Keyword: Phytotoxicity
Title | Author and Source | Category | View TGIF Record |
A study of "Prairie" and "NE609" buffalograsses' [Buchloë dactyloides (Nutt.) Engelm.] tolerance to various rates of Daconate 6^D]R herbicide |
Menn, W. G.; White, R. H.; Hall, M. H. 1998. Texas Turfgrass Research - 1998. |
64698 |
Preemergence herbicide efficacy on crabgrass - 1998 |
Street, John R.; Stewart, Renee M. 1998. Turfgrass Research Report - 1998 [Ohio State]. p. 2-6. |
68640 |
Postemergence herbicide efficacy on crabgrass - 1998 |
Street, John R.; Stewart, Renee M. 1998. Turfgrass Research Report - 1998 [Ohio State]. p. 7-13. |
68641 |
Poa trivialis control with combinations of pesticides and several application timings |
Throssell, Clark; Weisenberger, Dan. 1998. 1998 Annual Report - Purdue University TurfgrassScience Program. p. 38-40. |
61407 |
Phytotoxic response of fairway creeping bentgrass to combinations of pesticides and several application timings |
Throssell, Clark; Weisenberger, Dan. 1998. 1998 Annual Report - Purdue University TurfgrassScience Program. p. 41-43. |
61409 |
Effect of Beacon on Kentucky bluegrass cultivars |
Bingaman, Barbara R.; Christians, Nick E.; Faust, Michael B. 1998. 1998 Iowa Turfgrass Research Report. p. 47-51. |
50788 |
1997 postemergence ground ivy control study |
Bingaman, Barbara R.; Christians, Nick E.; Faust, Michael B. 1998. 1998 Iowa Turfgrass Research Report. p. 60. |
50793 |
Identification and management of simazine resistant annual bluegrass in non-overseeded bermudagrass fairways. |
Isgrigg, J. III; Yelverton, F. H.; Burnell, K. D. 1998. 1998 Annual Meeting Abstracts. p. 140. |
57945 |
Quinclorac and quinclorac tank-mix timings for season long control of crabgrass in turf | Pennucci, Annamarie. 1998. Proceedings of the 52nd Annual Meeting of the Northeastern Weed Science Society. 52: p. 73. |
44741 |
Control of smooth crabgrass and phytotoxicity of siduron and bensulide | Watschke, T. L.; Borger, J. A. 1998. Proceedings of the 52nd Annual Meeting of the Northeastern Weed Science Society. 52: p. 74. |
44760 |
Poa annua control in overseeded bermudagrass turf |
Gibson, E. S.; McCarty, L. B.; Higgingbottom, J. K.; Waltz, F. C. 1998. Southern Weed Science Society Proceedings. 51: p. 69-70. |
56408 |
Moss control in bentgrass putting greens |
Isgrigg, J. III; Yelverton, F. H. 1998. Southern Weed Science Society Proceedings. 51: p. 75. |
56475 |
Duration of composting of yard wastes affects both physical and chemical characteristics of compost and plant growth |
Hartz, T. K.; Giannini, C. 1998. HortScience. December. 33(7): p. 1192-1196. |
56168 |
[Santa Ana couch sensitivity] |
McMaugh, Peter. 1998. Turf Craft International. November/December. 63: p. 9. |
61528 |
Effect of moisture on quinclorac dissipation in Lethbridge soil Access Restrictions |
Hill, B. D.; Moyer, J. R.; Inaba, D. J.; Doram, R. 1998. Canadian Journal of Plant Science. October. 78(4): p. 697-702. |
56473 |
Be sure your lawn can handle a fall pre-emergent |
McAfee, James. 1998. Texas Turfgrass. Fall. 51(3): p. 22. |
56725 |
1997-1998 snow mold fungicide study |
Golembiewski, Rob. 1998. The Perfect Lie. August. 22(3): p. 12. |
55757 |
Controlling growth of common carpetgrass using selected plant growth regulators |
Bush, Edward W.; Porter, Wayne C.; Shepard, Dennis P.; McCrimmon, James N. 1998. HortScience. July. 33(4): p. 704-706. |
52873 |
Fate of chlorsulfuron in the environment: 1. Laboratory evaluations Access Restrictions |
Strek, Harry J. 1998. Pesticide Science. May. 53(1): p. 29-51. |
44622 |
The moss network | Beard, James B. 1998. TURFAX. March/April. 6(2): p. 3, 7. |
55746 |
Clover control in cotula |
Harrington, Kerry. 1998. New Zealand Turf Management Journal. February. 12(1): p. 18-19. |
53753 |
Iron's effects on turf | Rao, Balakrishna. 1998. Landscape Management. January. 37(1): p. 10. |
85675 |
The Science of Composting |
Epstein, Eliot. 1997. Lancaster, PA: Technomic Publishing Company, Inc. xv, 487 pp. |
43047 |
Control Quimico de Pennisetum clandestinum Hochst ex. Chiov (Kikuyo) en Bermuda (Chemical Control of Kikuyu Grass (Pennisetum clandestinum Hochst ex. Chiov) On Bermudagrass) |
Botti, Franco Santoro. 1997. M.S. Thesis: University of Chile. [2], 44 pp. |
185125 |
Heritage for control of MIcrodochium nivale (pink snow mold) | Stowell, Larry J.; Gelernter, Wendy. [199X]. Super Journal: PACE Turfgrass Research Institute. p. 1. |
105015 |
Effect of incorporating tire crumb rubber and compost during the construction of athletic field turf |
Tompkins, D. K.; Ross, J. B.; Moroz, D. L. 1997. PTRC - Prairie Turfgrass Research Centre Annual Report 1997 [Alberta]. p. 17-19. |
58078 |
The effect of Tupersan on four creeping bentgrass cultivars maintained at fairway height |
Bingaman, Barbara R.; Christians, Nick E.; Gardner, David S. 1997. 1997 Iowa Turfgrass Research Report. p. 43-44. |
51318 |
Primisulfuron for Poa annua control |
Jiang, Hongfei; Kohler, Eric; Branham, Bruce. 1997. University of Illinois Turfgrass, Nursery, Landscape, and Trial Garden Field Day Program. p. 52-54. |
301058 |
Vigoro Kentucky bluegrass fertilizer study - 1996 |
Bingaman, Barbara R.; Christians, Nick E.; Gardner, David S. 1997. 1997 Iowa Turfgrass Research Report. p. 59-60. |
51325 |
Effect of nitrogen on turfgrass diseases |
Watkins, J. E.; Gaussoin, R. E.; Shearman, R. C. 1997. Agronomy Abstracts. 89: p. 125. |
41498 |
The effect of de-icing chemicals on Kentucky bluegrass quality and soil salinity |
Minner, D. D.; Bingaman, B. R. 1997. Agronomy Abstracts. 89: p. 127. |
41510 |
Trinexapac- ethyl influence on bermudagrass response to cultivation operations |
Carrow, R. N.; Johnson, B. J. 1997. Agronomy Abstracts. 89: p. 127. |
41511 |
Seedhead suppression of annual bluegrass and tall fescue | Watschke, Thomas L.; Borger, Jeffrey A. 1997. Proceedings of the 51st Annual Meeting of the Northeastern Weed Science Society. 51: p. 50. |
42239 |
Spinosad: a new product for turfgrass and ornamental pest control Access Restrictions |
Breuninger, J. M.; Cooper, R. B.; Jentes, C. E.; Keese, R. J.; Tolley, M. P. 1997. Proceedings of the 8th International Turfgrass Research Conference. 8: p. 232-235. |
72025 |
Response of Digitaria sanguinalis and perennial ryegrass to consecutive annual spring applications of dithiopyr, oxadiazon and pendimethalin Access Restrictions |
Bhowmik, Prasanta C. 1997. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 8(Part 1): p. 1015-1023. |
56127 |
Cyperus esculentus tuber reduction with selected post-emergence herbicide: A three year study Access Restrictions |
Whitwell, T.; Lowe, D. B. 1997. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 8(Part 1): p. 1069-1074. |
56151 |
Effects of imazameth on the growth of Paspalum notatum Fluegge Access Restrictions |
Yelverton, F. H.; McCarty, L. B.; Murphy, T. R. 1997. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 8(Part 1): p. 1085-1094. |
56460 |
Iso-dimethenamide for Digitaria and Poa annua control in bent greens and ryegrass sportsfields |
Cochard, H. E.; Gillonier-Moyne, C. 1997. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 8(Part 2): p. 1382-1387. |
61160 |
Control of Poa annua in creeping bent (Agrostis stolonifera) greens Access Restrictions |
Neylan, J.; Nickson, D.; Robinson, M.; Manning, P. 1997. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 8(Part 2): p. 1398-1406. |
61162 |
Response of 'Tifway' bermudagrass to trinexapac-ethyl Access Restrictions |
Wiecko, Greg. 1997. Journal of Turfgrass Management. 2(2): p. 29-36. |
40227 |
Field boundary vegetation and the effects of agrochemical drift: Botanical change caused by low levels of herbicide and fertilizer Access Restrictions |
Kleijn, David; Snoeijing, G. Ineke J. 1997. Journal of Applied Ecology. December. 34(6): p. 1413-1425. |
68104 |
Phytotoxic effects of gray water due to surfactants |
Bubenheim, David; Wignarajah, Kanapathipillai; Berry, Wade; Wydeven, Theodore. 1997. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science. November. 122(6): p. 792-796. |
67814 |
Sequential herbicide sprays control bermudagrass in cool-season turf |
Cudney, David W.; Elmore, Clyde L.; Gibeault, Victor A.; Krueger, Bill; Reints, Steve. 1997. California Agriculture. November/December. 51(6): p. 21-23. |
68321 |
Tank-mixing insecticides can reduce rates | Miller, Fredric. 1997. Grounds Maintenance. October. 32(10): p. 30, 32. |
58645 |
Evaluation of fungicides and surfactants for control of fairy rings caused by Marasmius oreades (Bolt ex. Fr.) Fr. |
Blenis, P. V.; Nadeau, L. B.; Knowles, N. R.; Logue, G. 1997. HortScience. October. 32(6): p. 1077-1084. |
83897 |
Influence of postemergence herbicides on tropical soda apple (Solanum viarum) and bahiagrass (Paspalum notatum) |
Akanda, Rais U.; Mullahey, J. Jeffrey; Dowler, Clyde C.; Shilling, Donn G. 1997. Weed Technology. October-December. 11(4): p. 656-661. |
43369 |
Phytotoxic irrigation water | Anonymous. 1997. TURFAX. September/October. 5(5): p. 1. |
213609 |
Foresite 380 update |
Way, Brian. 1997. New Zealand Turf Management Journal. August. 11(3): p. 10, 12-14. |
53721 |
Soil Fumigation Before Planting Turf, Nematology Pointer No. 44 |
Dunn, Robert A. 1997. [Gainesville]: University of Florida. 4 pp. |
58872 |
Evaluation of biocontrol products for suppression of parasitic nematodes on a bentgrass putting green |
Tisserat, Ned; Todd, Tim. 1997. 1997 Turfgrass Research [Kansas State University]. May. p. 30-31. |
59255 |
Selective and nonselective bermudagrass control |
Upham, Ward; Fry, Jack. 1997. 1997 Turfgrass Research [Kansas State University]. May. p. 38-40. |
59265 |
An evaluation of moss control treatments for cotula maniototo |
Walmsley, Bill; Gibbs, Richard. 1997. New Zealand Turf Management Journal. May. 11(2): p. 26-29. |
42193 |
Research results for the control of Pythium root rot with fungicides (CAFDI Project) |
MacDonald, Leslie. 1997. The Turf Line News. April/May. 139: p. 8-11. |
61204 |
Phytotoxicity: The unexpected danger | Sparks, Beverly. 1997. Grounds Maintenance. March. 32(3): p. 28, 32. |
58494 |
Evidence that ozone exposure increases the susceptibility of plants to natural frosting episodes |
Foot, J. P.; Caporn, S. J. M.; Lee, J. A.; Ashenden, T. W. 1997. New Phytologist. February. 135(2): p. 369-374. |
39861 |
The effects of common de-icing chemicals on turfgrass: Final report - fall 1996 |
Minner, Dave; Bingamen, Barbara. [19xx]. Horticulture @ ISU. |
41313 | |
Differential Susceptibility of Five Bahiagrass (Paspalum notatum Fluegge) Cultivars to Metsulfuron Methyl Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Baker, R. D. 1996. M. S. Thesis: University of Florida. |
53243 |
Development of Ecologically Based Management Procedures for Controlling the Invasion of Bent Grass by Couch |
Martin, P. 1996. Gordon, New South Wales: Horticultural Research and Development Corporation. 57 pp.; 12 pp. |
84984 |
Control of European chafer, Rhizotrogus majalis, and Japanese beetle, Popillia japonica, 1996 |
Barton, Wayne; Goudy, Heather; Van Eerd, Laura. 1996. Guelph Turfgrass Institute: 1996 Research Report. p. [44-50]. |
91729 |
Persistence of commonly used lawn pesticides (2,4-D, mecoprop, dicamba chlorpyrifos, and chlorothalonil) in composted turfgrass clippings |
Stephenson, G.; Charbonneau, P.; Lang, S.; Bowhey, C.; Carter, M. 1996. Guelph Turfgrass Institute: 1996 Research Report. p. [86-95]. |
91735 |
Chemical edging of hybrid bermudagrass | Cudney, David W.; Elmore, Clyde L.; Gibeault, Victor A. 1996. Turfgrass Research Conference and Field Day and LandscapeManagement Research Conference and Field Day. p. 1-2. |
153642 |
Map based record keeping systems for golf course superintendents: Using Primo on creeping bentgrass fairways |
Fermanian, Tom; Han, Sangwook; Golombek, Claudio. 1996. 1996 Illinois Turfgrass Research Summary. p. 8-11. |
75073 |
Chemical control of Poa annua with a plant growth regulator | Horvath, Brandon J.; Vargas, J. M. Jr. 1996. Michigan State University Turfgrass Field Day. p. 8. |
157549 |
Evaluation of compost stability |
Barberis, Renzo; Nappi, Pina. 1996. p. 175-184. In: de Bertoldi, Marco; Sequi, Paolo; Lemmes, Bert; Papi, Tiziano, eds. The Science of Composting. |
39685 |
Turfgrass disease management report 1994-95 [III. Summer patch fungicide studies - 1995] | Vargas, J. M.; Detweiler, R.; Dykema, N.; Le Cureux, P.; Borgman, J. 1996. Proceedings of the 66th Annual Michigan Turfgrass Conference. 25: p. 88-92. |
39155 |
NeemGuard® and Algen-X® for Rhizoctonia solani control on 'Penncross' bentgrass |
Metz, S. P.; Colbaugh, P. F. 1996. Texas Turfgrass Research - 1996. November. p. 117-118. |
63658 |
Influence of surfactants and ammonium sulfate on glyphosate phytotoxicity to quackgrass (Elytrigia repens) |
De Ruiter, Hans; Uffing, Andre J. M.; Meinen, Esther. 1996. Weed Technology. October-December. 10(4): p. 803-808. |
39622 |
The influence of plant growth regulators on golf course turf |
Rossi, Frank. 1996. CUTT. Fall. 7(3): p. 1, 4-5. |
158085 |
Phytotoxic effects of some fungicides on Poa trivialis: Research conducted at a South Carolina golf course indicates some fungicide treatments may damage putting greens Access Restrictions |
Martin, Bruce. 1996. Golf Course Management. June. 64(6): p. 57-60. |
37820 |
Ground ivy (Glechoma hederacea L.) control in a Kentucky bluegrass turfgrass with Borax |
Hatterman-Valenti, Harlene; Owen, Michael D. K.; Christians, Nick E. 1996. Journal of Environmental Horticulture. June. 14(2): p. 101-104. |
40825 |
Regulating growth of woody ornamentals |
Ruter, John M. 1996. Grounds Maintenance. May. 31(5): p. 42, 44, 46. |
56369 |
Fundamentals of Aquatic Toxicology: Effects, Environmental Fate, and Risk Assessment |
Rand, Gary M., ed. 1995. Washington, D.C.: Taylor and Francis. xvii, 1125 pp. 2nd Edition. |
37377 |
Turfgrass Pest Control | Extension Service, West Virginia University. 199X. [Morgantown, West Virginia]: Extension Service, West Virginia University. 11 pp. |
154012 |
Control of fairy ring with surfactant |
Blenis, P. 1995. PTRC - Prairie Turfgrass Research Centre Annual Report1995 [Alberta]. p. 32. |
59872 |
Influence of pre- and post emergence herbicides on zoysiagrass seedling development |
Choi, J. S.; Johnson, B. J. 1995. Agronomy Abstracts. p. 148. |
38086 |
Evaluation of fungicides for preventative control of brown patch in creeping bentgrass, 1994 |
Grogan, J. E.; Scott, D. H. 1995. Fungicide and Nematicide Tests. 50: p. 332. |
37468 |
Evaluation of fungicides for control of dollar spot in creeping bentgrass, 1994 |
Grogan, J. E.; Scott, D. H. 1995. Fungicide and Nematicide Tests. 50: p. 332. |
37471 |
Evaluation of fungicides for control of snow molds on creeping bentgrass, 1993-1994 |
Gleason, M. L.; Snook, D. 1995. Fungicide and Nematicide Tests. 50: p. 345. |
38090 |
Evaluations of fungicides for control of brown patch on 'Crenshaw' creeping bentgrass, 1994 |
Lucas, L. T.; Mitchum, B. D. 1995. Fungicide and Nematicide Tests. 50: p. 349. |
38169 |
Evaluation of fungicides for control of dollar spot on creeping bentgrass, 1994 |
Lucas, L. T.; Mitchum, B. D. 1995. Fungicide and Nematicide Tests. 50: p. 350. |
38171 |
Evaluation of fungicides for control of dollar spot, 1994 |
Soika, M. D.; Sanders, P. L. 1995. Fungicide and Nematicide Tests. 50: p. 352. |
38176 |
Evaluation of fungicides for control of dollar spot, 1994 |
Vincelli, Paul; Doney, Jack C. Jr.; Powell, A. J. 1995. Fungicide and Nematicide Tests. 50: p. 353. |
38177 |
Effects of fungicides on overall turfgrass quality of creeping bentgrass, 1994 |
Vincelli, Paul; Doney, Jack C. Jr.; Powell, A. J. 1995. Fungicide and Nematicide Tests. 50: p. 354. |
38249 |
Evaluation of fungicides for control of anthracnose/brown patch complex, 1994 |
Vincelli, Paul; Doney, Jack C. Jr.; Powell, A. J. 1995. Fungicide and Nematicide Tests. 50: p. 355. |
38256 |
Evaluation of fungicides for control of stem rust, dollar spot, and drechslera leaf spot, 1994 |
Watkins, J. E.; Wit, L. A. 1995. Fungicide and Nematicide Tests. 50: p. 365. |
34063 |
Effect of Daconil on Koket chewings fescue, 1994 |
Soika, M. D.; Sanders, P. L. 1995. Fungicide and Nematicide Tests. 50: p. 367. |
33467 |
Sensitivity of seashore paspalum to postemergence turf herbicides | Cudney, David W.; Gibeault, Victor A.; Elmore, Clyde L.; Reints, John S. 1995. California Turfgrass Culture. 45(3/4): p. 22-23. |
37645 |
Phytotoxicity of snow mould [mold] fungicides, December 1994 - April 1995 |
Hsiang, T.; Cook, S. 1995. Guelph Turfgrass Institute: 1995 Research Report -Addendum. 9: p. 28-29. |
60014 |
Phytotoxicity evaluation of an insecticidal soap and horticultural oil on six turfgrass species Access Restrictions |
Baxendale, F. P.; Steinegger, D. H.; Baxendale, R. W. 1995. Journal of Turfgrass Management. 1(2): p. 35-45. |
35524 |
Efficacy of soil drenches with eradicative fungicides and seed treatments with aerated steam for control of clavicipitaceous endophytes in grass germ plasm | Wilson, A. D.; Lester, D. G.; Kaiser, W. J. 1995. Phytopathology. October. 85(10): p. 1167. |
36088 |
Tolerance of containerized landscape plants to the postemergence herbicides stinger, manage, and basagran |
Bachman, Gary; Wilson, Chris; Whitwell, Ted. 1995. Journal of Environmental Horticulture. September. 13(3): p. 129-132. |
35506 |
Slow food: American greenkeepers already use slow-release triazone-based fertilisers. But will they catch on over here? |
Drury, Sally. 1995. TURF Management. August. p. 27. |
293428 |
Tank mixing fungicides for better control |
Sartoretto, Paul. 1995. Turf Times. August. 24(8): p. 3-5. |
260339 |
Understanding fungicides: Learn a few basic concepts and take the mystery out of using fungicides |
Dernoeden, Peter H. 1995. Grounds Maintenance. July. 30(7): p. 26, 28, 30, 32. |
55824 |
Chemical use | Beard, James B. 1995. TURFAX. July/August. 3(4): p. 2. |
213596 |
Turf herbicide injury to landscape trees as influenced by mulch |
Smith, L. J.; Skroch, W. A. 1995. Journal of Environmental Horticulture. June. 13(2): p. 60-63. |
34310 |
Frequency of Drive (quinclorac) treatments on common bermudagrass tolerance and on large crabgrass control |
Johnson, B. Jack. 1995. Journal of Environmental Horticulture. June. 13(2): p. 104-108. |
34316 |
Evaluation of Primo applied in tank mixes with other herbicides |
Haley, J. E.; Fermanian, T. W. 1995. 1994 Illinois Turfgrass Research Report. April. p. 64-66. |
59214 |
Controlling costs with adjuvants | Stone, Helen M. 1995. SportsTURF. March. 11(3): p. 14. |
84011 |
Management of blue-green algae on putting greens | Elliott, Monica; Prevatte, Marcus. 1995. The Florida Green. Spring. p. 76, 78-82. |
55325 |