Keyword: Proteins
Title | Author and Source | Category | View TGIF Record |
Effects of Cu stress on root growth and proteomics of vetiver (Vetiveria zizanioides L.) Access Restrictions |
Li, Dongheng; Wang, Huaqiu; Gu, Tianyue; Liu, Shuai; Xiong, Wenguang; Cheng, Wei. 2024. Journal of Plant Growth Regulation. October. 43(10): p. 3626-3642. |
341206 |
Characterization of an antifungal protein from the fungal endophyte of strong creeping red fescue with activity against the dollar spot pathogen | Belanger, Faith C.; Clarke, Bruce B. 2023. Mike Davis Program for Advancing Golf Course Management: 2023 Progress Reports. p. 1-5. |
336570 |
Identification of expansin genes as promoting or repressing factors for leaf elongation in tall fescue Access Restrictions |
Fan, Ningli; Xu, Qian; Yang, Zhimin; Zhuang, Lili; Yu, Jingjin; Huang, Bingru. 2023. Physiologia Plantarum. January/February. 175(1): p. e13861 [1-12]. |
336586 |
Differential regulatory pathways associated with drought-inhibition and post-drought recuperation of rhizome development in perennial grass Access Restrictions |
Ma, Xiqing; Yu, Jingjin; Zhuang, Lili; Shi, Yi; Meyer, William; Huang, Bingru. 2020. Annals of Botany. 1 September. 126(3): p. 481-497. |
315322 |
Nitrogen effect on fine fescue fiber and protein contents | Chen, Hui; Murphy, James A. 2017. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 105641. |
290303 |
A nonsynonymous substitution in the iron-sulfur protein subunit of succinate dehydrogenase (SdhB) confers SDHI fungicide resistance to Sclerotinia homoeocarpa field isolates | Popko, James T. Jr.; Sang, Hyunkyu; Yamada, Toshihiko; Jung, Geunhwa. 2017. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 106441. |
290310 |
Proteomic analysis of cold acclimation in zoysiagrass | Pruitt, Helen McCamy; Bernstein, Rachael; Lu, Jefferson; DaCosta, Michelle; Tuong, Tan D.; Arellano, Consuelo; Livingston, David P.; Milla-Lewis, Susana R. 2017. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 106486. |
290296 |
Differential profiles of membrane proteins, fatty acids, and sterols associated with genetic variations in heat tolerance for a perennial grass species, hard fescue (Festuca tachyphylla) Access Restrictions |
Wang, Jinyu; Juliani, Hector Rodolfo; Jespersen, David; Huang, Bingru. 2017. Environmental and Experimental Botany. August. 140: p. 65-75. |
286571 |
Identification of differentially expressed proteins in bermudagrass response to cold stress in the presence of ethylene Access Restrictions |
Hu, Zhengrong; Liu, Ao; Bi, Aoyue; Amombo, Erick; Gitau, Margaret Mukami; Huang, Xuebing; Chen, Liang; Fu, Jinmin. 2017. Environmental and Experimental Botany. July. 139: p. 67-78. |
286563 |
Isolation and selection of functional microbes for eco-fiendly turfgrass management in golf course from livestock manure compost |
Jeong, Je-Yong; Kim, Young-Sun; Cho, Sung-Hyun; Lee, Geung-Joo. 2017. Weed and Turfgrass Science. June. 6(2): p. 157-164. |
294088 |
Proteomics of cold acclimation in zoysiagrass | Pruitt, Helen McCamy; DaCosta, Michelle; Bernstein, Rachael; Tuong, Tan D.; Arellano, Consuelo; Livingston, David P.; Milla-Lewis, Susana R. 2016. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 99254. |
278162 |
Membrane composition and membrane proteins associated with heat tolerance in hard fescue | Wang, Jinyu; Huang, Bingru. 2015. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 92230. |
266756 |
Proteomic profile associated with heat tolerance in fine fescue | Wang, Jinyu; Jespersen, David; Huang, Bingru. 2015. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 92233. |
266938 |
Effect of root aeration on wheat plant performance and seed protein content | Javadi, Mort. 2015. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 95370. |
266805 |
Comparative proteomic and metabolomic analyses reveal mechanisms of improved cold stress tolerance in bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers.) by exogenous calcium |
Shi, Haitao; Ye, Tiantian; Zhong, Bao; Liu, Xun; Chan, Zhulong. 2014. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology. November. 56(11): p. 1064-1079. |
270366 |
Identification of a Bacillus thuringiensis Cry8Da toxin-binding glucosidase from the adult Japanese beetle, Popillia japonica Access Restrictions |
Yamaguchi, Takuya; Bando, Hisanori; Asano, Shin-ichiro. 2013. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology. June. 113(2): p. 123-128. |
243332 |
Preliminary analysis of seed storage proteins in tall fescue (Festuca Arundinacea) Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Wei, Ming; He, Yong; Jin, Qiang; Tian, Zhi-hong. 2012. [Science and Technology Vision]. 12: p. 36-38, 72. |
285685 |
Proteomic responses during cold acclimation in association with freezing tolerance of velvet bentgrass |
Espevig, Tatsiana; Xu, Chenping; Aamlid, Trygve S.; DaCosta, Michelle; Huang, Bingru. 2012. Journal of The American Society for HorticulturalScience. November. 137(6): p. 391-399. |
214723 |
Steer and plant responses to chemical suppression of seedhead emergence in toxic endophyte-infected tall fescue Access Restrictions |
Aiken, Glen E.; Goff, Ben M.; Witt, William W.; Kagan, Isabelle A.; Sleugh, Byron B.; Burch, Patrick L.; Schrick, F. Neal. 2012. Crop Science. March. 52(2): p. 960-969. |
198884 |
Tall Fescue Performance and Protein Alteration During Drought Stress Access Restrictions |
Pan, Xiaowei. 2011. M.S. Thesis: Oklahoma State University. vi, 64 pp. |
191634 |
Identification of proteins regulated by a plant growth regulator (Trinexapac-ethyl) and responsive to drought stress in Kentucky bluegrass | Xu, Chenping; Huang, Bingru. 2011. Proceedings of the Twentieth Anniversary Rutgers Turfgrass Symposium. p. 55. |
179569 |
Resistance to Rhizoctonia solani AG-2-2 (IIIB) in creeping bentgrass plants transformed with pepper esterase gene PepEST Access Restrictions |
Cho, K.-C.; Han, Y.-J.; Kim, S.-J.; Lee, S.-S.; Hwang, O.-J.; Song, P.-S.; Kim, Y.-S.; Kim, J.-I. 2011. Plant Pathology. August. 60(4): p. 631-639. |
184965 |
A medical tale - taking care of your own future | Carls, Gary. 2011. Thru the Green [Northern California]. July/August. p. 14, 16, 19. |
186334 |
Metabolic changes during cold acclimation and deacclimation in five bermudagrass varieties. I. Proline, total amino acid, protein, and dehydrin expression Access Restrictions |
Zhang, Xunzhong; Wang, Kehua; Ervin, E. H.; Waltz, C.; Murphy, T. 2011. Crop Science. March. 51(2): p. 838-846. |
177721 |
What's the most effective way to use corn gluten? |
Christians, Nick. 2011. Fine Gardening. February. 137: p. 78. |
196196 |
Heterologous expression of the Arabidopsis DREB1A/CBF3 gene enhances drought and freezing tolerance in transgenic Lolium perenne plants Access Restrictions |
Li, Xue; Cheng, Xiaoxia; Liu, Jun; Zeng, Huiming; Han, Liebao; Tang, Wei. 2011. Plant Biotechnology Reports. January. 5(1): p. 61-69. |
270293 |
Infection and colonization of bermudagrass by Ophiosphaerella herpotricha, a causal agent of spring dead spot | Walker, Nathan R.; Marek, Stephen M.; Wu, Yanqi; Smith, Damon; Mitchell, Thomas K. 2010. 2010 Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary. p. 3. |
173780 |
Proteomic and metabolic analysis of ipt-transgenic creeping bentgrass with improved heat tolerance | Xu, Yan; Gianfagna, Thomas; Huang, Bingru. 2010. Proceedings of the Nineteenth Annual Rutgers TurfgrassSymposium. p. 27. |
159452 |
Identification of proteins associated with drought tolerance and post-drought recovery in Kentucky bluegrass | Zhao, Yan; Huang, Bingru. 2010. 2010 International Annual Meetings: [Abstracts][ASA-CSSA-SSSA]. p. 58812. |
170582 |
Effect of trinexapac-ethyl foliar application on grass leaf proteome under drought stress | Xu, Chenping; Huang, Bingru. 2010. 2010 International Annual Meetings: [Abstracts][ASA-CSSA-SSSA]. p. 58834. |
170856 |
Phenotypic and genotypic variation within populations of kikuyu (Pennisetum clandestinum) in Australia | Lowe, K. F.; Bowdler, T. M; Sinclair, K.; Holton, T. A.; Skabo, S. J. 2010. Tropical Grasslands. 44: p. 84-94. |
197829 |
Intramolecular proteolytic nicking and binding of Bacillus thuringiensis Cry8Da toxin in BBMVs of Japanese beetle Access Restrictions |
Yamaguchi, Takuya; Sahara, Ken; Bando, Hisanori; Asano, Shin-ichiro. 2010. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology. November. 105(3): p. 243-247. |
242768 |
Relationships of freezing tolerance and the contents of carbohydrates, proline, protein in centipedegrass (Eremochloa ophiuroides (Munro.) Hack.) | Wang, Dan; Xuan, Ji-ping; Zhu, Xiao-chen; Wen, Ming-chao; Guo, Hai-lin; Liu, Jian-xiu. 2010. [Cao Di Sue Bao] [Acta Agrestia Sinica]. November. 18(6): p. 816-822. |
271291 |
Proteomic analysis of Zoysia matrella in response to high and low temperature stress | Huang, Jin-wen; Lin, Zheng-chun; Chen, Dong-mei; Zheng, Hong-yan; Lin, Wen-xiong. 2010. [Cao Di Sue Bao] [Acta Agrestia Sinica]. September. 18(5): p. 636-642, 650. |
271197 |
The role of peroxidases in the defense response of warm-season turfgrasses to chinch bugs | Heng-Moss, Tiffany; Gulsen, Osman; Eichkoff, Thomas; Shearman, Robert; Baxendale, Frederick. 2010. USGA Turfgrass and Environmental Research Online. June 1. 9(11): p. [1-10]. |
162859 |
Identification of proteins and genes associated with heat tolerance in Agrostis species | Huang, Bingru; Xu, Chenping; Tian, Jiang; Xu, Jichen; Belanger, Faith. 2009. Proceedings of the Eighteenth Annual Rutgers TurfgrassSymposium. p. 15. |
143766 |
Proteomic response to drought stress in Kentucky bluegrass cultivars differing in drought tolerance | Xu, Chenping; Huang, Bingru. 2009. Proceedings of the Eighteenth Annual Rutgers TurfgrassSymposium. p. 55. |
143859 |
Differential proteomic responses to salinity stress in leaves and roots of creeping bentgrass | Xu, Chenping; Huang, Bingru. 2009. 2009 International Annual Meetings: [Abstracts][ASA-CSSA-SSSA]. p. 52712. |
159163 |
Global identification of cellular and excreted proteins of Rhizoctonia solani |
Lakshman, D. K.; Natarajan, S. S.; Garrett, W. M.; Lakshman, S. 2009. Phytopathology. June Supplement. 99(6): p. S68. |
148999 |
Nutrient profile: Calcium | Soldat, Doug. 2009. The Grass Roots. March/April. 38(2): p. 22-23. |
147597 |
Development and application of molecular markers linked to heat tolerance in Agrostis species | Huang, Bingru; Belanger, Faith; Bonos, Stacy; Meyer, William. 2008. 2008 Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary. p. 32. |
143820 |
Identification of heat-responsive proteins in two Agrostis species contrasting in heat tolerance using two-dimensional electropheresis and mass spectrometry | Xu, Chenping; Huang, Bingru. 2008. Proceedings of the Seventeenth Annual Rutgers TurfgrassSymposium. p. 57. |
134554 |
Root protein expression associated with thermotolerance of geothermal and turf-type Agrostis grass species | Xu, Yan; Tian, Jiang; Huang, Bingru. 2008. Proceedings of the Seventeenth Annual Rutgers TurfgrassSymposium. p. 58. |
134560 |
Cold deacclimation of annual bluegrass and creeping bentgrass |
DaCosta, M. 2008. University of Massachusetts Turf Research Field Day. p. 132. |
184510 |
Cold-stress response of cool-season turfgrass: Antioxidant mechanism Access Restrictions |
Bhowmik, Prasanta C.; Shetty, Kalidas; Sarkar, Dipayan. 2008. p. 507-530. In: Pessarakli, Mohammad, ed. Handbook of Turfgrass Management and Physiology. Boca Raton, Florida: CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group. |
128355 |
The application of the relationship between fructan and protein for N recommendations in turfgrass | Housley, Thomas; Kongsila, Pasajee; Nemitz, Jared; Walker, Kristina; Bigelow, Cale. 2008. 2008 Joint Annual Meeting: [Abstracts][GSA/SSSA/ASA/CSSA/GCAGS/HGS]. p. 44847. |
144972 |
Differential protein expression for geothermal Agrostis scabra and turf-type Agrostis stolonifera differing in heat tolerance Access Restrictions |
Xu, Yan; Huang, Bingru. 2008. Environmental and Experimental Botany. September. 64(1): p. 58-64. |
143696 | |
The mitochondrial genome of a cytoplasmic male sterile line of perennial ryegrass Lolium perenne L. contains an integrated linear plasmid-like element |
McDermott, Paul; Connolly, Vincent; Kavanagh, Tony A. 2008. TAG: Theoretical and Applied Genetics. August. 117(3): p. 459-470. |
199772 |
Protein extraction for two-dimensional gel electrophoresis of proteomic profiling in turfgrass |
Xu, Chenping; Xu, Yan; Huang, Bingru. 2008. Crop Science. July/August. 48(4): p. 1608-1614. |
138584 |
Influence of hexazinone on 'Tifton 85' bermudagrass growth and forage quality Access Restrictions |
Wilder, B.; Ferrell, J. A.; Sellers, B. A.; MacDonald, G. E. 2008. Weed Technology. July-September. 22(3): p. 499-501. |
141396 |
The attributes of amino acids | Danneberger, Karl. 2008. Golfdom. May. 64(5): p. 28. |
136106 |
Protein fractions of Tifton 85 and rye-ryegrass due to sward management practices |
Vendramini, J. M. B.; Sollenberger, L. E.; Adesogan, A. T.; Dubeux, J. C. B. Jr.; Interrante, S. M.; Stewart, R. L. Jr.; Arthington, J. D. 2008. Agronomy Journal. March/April. 100(2): p. 463-469. |
135455 |
Cold sensitivity and biochemical adjustments in zoysiagrass under low temperature stress Access Restrictions |
Wei, Shanjun; Zhou, Yijun; Li, D. 2008. Acta Horticulturae. February. 783: p. 195-206. |
136396 |
Protein changes during heat stress in three Kentucky bluegrass cultivars differing in heat tolerance |
He, Yali; Huang, Bingru. 2007. Crop Science. November/December. 47(6): p. 2513-2520. |
130880 |
Differences in freeze tolerance of zoysiagrasses: I. Role of proteins |
Patton, Aaron J.; Cunningham, Suzanne M.; Volenec, Jeffrey J.; Reicher, Zachary J. 2007. Crop Science. September/October. 47(5): p. 2162-2169. |
128759 |
Grow playable, healthy turf: A look at factors that damage chloroplasts and the defenses that protect them | Haag, Jeff. 2007. Golf Course Industry. September. 19(8): p. 86-88, 90. |
138008 |
Minty fresh fish fertilizer |
Morris, Anne. 2007. Superintendent: The Magazine for Golf Course Superintendents. March. 6(3): p. 22. |
123543 |
The role of proteins in the freeze tolerance of zoysiagrass | Patton, Aaron; Reicher, Zac. 2006. Abstracts: 2006 International Annual Meetings [ASA/CSSA/SSSA]. p. [1]. |
119079 |
Physiological basis for difference in zoysiagrass freeze tolerance | Patton, Aaron; Reicher, Zac. 2006. 2006 Annual Report: Purdue University Turfgrass ScienceProgram. p. [1-4]. |
128838 |
Infection and colonization of bermudagrass by Ophiosphaerella herpotricha, the causal agent of spring dead spot | Walker, Nathan R. 2006. 2006 Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary. p. 18. |
119729 |
Protein induction and degradation associated with heat tolerance in agrostis species | Xu, Yan; Gao, Alice T.; Huang, Bingru. 2006. Proceedings of the Fifteenth Annual Rutgers Turfgrass Symposium. p. 47. |
109345 |
Role of proteins in cold acclimation and freeze tolerance of zoysiagrass cultivars | 2006. p. 123-146. In: Patton, Aaron J. Characterizing the Growth and Cold Hardiness of Zoysia Spp.. Ph.D. Dissertation: Purdue University. |
128479 |
Growth, physiological, and anatomical responses of creeping bentgrass cultivars to different depths of waterlogging |
Jiang, Yiwei; Wang, Kehua. 2006. Crop Science. November/December. 46(6): p. 2420-2426. |
119190 |
Physiological and biochemical responses of resistant and susceptible buffalograsses to chinch bug feeding | Heng-Moss, Tiffany M.; Baxendale, Frederick P.; Eickhoff, Thomas E.; Shearman, Robert C. 2006. USGA Turfgrass and Environmental Research Online. October 15. 5(20): p. [1-11]. |
116490 |
Protein induction and degradation associated with heat tolerance in Agrostis species | Xu, Yan; Huang, Bingru; Gao, Alice T. 2005. 2005 Annual Meeting Abstracts [ASA/CSSA/SSSA/CSSS]. p. [1]. |
107744 |
Growth and physiological responses of creeping bentgrass to saturated soil | Jiang, Yiwei; Wang, Kehua. 2005. 2005 Annual Report: Purdue University Turfgrass Science Program. p. [1-5]. |
129783 |
Biochemical changes associated with leaf senescence in creeping bentgrass | He, Yali; Liu, Xiaozhong; Huang, Bingru. 2005. Proceedings of the Fourteenth Annual Rutgers Turfgrass Symposium. p. 42. |
100745 |
Are your soils biologically tired? |
Giertych, Keith. 2005. Proceedings of the Third New Zealand Sports Turf Conference and Trade Show. 3: p. 155-161. |
141100 |
In vivo performance of a dual genetic marker, manA-gfp, in transgenic bentgrass Access Restrictions |
Fu, Daolin; Xiao, Yanmei; Muthukrishnan, Subbaratnam; Liang, George H. 2005. Genome. August. 48(4): p. 722-730. |
125518 |
Protein changes in response to heat stress in acclimated and nonacclimated creeping bentgrass |
He, Yali; Liu, Xiaozhong; Huang, Bingru. 2005. Journal of The American Society for Horticultural Science. July. 130(4): p. 521-526. |
113749 |
Variability in protein and mineral content of pasture and turfgrasses | Allen, Elaine M.; Meyer, William A.; Ralston, Sarah L. 2005. 2004 Rutgers Turfgrass Proceedings. July. 36: p. 187-191. |
109489 |
Physiological acclimation of seashore paspalum and bermudagrass to low light Access Restrictions |
Jiang, Yiwei; Carrow, Robert N.; Duncan, Ronny R. 2005. Scientia Horticulturae. May. 105(1): p. 101-115. |
136379 | |
Photosynthesis and nutritive value in leaves of three warm-season grasses before and after defoliation |
Mehaffey, M. H.; Fisher, D. S.; Burns, J. C. 2005. Agronomy Journal. May/June. 97(3): p. 755-759. |
104813 |
Changes in amino acids, protein, and protease associated with leaf senescence for creeping bentgrass under heat stress |
He, Yali; Liu, X.; Huang, B. 2004. 2004 Annual Meeting Abstracts [ASA/CSSA/SSSA/CSSS]. p. [1]. |
100534 |
Protein induction and degradation during heat acclimation and heat stress for creeping bentgrass |
He, Yali; Liu, X.; Huang, B. 2004. 2004 Annual Meeting Abstracts [ASA/CSSA/SSSA/CSSS]. p. [1]. |
103082 |
The new organics - This is not your father's manure |
Sim, David. 2004. Green is Beautiful. December. p. 19. |
125726 |
Trichoderma species-opportunistic, avirulent plant symbionts |
Harman, Gary E.; Howell, Charles R.; Viterbo, Ada; Chet, Ilan; Lorito, Matteo. 2004. Nature Reviews: Microbiology. January. 2(1): p. 43-56. |
109872 |
Physiological characteristics and molecular basis of heat tolerance in Agrostis species | Huang, Bingru. 2003. 2003 Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary. p. 27. |
93206 |
Identification and isolation of unique seed storage proteins in Lolium perenne and Lolium multiflorum for the creation of an ELISA giagnostic assay | Mangano, Marcello J.; Freeman, Glenn W. 2003. Proceedings of the Twelfth Annual Rutgers Turfgrass Symposium. 12: p. 46. |
100444 |
Protein changes in response to increasing temperatures in Agrostis species | Pote, John; Huang, Bingru. 2003. Proceedings of the Twelfth Annual Rutgers Turfgrass Symposium. 12: p. 47. |
100445 |
Expression of pokeweed antiviral proteins in creeping bentgrass | Dai, W. D.; Bonos, S.; Guo, Z.; Meyer, W. A.; Day, P. R.; Belanger, F. C. 2003. Plant Cell Reports. January. 21(5): p. 497-502. |
85755 |
Effects of single versus split annual applications of nitrogen on forage dry matter and protein yield of smooth bromegrass Access Restrictions |
Malhi, S. S.; Gill, K. S.; Heier, K.; Lickacz, J. 2002. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis. November. 33(19/20): p. 3797-3808. |
84787 |
Dry matter yield, herbage quality and persistency of equivalent populations of perennial ryegrass with and without reduced flowering. Access Restrictions |
Wilkins, P. W. 2002. Plant Breeding. October. 121(5): p. 425-428. |
83888 |
Reduced atmospheric CO2 inhibits nitrogen mobilization in Festuca rubra |
Thornton, Barry; Paterson, Eric; Kingston-Smith, Alison H.; Bollard, Andrea L.; Pratt, Shona M.; Sim, Allan. 2002. Physiologia Plantarum. September. 116(1): p. 62-72. |
117023 | |
Strain-specific monoclonal antibodies to a nontoxic tall fescue endophyte |
Hill N. S.; Hiatt E. E. III; Bouton, J. H.; Tapper, B. 2002. Crop Science. September/October. 42(5): p. 1627-1630. |
82119 |
Isolation and characterisation of laccase cDNAs from meristematic and stem tissues of ryegrass (Lolium perenne) Access Restrictions |
Gavnholt, Britta; Larsen, Knud; Rasmussen, SØren K. 2002. Plant Science. June. 162(6): p. 873-885. |
83786 |
An assessment of the ability of the stay-green phenotype in Lolium species to provide an improved protein supply for ruminants |
Kingston-Smith, Alison H.; Bollard, Andrea L.; Humphreys, Mervyn O.; Theodorou, Michael K. 2002. Annals of Botany. June. 89(6): p. 731-740. |
80980 |
Carbohydrate composition of plant materials determines N mineralisation |
Gunnarsson, Sophie; Marstorp, H^Doakan. 2002. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems. February. 62(2): p. 175-183. |
85339 | |
The role of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and glomalin in soil aggregation: Comparing effects of five plant species Access Restrictions |
Eviner, Valerie T.; Rillig, Matthias C.; Wright, Sara F. 2002. Plant and Soil. January. 238(2): p. 325-333. |
79210 |
Protein alterations in tall fescue in response to drought stress and abscisic acid |
Jiang, Yiwei; Huang, Bingru. 2002. Crop Science. January/February. 42(1): p. 202-207. |
78175 |
Bermudagrass cold hardiness: Characterization of plants for freeze tolerance and character of low temperature-induced genes | Taliaferro, Charles M. 2001. 2001 Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary. p. 28. |
78362 |
Development of improved bentgrass cultivars with herbicide resistance, enhanced disease resistance and abiotic stress tolerance through biotechnology | Belanger, Faith C. 2001. 2001 Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary. p. 36. |
78372 |
Physiological characterization of dicamba resistance in kochia | Dyer, William E.; Cranston, Harwood J.; Kern, Anthony J. 2001. Proceedings of the Western Society of Weed Science. 54: p. 53. |
76817 |
New defense strategies against turfgrass diseases | Peters, P.; Vargas, J. M. Jr. 2001. Proceedings of the 71st Annual Michigan Turfgrass Conference. 30: p. 87. |
71429 |
Predicting leaf/stem ratio and nutritive value in grazed and nongrazed big bluestem |
Smart, Alexander J.; Schacht, Walter H.; Moser, Lowell E. 2001. Agronomy Journal. November/December. 93(6): p. 1243-1249. |
77459 |
A pressure cooker method to extract glomalin from soils Access Restrictions |
Wright, S. F.; Jawson, L. 2001. Soil Science Society of America Journal. November/December. 65(6): p. 1734-1735. |
78146 |
Amino acid and protein changes during cold acclimation of green-type annual bluegrass (Poa annua L.) ecotypes |
Dionne, Julie; Castonguay, Yves; Nadeau, Paul; Desjardins, Yves. 2001. Crop Science. November/December. 41(6): p. 1862-1870. |
77176 |
Heritabilities of nutritive quality factors and interrelationships with yield in selected progenies of tall fescue Access Restrictions |
De Santis, G.; Chiaravalle, E. 2001. Plant Breeding. August. 120(4): p. 337-343. |
76568 |
Chitinases from the plant disease biocontrol agent, Stenotrophomonas maltophilia C3 |
Zhang, Z.; Yuen, G. Y.; Sarath, G.; Penheiter, A. R. 2001. Phytopathology. February. 91(2): p. 204-211. |
72189 |
Nitrogen fertilization of buffalograss |
Springer, T. L.; Taliaferro, C. M. 2001. Crop Science. January/February. 41(1): p. 139-142. |
72359 |