Keyword: Resistance
Title | Author and Source | Category | View TGIF Record |
Zoysiagrass winter hardiness: Zoysiagrass cultivar selection is important because winter injury and freeze tolerance are variable Access Restrictions |
Patton, Aaron; Reicher, Zac. 2007. Golf Course Management. April. 75(4): p. 119-123. |
124043 |
Responses of seeded bermudagrass during acclimation to freezing stress |
Zhang, Xunzhong; Ervin, Erik H.; LaBranche, A. J. 2007. Virginia Turfgrass Journal. January/February. p. 40-41. |
120582 |
Past and present: Dollar spot research from Kansas State to Chicago: A disease resistant bentgrass cultivar allows flexibility to control dollar spot | Settle, Derek. 2007. On Course. January. 60(8): p. 13-18. |
120548 |
Azoxystrobin Sensitivity and Resistance Management Strategies of Magnaporthe grisea Causing Gray Leaf Spot on Perennial Ryegrass (Lolium perenne) Turf |
Ma, Bangya. 2006. Ph.D. Dissertation: The Pennsylvania State University. xi, 157 pp. |
145413 |
Ye niu cao yan jiu jin zhan ([Research development of buffalo grass]) |
Zhou, He; He, Mei; Wang, Xiaorong. 2006. p. 16-27. In: Chen, Zuozhong; Zhou, He, eds. Cao Ping Yu Di Bei Ke Xue Jin Zhan ([Development of Turfgrass and Ground Cover Plant Sciences]). Beijing, China: Zhongguo lin ye chu ban she [Beijing, China: China Forestry Publishing House]. |
143065 |
Silvery thread moss control on bentgrass putting greens with carfentrazone. | Yelverton, F. H.; Gannon, T. W.; Warren, L. S. 2006. Proceedings: NortheasternWeed Science Society. 60: p. 94. |
112575 |
Selective postemergence perennial grass control | Borger, J. A.; Watschke, T. L.; Naedel, M. B. 2006. Proceedings: NortheasternWeed Science Society. 60: p. 107. |
112148 |
A better groundcover option?: Ornamental peanuts lend aesthetic value to the landscape |
Womack, Rocky. 2006. Turf: South. July. 17(7): p. B1-B4. |
121869 |
Season of wither: Courses in mountain states, Canada come back after winterkill |
Stott, Michael J. 2006. Golfweek's SuperNEWS. June 23. 8(11): p. 7. |
114263 |
Beyond color and cut: In addtion to increased durability, new turfgrass varieties focus on drought, heat and shade tolerance, increased disease resitance and better erosion control | Shoemaker, Marisa. 2006. Lawn and Landscape. April. 27(4): p. 108, 110, 112, 114. |
114350 |
Comparison of different methods to measure and model actual evapotranspiration rates for a wet sloping grassland Access Restrictions |
Pauwels, Valentijn R. N.; Samson, Roeland. 2006. Agricultural Water Management. April 10. 82(1/2): p. 1-24. |
131787 |
Recent molecular and genomic studies on stress tolerance of forage and turf grasses |
Zhang, Yan; Mian, M.A.R.; Bouton, J. H. 2006. Crop Science. March/April. 46(2): p. 497-511. |
110316 |
Response and tolerance of Sea Isle 2000 paspalum to winter overseeeding | Kopec, David; Gilbert, J.; Pessarakli, M. 2005. 2005 Annual Meeting Abstracts [ASA/CSSA/SSSA/CSSS]. p. [1]. |
108010 |
Cultivar development and extreme temperature tolerance of greens-type Poa annua | Huff, David R.; Knupp, Roy; Chandra, Ambika; Dai, Jing; LaMantia, Jon. 2005. 2005 Annual Research Report [Penn State]. p. [1-3]. |
130213 |
Inheritance of Gray Leaf Spot Resistance in Perennial Ryegrass Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Han, Yuanhong. 2005. Ph.D. Dissertation: Rutgers University. x, 135 pp. |
146085 |
The Effect of the Plant Growth Regulator Primo on Winter Hardiness Levels | Ross, J. B.; Anderson, M. A.; Tompkins, D. K. [2005]. [Airdrie, Alberta, Canada]: Alberta Golf Superintendents Association; [Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada]: Saskatchewan Turfgrass Association; [Steinbach, Manitoba, Canada]: Manitoba Golf Superintendents Association. [5] pp. |
269538 |
Heritability estimates and correlations of turf traits and heading in selected half-sib families from Zoysia japonica steud. Access Restrictions |
Diesburg, Kenneth Lynn. 2005. International Turfgrass Society Annexe - Technical Papers 2005. 10: p. 58-59. |
105355 |
Aluminum tolerances of ten warm-season turfgrasses Access Restrictions |
Baldwin, Christian Michael; Liu, H.; McCarty, L. B.; Bauerle, W. L.; Toler, J. E. 2005. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 10(Part 2): p. 811-817. |
105717 |
Tolerance of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) with and without infection with neotyphodium spp. to abiotic stress |
Cagas, Bohumir; Machae, Radek. 2005. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 10(Part 2): p. 841-844. |
105721 |
Aluminum tolerances of 10 warm-seasoned turfgrasses | Baldwin, Christian M.; Liu, H.; McCarty, L. B.; Bauerle, W. L. 2005. TurfGrass TRENDS. December. 61(12): p. 60, 62-64. |
109288 |
'Universal' primers for PCR-sequencing of grass chloroplastic acetyl-CoA carboxylase domains involved in resistance to herbicides Access Restrictions |
Délye, C.; Michel, S. 2005. Weed Research. October. 45(5): p. 323-330. |
107184 |
Inheritance of glyphosate resistance in rigid ryegrass (Lolium rigidum) from California Access Restrictions |
Simarmata, Marulak; Bughrara, Suleiman; Penner, Donald. 2005. Weed Science. September/October. 53(5): p. 615-619. |
107850 |
Giving turf a sporting chance |
Leyland, Jayne. 2005. Pitchcare. June/July. 1: p. 36-38. |
124962 |
New creeping bentgrasses: Coming to a green near you Access Restrictions |
Brilman, Leah A. 2005. Golf Course Management. May. 73(5): p. 74. |
104897 |
Alternative treatments for turf disease: Over-reliance on one fungicide group leads to resistance | Hagan, Austin. 2005. Grounds Maintenance. March. 40(3): p. 10-12, 14, 16-17. |
127420 |
Biology and Management of Glyphosate Resistant Creeping Bentgrass Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Hancock, D. 2004. M. S. Thesis: Oregon State University. |
99815 |
Studies on planting and managing techniques of sports turf |
Liebao, Han; Derong, Su; Shuxia, Yin; Guilong, Song. March 2001 - December 2005. In: Golf Research Database 2004. Bingley, The Sports Turf Research Institute on behalf of The R&A, St. Andrews. |
103404 |
Response of sea isle I paspalum to fertilization and mowing for tee and fairway turf | Kopec, D. M.; Walworth, J.; Gilbert, J. J.; Sower, G.; Pessarakli, M.; Kerr, D.; Spense, J. 2004. 2004 Turfgrass, Landscape and Urban IPM Research Summary [Arizona]. p. [1-18]. |
107270 |
Overseed performance of sea isle 2000 seashore paspalum | Kopec, D.; Gilbert, J.; Pessarakli, M. 2004. 2004 Turfgrass, Landscape and Urban IPM Research Summary [Arizona]. p. [1-11]. |
107284 |
Selecting a Lawn Grass For Oklahoma | Martin, Dennis. 200X. Stillwater, Oklahoma: Oklahoma State University, Division of Agriculture, Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service. 4 pp. |
109091 |
Evaluation of Cool- and Warm-Season Grasses for Resistance to Multiple Chinch Bug Species Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Anderson, Wyatt G. 2004. M.S. Thesis: University of Nebraska-Lincoln. iv, 77 pp. |
117531 |
Biology and integrated management of rapid blight, a new disease of rough bluegrass, perennial ryegrass, annual bluegrass, and creeping bentgrass | Martin, Bruce; Peterson, Paul D. 2004. 2004 Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary. p. 9. |
101214 |
Development of stress-tolerant, turf-type saltgrass varieties | Christensen, Dana; Qian, Yaling. 2004. 2004 Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary. p. 19. |
101244 |
A bentgrass breeding consortium to support the golf industry | Casler, Michael; Jung, Geunhwa; Hamblin, Andrew; Bughrara, Suleiman. 2004. 2004 Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary. p. 24. |
101263 |
Molecular breeding and functional genomics for tolerance to abiotic stress |
Humphreys, M. W.; Humphreys, J.; Donnison, I.; King, I. P.; Thomas, H. M.; Ghesquière, M.; Durand, J-L.; Rognli, O. A.; Zwierzykowski, Z.; Rapacz, M. 2004. Molecular Breeding of Forage and Turf: Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium, Molecular Breeding of Forage and Turf. p. 61-80. |
106261 |
Short-term effects of deep tine cultivation on soil oxygen, penetration resistance and turf quality of two soccer fields Access Restrictions |
Morhard, J. M.; Kleisinger, S. 2004. Acta Horticulturae. November. 661: p. 343-347. |
102445 |
Biostimulants and the golf course industry |
Lara, Joe. 2004. California Fairways. November/December. 13(6): p. 14-15. |
101156 |
Do you seem to use higher rates of plant growth regulators each year? | O'Brien, Patrick; Hartwiger, Christopher. 2004. USGA World Wide Web Site. August 2. p. [1-2]. |
110537 |
Out with the old, in with the new: New GM bentgrass and ag chemical studies, GPA improvement |
Dysart, Joe. 2004. Turf: Central. May. 15(5): p. B12-B13. |
101395 |
Trichoderma species-opportunistic, avirulent plant symbionts |
Harman, Gary E.; Howell, Charles R.; Viterbo, Ada; Chet, Ilan; Lorito, Matteo. 2004. Nature Reviews: Microbiology. January. 2(1): p. 43-56. |
109872 |
Tolerance of Selected Turf and Ornamental Plants to Endothall in Irrigation Water Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Koschnick, Tyler J. 2003. M.S. Thesis: University of Florida. |
94779 |
Anthracnose | Svihra, P. 2003. Berkeley, California: University of California Statewide Integrated Pest Management Program. 4 pp. Revised Edition. |
141193 |
Resistance to Pink Snow Mould (Microdochium nivale) in Perennial Ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Hofgaard, Ingerd Skow. 2003. Ph.D. Dissertation: Norges Landbrukshogskole. 119 pp. |
146086 |
Should turfgrass sod growers be concerned about aluminum toxicity? Access Restrictions |
Liu, Haibo. 2003. TurfNews [TPI]. March/April. 27(2): p. 61, 64. |
86967 |
Environmental Stress Aspects of Saltgrass [Distichlis spicata (L.) Greene] | Shahba, Mohamed Ahmed. 2002. Ph.D. Dissertation: Colorado State University. xi, 96 pp. |
101468 |
Genetic Transformation of Perennial ryegrass for Chemical-induced Elimination (Lolium perenne) | Chen, Xi. 2002. M.S. Thesis: North Carolina State University. vi, 57 pp. |
101498 |
Tolerance of Cato/Crenshaw bentgrass to various PGR's (01-T69) | Hinton, Jason; Yelverton, Fred. 2002. 2002 NCSU Turfgrass & Pasture Weed Control & PGR Annual Report [North Carolina State University]. p. [1-18]. |
214979 |
Identification and comparison of resistance gene analogs (RGAs) among turfgrass species | Budak, Hikmet; Shearman, R. C.; Gaussoin, R. E.; Dweikat, I. 2002. Turfgrass Research Report 2002 [Nebraska]. p. 19. |
142640 |
Alternatives to nemacur for nematode management on turf |
Crow, Billy. 2002. North Carolina Turfgrass. December/January. 20(7): p. 22, 24, 26. |
84799 |
The greatest challenge | Skorulski, Jim. 2002. USGA Green Section Record. September/October. 40(5): p. 1-6. |
82076 |
Nicobifen: The foundation of a new fungicide family | Ammermann, E.; Stierl, R.; Hanke, W.; Scherer, M.; Ypema, H.; Bardinelli, T. 2002. Phytopathology. June. 92(6): p. S4. |
92161 |
Freeze tolerance of bermudagrasses: Vegetatively propagated cultivars intended for fairway and putting green use, and seed-propagated cultivars |
Anderson, Jeff; Taliaferro, Charles; Martin, Dennis. 2002. Crop Science. May/June. 42(3): p. 975-977. |
79907 |
Studies on the physiology of Neotyphodium endophytes | White, J. F. Jr.; Sullivan, R.; Moy, M.; Balady, G.; Petersen, F.; Gianfagna, T. J.; Yue, C.; Funk, C. R.; Meyer, W. A. 2001. Proceedings of the Tenth Annual Rutgers TurfgrassSymposium. 10: p. 27. |
76336 |
Virus resistance in fertile transgenic perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) plants | Altpeter, F.; Xu, J.; Salahuddin, A.; Posselt, U.; Schubert, J. 2001. IXth International Turfgrass Research Conference. 9: p. 65. |
74377 |
Systemic resistance induced in cucumber against pythium root rot by source separated household waste and yard trimmings composts Access Restrictions |
Lievens, Bart; Vaes, Kristien; Coosemans, Jozef; Ryckeboer, Jaak. 2001. Compost Science & Utilization. Summer. 9(3): p. 221-229. |
76012 |
Soil acidity and aluminum toxicity response in turfgrass Access Restrictions |
Liu, H. 2001. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 9(Part 1): p. 180-187. |
74278 |
QTL analysis of crown rust resistance in perennial ryegrass - implications for breeding Access Restrictions |
Thorogood, D.; Paget, M.; Humphreys, M.; Turner, L.; Armstead, I.; Roderick, H. 2001. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 9(Part 1): p. 218-223. |
74294 |
Evidence of induced resistance in the control of Bipolaris sorokiniana in tall fescue by Stenotrophomonas maltophilia C3 Access Restrictions |
Yuen, G. Y.; Kilic, O. 2001. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 9(Part 2): p. 736-741. |
74285 |
Tolerance of perennial ryegrass and Poa annua control with herbicides in overseeded bermudagrass Access Restrictions |
Yelverton, F. H.; McCarty, L. B. 2001. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 9(Part 2): p. 1050-1055. |
74490 |
UNL research towards biological control of turfgrass diseases - Part II |
Yuen, Gary. 2001. Center for Grassland Studies [Newsletter]. Winter. 7(1): p. 3-4. |
137809 |
Compost tea protects greens on Presidio Golf Course Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 2001. BioCycle, The Journal of Composting & Recycling. November. 42(11): p. 6. |
78237 |
Endophyte infection can contribute to aluminum tolerance in fine fescues |
Zaurov, D. E.; Bonos, S.; Murphy, J. A.; Richardson, M.; Belanger, F. C. 2001. Crop Science. November/December. 41(6): p. 1981-1984. |
77222 |
Buffalograss can tolerate low mowing: Some buffalograss genotypes can be maintained at low mowing heights Access Restrictions |
Johnson, Paul G.; Riordan, Terry P.; Johnson-Cicalese, Jennifer. 2001. Golf Course Management. October. 69(10): p. 63-65. |
76098 |
Genetic transformation of elite turf-type cultivars of tall fescue |
Bai, Yuyu; Qu, Rongda. 2001. North Carolina Turfgrass. October/November. 18 [19](6): p. 41. |
78321 |
Comparison of laboratory- and field-derived soil water retention curves for a fine sand soil using tensiometric, resistance and capacitance methods Access Restrictions |
Morgan, Kelly T.; Parsons, Lawrence R.; Wheaton, T. Adair. 2001. Plant and Soil. July. 234(2): p. 153-157. |
76605 |
In situ bioremediation through mulching of soil polluted by a copper - nickel smelter |
Kiikkilä, Oili; Perkiömäki, Jonna; Barnette, Matthew; Derome, John; Pennanen, Taina; Tulisalo, Esa; Fritze, Hannu. 2001. Journal of Environmental Quality. July/August. 30(4): p. 1134-1143. |
76586 |
Phenotypic and molecular analysis of a Pasteuria strain parasitic to the sting nematode |
Bekal, S.; Borneman, J.; Springer, M. S.; Giblin-Davis, R. M.; Becker, J. O. 2001. Journal of Nematology. June-September. 33(2/3): p. 110-115. |
83400 |
Dissection of RNA-mediated ryegrass mosaic virus resistance in fertile transgenic perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) |
Xu, Jianping; Schubert, Jörg; Altpeter, Fredy. 2001. The Plant Journal: For Cell and Molecular Biology. May. 26(3): p. 265-274. |
79258 | |
Ambient ozone and plant health |
Krupa, Sagar; McGrath, Margaret Tuttle; Andersen, Christian P.; Booker, Fitzgerald L.; Burkey, Kent O.; Chappelka, Arthur H.; Chevone, Boris I.; Pell, Eva J.; Zilinskas, Barbara A. 2001. Plant Disease. January. 85(1): p. 4-12. |
71829 |
Canada's plant hardiness zones revisited using modern climate interpolation techniques Access Restrictions |
McKenney, D. W.; Hutchinson, M. F.; Kesteven, J. L.; Venier, L. A. 2001. Canadian Journal of Plant Science. January. 81(1): p. 129-143. |
72811 |
Evaluation of rice by-products for weed control Access Restrictions |
Kuk, Yong-In; Burgos, Nilda R.; Talbert, Ronald E. 2001. Weed Science. January/February. 49(1): p. 141-147. |
72797 |
The Lawn & Garden Owner's Manual: What To Do and When to Do It |
Hill, Lewis; Hill, Nancy. 2000. Pownal, VT: Storey Books. 186 pp. |
84345 |
Buffalograss Resistance to the Chinch Bug, Blissus occiduus: An Investigation of Tolerance and Antixenosis Access Restrictions |
Heng-Moss, Tiffany Marie. 2000. Ph.D. Dissertation: University of Nebraska-Lincoln. vii, 100 pp. |
101170 |
Cultivar and traffic effects on population dynamics of Agrostis spp. and Poa annua mixtures | Murphy, James. 2000. 2000 Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary [USGA]. p. 19. |
72121 |
The importance of carbon balance and root activity in creeping bentgrass tolerance to summer stresses | Huang, Bingru. 2000. 2000 Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary [USGA]. p. 22. |
72125 |
Seashore paspalum ecotype tolerance to root limiting soil stresses and traffic stresses | Carrow, Robert N. 2000. 2000 Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary [USGA]. p. 34. |
72136 |
A multigene-transfer strategy to improve disease and environmental stress resistance in creeping bentgrass | Sticklen, Mariam B. 2000. 2000 Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary [USGA]. p. 36. |
72138 |
Genetic transformation of creeping bentgrass |
Yu, T. T.; Huang, B. R.; Skinner, D. Z.; Muthukrishnan, S.; Liang, G. H. 2000. 2000 Annual Meeting Abstracts [ASA/CSSA/SSSA]. p. 154. |
70957 |
Molecular breeding for tolerance to abiotic/edaphic stresses in forage and turfgrasses |
Duncan, Ron R.; Carrow, Robert N. 2000. Molecular Breeding of Forage Crops 2000. 2: p. 74. |
73728 |
Development of an international standard on resistance risk analysis |
McNamara, D. G.; Smith, I. M. 2000. Brighton Crop Protection Conference - Pests and Diseases- 2000. 2: p. 765-770. |
72377 |
Differential tolerance of cool- and warm-season grasses to TNT-contaminated soil Access Restrictions |
Krishnan, Gopal; Horst, Garald L.; Shea, Patrick J. 2000. International Journal of Phytoremediation. 2(4): p. 369-382. |
252919 |
Plant screening for chromium phytoremediation Access Restrictions |
Shahandeh, H.; Hossner, L. R. 2000. International Journal of Phytoremediation. 2(1): p. 31-51. |
252920 |
Modelling different cultivation and herbicide strategies for their effect on herbicide resistance in Alopecurus myosuroides Access Restrictions |
Cavan, G.; Cussans, J.; Moss, S. R. 2000. Weed Research. December. 40(6): p. 561-568. |
72206 |
Diuron-resistant Poa annua is resistant to norflurazon Access Restrictions |
Hanson, Bradley D.; Mallory-Smith, Carol A. 2000. Weed Science. November/December. 48(6): p. 666-668. |
71658 |
Low-mowing tolerance in buffalograss |
Johnson, P. G.; Riordan, T. P.; Johnson-Cicalese, J. 2000. Crop Science. September/October. 40(5): p. 1339-1343. |
69250 |
Can we genetically alter turfgrass to make it more stress tolerant? | Bowley, S. R.; McKersie, B. D.; Kasha, K. J. 2000. WCTA Research Report: 1999 Projects [Western Canada]. August. p. 18. |
67202 |
A new dawn- the ecological genetics of mycorrhizal fungi Access Restrictions |
Taylor, Lee D. 2000. New Phytologist. August. 147(2): p. 236-239. |
67525 |
Biopesticides: A review of their action, applications and efficacy Access Restrictions |
Copping, Leonard G.; Menn, Julius J. 2000. Pest Management Science. August. 56(8): p. 651-676. |
66540 |
Reproductive biomass in Holcus lanatus clones that differ in their phosphate uptake kinetics and mycorrhizal colonization Access Restrictions |
Wright, Wendy; Fitter, Alastair; Meharg, Andrew. 2000. New Phytologist. June. 146(3): p. 493-501. |
67618 |
Myths and dogmas of biocontrol: Changes in perceptions derived from research on Trichoderma harzianum T-22 |
Harman, G. E. 2000. Plant Disease. April. 84(4): p. 377-393. |
64395 |
The adaptation reserach of tall fescue in Chinese cool-humid zone |
Benxin, Sun; Liebao, Han. 2000. Journal of Beijing Forestry University. March. 22(2): p. 58-59. |
73989 |
Turfgrass drought stress |
Shearman, Robert. 2000. Center for Grassland Studies [Newsletter]. Spring. 6(2): p. 7. |
137821 |
Endophyte-Enhanced Grasses | University of Rhode Island Landscape Horticulture Program. 1999. Kingston, Rhode Island: URI GreenShare. 2 pp. |
132333 |
Managanese requirements of annual bluegrass and creeping bentgrass | Xu, Xia; Mancino, Charles F. 1999. 1999 Annual Research Report [Penn State]. p. 55-60. |
64265 |
The role of trehalose in desiccation tolerance of endophyte-infected tall fescue |
Secks, M. E.; Richardson, M. D.; West, C. P.; Marlatt, M. L.; Murphy, J. B. 1999. 1999 Annual Meeting Abstracts [ASA/CSSA/SSSA]. 91: p. 134. |
63456 |
Aluminum tolerance of seeded bermudagrasses |
Liu, H. 1999. 1999 Annual Meeting Abstracts [ASA/CSSA/SSSA]. 91: p. 136. |
63710 |
Turfgrass molecular genetic improvement for abiotic/edaphic stress resistance | Duncan, R. R.; Carrow, R. N. 1999. Advances in Agronomy. 67: p. 233-305. |
60854 |
Assessment of Al3+ availability in callus culture media for screening tolerant genotypes of Cynodon dactylon | Ramgareeb, S.; Watt, M. P.; Marsh, C.; Cooke, J. A. 1999. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture. 56(1): p. 65-68. |
94816 |
Tufted lovegrass control in Meyer Zoysiagrass |
Boyd, J. W.; Rodgers, B. N. 1999. Southern Weed Science Society Proceedings. 52: p. 75. |
63191 |
Tall fescue aluminum tolerance is affected by Neotyphodium coenophialum endophyte Access Restrictions |
Malinowski, Dariusz P.; Belesky, David P. 1999. Journal of Plant Nutrition. 22(8): p. 1335-1349. |
71129 |