Keyword: Product profile
Title | Author and Source | Category | View TGIF Record |
The 2024 Guelph Turfgrass Institute Field Day | Stricker, Sara. 2024. GreenMaster. Winter. 60(4): p. 22-23. |
341372 |
Reel mowers quality of cut and performance | Anonymous. 2024. GreenMaster. Fall. 60(3): p. 26-27. |
340188 |
Greens: We have a solution for that |
Schwenke, Stephanie. 2024. Golf Course Industry. September. 36(9): p. 24. |
339970 |
Best use of Aramax Intrinsic brand fungicide |
Anonymous. 2024. Golf Course Industry. September. 36(9): p. 48. |
339981 |
Wetting agents 101 | Loveday, Steve. 2023. GreenMaster. Spring. 59(1): p. 14-18. |
325906 |
GS3: What is the USGA's new technology tool all about? |
Jacobs, Paul. 2023. USGA Green Section Record. February 17. 61(3): p. [1-3]. |
325387 |
A new device for selective mechanical broadleaf weed control in turfgrass Access Restrictions |
Henderson, Jason J. 2022. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. June. 14(1): p. 717-724. |
321447 |
The lithium-ion battery revolution Access Restrictions |
Januszewski, Bill. 2021. GreenMaster. Fall. 57(3): p. 22-25. |
315866 |
Soaring above: Providing unique insight into turf management Access Restrictions |
Carroll, Willie. 2020. GreenMaster. Summer. 56(2): p. 20-22. |
312103 |
[Irrigation system renovation concerns and the system renovation of Ålands Golf Club] | Anonymous. 2020. Gressforum. 1: p. 9-10. |
321169 |
Golf course management: Water management in golf |
Anonymous. 2020. The Newsletter [New England]. May/June. p. 4. |
312479 |
[Club cadet, RG3] Access Restrictions |
Robertson, Paul. 2020. GreenMaster. February. 56(1): p. 18-21. |
312094 |
Course setup and hole locations: Do you need more numbers, or more options? Access Restrictions |
O'Brien, Daniel; Richardson, Mike; Karcher, Doug. 2020. Golf Course Management. January. 88(1): p. 102, 104, 106. |
309976 |
Time well-spent: LM Growth Summit attendees say networking with partners and fellow LCOs is invaluable to their businesses |
Herrick, Christina. 2020. Landscape Management. January. 59(1): p. Cover, 12-18. |
310308 |
Spray away: Spreaders/sprayers help a lawn care operator maximize his business |
Hart, Abby. 2020. Landscape Management. January. 59(1): p. 20. |
310358 |
Wise with WiFi: Smart controllers, in various forms, continue to catch fire as a go-to irrigation option |
Miller, Jimmy. 2020. Lawn & Landscape. January. 41(1): p. 42, 44, 46. |
310381 |
"Reel" science & "optimum cut" technology | Turner, Greg. 2019. 2019 GCSAA Education Conference: Free Session Presentations. p. [1-46]. |
303794 |
A Novel Method for Accurately Measuring Topdressing Rates |
Barden, Addison. 2019. [Liberty Corner, New Jersey]: United States Golf Association. 2 pp. |
304544 |
Light switch: Tottenham Hotspur stadium rolls out world's first integrated turf grow light |
Anonymous. 2019. Stadia. Showcase. p. 4. |
304029 |
Shock tactics: Investment in a shockpad for synthetic turf playing surfaces can reap Gmax and safety rewards | Anonymous. 2019. Stadia. Showcase. p. 56. |
304108 |
2nd place idea: Staff scheduling software | Tamburano, Lee. 2019. Golf Business Canada. Summer. 23(2): p. 42. |
307189 |
[GreenSight autonomous agronomic drones] Access Restrictions |
Robertson, Paul. 2019. GreenMaster. Winter. 55(4): p. 18-19. |
309896 |
Save time and money: Precision GPS spraying for golf courses Access Restrictions |
Beebe, James. 2019. GreenMaster. Winter. 55(4): p. 20-21. |
309897 |
Sensor sense Access Restrictions |
Nesbitt, Scott R. 2019. Golf Course Management. December. 87(12): p. 32. |
309730 |
Tree time |
Cella, Luke. 2019. On Course [MAGCS]. December. 73(6[7]): p. Cover, 14-16. |
310155 |
Using small unmanned aircraft systems for early detection of turfgrass drought stress |
Anonymous. 2019. CSA News. December. 64(12): p. 10. |
310497 |
Talk about a tough tire: Airless radial tires work to keep mowers in the field and out of the shop |
Pesta, Danielle. 2019. Landscape Management. December. 58(12): p. 38. |
309878 |
Looking at the advanced artificial athlete |
Katumalla, Timothy. 2019. Turf Management Journal. December. 36(4): p. 14-15. |
309925 |
Weather station for the budget minded |
Green, Ryan. 2019. The Newsletter [New England]. November. p. 10-11. |
310711 |
Turf pests: An emerging market Access Restrictions |
Kriz, Ellen. 2019. Pest Management Professional. November. 87(11): p. 77. |
309291 |
Keeping track: Lawn care and landscape companies organize and streamline their operations with advancements in GPS technology |
Schappacher, Emily. 2019. Landscape Management. November. 58(11): p. 48. |
309617 |
Coming attractions: At a STIHL press event in Waiblingen, Germany, the company revealed plenty of products headed to the American market soon |
Miller, Jimmy. 2019. Lawn & Landscape. November. 40(11): p. 8, 10. |
309278 |
Robotics on the range: An Illinois-based company known for handheld equipment prepares to unveil autonomous solutions to the North American golf market |
Cipriano, Guy. 2019. Golf Course Industry. November. 31(11): p. 6, 8. |
309696 |
Granular fertilizer screen |
Buchen, Terry. 2019. Golf Course Industry. November. 31(11): p. 40. |
309709 |
A case for precision irrigation: Advances in technology have changed the game and made the practice of irrigating by amount and not time a necessity for golf course superintendents Access Restrictions |
Read, Mike. 2019. Golf Course Management. October. 87(10): p. 58-60. |
308649 |
Flex solutions: A new day for superintendents: Bayer's new online platform allows superintendents to purchase only the products they need |
Lewis, Chris. 2019. Golfdom. October. 75(10): p. EOP12-EOP13. |
308782 |
Shoot & score: Improvements in nozzles and spray heads continue to help contractors irrigate the right way |
Horn, Brian. 2019. Lawn & Landscape. October. 40(10): p. 102, 104, 173. |
308957 |
Ride on: Spreader/sprayer technology is advancing rapidly to help LCOs increase productivity |
Nagro, Anne. 2019. Lawn & Landscape. October. 40(10): p. 106-108, 110-112. |
308959 |
Hybrid grass turns 30! |
Godfroid, Luc. 2019. SportsTurf. October. 35(10): p. 40-41. |
308633 |
Pipe dream: Sunridge Park GC started draining all of its 36 holes in 2015, as part of a four-phase project involving the unique Hydraway Sportsdrain, which will be completed next year | Longmire, Tania. 2019. The Golf Business. October. 31: p. 56. |
309099 |
Reliable, sustainable and innovative stadium fields: New technologies and an open mind make it possible to deliver sustainable and quality stadium fields. For this to be achieved, it is important to consider taking the full package | Anonymous. 2019. PanStadia & Arena Management. 4th Quarter. p. 66-68. |
310225 |
[Roundup viewpoints] | Behringer, Fred. 2019. The Newsletter [New England]. September. p. 7-9. |
310709 |
Using weather station data on athletic fields | Wallace, Vickie; Siegel-Miles, Alyssa. 2019. New England Blade. September. p. 10-11. |
309015 |
New growth at Whitgift School: Head groundsman Daniel Ratling shares his simple secret to success | Garrod, Phil. 2019. The Groundsman [IOG]. September. p. 30. |
308378 |
Robots will give you a hand | Anonymous. 2019. Turf Matters. September/October. p. 42-43. |
308758 |
Sowing the seeds of love |
Waple, Andy. 2019. GreenKeeping. September. 161: p. 6, 8, 10. |
309143 |
Stadium conversion revolution: To host more events and generate more revenue, the investment in a turf conversion system is a critical element for any stadium operation | Anonymous. 2019. Stadia. September. 92: p. 54-56. |
308903 |
The long and winding road: In golf course management, necessity is often the mother of invention. Products such as Hydretain, along with countless others, bear this out Access Restrictions |
Phillips, Hal. 2019. Golf Course Management. September. 87(9): p. 52-54. |
308551 |
The underdogs of turf make a comeback |
Anonymous. 2019. Golfdom. September. 75(9): p. 8. |
308185 |
Put mowing on autopilot: Implementing robotic mowers is one way to ease the industry's labor shortage |
Schappacher, Emily. 2019. Landscape Management. September. 58(9): p. 42. |
308619 |
Artificial turf innovation leads to success |
Anonymous. 2019. Athletic Business. September. 43(7): p. 70-71. |
308469 |
Out with the old: On the 35th anniversary of Honda Power Equipment, the company launched a new mower |
Rathmell, Lauren. 2019. Lawn & Landscape. September. 40(9): p. 6, 8. |
308278 |
Truckin': Vehicles are an essential tool for landscape firms - and thinking of trucks in this way helps contractors select a rig that suits their business |
Hampshire, Kristen. 2019. Lawn & Landscape. September. 40(9): p. 54, 56. |
308303 |
Water control: Advancements in technology help contractors present interactive products with their irrigation services |
Torsiello, John. 2019. Lawn & Landscape. September. 40(9): p. 78, 80, 82. |
308310 |
SubAir systems get technology upgrade |
Anonymous. 2019. SportsTurf. September. 35(9): p. 20. |
308281 |
Efficient and economical mowing |
Montgomery, Boyd. 2019. SportsTurf. September. 35(9): p. 34-37. |
308299 |
Toro Pro Sweep mods |
Buchen, Terry. 2019. Golf Course Industry. September. 31(9): p. 48. |
308444 |
Rotary Spreader transport bracket |
Buchen, Terry. 2019. Golf Course Industry. September. 31(9): p. 48. |
308446 |
Getting a bird's eye view: Agronomy technology flying high at Ravenna |
Eubanks, Steve. 2019. Golf Business [NGCOA]. September. 25(8): p. 30-32. |
308742 |
USGA tool taking different track |
Eubanks, Steve. 2019. Golf Business [NGCOA]. September. 25(8): p. 35. |
308743 |
Rise of the machines: Artificial intelligence influencing golf's future |
Kauffman, Scott. 2019. Golf Business [NGCOA]. September. 25(8): p. 48-50. |
308744 |
Can a drone make golf course maintenance more efficient: Technology firms seeking to introduce their products to the golf course industry have a challenge in bringing tech to one of the oldest - and most traditional - sports being played today |
Hirsh, Larry. 2019. The Boardroom. September/October. 23(284): p. 90-91. |
309210 |
Handy fluid vacuum Access Restrictions |
Nesbitt, Scott R. 2019. Golf Course Management. August. 87(8): p. 30. |
307489 |
Robot mowers Lucy & Fred get a try-out at Woodlawn Cemetery: Robots are becoming more visible as they take on more tasks previously performed by people. Can robots do some of the work invovled in maintaining cemetery grounds? | Rose, Mitch. 2019. ICCFA Magazine. August/September. 79(7): p. 61-63. |
308207 |
Look ma, no hands! |
Jones, Seth. 2019. Golfdom. August. 75(8): p. 8. |
307515 |
They've got the power |
Richter, Clara. 2019. Landscape Management. August. 58(8): p. Cover, 12-14, 16, 41-42, 44. |
308162 |
Surfactant power: Do's and don'ts for getting the most from wetting agents |
Dowdle, Lauren. 2019. Landscape Management. August. 58(8): p. 50. |
308167 |
Decades of dependability: Why one company relies on Exmark mowers as its go-to |
Webb, Sarah. 2019. Landscape Management. August. 58(8): p. 54. |
308168 |
Constant connection: Crew communication technology can't replace face-to-face communication, but it can keep your employees up to date |
Roenker, Robin. 2019. Lawn & Landscape. August. 40(8): p. 62, 64. |
308177 |
A clean sweep |
SanSone, Arricca Elin. 2019. Lawn & Landscape. August. 40(8): p. 72, 74, 76. |
308178 |
Water cooler filler-upper |
Buchen, Terry. 2019. Golf Course Industry. August. 31(8): p. 48. |
307658 |
Tidy greens & tees |
Buchen, Terry. 2019. Golf Course Industry. August. 31(8): p. 48. |
307660 |
Biostimulants generate interest and questions | McCarty, Bert. 2019. Carolinas Green. July/August. p. 8-9. |
307007 |
What is Evergreen planning for its garden brands?: More 'neutrals' promised from garden-care firm keen to flag its commitment to R&D | Appleby, Matthew. 2019. Horticulture Week. July. p. 9. |
307937 |
Building for the future: With the construction and maintenance of sports surfaces continually evolving, we look at some of the latest surface technologies and construction techniques | Young, Tom. 2019. The Groundsman [IOG]. July. p. 29-30. |
307927 |
Two years interest free from Waste2Water | Earley, Tim. 2019. GreenKeeping. July. 159: p. 16-17. |
308149 |
Use moisture meters for greater efficiency and healthier turf: The initial expense of purchasing a moisture meter may seem high, but many superintendents find that the savings from reduced water use and healthier turfgrass leads them to buy an additional meter - or meters Access Restrictions |
Karcher, Doug; Richardson, Mike; O'Brien, Daniel. 2019. Golf Course Management. July. 87(7): p. 40, 42, 44, 46. |
306646 |
Versatile vehicles: As UTV's become more popular on job sites, find out what you need to know about these all-purpose machines |
Richter, Clara. 2019. Landscape Management. July. 58(7): p. Cover, 46-47. |
307010 |
Synthetic turf 101 |
Anonymous. 2019. SportsTurf. July. 35(7): p. 30-31. |
306754 |
Airflow fertilizer spreader |
Buchen, Terry. 2019. Golf Course Industry. July. 31(7): p. 40. |
307395 |
What's trending in blowers and loaders?: Use of the walk-behind or wheeled blowers is a slowly declining market |
Whisner, Ryan. 2019. Green Industry Pros. July/August. 31(5): p. 24-28. |
308466 |
University uses robotic lawn mowers in pilot project |
Anonymous. 2019. Irrigation & Green Industry. July. 23(7): p. 8. |
307401 |
Stitch perfect: A new industry-leading machine from SIS Pitches has been used for the first time at FC Barcelona | Anonymous. 2019. PanStadia & Arena Management. 3rd Quarter. p. 14-15. |
309100 |
Green light for sustainable grass care: Recreational Systems International's UV-C grass care technology is helping in the battle against fungus, algae and related diseases | Anonymous. 2019. PanStadia & Arena Management. 3rd Quarter. p. 79. |
309103 |
Technology takeover | Kiss, Kendra. 2019. ONCourse. June. p. 18-20. |
306357 |
British Columbia Golf partners with USGA to rollout Resource Management Tool |
Anonymous. 2019. The Turf Line News. June/July. 261: p. 24. |
308998 |
Splash down: Polytan reduces synthetic pitch infill by 50% to solve issue of granulate splash | Anonymous. 2019. Stadia. June. 91: p. 4-5. |
307082 |
What putting green firmness measurements actually tell us |
O'Brien, Daniel; Karcher, Doug; Richardson, Mike. 2019. Golfdom. June. 75(6): p. 43. |
306136 |
Lightning protection for golf courses |
Faherty, Matthew. 2019. Connecticut Clippings. June. 53[52](2): p. 21. |
307703 |
5 things to know about drones: From obtaining a license to avoiding airplanes, using a drone can be beneficial to your landscaping business |
Akbay, Kent. 2019. Lawn & Landscape. June. 40(6): p. [TR]14-[TR]15. |
306215 |
Prepare not to repair irrigation: The case for HDPE pipe |
Wilkinson, Ashley. 2019. SportsTurf. June. 35(6): p. 22-25. |
306270 |
Fertigation tank filling quick & easy |
Buchen, Terry. 2019. Golf Course Industry. June. 31(6): p. 53. |
306621 |
Chemical cause for concern | Anonymous. 2019. Turf Matters. May/June. p. 15. |
306234 |
Good, better, best: OEM spec delivers perfect cut |
Anonymous. 2019. Greenkeeper International. May. p. 60-61. |
305889 |
A cut above the rest: There have been a number of innovations in mowing technology recently |
Waple, Andy. 2019. GreenKeeping. May. 157: p. 22-25. |
306457 |
Got a goose on the loose?: Meet the superintendent handler of the Gander Disbander |
Hiscock, Ed. 2019. Golfdom. May. 75(5): p. 30, 32, 34. |
305309 |
Ready for duty: Proper maintenance is important to ensure aerators are ready to perform during the time of year lawn care operators need them most |
Schappacher, Emily. 2019. Landscape Management. May. 58(5): p. 30. |
305960 |
Leading edge(ing): Manufacturers share what's new in the world of landscape edging products |
Webb, Sarah. 2019. Landscape Management. May. 58(5): p. 44, 46. |
305965 |
Irrigation innovation: If you can't find the right software for your company's irrigation management, getting inventive might be the next step |
Pesta, Danielle. 2019. Landscape Management. May. 58(5): p. 49-50. |
305966 |
Are robot mowers in your future? | Soldat, Doug; Bero, Nick. 2019. The Grass Roots. May/June. 48(3): p. 34-37. |
309985 |