Keyword: Pseudococcus
Showing items 1 to 22 of 22.
Title | Author and Source | Category | View TGIF Record |
Costs and benefits of hosting Epichloë endophytes: a comparison of three haplotypes in Lolium perenne with contrasting effects on two herbivores |
Popay, Alison J.; Cox, Neil R. 2021. Grass Research. 1: p. 8 [1-10]. |
337740 |
Evaluation of buffalograss leaf pubescence and its effect on resistance to mealybugs (Hemiptera: Pseuococcidae) Access Restrictions |
Johnson-Cicalese, Jennifer; Baxendale, Frederick; Riordan, Terrance; Heng-Moss, Tiffany; Baird, Lisa. 2011. Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society. January. 84(1): p. 71-77. |
270353 |
Advances in endophytes for turf ryegrass |
Stewart, Alan; Popay, Alison. 2007. Proceedings Fourth New Zealand Turf Conference and Trade Show. p. 132-136. |
141411 |
Golf Course Turf Management: Tools and Techniques |
Quast, Danny H.; Otto, Wayne. 2004. New York: McGraw-Hill. xvii, 520 pp. |
92902 |
Identification of mealybug- (Homoptera: Pesudococciade) resistant turf type buffalograss germplasm Access Restrictions |
Johnson-Cicalese, Jennifer; Baxendale, Fredrick; Riordan, Terrance; Heng-Moss, Tiffany. 1998. Journal of Economic Entomology. February. 91(1): p. 340-346. |
42326 |
Beneficial Arthropods Associated with Buffalograss and the Influence of Rhopus nigroclavatus (Ashmead) on Buffalograss Mealybug Populations |
Heng-Moss, Tiffany Marie. 1997. M.S. Thesis: University of Nebraska. [2], vi, 84 pp. |
53397 |
Buffalograss insect pest research | Heng-Moss, T. M.; Baxendale, F. P. 1997. 1997 Turfgrass Research Report [Nebraska]. p. 57-58. |
69725 |
Non-destructive monitoring of mealybugs (Homoptera: Pseudococcidae) on Buchloe dactyloides Access Restrictions |
Heng-Moss, T. M.; Baxendale, F. P.; Johnson-Cicalese, J. M.; Riordan, T. P. 1997. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 8(Part 1): p. 997-1002. |
56121 |
Buffalograss Resistance to Mealybugs: Germplasm Evaluation, Mechanisms, and Inheritance Access Restrictions |
Johnson-Cicalese, Jennifer Mildred. 1995. Ph.D. Dissertation: University of Nebraska. ix, 91 pp. |
35772 |
Breeding, evaluation and culture of buffalograss for golf course turf | Riordan, Terrence. 1995. 1995 Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary. p. 15-17. |
31049 |
Mealybugs |
Baxendale, Frederick P.; Shetlar, David J. 1995. p. 76-77. In: Brandenburg, Rick L.; Villani, Michael G., eds. Handbook of Turfgrass Insect Pests. Lanham, Maryland: Entomological Society of America. |
174339 |
Screening turf-type buffalograss germplasm for resistance to mealybugs |
Johnson-Cicalese, Jennifer. 1994. Turfgrass Research Report for 1994 [Nebraska]. p. 33. |
37474 |
Evaluation of buffalograss leaf pubescence and its effect on mealybug host selection |
Johnson-Cicalese, Jennifer. 1994. Turfgrass Research Report for 1994 [Nebraska]. p. 33. |
37478 |
Major insect pests of turf in the U.S. |
Brandenburg, R. L.; Baker, J. R. 1994. p. 219-235. In: Leslie, Anne R., ed. Handbook of Integrated Pest Management for Turf and Ornamentals. Boca Raton, Florida: Lewis Publishers, CRC Press, Inc. |
30780 |
Resistance to mealybugs among turf-type buffalograss selections |
Johnson-Cicalese, J. M.; Riordan, T. P.; Baxendale, F. P. 1994. Agronomy Abstracts. 86: p. 182. |
41855 |
U-Nebraska grad student given '94 Musser Scholarship | Anonymous. 1994. Golf Course News. June. 5 [6](6): p. 18. |
39779 |
Tridiscus sporoboli and Trionymus sp. (Homoptera: Pseudococcidae): Potential New Mealybug pests of Buffalograss Turf |
Baxendale, F. P.; Johnson-Cicalese, J. M.; Riordan, T. P. 1994. Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society. April. 67(2): p. 169-172. |
40946 | |
Insect management |
Short, D. E.; McCarty, L. B. 1993. p. 114-122. In: McCarty, L. B.; Elliot, Monica L. Best Management Practices for Florida Golf Courses. Gainesville, FL: Department of Environmental Horticulture, University of Florida. |
35709 |
Screening buffalograss germplasm for resistance to mealybugs |
Johnson-Cicalese, J.; Baxendale, F. P.; Riordan, T. P. 1992. Turfgrass Research Report - 1992 [Nebraska]. p. 25-26. |
44822 |
The important turfgrass pests of Japan |
Hatsukade, M. 1989. Proceedings of the Sixth International Turfgrass Research Conference. p. 333-335. |
17133 |
Pests of Various Crops and Turf |
1987. p. 127-156. In: Davidson, Ralph H. Insect Pests of Farm, Garden, and Orchard. New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons. 8th Edition. |
14915 |
Insects and their control |
Schread, John C. 1954. 1954 Annual Conference Mid-Atlantic Association of GolfCourse Superintendents. p. 8-14. |
140412 |