Keyword: Pollution control
Title | Author and Source | Category | View TGIF Record |
Effect of combinations of green roof substrate with vegetation coverage on rainwater quality improvement |
Hu, Xue; Song, Xinyi; Song, Shanshan; Li, Xiaoyan; Li, Cheng; Zhang, Zhi; Li, Guirong; Chen, Qiang. 2024. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies. 33(2): p. 1149-1158. |
336683 |
Potential CO2 capture via enhanced weathering by basaltic sand spreading on golf courses in the U.S. | Zhou, Qiyu. 2023. Mike Davis Program for Advancing Golf Course Management: 2023 Progress Reports. p. 360-365. |
336650 |
Strategies for reducing inputs and emissions in turfgrass systems |
Braun, Ross C.; Straw, Chase M.; Soldat, Douglas J.; Bekken, Michael A. H.; Patton, Aaron J.; Lonsdorf, Eric V.; Horgan, Brian P. 2023. Crop, Forage and Turfgrass Management. June. 9(1): p. e20218 [1-23]. |
331107 |
Bioremediation of copper- and chromium-contaminated soils using Agrostis capillaris L., Festuca pratensis Huds., and Poa pratensis L. mixture of lawn grasses |
Havryliuk, Olesia; Hovorukha, Vira; Bida, Iryna; Danko, Yanina; Gladka, Galina; Zakutevsky, Oleg; Mariychuk, Ruslan; Tashyrev, Oleksandr. 2022. Land. May. 11(5): p. 623 [1-14]. |
336518 |
Simulation of nitrous oxide emissions in zoysia turfgrass using DAYCENT and DNDC | Hong, Mu; Zhang, Yao; Braun, Ross; Bremer, Dale J. 2021. Mike Davis Program for Advancing Golf Course Management: 2021 Progress Reports. p. 342-351. |
317406 |
Field quantification of ammonia emission following fertilization of golf course turfgrass in sub/urban areas |
Leiby, Nathaniel L.; Schlossberg, Maxim J. 2021. Applied Sciences. December 2. 11(24): p. 11644 [1-9]. |
336892 |
Soil CO2 emission in 'Tifton 85' bermudagrass pasture fertilized with liquid pig slurry |
Brandão, Adilson Amorim; Couto, Eduardo Guimarães; Rodrigues, Renato de Aragão Ribeiro; Weber, Oscarlina Lúcia dos Santos; Pinto, Osvaldo Borges Júnior. 2021. Australian Journal of Crop Science. May. 15(5): p. 661-668. |
315939 |
Creating cost savings opportunities based on a carbon footprint analysis using CarbonSave®: Demonstration and analysis for three diverse golf courses | Cohen, Stuart; Staples, Andy. 2020. Turfgrass and Environmental Research Program: 2020 Research Summaries. p. 329-332. |
313760 |
The role of attitudes, social norms, and perceived behavioral control as factors influencing urban and suburban residential adoption of stormwater best management practices Access Restrictions |
Eanes, Francis R.; Zhou, Xiaoqing. 2020. Environmental Management. June. 65(6): p. 737-747. |
311244 |
Greenhouse gas emission from the soils fertilized with liquid pig slurry (LPS) in Tifton 85 bermudagrass pasture in tropical savanna |
Brandão, Adilson Amorim; Couto, Eduardo Guimarães; Rodrigues, Renato de Aragão Ribeiro; Weber, Oscarlina Lúcia Santos; Júnior, Osvaldo Borges Pinto. 2020. Australian Journal of Crop Science. June. 14(6): p. 1024-1031. |
315201 |
The push for propane: Strategic uses to reduce emissions, impress visitors, and keep budgets in check |
Wishart, Jeremy. 2019. Parks & Rec Business. September. 18(2): p. 18-20, 22-23. |
308456 |
Life's a gas in Ipswich!: Ipswich Town FC is targeting impressive reduction in nitrogen oxide levels and particulate matter emissions by using a non-toxic fuel that is also free of sulphur, metals and aromatics for its training ground machinery | Claridge, Leigh. 2019. The Groundsman [IOG]. August. p. 18. |
308323 |
Environmental sustainability and pollution prevention: Much has been said over recent years about the merits of water recycling wash systems to prevent pollution and conserve water |
Whittingham, Bill. 2019. Pitchcare. August/September. 86: p. 144. |
308346 |
Designed elements improve Riparian management outcomes |
Anonymous. 2019. CSA News. June. 64(6): p. 11. |
306354 |
Carbon reduction and planning strategies for urban parks in Seoul Access Restrictions |
Jo, Hyun-Kil; Kim, Jin-Young; Park, Hye-Mi. 2019. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening. May. 41: p. 48-54. |
306722 |
Batteries spark product innovation for the future of mow, blow and go: Producing less noise and few emissions are among advantages of using battery-powered equipment to make companies "greener" |
Dickens, Rod. 2019. Green Industry Pros. May/June. 31(4): p. 14-16. |
307128 |
Alternative fuel sources help lower emissions: Propane cylinders can give mower operators 7-10 hours of uninterrupted cutting |
Wishart, Jeremy. 2019. Turf & Rec. April/May. 32(3): p. 40-42. |
306850 |
All-electric commercial zero-turn mowers head for Southern California |
Anonymous. 2019. Green Industry Pros. April. 31(3): p. 6. |
306244 |
Optimum turf grass irrigation requirements and corresponding water-energy-CO2 nexus across Harris County, Texas |
Awal, Ripendra; Fares, Ali; Habibi, Hamideh. 2019. Sustainability. March 1. 11(5): p. 1-12. |
303990 |
Restoration of copper tailings under covering soil by perennial ryegrass |
Zhang, Yonglan; Wang, Youbao. 2019. [Caoye Kexue] [Pratacultural Science]. January 20. 36(1): p. 3-10. |
306394 |
Environmentally Friendly Golf Course Maintenance Equipment |
USGA Green Section. 2018. [Far Hills, New Jersey]: United States Golf Association. 2 pp. |
297368 |
Turfgrass cultural practices that maximize soil carbon sequestration | Guillard, Karl; Moore, David; Oliver, Mark; Vose, Scott. 2018. 2017 Annual Turfgrass Research Report [Connecticut]. p. 62-64. |
302768 |
Nitrous oxide emissions in turfgrass systems: A review |
Braun, Ross C.; Bremer, Dale J. 2018. Agronomy Journal. November/December. 110(6): p. 2222-2232. |
302712 |
Biodiesel: Good for parks, good for the planet: If biodiesel is good enough for central park, a national park and the Harvard quad, will it be good enough for you and your company, too? |
Williams-Villano, Mary Elizabeth. 2018. Irrigation & Green Industry. October. 21(10): p. 36, 38-41. |
302483 |
Propane mowers gaining momentum: Reduced emissions and increased sustainability give landscape contractors an eco-friendlier fuel source for mowers |
Wishart, Jeremy. 2018. Turf & Rec. June. 31(4): p. 28-29. |
299722 |
The efficiency of vegetative buffer strips in runoff quality and quantity control Access Restrictions |
Saleh, I.; Kavian, A.; Roushan, M. Habibnezhad; Jafarian, Z. 2018. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology. April. 15(4): p. 811-820. |
288604 |
Current status and research progress of development and tankmix application of herbicides |
Zhou, Wen-guan; Meng, Yong-jie; Chen, Feng; Shuai, Hai-wei; Liu, Jian-wei; Luo, Xiao-feng; Yang, Wen-yu; Shu, Kai. 2018. [Caoye Kexue] [Pratacultural Science]. January 20. 35(1): p. 93-105. |
296632 |
Environmental and Management Impacts in Turfgrass Systems: Nitrous Oxide Emissions, Carbon Sequestration, and Drought and Traffic Stress | Braun, Ross Charles. 2017. Ph.D. Dissertation: Kansas State University. xxiii, 203 pp. |
288477 |
Benefits of Healthy Turfgrass | Hoyle, Jared. 2017. [Manhattan, Kansas]: Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension Service, Kansas State University. [2] pp. |
291016 |
Water conservation practices on the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions on creeping bentgrass putting greens | Walker, Kristina S.; Smith, Katy E. 2017. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 107310. |
290215 |
Nonlinear regression modeling of hydraulic oil injury on a bermudagrass green |
Berndt, William L.; Riger, Jonathon W.; Riger, Charles W. 2017. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 13: p. 1-10. |
287775 |
Earning high marks: AgriLife scientist finds LID practices reduce runoff, improve water quality |
Corley, Claire. 2017. txH2O. Fall. 12(1): p. 25-27. |
294421 |
Fall is a great time to plant and fertilize turfgrass | Eckert, Scott. 2017. Rural Messenger. September. p. [1-2]. |
290735 |
Power up: Electric equipment is taking a stand alongside gas-powered tools with more power, longer run times and commercial-grade construction |
Hampshire, Kristen. 2017. Lawn & Landscape. July. 38(7): p. 68-73. |
287270 |
The impact of vegetative slope on water flow and pollutant transport through embankments |
Sheng, Liting; Zhang, Zhanyu; Xia, Jihong; Yang, Jie; Tang, Dan; Chen, Xiao-an. 2017. Sustainability. July. 9(7): p. 1128 [1-12]. |
287357 |
[Enhancing carbon sequestration and reducing N2O emmissions using irrigation and N fertilization] |
Braun, Ross; Bremer, Dale. 2017. 2017 Turfgrass Research: Research Reports [Kansas State University]. July. 3(4): p. 10 [1-7]. |
287680 |
Power by propane is ozone friendlier: Emissions from gasoline-powered equipment negatively contribute to air quality index |
Wishart, Jeremy. 2017. Turf & Rec. June. 30(4): p. 26-27, 38. |
286921 |
How to minimize your carbon footprint: Incremental strides in measuring and managing water, fuel, chemicals, electricity and labor all have impact |
McCue, Mike. 2017. Superintendent. June. 16(6): p. 28-30. |
286660 |
The use of constructed wetlands for the treatment and reuse of urban wastewater for the irrigation of two warm-season turfgrass species under Mediterranean climatic conditions Access Restrictions |
Licata, Mario; Tuttolomondo, Teresa; Leto, Claudio; La Bella, Salvatore; Virga, Giuseppe. 2017. Water Science and Technology. April. p. Unknown. |
285580 |
Cateechee strives to make footprint in sustainability | Workman, J. B. 2017. Through the Green [Georgia]. March/April. p. 14-15. |
281870 |
Developing golf course best management practices: 50 states by 2020: Best management practices are vital to the successful maintenance of golf courses in compliance with governmental regulations Access Restrictions |
Unruh, J. Bryan. 2017. Golf Course Management. January. 85(1): p. 124-134. |
279324 |
The future of outdoor power equipment is battery powered |
Delin, Tyler. 2017. Landscape & Irrigation. January/February. 41(1): p. 22-23. |
281599 |
Where's the propane? |
Phipps, David. 2016. Turf's Up in the Inland Empire. Summer. p. 7-8. |
274588 |
Water conservation practices on the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions on creeping bentgrass putting greens | Walker, Kristina S.; Smith, Katy E. 2016. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 99741. |
278302 |
Greenhouse gas accounting for landfill diversion of food scraps and yard waste Access Restrictions |
Brown, Sally. 2016. Compost Science & Utilization. 24(1): p. 11-19. |
267369 |
[Reducing N2O emissions from turfgrass through irrigation and N fertilization] |
Braun, Ross C.; Bremer, Dale J.; Fry, Jack D. 2016. 2016 Turfgrass Research: Research Reports [Kansas State University]. 2(4): p. 2 [1-5]. |
273628 |
Vegetative filter strip (VFS) applications for runoff and pollution management in the Saemangeum area of Korea Access Restrictions |
Choi, Kyung-Sook; Lee, Seul-Gi; Jang, Jeong-Ryeol. 2016. Irrigation and Drainage. December. 65(S2): p. 168-174. |
286542 |
Autonomous mower saves energy and improves quality of tall fescue lawn |
Grossi, Nicola; Fontanelli, Marco; Garramone, Elisa; Peruzzi, Andrea; Raffaelli, Michele; Pirchio, Michel; Martelloni, Luisa; Frasconi, Christian; Caturegli, Lisa; Gaetani, Monica; Magni, Simone; McElroy, J. Scott; Volterrani, Marco. 2016. HortTechnology. December. 26(6): p. 825-830. |
279679 |
Selecting turfgrasses and mowing practices that reduce mowing requirements |
Law, Quincy D.; Bigelow, Cale A.; Patton, Aaron J. 2016. Crop Science. November/December. 56(6): p. 3318-3327. |
278907 |
Surfactant-modified soil amendments reduce nitrogen and phosphorus leaching in a sand-based rootzone |
Shaddox, Travis W.; Kruse, Jason K.; Miller, Grady L.; Nkedi-Kizza, Peter; Sartain, Jerry B. 2016. Journal of Environmental Quality. September/October. 45(5): p. 1549-1556. |
286291 |
[Legacy pollution] |
MacKenzie, Jack. 2016. Hole Notes. July. 50(6): p. 10-13. |
275056 |
Why this obsession with mowing and fertilizing? | Wilcox, Dan. 2016. River Falls Journal. July 11. p. [1-3]. |
295601 |
Ruh-roh: A solar-assisted mower that would make the Jetsons proud Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 2016. Golf Course Management. June. 84(6): p. 28. |
272572 |
Updates: Water, pesticide issues Access Restrictions |
McKeel, Chava. 2016. Golf Course Management. June. 84(6): p. 38. |
272582 |
Propane provides saving power |
Gannon, Grant B. 2016. Golfdom. June. 72(6): p. 22-24, 26-28. |
272694 |
Nitrogen fertilization of bermudagrass affects carbon dioxide emissions: Increases in carbon dioxide emissions consistently correlated with increases in nitrogen applications, giving turfgrass managers another reason to avoid overfertilization Access Restrictions |
Hamido, Said A.; Guertal, Elizabeth; Wood, C. W. 2016. Golf Course Management. May. 84(5): p. 88-91. |
272010 |
Are you in compliance with NR-151? |
Soldat, Doug. 2016. The Grass Roots. May/June. 45(3): p. 10. |
272477 |
Does urban vegetation enhance carbon sequestration? Access Restrictions |
Velasco, Erik; Roth, Matthias; Norford, Leslie; Molina, Luisa T. 2016. Landscape and Urban Planning. April. 148: p. 99-107. |
270243 |
National private: Dave Davies, CGCS: TPC Stonebrae, Hayward, Calif. Access Restrictions |
Richman, Howard. 2016. Golf Course Management. February. 84(2): p. 66, 68. |
268717 |
International: Jason Honeyball: OslerBrook Golf and Country Club, Collingwood, Ontario, Canada Access Restrictions |
Richman, Howard. 2016. Golf Course Management. February. 84(2): p. 70, 72. |
268718 |
Characterization of allergen emission sources in urban areas |
Cariñanos, Paloma; Adinolfi, Cristiano; de la Guardia, Consuelo Díaz; De Linares, Concepción; Casares-Porcel, Manuel. 2016. Journal of Environmental Quality. January/February. 45(1): p. 244-252. |
267766 |
Environmental Stewardship on the Golf Course Doesn't Just Happen: Professionally Managing a Golf Course Landscape in an Environmentally Sensitive Area |
Anonymous. 201X. [Lawrence, Kansas]: Golf Course Superintendents Association of America. [6] pp. |
282962 |
All Quiet on the Front Nine: Silent Zero Emission Golf Course Maintenance | Carter, Paul L. [2015]. [Lawrence Kansas]: [Golf Course Superintendents Association of America]; [Charleston, South Carolina]: [National Golf Course Owners Association]. [35] slides. |
283051 |
[WOTUS is going to present a challenge to golf course superintendents] |
Nalls, Jay. 2015. Turfgrass Matters. Summer. p. 8. |
265427 |
Be careful what you wash for!!: 2015 seems to be the year of directives... or at the very least, the year of directives which impinge on the management of golf courses | Daly, Aine. 2015. Greenside. December. p. 30-31. |
294300 |
The capacity of greening roof to reduce stormwater runoff and pollution Access Restrictions |
Zhang, Qianqian; Miao, Liping; Wang, Xiaoke; Liu, Dandan; Zhu, Liang; Zhou, Bing; Sun, Jichao; Liu, Jingtao. 2015. Landscape and Urban Planning. December. 144: p. 142-150. |
267491 |
Eight benefits of natural grass |
Minnick, Jerad. 2015. Landscape Architect and Specifier News. December. 31(12): p. 14, 16. |
267774 |
Grease-powered greenkeeping Access Restrictions |
Hirt, Megan. 2015. Golf Course Management. October. 83(10): p. 38. |
265831 |
Modeling water flow and nitrate-nitrogen transport on golf course under turfgrass Access Restrictions |
Filipović, Vilim; Toor, Gurpal S.; Ondrašek, Gabrijel; Kodešová, Radka. 2015. Journal of Soils and Sediments. August. 15(8): p. 1847-1859. |
269085 |
Local golf course works to protect Great Bay | Collins, Rich. 2015. July 23. p. [1-2]. |
267454 |
JCB Tier IV non-DPF compliant engines |
Hall, Ronnie. 2015. Turf [North Edition]. June. 28(6): p. 10. |
261875 |
To the sea: A new way to estimate pollutants |
Kaspersen, Janice. 2015. Erosion Control. May. 22(3): p. 8. |
257196 |
Protecting water from pesticides | Anonymous. 2015. Greenside. April. p. 20-21. |
258900 |
N and P concentrations at Iowa golf courses Access Restrictions |
Carson, Teresa. 2015. Golf Course Management. April. 83(4): p. 95. |
257523 |
The effects of household management practices on the global warming potential of urban lawns Access Restrictions |
Gu, Chuanhui; Crane, John II; Hornberger, George; Carrico, Amanda. 2015. Journal of Environmental Management. March 15. 151: p. 233-242. |
253599 |
Research: Irrigation conservation practices on the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions on golf course turf | Walker, Kristina Smith; Nannenga, Katy R. 2015. MTGF Clippings. Spring/Summer. 23(1): p. 14, 16. |
265876 |
Effect of saponin on the phytoextraction of Pb, Cd and Zn from soil using Italian ryegrass Access Restrictions |
Zhu, Tengyi; Fu, Dafang; Yang, Fang. 2015. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. January. 94(1): p. 129-133. |
253263 |
Carbon footprint and agronomic practices to reduce carbon footprint of golf courses | Qian, Yaling; Gillette, Katrina; Zhang, Yao; Koski, Tony; Follett, Ronald. 2015. USGA Turfgrass and Environmental Research Online. January/February. 14(1): p. 1-2. |
256468 |
Nitrous oxide emissions and carbon sequestration in turfgrass: Effects of irrigation and nitrogen fertilization | Bremer, Dale; Braun, Ross; Fry, Jack. 2015. USGA Turfgrass and Environmental Research Online. January/February. 14(1): p. 6-7. |
256470 |
Various fertilizer sources for mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions | Nannenga, Katy; Walker, Kristie. 2015. USGA Turfgrass and Environmental Research Online. January/February. 14(1): p. 8-11. |
256471 |
Greenhouse Gas Abatement from Home Lawn Care Management Practices Access Restrictions |
Garrison, Mark A. 2014. Ph.D. Dissertation: University of Wisonsin-Madison. xii, 112 pp. |
258422 |
The Colorado Golf Carbon Project Access Restrictions |
Gillette, Katrina. 2014. Ph.D. Dissertation: Colorado State University. x, 165 pp. |
259839 |
Landscape BMPs | Cornell University. 2014. [Ithaca, New York]: Cornell University. [7] pp. |
264513 |
Understanding Anne Arundel County's Watershed Protection and Restoration Fee | Scaroni, Amy E.; Dindinger, Jennifer; Rockler, Amanda; Takacs, Jacqueline; Varsa, Krisztian. 2014. [College Park, Maryland]: Extension, University of Maryland; Sea Grant Extension. 2 pp. |
285530 |
Soil drainage effects on N2O emissions from a Colorado golf course using controlled released fertilizers | Gillette, Katrina Lynn; Qian, Yaling; DelGrosso, Steve; Follett, Ronald F. 2014. ASA, CSSA and SSSA Annual Meetings [2014]. p. 87654. |
250207 |
The use of biosolid amendments to promote the establishment and persistence of perennial grasses along Rhode Island highways | Fava, Edwin; Amador, Jose A.; Brown, Rebecca N.; Possinger, Angela. 2014. ASA, CSSA and SSSA Annual Meetings [2014]. p. 87743. |
250204 |
Banning lawns | Schindler, Sarah. 2014. The George Washington Law Review. 82: p. 394-455. |
271896 |
Characteristics of CO2 uptake to temperature changes on ground covering plants for urban greening | Han, Seung-Won; Jang, Ha-Kyung; Kim, Jae-Soon; Jung, Myung-Il. 2014. Journal of Korean Society of Living Environment System. 21(5): p. 657-664. |
269506 |
Fungicide leaching from golf greens: A synopsis of Scandinavian studies | Aamlid, Trygve S. 2014. Popular Scientific Articles - STERF. December. 25: p. 1-13. |
264607 |
Fuel for thought: Can propane change the way the golf course maintenance industry is powered? |
Aylward, Lawrence. 2014. Superintendent. October. 13(10): p. 22-23, 26-27. |
254114 |
Littorally speaking: Littoral zones play an important role in the health of lakes and ponds | Lowe, Todd. 2014. USGA Green Section Record. September 19. 52(19): p. 1-3. |
248109 |
Various fertilizer sources and cultivation practices for mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions | Smith, Katy; Walker, Kristina. 2014. USGA Turfgrass and Environmental Research Online. July/August. 13(4): p. 12-13. |
246174 |
Transition from cool-season to warm-season grass: Environmental effects in a golf course in the North of Italy | Minelli, A.; DeLuca, A.; Croce, P.; Cevenini, L.; Zuffa, D. 2014. 4th European Turfgrass Society Conference Proceedings. June. p. 75-76. |
313109 |
Various fertilizer sources for mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions from golf course greens and roughs | Walker, Kristina S.; Nannenga, Katy W. 2014. 4th European Turfgrass Society Conference Proceedings. June. 45(2): p. 79-80. |
313110 |
Reducing the carbon footprint of golf courses |
Anonymous. 2014. United States Golf Association. May. p. 1-2. |
247719 |
Research: Various fertilizer sources and cultivation practices for mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions and potentially mineralizable nitrogen on creeping bentgrass and Kentucky bluegrass turfgrass | Walker, Kristina Smith; Nannenga, Katy R. 2014. MTGF Clippings. Spring/Summer. 22(1): p. 14-15. |
265878 |
Gently down the stream Access Restrictions |
Smith, Bunny. 2014. Golf Course Management. January. 82(1): p. 38. |
235058 |
Engine emissions - Today and tomorrow Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Bodenstein, Dirk. 2013. Conference Zurich 2013 [FEGGA]. p. [1-17]. |
255804 |
The Importance of Roadside Vegetation and the Need for a Vegetation Management Plan in the Commonwealth of Kentucky | Trammell, Tara; Sluss, Tamara. 2013. [Frankfort, Kentucky]: Kentucky Conservation Committee. 12 pp. |
257039 |
Application of aquatic plants in golf course Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Mo, Fan; Puyang, Xue-hua. 2013. [Caoyuan yu Caoping] [Grassland and Turf]. 33: p. 92-96. |
270269 |