journal of Environmental Quality. January/February. 32(1): p. 207-214. |
84899 |
Ten sports turf management myths | Samples, Tom; Sorochan, John. 2003. Sports Turf Manager [STMA]. January/February. 21(1): p. 3, 6, 16. |
109290 |
Fertilizing Home Lawns to Preserve Water Quality | Rieke, P. E.; Lyman, G. T. 2002. East Lansing, Michigan: Michigan State University. [2] pp. Revised Edition. |
74535 |
Effects of Lawn Fertilizer on Nutrient Concentration in Runoff from Lakeshore Lawns, Lauderdale Lakes, Wisconsin | Garn, Herbert S. 2002. Middleton, Wisconsin: U.S. Geological Survey. 6 pp. |
83198 |
Effects of Rolling and Fertility on Different Root Zones |
Nikolai, Thomas Anthony. 2002. Ph.D. Dissertation: Michigan State University. xiii, 104 pp. |
86464 |
Nitrogen Regime Influence on Nutrient and Sediment Surface Runoff During Vegetative Establishment of Bermudagrass | Beasley, Jeffrey S. 2002. M.S. Thesis: Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. xii; 199 pp. |
94626 |
Non Toxic Lawn Management | Canadian Organic Growers. 2002. Knowlesville, N.B.: Canadian Organic Growers. 10 pp. |
113579 |
Reading greens |
Kopec, David. [200X]. Turfnotes: Turf Management Newsletter. p. [1]. |
137573 |
Understanding the MSU Soil Test Report |
Rieke, P. E.; Lyman, G. T.; Warncke, D. D.; Mokma, D. L.; Dahl, J. G. 2002. East Lansing, Michigan: Extension, Michigan State University. [2] pp. |
173408 |
Soil fertility for turf managers | Camberato, James J. [200x]. Clemson University Turfgrass Program Home Page. p. 1-10. |
111841 | |
Controlling nutrient runoff from golf course fairways using vegetative filter strips | Bell, Gregory E. 2002. 2002 Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary. p. 40. |
85328 |
Surface and subsurface water quality data collection and model development for a watershed scale turfgrass system | King, Kevin W. 2002. 2002 Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary. p. 42. |
85332 |
Phosphorus fertilization of USGA-type putting greens: Placement, rates and leaching | Guertal, Elizabeth. 2002. 2002 Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary. p. 43. |
85333 |
Modeling nitrogen and phosphorus runoff and leaching from golf courses using PRZM3/EXAMS2 | Shuman, Larry M. 2002. 2002 Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary. p. 47. |
85337 |
Location of turfgrass production sites using GIS in the North Bosque River watershed Access Restrictions |
Hanzlik, J.; Munster, C.; Victor, D.; White, R. 2002. p. 472-476. In: Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Environmental Regulations: Proceedings of the March 11-13, 2002 Conference. St. Joseph, MI: American Society of Agricultural Engineers. |
90852 |
Fertilizing calcareous sand greens: For calcareous sand putting greens, the answer may not be more fertilizer but more careful applications Access Restrictions |
Johnson, Paul G.; Koenig, Rich; Kopp, Kelly. 2002. Golf Course Management. December. 70(12): p. 81-84. |
83832 |
Fertilizing sod | Minner, Dave. 2002. SportsTurf. December. 18(12): p. 46. |
83994 |
Phosphorus: How soon till we can't use it in Iowa? |
Bond, Mona. 2002. The Reporter [IGCSA]. November/December. p. 23. |
91156 |
Turfgrass nutrition - an overall perspective |
Nickson, David. 2002. Turf Craft International. November/December. 87: p. 18-19. |
84149 |
Measuring agronomic and environmental soil phosphorus saturation and predicting phosphorus leaching with Mehlich 3 Access Restrictions |
Maguire, R. O.; Sims, J. T. 2002. Soil Science Society of America Journal. November/December. 66(6): p. 2033-2039. |
246419 |
Essentials of a national nitrate leaching index assessment tool Access Restrictions |
Shaffer, Marvin J.; Delgado, Jorge A. 2002. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation. November/December. 57(6): p. 327-335. |
85411 |
Soil testing - how do you interpret and use the reports? Access Restrictions |
Roberts, Eliot C. 2002. TurfNews [TPI]. November/December. 26(6): p. 20, 22, 25-26, 29-30, 34. |
83714 |
Nutrient leaching and runoff from golf courses | Shuman, Larry M. 2002. USGA Turfgrass and Environmental Research Online. November 1. 1(17): p. [1-11]. |
83191 |
Nutritional requirements of sportsturf | Kirby, Peter. 2002. Australian Turfgrass Management. October/November. 4(5): p. 34-38. |
84306 |
Consultant gives technical guidelines: Tips for trees and turf |
Staib, Bob. 2002. Mountain West Turf. Fall. 2(4): p. 34-36. |
83310 |
Effect of land use on soil degradation in alpine grassland soil, China Access Restrictions |
Wu, Ronggui; Tiessen, H. 2002. Soil Science Society of America Journal. September/October. 66(5): p. 1648-1655. |
82711 |
Soil fertility and management of acid coastal plain for crop production Access Restrictions |
Haby, Vincent A. 2002. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis. September/October. 33(15-18): p. 2497-2520. |
83870 |
Studies on the phosphorus dynamics in pot experiments with different soil types Access Restrictions |
Sardi, K.; Csathó, P. 2002. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis. September/October. 33(15-18): p. 3045-3058. |
83875 |
Evaluation of soil nutrient variability for development of turfgrass soil test sampling methods Access Restrictions |
Donohue, Stephen J. 2002. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis. September/October. 33(15-18): p. 3335-3345. |
83877 |
Phosphorus and nitrate nitrogen in runoff following fertilizer application to turfgrass |
Shuman, L. M. 2002. Journal of Environmental Quality. September/October. 31(5): p. 1710-1715. |
82742 |
Export of manure phosphorus and nitrogen in turfgrass sod |
Vietor, D. M.; Griffith, E. N.; White, R. H.; Provin, T. L.; Muir, J. P.; Read, J. C. 2002. Journal of Environmental Quality. September/October. 31(5): p. 1731-1738. |
82761 |
Nutrient processing capacity of a constructed wetland in western Ireland |
Cawley, A. M.; Healy, M. 2002. Journal of Environmental Quality. September. 31(5): p. 1739-1747. |
100070 |
Fertilization of high-traffic bermudagrass athletic fields | Miller, Grady L. 2002. Sports Turf Manager [STMA]. September/October. 20(5): p. 3, 5. |
83046 |
Under pressure: Disease concerns are increasingly keeping superintendents on their toes well into the fall Access Restrictions |
Clayton, Debbie. 2002. Golf Course Management. August. 70(8): p. 42, 44, 46. |
81279 |
Alternative organic sources for putting green construction: Although adjustments must be made, composted biosolids can be used successfully in greens construction Access Restrictions |
Guertal, Elizabeth. 2002. Golf Course Management. August. 70(8): p. 54-58. |
81283 |
The role of mycorrhizas in plant community structure and dynamics: Lessons from grasslands Access Restrictions |
Hartnett, David C.; Wilson, Gail W. T. 2002. Plant and Soil. July. 244(1/2): p. 319-331. |
82841 |
Factors associated with populations of plant-parasitic nematodes in bentgrass putting greens in Oklahoma |
Walker, N. R.; Goad, C. L.; Zhang, H.; Martin, D. L. 2002. Plant Disease. July. 86(7): p. 764-768. |
80974 |
Availability and fractionation of phosphorus in sewage sludge-amended soils Access Restrictions |
Akhtar, M.; McCallister, D. L.; Eskridge, K. M. 2002. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis. July. 33(13/14): p. 2057-2068. |
81593 |
Effects of lime and gypsum on pasture growth and composition on an acid Andisol in Chile, South America Access Restrictions |
Mora, M. L.; Cartes, P.; Demanet, R.; Cornforth, I. S. 2002. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis. July. 33(13/14): p. 2069-2081. |
81594 |
Agroforestry practices, runoff, and nutrient loss: A paired watershed comparison |
Udawatta, Ranjith P.; Krstansky, J. John; Henderson, Gray S.; Garrett, Harold E. 2002. Journal of Environmental Quality. July/August. 31(4): p. 1214-1225. |
81397 |
Response of turf and quality of water runoff to manure and fertilizer |
Gaudreau, J. E.; Vietor, D. M.; White, R. H.; Provin, T. L.; Munster, C. L. 2002. Journal of Environmental Quality. July/August. 31(4): p. 1316-1322. |
81400 |
Testing composting strategies to control N and P: University of Maryland tests show impact of aeration and turning frequency on reduction of nitrogen and phosphorus in finished product Access Restrictions |
Carr, L. E.; Felton, G. K.; Prigge, C. E.; Bouwkamp, J. C. 2002. BioCycle, The Journal of Composting & Recycling. June. 43(6): p. 48, 50. |
80969 |
Mineral concentrations in four tropical forages as affected by increasing daylength. I. Macrominerals Access Restrictions |
Arizmendi-Maldonado, D.; McDowell, L. R.; Sinclair, T. R.; Mislevy, P.; Martin, F. G.; Wilkinson, N. S. 2002. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis. June. 33(11/12): p. 1991-2000. |
81474 |
What's in there? |
Powell, Jim. 2002. Front Nine News. June. 6(2): p. 11-12. |
99964 |
Management of treated effluent water for turf |
Neylan, John. 2002. Australian Turfgrass Management. June/July. 4(3): p. 36-38. |
82699 |
Phosphorous [phosphorus] use attracts media attention |
Ausen, John. 2002. The Reporter [IGCSA]. May. p. 2. |
91145 |
Nitrogen and phosphorus losses from turf | Kussow, Wayne R. 2002. The Grass Roots. May/June. 31(3): p. 10-13, 15. |
80361 |
Phosphorus leaching under a restored tallgrass prairie and corn agroecosystems |
Brye, K. R.; Andraski, T. W.; Jarrell, W. M.; Bundy, L. G.; Norman, J. M. 2002. Journal of Environmental Quality. May/June. 31(3): p. 769-781. |
80455 |
Rapid revegetation, sustained growth: Fertilizing in no and low maintenance areas |
Staib, Bob. 2002. Turf: North. May. 15(5): p. A20, A22-A23. |
252065 |
Managing Lawns to Protect Water Quality: Watering, Fertilizing, and Applying Pesticides | Johnson, Charles B.; Gerswing, James; Graper, David F.; Wilson, James A. 2002. Brookings, South Dakota: South Dakota State University Cooperative Extension. 4 pp. |
132776 |
The higher availability of N and P in lime-poor than in lime-rich coastal dunes in the Netherlands Access Restrictions |
Kooijman, A. M.; Besse, M. 2002. Journal of Ecology. April. 90(2): p. 394-403. |
80133 |
Restoration of species-rich grassland on arable land: Assessing the limiting processes using a multi-site experiment Access Restrictions |
Pywell, Richard F.; Bullock, James M.; Hopkins, Alan; Walker, Kevin J.; Sparks, Tim H.; Burke, Mike J. W.; Peel, Steve. 2002. Journal of Applied Ecology. April. 39(2): p. 294-309. |
80527 |
Nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium effects on seeded buffalograss establishment |
Frank, Kevin W.; Gaussoin, Roch E.; Fry, Jack D.; Frost, Michael D.; Baird, James H. 2002. HortScience. April. 37(2): p. 371-373. |
79591 |
Nitrogen fertilization alters the functioning of arbuscular mycorrhizas at two semiarid grasslands |
Corkidi, Lea; Rowland, Diane L.; Johnson, Nancy C.; Allen, Edith B. 2002. Plant and Soil. March. 240(2): p. 299-310. |
81327 |
Evaluation of Mehlich-1 and Mehlich-3 extraction procedures for plant nutrients in acid mineral soils of Florida Access Restrictions |
Mylavarapu, R. S.; Sanchez, J. F.; Nguyen, J. H.; Bartos, J. M. 2002. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis. March. 33(5/6): p. 807-820. |
79951 |
Phosphorus leaching from biosolids-amended sandy soils |
Elliott, H. A.; O'Connor, G. A.; Brinton, S. 2002. Journal of Environmental Quality. March. 31(2): p. 681-689. |
246390 |
De-bunking the newest urban myth about phosphorus runoff and turf fertilizers Access Restrictions |
Schmenk, Christiane W.; Snyder, Vincent Jr. 2002. TurfNews [ASPA]. March/April. 26(2): p. 22, 24-26. |
106894 |
In situ turfgrass establishment: I. Responses to arbuscular mycorrhizae and fertilization |
Podeszfinski, Catherine; Dalpe, Yolande; Charest, Christiane. 2002. Journal of Sustainable Agriculture. March. 20(1): p. 57-73. |
162294 |
Creeping bentgrass responses to long-term applications of nutrients: Twenty years of observations and experiments on an Ohio putting green have yielded expected - and unexpected - results Access Restrictions |
Fulton, Michael. 2002. Golf Course Management. February. 70(2): p. 62-65. |
78318 |
Golf course nutrition trends and the environment Access Restrictions |
Egleston, Chuck. 2002. GreenMaster. February/March. 37(1): p. 21-23. |
79776 |
Back to basics | Anonymous. 2002. Chips & Putts. February/March. 8(1): p. 3-7. |
99990 |
Point-injected phosphorus effects on established cool-season grass yield and phosphorus content |
Gelderman, Ron H.; Gerwing, James R.; Twidwell, Edward. 2002. Agronomy Journal. January/February. 94(1): p. 48-51. |
78504 |
Bermudagrass management in the southern Piedmont USA. II. soil phosphorus Access Restrictions |
Franzluebbers, A. J.; Stuedemann, J. A.; Wilkinson, S. R. 2002. Soil Science Society of America Journal. January/February. 66(1): p. 291-298. |
78501 |
Phosphorus exchangeability and leaching losses from two grassland soils |
Sinaj, S.; Stamm, C.; Toor, G. S.; Condron, L. M.; Hendry, T.; Di, H. J.; Cameron, K. C.; Frossard, E. 2002. Journal of Environmental Quality. January/February. 31(1): p. 319-330. |
110377 |
Reclaimed water |
Reuter, Monika; Snyder, George, H.; Cisar, John, L. 2002. Florida Turf Digest. January/February. 19(1): p. 26-30. |
79457 |
Evaluating P, K, Ca, and Mg Using NIRS |
Miller, Grady L. 2002. Florida Turf Digest. January/February. 19(1): p. 34-35. |
79458 |
How to get the most out of fertigation |
Miller, Grady L.; Brown, Eric A. 2002. Florida Turf Digest. January/February. 19(1): p. 36-38. |
79459 |
Turfgrass Soil Fertility and Chemical Problems: Assessment and Management |
Carrow, R. N.; Waddington, D. V.; Rieke, P. E. 2001. Chelsea, MI: Ann Arbor Press. ix, 400 pp. |
73348 |
[Specifications and regulations for Milorganite] |
Anonymous. [2001]. Milorganite/MMSD. p. [1-3]. |
76561 | |
Soil test phosphorus and bentgrass response on sand greens |
Guillard, K.; Dest, W. M. 2001. 2001 Annual Meeting Abstracts [ASA/CSSA/SSSA]. p. [1]. |
78659 |
An Assessment of Soil Phosphorus in the Twin Cities Metro Area Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Swenson, J. A. 2001. M.S. Thesis: University of Minnesota. |
78977 |
Landscape design & maintenance | 2001. p. [1-4]. In: Urban Small Sites Best Management Practice Manual. St. Paul, MN: Metropolitan Council. |
79213 |
Cation exchange capacity - Everything you want to know and more | Camberato, James J. [200x]. Clemson University Turfgrass Program Home Page. p. [1-4]. |
111844 | |
Principles of Home Landscape Fertilization | Durham, R. E.; Powell, A. J.; Hartman, J. R.; Thom, W. O.; Fountain, W. M. 2001. Lexington, Kentucky: Cooperative Extension Service, College of Agriculture, University of Kentucky. 5 pp. Revised Edition. |
299466 |
Longer term assessment of putting green rootzone mixes under two microenvironments | Murphy, James A. 2001. 2001 Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary. p. 5. |
78336 |
Fertilizers and plant nutrition | Guillard, Karl. 2001. p. 9-28. In: Abbey, Timothy M., ed. Turfgrass Nutrient and Integrated Pest Management Manual. Storrs, Connecticut: Cooperative Extension System, University of Connecticut. |
134476 |
Innovative water quality management utilizing wetlands construction on a golf course | Turco, Ronald F. 2001. 2001 Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary. p. 40. |
78375 |
Comparing nutrient losses via runoff from a new golf course and the golf course site's previous native condition | Starrett, Steve. 2001. 2001 Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary. p. 42. |
78377 |
Surface and subsurface water quality data collection and model development for a watershed scale turfgrass system | King, Kevin W. 2001. 2001 Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary. p. 48. |
78383 |
Phosphorus fertilization of USGA-type putting greens: Placement, rates and leaching | Guertal, Elizabeth. 2001. 2001 Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary. p. 49. |
78384 |