Keyword: Pythium diseases
Title | Author and Source | Category | View TGIF Record |
Turfgrass diseases and their control |
Sturgeon, R. V. Jr. 1977. Proceedings: 31st Oklahoma Turfgrass Conference. p. [19], [21], [23], [25], [27], [29]. |
252154 |
Control of Pythium Blight with Experimental Fungicides, 1977 |
Burpee, L. L.; Cole, H. Jr.; Sanders, P. L. 1977. Fungicide and Nematicide Tests. 33: p. 148. |
17011 |
Control of Pythium Blight with Systemic Fungicides, 1976. |
Burpee, L. L.; Sanders, P. L.; Cole, H. Jr.; Duich, J. M. 1977. Fungicide and Nematicide Tests. 32: p. 154. |
16606 |
Duration of Pythium Blight Suppression with Experimental Systemic Fungicides, 1976. |
Sanders, P. L.; Burpee, L. L.; Cole, H. Jr. 1977. Fungicide and Nematicide Tests. 32: p. 156-157. |
16609 |
Turf disease identification, control and research update |
Freeman, T. E. 1977. Proceedings of the Florida Turfgrass Conference. 25: p. 102-104. |
34664 |
Escalating problems of the golf course turf: The disease disaster of 1977 | Zolman, Vaclav. 1977. The Bull Sheet. October. 31(5): p. [16-17]. |
130824 |
[How important is the use of Koban seed and is it necessary to use additional Koban treatments after seeding with treated seed?] | Brown, Max A. 1977. The South Florida Green. October. 4(4): p. 8. |
268922 |
Variable Dollarspot Tolerance and Pythium Blight Stimulation With Benzimidazole Fungicides in Turfgrasses Access Restrictions |
Warren, Clifford Goldberg. 1976. Ph.D. Thesis: The Pennsylvania State University. v, 63 pp. |
17734 |
Disease identification and control on bentgrass golf greens | Colbaugh, Phillip F. 1976. Proceedings of the 31stAnnual Texas Turfgrass Conference. p. 75-78. |
87633 |
What's new from research--diseases |
Freeman, T. E. 1976. Proceedings of the 24th Annual Florida Turf-Grass. 24: p. 82. |
30810 |
Pythium control in turfgrass in laboratory and greenhouse tests |
Mc Coy, Randolph E. 1975. Proceedings of the Florida Turfgrass Conference. 23: p. 106-110. |
38145 |
Turfgrass disease |
Blasingame, Don. 1975. Quarterly News Bulletin of the Southern Turfgrass Association. August. p. 9-11. |
292507 |
Pythium blight of overseeded turf |
Blasingame, Don. 1975. Quarterly News Bulletin of the Southern Turfgrass Association. February. p. [12]. |
292480 |
Influence of nitrogen fertilization on severity of pythium blight of ryegrass Access Restrictions |
Freeman, T. R. [E.]. 1974. Proceedings of the Second International Turfgrass Research Conference. p. 335-338. |
225413 |
Bentgrass (Agrostis palustris): Brown patch; Rhizoctonia solani, Pythium blight; Pythium sp. (222) |
Young, H. C. Jr.; Williams, Ervin, Jr.; Raymundo, S. A. 1974. Fungicide and Nematicide Tests. 30: p. 121-122. |
16285 |
Turfgrass; Bentgrass (Agrostis sp.): Pythium blight; Pythium sp. (227) |
Cole, Herbert; Lyons, Clyde E. 1974. Fungicide and Nematicide Tests. 30: p. 124. |
16300 |
Turfgrass; mixed creeping and colonial bentgrass (Agrostis palustris and A. tenuis): Pythium blight; Pythium sp. (228) |
Cole, Herbert, Jr.; Warren, C. G.; Sanders, Patricia. 1974. Fungicide and Nematicide Tests. 30: p. 124. |
16301 |
Turfgrass (Agrostis palustris): Pythium blight; Pythium sp. (229) |
Cole, Herbert, Jr.; Sanders, Patricia; Warren, C. G. 1974. Fungicide and Nematicide Tests. 30: p. 125. |
16302 |
Turfgrass (Agrostis palustris): Pythium blight; Pythium sp. (230) |
Cole, Herbert, Jr.; Sanders, Patricia; Warren, C. G. 1974. Fungicide and Nematicide Tests. 30: p. 125. |
16308 |
Turfgrass (Agrostis palustris): Pythium blight; Pythium sp. (231) |
Cole, Herbert, Jr.; Sanders, Patricia; Warren, C. G. 1974. Fungicide and Nematicide Tests. 30: p. 125-126. |
16310 |
Turfgrass (Agrostis palustris): Pythium blight; Pythium sp. (232) |
Cole, Herbert, Jr.; Sanders, Patricia; Warren, C. G. 1974. Fungicide and Nematicide Tests. 30: p. 126. |
16311 |
1973 - The problems of warm weather |
Cole, Herb. 1974. Rutgers Turfgrass Proceedings January 1974. January. 5: p. 23-26. |
88243 |
Heat tolerant bentgrass |
Kneebone, William R. 1973. Proceedings of the 1973 Arizona Turfgrass Conference. p. 18-21. |
88081 |
Why drought stress favors the development of Helminthosporium sativum on bluegrass Access Restrictions |
Colbaugh, P. F.; Endo, R. M. 1973. Abstracts of Papers Presented at the Second International Turfgrass Research Conference. p. 23. |
269903 |
Disease and weather observations |
Miller, Louis E. 1973. Proceedings of the 1973 Midwest Regional Turf Foundation Conference. p. 43-45. |
88813 |
Diseases of bermudagrass and overseeded grasses |
Miller, R. T. 1973. Proceedings of the Florida Turfgrass Management Conference. 21: p. 62-64. |
88317 |
Diseases of other warm season turfgrasses |
Frederiksen, Stan. 1973. Proceedings of the Florida Turfgrass Management Conference. 21: p. 65-73. |
88320 |
The year of extremes - 1973 |
Moore, Sherwood A. 1973. Tee to Green [New York]. October. 2(24[25]): p. 4. |
283682 |
Diseases of tropical grasses and ornamentals | McCoy, R. E. 1973. The South Florida Green. October. 1(1): p. 5-6. |
268853 |
Diseases of the Home Lawn |
Cole, Herbert Jr. 1973. Plants & Gardens: The Home Lawn Handbook. Spring. 29(1): p. 32-42. |
14423 |
The Effects of Criconemoides lobatum, Pythium irregulare and Pythium torulosum on "Penncross" Bentgrass |
Wilson, Gary Henry. 1972. M.S. Thesis, University of Georgia. 10 pp. |
18277 |
Groddbrandsangrepp p^Doa turfgräs (Seedling diseases of turfgrasses) |
Lundin, Per. 1972. Weibulls Gräs-Tips. December. 15: p. 27. |
87435 |
Taking the offensive against Pythium Access Restrictions |
Kaerwer, Howard E. 1972. The Golf Superintendent. October/November. 40(9): p. 27-29. |
116325 |
Fusarium blight of centipede grass | Subirats, F. J.; Self, R. L. 1972. Plant Disease Reporter. January. 56(1): p. 42-44. |
1438 |
Experiences with spring dead spot and pythium |
Frederiksen, Stan. 1970. Summary of Proceedings: Tenth Virginia TurfgrassConference. October. 10: p. 20-25. |
106431 |
Turfgrass disease control | McCain, Arthur H.; Endo, R. M. 1970. Southern California Turfgrass Culture. July. 20(3): p. 20-22. |
82496 |
More on pythium blight Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 1970. The Golf Superintendent. February. 38(2): p. 56. |
113782 |
Recent developments in turf |
Deal, Elwyn E. 1969. Summary of Proceedings Annual Conference of the Mid-Atlantic Association of Golf Course Superintendents. p. 19-20. |
165943 |
Pythium and Fusarium blight |
Bean, George A. 1969. Summary of Proceedings Annual Conference of the Mid-Atlantic Association of Golf Course Superintendents. p. 28-29. |
165947 |
Overwintering diseases of turfgrasses | Smith, J. Drew. 1969. Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Northwest TurfgrassConference. p. 65-78. |
100607 |
Turfgrass diseases |
Britton, M. P. 1969. p. 288-335. In: Turfgrass Science. American Society of Agronomy. |
7491 |
Diseases of Cereals and Grasses Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Nilsson, H. E. 1969. Rapport, Institutionen for Vaxtodling, Sveriges. 35(3): p. 275. |
16686 | |
Chloroneb, a foliage fungicide for control of cottony blight of ryegrass | Wells, Homer D. 1969. Plant Disease Reporter. July. 53(7): p. 528-529. |
13172 |
The pythium blight problem |
Mahone, R. D.; Dieter, Lee C.; Firebaugh, Ralph W.; Couch, H. B. 1969. Summary of Proceedings: Ninth Virginia TurfgrassConference. June. 9: p. 59-62. |
104306 |
Control of Pythium blight Access Restrictions |
Freeman, T. E.; Meyers, H. G. 1969. The Golf Superintendent. May. 37(5): p. 24-25, 44-45. |
117663 |
60 days of trouble with Pythium blight | Alexander, Paul M. 1969. USGA Green Section Record. May. 7(3): p. 6-8. |
36163 |
Pythium blight control in bentgrass |
Wadsworth, D. F. 1969. Phytopathology. February. 59(2): p. 119. |
241650 |
1968 Cornell Recommendations for Turfgrass: For Professional Turfgrass Operators and Superintendents | Cornman, John F.; Weidhass, John A.; Harrison, M. B. 1968. Ithaca, New York: New York State College of Agriculture, Cornell University. [4] pp. |
125382 |
Factors influencing turfgrass disease development | Britton, M. P. 1968. 9th Turfgrass Conference Proceedings [Illinois]. p. 1-6. |
88018 |
Golf Course Superintendents Associations' of America public relations' firm at work | Anonymous. 1968. The Bull Sheet. October. 22(5): p. [6]. |
129897 |
[Fall recovery] Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 1968. The Golf Superintendent. September/October. 36(9): p. 40. |
114086 |
Recognizing turfgrass diseases | Frederiksen, Stan; Weihing, John L. 1968. Southern California Turfgrass Culture. July. 18(3): p. 18-22. |
82375 |
1967 Cornell Recommendations for Turfgrass: For Professional Turfgrass Operators and Superintendents | Cornman, John F.; Weidhass, John A.; Harrison, M. B. 1967. Ithica, New York: Cooperative Extension, New York State College of Agriculture, Cornell University. [4] pp. |
125379 |
Evaluation of turf fungicides |
Freeman, T. E. 1967. Proceedings of the FloridaTurf-Grass Management Conference. 15: p. 102-104. |
88984 |
Disease resistance in cool-season forage, range, and turf grasses |
Braverman, Samuel W. 1967. Botanical Review. October-December. 33(4): p. 329-378. |
136845 | |
Pythium fungicides Access Restrictions |
Freeman, T. E.; Horn, G. C. 1967. The Golf Superintendent. February. 35(2): p. 58, 60-61. |
114115 |
Use of fungicides in controlling turfgrass diseases. Part III Access Restrictions |
Gould, Charles J. 1967. The Golf Superintendent. January. 35(1): p. 18, 20, 22, 74. |
114094 |
Disease control in fine turfgrasses |
Callahan, L. M. 1966. Proceedings of the Turf and Landscape Clinic [Tennessee]. p. 4-7. |
239382 |
Relationship between soil moisture, nutrition and severity of turfgrass diseases Access Restrictions |
Couch, Houston B. 1966. The Journal of the Sports Turf Research Institute. 42: p. 54-64. |
75111 |
The selection and use of fungicides for disease control on bentgrass | Britton, M. P. 1965. 6th Turfgrass Conference Proceedings [Illinois]. p. [1-4]. |
88265 |
Fungicides used for turfgrass disease control in the U.S.A. Access Restrictions |
Gould, Charles J. 1965. The Journal of the Sports Turf Research Institute. 41: p. 32-39. |
75097 |
Turfgrass Disease Control |
McCain, Arthur H.; Endo, R. M. 1965. [Berkeley, California]: University of California. 6 pp. |
122445 |
Disease attacks instigate joint meeting of midwest officials Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 1964. The Golf Course Reporter. September/October. 32(9): p. 58. |
126960 |
Progress report on methyl arsine oxide Access Restrictions |
Adams, Peter B.; Howard, Frank L. 1964. The Golf Course Reporter. May. 32(5): p. 32, 34. |
126982 |
Age of ryegrass in relation to damage by Pythium aphanidermatum Access Restrictions |
Freeman, T. E. 1963. Plant Disease Reporter. September 15. 47(9): p. 844. |
241224 |
Ice sheet damage in the Midwest Access Restrictions |
Woehrle, Theodore W. 1963. Summary of Papers Presented at the 34th International Turf-Grass Conference. February. p. 3. |
130333 |
Effect of nutrition, pH, soil temperature, air temperature, and soil moisture on Pythium blight of Highland bentgrass |
Moore, Laurence D.; Couch, Houston B.; Bloom, James R. 1963. Phytopathology. January. 53(1): p. 53-57. |
241545 |
Part 2: Cottony blight disease Access Restrictions |
Wells, Homer D. 1962. Summary of Papers Presented at the 33rd InternationalTurf-Grass Conference. p. 11. |
128688 |
Turf-grass diseases: Part 3: Cottony blight disease Access Restrictions |
Wells, Homer D. 1962. The Golf Course Reporter. May. 30(5): p. 33, 36, 38-39. |
126741 |
Diseases of turf |
Arnold, E. H.; Brien, R. M. 1961. p. 71-76. In: Turf Culture. Palmerston North, NZ: The New Zealand Institute for Turf Culture. |
26080 |
Effects of temperature on cottony blight of ryegrass |
Freeman, T. E. 1960. Phytopathology. August. 50(8): p. 575. |
241233 |
Some common causes of turf failure in Southern California | Endo, R. M. 1960. California Turfgrass Culture. July. 10(3): p. 22. |
64962 |
Turf Disease Handbook |
Mallinckrodt Chemical Works. 1957. St. Louis, Missouri: Mallinckrodt Chemical Works. 27 pp. |
76587 |
Grass disease Access Restrictions |
Klomparens, William. 1957. The Golf Course Reporter. Special. 25: p. 45-46. |
70532 |
Research contributions to golf course maintenance Access Restrictions |
Radko, Alexander. 1957. The Golf Course Reporter. Special. 25: p. 48-49. |
70537 |
Results of turf disease survey and control studies: II Evaluation of fungicides for the control of cottony blight and Helminthosporium turf spots on ryegrass | Wells, Homer D. 1956. Proceedings Tenth Annual Southeastern Turfgrass Conference. p. 30-38. |
94701 |
Results of a southern turfgrass disease survey and control studies |
Robinson, B. P.; Wells, Homer D. 1956. Agronomy Abstracts. p. 91. |
108514 |
Lawn grass diseases: How to recognize common diseases of lawns and best methods for controlling them |
Klomparens, William. 1956. Plants & Gardens: Lawns. Summer. 12(2): p. 122-130. |
254384 |
Turf disease notes, 1956 Access Restrictions |
Smith, J. Drew. 1956. The Journal of the Sports Turf Research Institute. 9(32): p. 233-234. |
74144 |
Disease control | Anonymous. 1956. Southwestern Turfletter. April. 2: p. 1. |
296094 |
Turfgrass problems of 1955 reviewed Access Restrictions |
Daniel, W. H. 1955. The Golf Course Reporter. November/December. 23(8): p. 5-6. |
121262 |
What's new in turfgrass disease - and their control Access Restrictions |
Howard, Frank L. 1955. The Golf Course Reporter. March/April. 23(2): p. 5-10. |
121368 |
Turf conference speech |
Noer, O. J. 1954. 1954 Annual Conference Mid-Atlantic Association of GolfCourse Superintendents. p. 15-22. |
140414 |
Cottony blight disease of ryegrass | Anonymous. 1954. Southeastern Turfletter. October. 1(2): p. 2. |
296137 |
Cottony blight of ryegrass caused by Pythium aphanidermatum |
Wells, Homer D.; Robinson, B. P. 1954. Phytopathology. September. 44(9): p. 509-510. |
262993 |
Important diseases of ryegrass greens | Wells, Homer D.; Robinson, B. P. 1954. USGA Journal and Turf Management. September. 7(5): p. 25-27. |
35938 |
[Pythium blight control] | Anonymous. 1953. The Bull Sheet. September. 7(3): p. [3]. |
133717 |
Fungus Diseases of Turf Grasses |
Howard, F. L.; Rowell, J. B.; Keil, H. L. 1951. Kingston, Rhode Island: University of Rhode Island Agricultural Experiment Station. 1-28, [4], 29-56 pp. |
56459 |
Enemies of fine grasses | Anonymous. 1951. Turf News Letter. August 7. p. 1-3. |
277024 |
Pythium disease | Anonymous. 1940. Timely Turf Topics. August. p. 1. |
36556 |
Turf injury from excess moisture Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 1937. Lawn Care. September. 10([5]): p. 17-20. |
263250 |
Turf diseases: [Large brown patch; small brown patch; spot blight] |
Berghorn, Alfred. 1937. The Newsletter [New England]. August. 9(8): p. 10-12. |
284637 |
[Fungus diseases] | Anonymous. 1935. Lawn Care. August. 8(4): p. 1-3. |
263127 |
Puts spotlight on grass disease findings | Anonymous. 1930. Golfdom: The Business Journal of Golf. June. 4(6): p. 91-93. |
181057 |
Probing the diseases of turf grasses | Montieth, John Jr. 1928. Golfdom: The Business Journal of Golf. March. 2(3): p. 26, 28, 30. |
175277 |