Keyword: Pyraclostrobin
Title | Author and Source | Category | View TGIF Record |
In vitro fungicide sensitivity and effect of organic matter concentration on fungicide bioavailability in take-all root rot pathogens isolated from North Carolina Access Restrictions |
Stephens, Cameron M.; Gannon, Travis W.; Thiessen, Lindsey D.; Cubeta, Marc A.; Kerns, James P. 2023. Plant Health Progress. 24(2): p. 162-170. |
336735 |
Effects of fungicides on creeping bentgrass health and rooting characteristics under abiotic stress Access Restrictions |
Schiavon, Marco; Petelewicz, Pawel; Orlinski, Pawel M.; Baird, James H. 2022. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. June. 14(1): p. 893-901. |
321477 |
Etiology, Epidemiology, and Management of Take-all Root Rot on Golf Course Putting Greens | Stephens, Cameron Matthew. 2021. Ph.D Dissertation: North Carolina State University. xiv, 132 pp. |
313023 |
Leaching and surface runoff after fall application of fungicides on putting greens |
Aamlid, Trygve S.; Almvik, Marit; Pettersen, Trond; Bolli, Randi. 2021. Agronomy Journal. September/October. 113(5): p. 3743-3763. |
316835 |
Influence of post-application irrigation and mowing timing on fungicide fate on a United States Golf Association golf course putting green |
Stephens, Cameron M.; Kerns, James P.; Ahmed, Khalied A.; Gannon, Travis W. 2021. Journal of Environmental Quality. July/August. 50(4): p. 868-876. |
316017 |
Turfgrass management practices influence fungicide fate on golf course putting greens Access Restrictions |
Stephens, Cameron M.; Kerns, James P.; Gannon, Travis W. 2020. 7th European Turfgrass Society Conference Proceedings. p. 68-69. |
330659 |
Turfgrass management practices influence fungicide fate on golf course putting greens |
Stephens, C.; Gannon, T.; Kerns, J. P. 2020. Phytopathology. July. 110(7S): p. S1.20. |
315124 |
Case for the defence |
Anonymous. 2020. Turf Matters. January/February. p. 59. |
310417 |
Where does your fungicide go? Fungicide fate following various mowing and irrigation treatments | Stephens, Cameron; Kerns, James P.; Gannon, Travis W. 2019. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 120904. |
310341 |
Influence of nitrogen rate and timing, fungicide application method, and simulated rainfall after fungicide application on brown patch severity in tall fescue |
Butler, E. Lee; Galle, Glenn H.; Kerns, James P. 2019. Crop, Forage and Turfgrass Management. 5(1): p. 1-6. |
322579 |
Investing factors affecting fungicide performance on golf course turf | Kerns, James; Gannon, Travis. 2018. Turfgrass and Environmental Research Program: 2018 Research Summaries. p. 283-287. |
305090 |
Environmental fate of pyraclostrobin following various mowing and irrigation timings | Stephens, Cameron; Kerns, James P.; Gannon, Travis W. 2018. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 112416. |
302055 |
Risks of surface runoff and leaching of fungicides from golf greens varying in rootzone composition and amount of thatch | Aamlid, Trygve S. 2017. Research and Development Yearbook 2017 [Scandinavia]. p. 36-37. |
296762 |
Physiological and pathogenic contributors to the summer decline of roughstalk bluegrass |
Thompson, Cole; Kennelly, Megan; Fry, Jack; Sousek, Matt; Reicher, Zac. 2017. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 13: p. 1-9. |
287827 |
Evaluating the visual effects of oxidative stress on strobilurin fungicide treated soybeans | Haarmann, Jesse; Marshall, Jack. 2016. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 102889. |
278583 |
Evaluation of fungicides applied for brown patch control on a tall fescue lawn in Raleigh, North Carolina, 2015 Access Restrictions |
Kerns, J. P.; Butler, E. L.; Soika, M. D.; Ploetz, J. N. 2016. PDMR: Plant Disease Management Reports. 10: p. T013. |
270990 |
Limited transpiration under high vapor pressure deficits of creeping bentgrass by application of Daconil-Action® Access Restrictions |
Shekoofa, Avat; Rosas-Anderson, Pablo; Carley, Danesha S.; Sinclair, Thomas R.; Rufty, Thomas W. 2016. Planta. February. 243(2): p. 421-427. |
269648 |
Anthracnose suppression on golf course fairways |
Soper, Sam; Schweiger, Bruce; Koch, Paul. 2015. 2015 Summer Fungicide Research Reports [Wisconsin]. p. [1-2]. |
278529 |
Dollar spot suppression using strobilurin fungicides |
Soper, Sam; Schweiger, Bruce; Koch, Paul. 2015. 2015 Summer Fungicide Research Reports [Wisconsin]. p. [1-2]. |
278668 |
How fungicides affect turfgrass phylloplane microbes | Doherty, Joseph; Botti-Marino, Megan; Ritchie, David; Kerns, James; Roberts, Joseph. 2015. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 92901. |
267134 |
Spatial and temporal distribution of fungicides applied to creeping bentgrass |
Hockemeyer, Kurt R.; Latin, Richard. 2015. Journal of Environmental Quality. May/June. 44(3): p. 841-848. |
258862 |
Turfgrass pathology research roundup | Koch, Paul. 2015. The Grass Roots. January/February. 44(1): p. 24-26. |
254538 |
Poa trivialis: Physiological and Pathological Components of Summer Decline, and Cultural, Selective, and Non-Selective Control Methods | Thompson, Cole S. 2014. Ph.D. Dissertation: Kansas State University. xvi, 143 pp. |
236704 |
Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Fungicides Applied to Creeping Bentgrass Access Restrictions |
Hockemeyer, Kurt Ronald. 2014. M.S. Thesis: Purdue University. x, 56 pp. |
258367 |
Brown patch control using fungicides on a mixed colonial bentgrass and annual bluegrass fairway, 2013 Access Restrictions |
Aynardi, Brian; Uddin, W. 2014. PDMR: Plant Disease Management Reports. 8: p. T017. |
248031 |
Evaluation of fungicides for control of leaf spot on bermudagrass, 2013 Access Restrictions |
Payne, A. F.; Walker, N. R. 2014. PDMR: Plant Disease Management Reports. 8: p. T039. |
248456 |
In vitro fungicide sensitivity of Rhizoctonia and Waitea isolates collected from turfgrasses | Amaradasa, Bimal S.; Lakshman, Dilip; McCall, David S.; Horvath, Brandon J. 2014. Journal of Environmental Horticulture. September. 32(3): p. 126-132. |
270211 |
BASF unveils Xzemplar and Lexicon Intrinsic |
Keese, Renee J. 2014. Golfdom. January. 70(1): p. 42-44. |
235512 |
Non-Target Effects of Strobilurin Fungicide Applications on Creeping Bentgrass Putting Greens During Summer Stress | Benelli, Jesse J. 2013. M.S. Thesis: The University of Tennessee. xxv, 90 pp. |
281123 |
Plant health product for putting greens demonstration trial | Ervin, E. H.; Dickerson, J.; McCall, David. 2013. 2013 Virginia Turfgrass Field Days Research Update. p. 16-17. |
244875 |
Evaluation of boscalid for early dollar spot control on 'Penn A4' creeping bentgrass | Earlywine, Daniel; Miller, Lee. 2013. Turfgrass and Ornamental Field Day [Missouri]. p. 30. |
244941 |
Physiological and pathological contributors to rough bluegrass decline |
Thompson, Cole; Fry, Jack; Kennelly, Megan. 2013. K-State Turfgrass Research 2013. p. 37-41. |
225537 |
Evaluation of fungicides for curative control of red thread disease in perennial ryegrass, 2012 Access Restrictions |
Fidanza, M.; Moretti, M. 2013. PDMR: Plant Disease Management Reports. 7: p. T013. |
217621 |
Timing, temperature & spring putting green response to fall N+PGR treatments |
Anonymous. 2013. Pennsylvania Turfgrass. Winter. 3(1): p. 21. |
249172 |
Residual efficacy of fungicides for controlling brown patch on creeping bentgrass fairways |
Daniels, John P.; Latin, Richard. 2013. Plant Disease. December. 97(12): p. 1620-1625. |
233451 |
Response of systemic fungicides of Rhizoctonia spp. causing Rhizoctonia blight on turfgrass |
Chang, Taehyun; Lee, Seong Jun. 2013. Weed and Turfgrass Science. December. 2(4): p. 387-394. |
265265 |
Fast-acting fungicides: BASF says Xzemplar and Lexicon Intrinsic work quickly to control dollar spot and other diseases |
Aylward, Larry. 2013. SportsField Management. November. 8(11): p. 28. |
233084 |
Evaluation of fungicides to effectively control the buffalograss false smut causal pathogen |
Amaradasa, B.; Amundsen, K. 2013. Phytopathology. September. 103(9S): p. S3.1-S3.2. |
228239 |
Seeing is believing: An assist from fungicides can help get grass through the summer as long as it's one part of a greater holistic plan |
Jones, Seth. 2013. Golfdom. June. 69(6): p. 26-28, 30. |
223092 |
Separate the pretenders from the contenders |
Kalik, Rich. 2013. Golfdom. May. 69(5): p. 20. |
220759 |
Impact of strobilurin applications on season long turfgrass health |
Horvath, Brandon. 2013. Golfdom. April. 69(4): p. 35. |
219609 |
Residual Efficacy of Fungicides for Controlling Brown Patch Access Restrictions |
Daniels, John P. 2012. M.S. Thesis: Purdue University. viii, 49 pp. |
234867 |
Fungicides can mitigate summer stress and mechanical injury in creeping bentgrass greens, 2012 |
Dernoeden, Peter H. 2012. 2012 TurfgrassPathology, Weed Science and Management ResearchSummaries. p. 1-7. |
225573 |
Preventative fungicide applications for the control of brown patch at fairway height, 2011 Access Restrictions |
Koch, P. L.; Kerns, J. P. 2012. PDMR: Plant Disease Management Reports. 6: p. T007. |
203926 |
Brown patch control in a colonial bentgrass fairway using fungicides, 2011 Access Restrictions |
Aynardi, B.; Li, Y.; Rahman, A.; Uddin, W. 2012. PDMR: Plant Disease Management Reports. 6: p. T036. |
203928 |
Evaluation of fungicides for brown patch, dollar spot, and copper spot control on creeping bentgrass, 2011 Access Restrictions |
Earlywine, D.; Miller, G. L. 2012. PDMR: Plant Disease Management Reports. 6: p. T025. |
203979 |
Control of dollar spot on a mixed creeping bentgrass/annual bluegrass putting green, 2011 Access Restrictions |
Aynardi, B.; Rahman, A.; Li, Y.; Uddin, W. 2012. PDMR: Plant Disease Management Reports. 6: p. T033. |
204037 |
Efficacy of fungicides in controlling anthracnose basal rot in a putting green, 2011 Access Restrictions |
Aynardi, B.; Li, Y.; Rahman, A.; Uddin, W. 2012. PDMR: Plant Disease Management Reports. 6: p. T037. |
204049 |
Curative effect of fungicides on gray leaf spot in a perennial ryegrass fairway, 2011 Access Restrictions |
Aynardi, B.; Rahman, A.; Li, Y.; Uddin, W. 2012. PDMR: Plant Disease Management Reports. 6: p. T038. |
204056 |
Evaluation of fungicides for control of Pythium foliar blight in perennial ryegrass, 2011 Access Restrictions |
Aynardi, B.; Li, Y.; Rahman, A.; Uddin, W. 2012. PDMR: Plant Disease Management Reports. 6: p. T039. |
204058 |
Evaluation of fungicide, application timing, and foliage wetness on control of brown patch of tall fescue in Oklahoma, 2011 Access Restrictions |
Smith, D. L.; Walker, N. R. 2012. PDMR: Plant Disease Management Reports. 6: p. T003. |
204062 |
Fungicidal control of large patch on 'Cavalier' zoysiagrass in Arkansas, 2010 to 2011 Access Restrictions |
Richardson, M. D.; McCalla, J. H.; Karcher, D. E.; Spurlock, T. N. 2012. PDMR: Plant Disease Management Reports. 6: p. T040. |
204077 |
Fungicidal control of large patch on 'El Toro' zoysiagrass in Arkansas, 2010 to 2011 Access Restrictions |
Richardson, M. D.; McCalla, J. H.; Karcher, D. E.; Spurlock, T. N. 2012. PDMR: Plant Disease Management Reports. 6: p. T041. |
204082 |
Preventive fairy ring control on putting greens: Several DMI fungicides can be effective for preventive control of fairy ring on creeping bentrass greens Access Restrictions |
Miller, Gerald L.; Soika, Michael D.; Tredway, Lane P. 2012. Golf Course Management. December. 80(12): p. 74-76, 78, 80, 82. |
214108 |
BASF Summit offers future of plant health: Plant health label will soon expand beyond fungicides |
Nepper, Will. 2012. Golfdom. July. 68(7): p. 6. |
208906 |
Industry insight: Synchronizing disease management and aerification with intrinsic brand fungicides shows improved turfgrass recovery |
Miller, Kyle. 2012. Hole Notes. January/February. 44(1): p. 23. |
199169 |
Control of brown patch on tall fescue lawns |
Koch, Paul; Soper, Sam; Van Ryzin, Ben; Soper, Jacob; Kerns, Jim. 2011. 2011 Summer Fungicide Research Reports [Wisconsin]. p. [1-2]. |
275618 |
Control of summer patch on golf course fairways |
Koch, Paul; Soper, Sam; Van Ryzin, Ben; Soper, Jacob; Kerns, Jim. 2011. 2011 Summer Fungicide Research Reports [Wisconsin]. p. [1-3]. |
275624 |
Evaluation of BASF spray program for summer disease control in Providence creeping bentgrass green, 2011 | Dernoeden, P. H.; Ryan, C. P. 2011. 2011 Turfgrass Pathology, Weed Science and Management Research Summaries. p. 11-15. |
225716 |
Can fungicides mitigate summer stress and mechanical injury in an immature creeping bentgrass green? | Dernoeden, P. H.; Ryan, C. P. 2011. 2011 Turfgrass Pathology, Weed Science and Management Research Summaries. p. 16-27. |
225718 |
Can fungicides mitigate summer stress and mechanical injury in an immature creeping bentgrass green? | Dernoeden, P. H.; Ryan, C. P. 2011. 2011 USGA Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary. p. 36. |
195556 |
Evaluation of brown patch control with fungicides on creeping bentgrass | Earlywine, Daniel; Miller, Lee. 2011. University of Missouri Turf & Ornamental Field Day [2011]. p. 51. |
199490 |
Watering in fungicides and impacts on dollar spot control | Roberts, Joseph; Tredway, Lane; Clarke, Bruce B.; Soika, Mike. 2011. 2011 International Annual Meetings: [Abstracts][ASA-CSSA-SSSA]. p. 67593. |
192852 |
Evaluation of strobilurin fungicide applications for plant health benefits | Benelli, Jesse J.; Horvath, Brandon; Brosnan, James; Kopsell, Dean. 2011. 2011 International Annual Meetings: [Abstracts][ASA-CSSA-SSSA]. p. 68212. |
193153 |
Brown patch control on a colonial bentgrass and annual bluegrass fairway, summer 2010 Access Restrictions |
Campbell-Nelson, K.; Jung, G.; Popko, J.; Ho Ok, C. 2011. PDMR: Plant Disease Management Reports. 5: p. T029. |
178418 |
Practical science for stress |
Staal, Thavy. 2011. Golfdom. June. 67(6): p. 16. |
187913 |
A super's touch: As a plant health gains traction in the industry, superintendents gain knowledge on the subject |
Williams, Anthony L. 2011. Golfdom. June. 67(6): p. 18-21. |
187914 |
Beyond pest control: Increased chlorophyll content, greater leaf density, better rooting: Turf scientists discuss what they are seeing in some chemical applications |
Throssell, Clark. 2011. Golfdom. May. 67(5): p. 22-25. |
187888 |
Real world science focused for superintendents |
Staal, Thavy. 2011. Golfdom. April. 67(4): p. 28. |
187775 |
Station #13: Influence of post application irrigation on QoI and DMI fungicide efficacy for controlling take-all patch on a creeping bentgrass putting green |
Inguagiato, J. C.; Blake, R.; Bade, E.; Knox, K.; Kaminski, J. E. 2010. 2010 UCONN Turfgrass Field Day Research Program and Summaries [Connecticut]. p. 30-32. |
183688 |
Control of Bipolaris leaf spot on a golf course fairway | Koch, Paul; Huncosky, Tom; Soper, Sam; Van Ryzin, Ben; Kerns, Jim. 2010. 2010 Wisconsin Turfgrass Research Reports. 28: p. [126-127]. |
245045 |
Preventative fungicide applications for control of dollar spot and brown patch on creeping bentgrass in Kansas, 2009 Access Restrictions |
Kennelly, M.; Thompson, C. 2010. PDMR: Plant Disease Management Reports. 4: p. T001. |
163610 |
Evaluation of strobilurin fungicides and control of dollar spot in creeping bentgrass greens, 2009 Access Restrictions |
Rimelspach, J. W.; Hicks, T. E.; Mefferd, M. A.; Boehm, M. J. 2010. PDMR: Plant Disease Management Reports. 4: p. T003. |
163614 |
Preventative fungicide applications for the control of dollar spot at putting green height, 2009 Access Restrictions |
Koch, P. L.; Kerns, J. P. 2010. PDMR: Plant Disease Management Reports. 4: p. T012. |
163622 |
Efficacy of fungicides for control of dollar spot of creeping bentgrass on a sand-based green, 2009 Access Restrictions |
Vincelli, P.; Dixon, E.; Williams, D.; Burrus, P. 2010. PDMR: Plant Disease Management Reports. 4: p. T029 [1-2]. |
163639 |
Efficacy of fungicides for control of brown patch of creeping bentgrass on a sand-based green, 2009 Access Restrictions |
Vincelli, P.; Dixon, E.; Williams, D.; Burrus, P. 2010. PDMR: Plant Disease Management Reports. 4: p. T030 [1-3]. |
163641 |
Controlling brown patch on creeping bentgrass with fungicides, 2009 Access Restrictions |
Patton, A. J.; Trappe, J. M. 2010. PDMR: Plant Disease Management Reports. 4: p. T035. |
163645 |
Evaluation of registered and experimental fungicides for control of summer patch in Kentucky bluegrass, 2009 Access Restrictions |
Soika, M. D.; Tredway, L. P. 2010. PDMR: Plant Disease Management Reports. 4: p. T020. |
163649 |
Evaluation of Civitas for control of gray leaf spot in Virginia, 2009 Access Restrictions |
McCall, D. S.; Focht, J. T. 2010. PDMR: Plant Disease Management Reports. 4: p. T015. |
163651 |
Control of brown patch and gray leaf spot with granular fungicides on a tall fescue landscape, 2009 Access Restrictions |
Soika, M. D.; Tredway, L. P. 2010. PDMR: Plant Disease Management Reports. 4: p. T019 [1,2]. |
163654 |
Efficacy of fungicides for control of large patch on zoysiagrass, 2009 Access Restrictions |
Jo, Y.; Mao, X.; Camerino, A. 2010. PDMR: Plant Disease Management Reports. 4: p. T018. |
163656 |
Evaluation of fungicides for control of large patch of Zoysiagrass in Oklahoma, 2008-2009 Access Restrictions |
Smith, D. L.; Walker, N. R. 2010. PDMR: Plant Disease Management Reports. 4: p. T032. |
163657 |
Preventative fungicide applications for the control of dollar spot at putting green height, 2009 Access Restrictions |
Koch, Paul; Kerns, J. P. 2010. PDMR: Plant Disease Management Reports. 4: p. T012. |
169587 |
Control of Drechslera leaf spot/melting-out of Kentucky bluegrass with fungicides, 2009 Access Restrictions |
Uddin, W.; Benelli, J.; Aynardi, B.; Li, Y. 2010. PDMR: Plant Disease Management Reports. 4: p. T049. |
169602 |
Control of rapid blight in Poa trivialis overseeded Bermudagrass, 2009 Access Restrictions |
Olsen, M. W.; Gilbert, J. 2010. PDMR: Plant Disease Management Reports. 4: p. T045. |
169603 |
Management of gray leaf spot in perennial ryegrass turf with fungicide, 2009 Access Restrictions |
Uddin, W.; Benelli, J.; Aynardi, B.; Li, Y. 2010. PDMR: Plant Disease Management Reports. 4: p. T047. |
169605 |
Control of brown patch and gray leaf spot with granular fungicides on a tall fescue landscape, 2009 Access Restrictions |
Soika, M. D.; Tredway, L. P. 2010. PDMR: Plant Disease Management Reports. 4: p. T019 [1-2]. |
169608 |
Nature's cure: Graham Paul offers some useful fungicide advice, which can also go towards building your BASIS Points |
Paul, Graham. 2010. Greenkeeper International. October. p. 40-41. |
198568 |
Fairy ring identification, symptoms, development and cultural and chemical control | Anonymous. 2010. Hole Notes. September. 42(8): p. 9-10. |
188787 |
BASF's Intrinsic line takes aim at plant health | Reitman, John. 2010. September 23. p. [1-2]. |
170179 |
2010 and forward |
Staal, Thavy. 2010. Golfdom. May. 66(5): p. 16. |
169225 |
Rooted in science |
Keese, Renee J. 2010. Golfdom. April. 66(4): p. 30. |
168771 |
From research to reality |
Staal, Thavy. 2010. Golfdom. March. 66(3): p. 34. |
168786 |
Preventative fungicide application for foliar pythium blight control on perennial ryegrass seedling stand: July-August 2008 |
Dowgiewicz, Jason; Popko, James; Jung, Geunhwa. 2009. University of Massachusetts Turf Research Field Day. p. 121-122. |
184855 |
Dollar spot (Sclerotinia homeocarpa) control using organic and synthetic fungicide combinations | Marvin, J. W.; McCarty, Lambert; Martin, S. B.; Liu, Haibo; Toler, J. E. 2009. 2009 International Annual Meetings: [Abstracts][ASA-CSSA-SSSA]. p. 55556. |
159070 |
Evaluation of Insignia fungicide and surfactants for curative control of southern blight in southern California, 2007 |
Wong, F. P.; Rios, J. C. 2009. PDMR: Plant Disease Management Reports. 3: p. T004. |
154516 |
Evaluation of fungicide applications for control of dollar spot on creeping bentgrass, 2008 |
Kennelly, M. M. 2009. PDMR: Plant Disease Management Reports. 3: p. T029. |
155235 |
Evaluation of fungicides for preventive control of fairy ring on an annual bluegrass green in Chicago, 2006 |
Settle, D.; Kane, R.; Miller, L. 2009. PDMR: Plant Disease Management Reports. 3: p. T031. |
155237 |
Evaluation of fungicides for curative control of southern blight in southern California, 2007 |
Wong, F. P.; Rios, J. C. 2009. PDMR: Plant Disease Management Reports. 3: p. T034. |
155245 |
Evaluation of DMI fungicide safety for application to ultradwarf bermudagrass putting greens, 2008 |
Soika, M. D.; Tredway, L. P. 2009. PDMR: Plant Disease Management Reports. 3: p. T035 [1]-T035 [2]. |
155247 |