Keyword: Pythium torulosum
Showing items 1 to 15 of 15.
Title | Author and Source | Category | View TGIF Record |
Biology and management of Pythium root rot in golf course putting greens | Kerns, James P. 2021. Mike Davis Program for Advancing Golf Course Management: 2021 Progress Reports. p. 301-305. |
317423 |
Identification of Pythium species causing damage to Poa annua L. on golf greens in the Pacific Northwest | Stacey, Nathan E.; Stahnke, Gwen K.; Elliott, Marianne; Coats, Katie; Miltner, Eric D. 2011. 2011 International Annual Meetings: [Abstracts][ASA-CSSA-SSSA]. p. 63846. |
192750 |
Development of multipex PCR to detect five Pythium species related to turfgrass diseases Access Restrictions |
Asano, Takahiro; Senda, Masako; Suga, Haruhisa; Kageyama, Koji. 2010. Journal of Phytopathology. January. 158(1): p. 1-7. |
163143 |
Biology and Management of Pythium Root Dysfunction in North Carolina |
Kerns, James Patrick. 2008. Ph.D. Dissertation: North Carolina State Univesity. [2], x, 132 pp. |
109977 |
Pathogenicity of Pythium species associated with Pythium root dysfunction of creeping bentgrass and their impact on root growth and survival |
Kerns, J. P.; Tredway, L. P. 2008. Plant Disease. June. 92(6): p. 862-869. |
136661 |
Isolation of Pythium species from zoysia grass and their effect on severity of large patch disease |
Aoyagi, A.; Kageyama, K.; Hyakumachi, M. 1999. Plant Disease. February. 83(2): p. 171-175. |
56884 |
Pythium root rot associated with cool-season dieback of turfgrass in Ontario and Quebec |
Hsiang, T.; Wu, C.; Yang, L.; Liu, L. 1995. Canadian Plant Disease Survey. 75(2): p. 191-195. |
37116 | |
Development and management of summer decline of bentgrass Access Restrictions |
Lucas, Leon. 1995. PACE Insights. January. 1(1): p. 2-3. |
104974 |
Germination of Pythium oospores in response to turfgrass seed and root exudates | Han, David Y.; Nelson, Eric B. 1994. Phytopathology. October. 84(10): p. 1085. |
32161 |
Factors affecting propagule germination in two Pythium species pathogenic to turfgrasses | Han, Dave; Nelson, Eric. 1993. CUTT. Summer. 4(2): p. 16. |
158009 |
Pathogenicty of Pythium torulosum to roots of Agrostis palustris in black-layered sand produced by the interaction of the cyanobacteria species Lyngbya, Phormidium, and Nostoc with Desulfovibrio desulfuricans Access Restrictions |
Hodges, Clinton F. 1992. Canadian Journal of Botany. November. 70(11): p. 2193-2197. |
17457 |
Materials for pythium flora of Japan (II) pythium torulosum and P. vanterpoolii from golfgreens of manilagrass or bentgrass |
Ichitani, Takio; Kang, Hai-tao; Mine, Ken'ichiro. 1989. Bulletin of the University of Osaka Prefecture: Series B:. 41: p. 9-19. |
27444 |
Cool versus Warm Season Pythium Blight and Other Related Pythium Problems. |
Saladini, J. L. 1980. p. 37-40. In: Joyner, B. G.; Larsen, Phillip O., eds. Advances in Turfgrass Pathology. Duluth, Minn.: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc. |
8653 |
Pythium spp. associated with foliar blighting of creeping bentgrass | Muse, R. R.; Schmitthenner, A. F.; Partyka, R. E. 1974. Phytopathology. February. 64(2): p. 252-253. |
2152 |
The Effects of Criconemoides lobatum, Pythium irregulare and Pythium torulosum on "Penncross" Bentgrass |
Wilson, Gary Henry. 1972. M.S. Thesis, University of Georgia. 10 pp. |
18277 |