Keyword: Resistance
Title | Author and Source | Category | View TGIF Record |
Molecular characterization of the tubulin-related gene families in herbicide resistant and susceptible goosegrass (Eleusine indica) |
Mysore, Kirankumar S.; Baird, WM. Vance. 1995. Weed Science. January-March. 43(1): p. 28-33. |
32976 |
Avoid Resistance to Fungicides Used to Control Diseases of Turfgrasses | Vincelli, Paul C. 1994. Kentucky: Cooperative Extension Service, University of Kentucky. 2 pp. Revised Edition. |
141035 |
Stress tolerance of endophyte-infected turfgrass |
Richardson, Michael D.; Bacon, Charles W. 1994. p. 529-537. In: Leslie, Anne R., ed. Handbook of Integrated Pest Management for Turf and Ornamentals. Boca Raton, Florida: Lewis Publishers, CRC Press, Inc. |
30883 |
A lawn care alternative service |
Catron, Philip. 1994. p. 603-610. In: Leslie, Anne R., ed. Handbook of Integrated Pest Management for Turf and Ornamentals. Boca Raton, Florida: Lewis Publishers, CRC Press, Inc. |
30898 |
New introductions of drought tolerant plant materials for parking lots and highway medians | Robinson, M. LaRue; Schultz, Ursula E. 1994. Proceedings of the Florida State Horticultural Society. 107: p. 194-196. |
39183 |
Comparison of rooting characteristics and leaf firing resistance of 10 zoysiagrass genotypes |
Hartin, J. S.; Green, R. L.; Gibeault, V. A. 1994. Agronomy Abstracts. 86: p. 179. |
41830 |
Resistance to mealybugs among turf-type buffalograss selections |
Johnson-Cicalese, J. M.; Riordan, T. P.; Baxendale, F. P. 1994. Agronomy Abstracts. 86: p. 182. |
41855 |
Potential of Texas bluegrass x Kentucky hybrids for turfgrass |
Read, J. C.; Walker, D.; Hipp, B. W. 1994. Agronomy Abstracts. 86: p. 183. |
41892 |
Enhanced resistance to dollar spot in endophyte-infected fine fescues |
Clarke, B. B.; Huff, D. R.; Smith, D. A.; Funk, C. R. 1994. Agronomy Abstracts. 86: p. 187. |
41917 |
Screening for dollar spot resistance in creeping bentgrass Agrostis stolonifera L. |
Branham, B. E.; Warnke, S. E.; Douches, D. S. 1994. Agronomy Abstracts. 86: p. 187. |
41922 |
Greenhouse screening of Kentucky bluegrass for aluminum tolerance |
Liu, H.; Heckman, J. R. 1994. Agronomy Abstracts. 86: p. 190. |
41946 |
Salinity management | Yenny, Reed. 1994. USGA Green Section Record. November/December. 32(6): p. 7-10. |
32022 |
Rhizoctonia blight resistance among the national turfgrass evaluation program bentgrasses |
Colbaugh, P. F.; Metz, S. P.; Engelke, M. C. 1994. Texas Turfgrass Research - 1993. August. p. 80-81. |
45436 |
Pythium blight resistance among the national turfgrass evaluation program bentgrasses |
Colbaugh, P. F.; Metz, S. P.; Engelke, M. C. 1994. Texas Turfgrass Research - 1993. August. p. 84-85. |
45447 |
Salinity tolerances of selected bermudagrass and zoysiagrass genotypes |
Marcum, K. B.; Engelke, M. C.; Morton, S. J.; Dayton, C. 1994. Texas Turfgrass Research - 1993. August. p. 105-107. |
45762 |
Screening winter rye cultivars for snow mould (Microdochium nivale) resistance |
Hoemmoe, L. M. 1994. Plant Pathology. August. 43(4): p. 740-750. |
30807 |
A new turfgrass species: Poa supina |
Lundell, David. 1994. Grounds Maintenance. June. 29(6): p. 26-27. |
31225 |
New cultivars show great promise | Leslie, Mark. 1994. Golf Course News. June. 5 [6](6): p. 1, 22. |
39695 |
U-Nebraska grad student given '94 Musser Scholarship | Anonymous. 1994. Golf Course News. June. 5 [6](6): p. 18. |
39779 |
Bent on improvement: Colonial types show positive results in lower input uses | Leslie, Mark. 1994. Golf Course News. June. 5 [6](6): p. 23. |
39783 |
Biomass allocation, phosphorus nutrition and vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal infection in clones of Yorkshire fog, Holcus lanatus L. (Poaceae) that differ in their phosphate uptake kinetics and tolerance to arsenate |
Meharg, A. A.; Bailey, J.; Breadmore, K.; Macnair, M. R. 1994. Plant and Soil. March. 160(1): p. 11-20. |
31120 |
Cultivar, ground-cover, and irrigation treatments and their interactions affect long-term performance of peach trees |
Layne, Richard E. C.; Tan, Chin S.; Hunter, David M. 1994. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science. January. 119(1): p. 12-19. |
29651 |
Breeding and development of bentgrass | Engelke, Milt. 1993. 1993 Turfgrass Research Summary [USGA]. p. 7. |
65310 |
Development of stress tolerant seashore paspalum for golf course usage | Duncan, Ron. 1993. 1993 Turfgrass Research Summary [USGA]. p. 14-15. |
65315 |
Evaluation of turfgrass species for shade |
Taylor, Jill. 1993. Turfgrass Research Report - 1993 [Ohio State]. p. 73-82. |
59858 |
Soil acidity tolerance of tall fescue-endophyte associations |
Fedders, J. M.; Belesky, D. P. 1993. Agronomy Abstracts. p. 111. |
29446 |
Transgenic plants of turfgrass (Agrostis palustris Huds.) from microprojectile bombardment of embryogenic callus |
Zhong, Heng; Bolyard, Mark G.; Srinivasan, C.; Sticklen, Mariam B. 1993. Plant Cell Reports. 13(1): p. 1-6. |
40357 |
Response of Kentucky bluegrass to three consecutive annual applications of dithiopyr Access Restrictions |
Bhowmik, P. C.; O'Toole, B. M. 1993. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 7: p. [277]-283. |
27993 |
Beware - The zeolites are coming!! |
Kaapro, Jyri. 1993. ATRI Turf Notes. Winter. 12(2): p. 1-2. |
28818 |
Nickel and zinc tolerance and co-tolerance in populations of Deschampsia cespitosa (L.) Beauv. subject to artificial selection Access Restrictions |
von Frenckell-Insam, Beatrix A. K.; Hutchinson, Thomas C. 1993. New Phytologist. November. 125(3): p. 547-553. |
30393 |
Occurrence of heavy metal tolerance and co-tolerance in Deschampsia cespitosa (L.) Beauv. from European and Canadian populations Access Restrictions |
von Frenckell-Insam, Beatrix A. K.; Hutchinson, Thomas C. 1993. New Phytologist. November. 125(3): p. 555-564. |
30394 |
Cold-weather management: Understanding crown hydration damage: Though the fate of turf is largely dependent on Mother Nature, certain practices may help protect it from this devastating form of winterkill Access Restrictions |
Roberts, John M. 1993. Golf Course Management. October. 61(10): p. 48, 52, 54. |
29195 |
Preparing trees and shrubs for winter | The Davey Tree Export Co. 1993. Lawn and Landscape Maintenance. October. 14(10): p. 54, 56-57. |
29207 |
Improving brown patch resistance in tall fescue |
Fraser, Melodee L. 1993. North Carolina Turfgrass. Fall. 10(4): p. 9-10. |
28481 |
Resistance in Stenotaphrum to the sting nematode Access Restrictions |
Busey, Philip; Giblin-Davis, Robin M.; Center, Barbara J. 1993. Crop Science. September/October. 33(5): p. 1066-1070. |
29108 |
The midwest urban tree index |
Schoon, Kenneth J. 1993. Journal of Arboriculture. July. 19(4): p. 230-237. |
37472 |
The practical selection of grass varieties for specific uses Access Restrictions |
Hughes, John. 1993. Journal of the Sports Turf Research Institute. June. 69: p. 123. |
28775 |
Are answers needed to sports field questions? | Anonymous. 1993. Landscape Management. June. 32(6): p. 50. |
28218 |
Evaluation of Kentucky bluegrass cultivars and selections for resistance to powdery mildew under greenhouse conditions |
Dickson, William K.; Boyle, Christopher. 1993. Rutgers Turfgrass Proceedings: 1993. June. 24: p. 127-133. |
27572 |
Ozone injury to plants |
Rogers, Marilyn. 1993. Grounds Maintenance. May. 28(5): p. C2, C4, C6-C7. |
27904 |
Arsenate tolerance in Agrostis castellana and Agrostis delicatula |
De Koe, T.; Jaques, N. M. M. 1993. Plant and Soil. April. 151(2): p. 185-191. |
28458 |
Slender speedwell (Veronica filiformis) control in cool-season turf with quinclorac |
Neal, Joseph C.; Senesac, Andrew F. 1993. Weed Technology. April-June. 7(2): p. 390-395. |
28035 |
Simulation model of soil compaction and root growth: I. Model structure |
Grant, R. F. 1993. Plant and Soil. March. 150(1): p. 1-14. |
27786 |
Simulation model of soil compaction and root growth: II. Model performance and validation |
Grant, R. F. 1993. Plant and Soil. March. 150(1): p. 15-24. |
27787 |
Abiotic stress tolerances (moisture, nutrients) and photosynthesis in endophyte-infected tall fescue Access Restrictions |
Bacon, Charles W. 1993. Agriculture, Ecosystems, and Environment. March. 44(1-4): p. 123-141. |
54230 |
Importance of Acremonium endophytes in turfgrass breeding and management Access Restrictions |
Funk, C. R.; White, R. H.; Breen, J. P. 1993. Agriculture, Ecosystems, and Environment. March. 44(1-4): p. 215-232. |
54341 |
Endophyte-enhanced stress tolerance |
Richardson, Michael D.; Bacon, Charles W. 1993. Grounds Maintenance. March. 28(3): p. 62, 64, 86. |
27657 |
Declaring war on fusarium patch |
Anonymous. 1993. Parks, Golf Courses & Sports Grounds. February. 58(5): p. 18. |
27686 |
The playing quality of rugby & natural turf hockey pitches Access Restrictions |
McClements, I. 1993. Sports Turf Bulletin. January-March. 180: p. 9-11. |
26871 |
Frictional resistance of overland flow on tropical turfed slopes Access Restrictions |
Ferro, Vito. 1993. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. January. 119(1): p. 145-147. |
251517 |
Spring-clipping response in Snake River and thickspike wheatgrasses |
Jones, T. A.; Nielson, D. C. 1993. Agronomy Journal. January/February. 85(1): p. 94-97. |
26854 |
Resistance of Selected Ornamental Grasses to Graminicides in Vivo and In Vitro Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Catanzaro, Christopher John. 1992. Ph. D. Dissertation: North Carolina State University. vi, 69 pp. |
133000 |
Influence of soil moisture level on turfgrass water use and growth | Carrow, Robert N. 1992. 1983-1992 Turfgrass Research Summary. p. 24. |
94283 |
Development of dryland western turfgrass cultivars | Cuany, Robin L. 1992. 1983-1992 Turfgrass Research Summary. p. 31-32. |
94143 |
Selection for stem rust resistance in tall fescue |
Barker, R. E.; Welty, R. E. 1992. Agronomy Abstracts. p. 89. |
25591 |
Effects of soil and cell wall constituents on tall fescue traffic tolerance |
Bughrara, S. S.; Minner, D. D.; Fresenburg, B. S.; Dunn, J. H. 1992. Agronomy Abstracts. p. 165. |
25612 |
Acid soil tolerance response of warm-season turfgrasses |
Duncan, R. R. 1992. Agronomy Abstracts. p. 168. |
25628 |
Grass tolerance to imazethapyr | Ferrell, M. A.; Koch, D. W.; Ogg, P. J.; Hruby, F. 1992. Proceedings of the Western Society of Weed Science. 45: p. 95-97. |
25347 |
Fenoxaprop tolerance among Italian ryegrass cultivars is due in part to difference in ACCase | Hassan, Gul; Mueller-Warrant, George W.; Griffith, Stephen M. 1992. Proceedings of the Western Society of Weed Science. 45: p. 123-127. |
25015 |
Methods of research in turfgrass entomology |
Ratcliffe, Roger H. 1992.: p. 689-730. In: Waddington, D. V.; Carrow, R. N.; Shearman, R. C., eds. Turfgrass. 32. Madison, Wisconsin: American Society of Agronomy, Inc., Crop Science Society of America, Inc., and Soil Science Society of America, Inc. |
26038 |
Seaweed extracts in agriculture and horticulture: A review |
Verkleij, F. N. 1992. Biological Agriculture and Horticulture. 8(4): p. 309-324. |
29089 |
Screening perennial rye-grass from New Zealand for aluminium tolerance |
Wheeler, D. M.; Edmeades, D. C.; Smith, D. R.; Wedderburn, M. E. 1992. Plant and Soil. October. 146(1/2): p. 9-19. |
26690 |
Tolerance to manganese toxicity among cultivars of lucerne (Medicago sativa L.) |
Sale, P. W. G.; Couper, D. I.; Cachia, P. L.; Larkin, P. J. 1992. Plant and Soil. October. 146(1/2): p. 31-38. |
26702 |
Effect of aluminium on the growth of 34 plant species: A summary of results obtained in low ionic strength solution culture |
Wheeler, D. M.; Edmeades, D. C.; Christie, R. A.; Gardner, R. 1992. Plant and Soil. October. 146(1/2): p. 61-66. |
26804 |
Polymorphism and physiology of arsenate tolerance in Holcus lanatus L. from an uncontaminated site |
Meharg, Andrew A.; Macnair, Mark R. 1992. Plant and Soil. October. 146(1/2): p. 219-225. |
26715 |
Assessment of resistance to Rhizoctonia solani in tall fescue based on disease progress and crop recovery |
Burpee, L. L. 1992. Plant Disease. October. 76(10): p. 1065-1068. |
25292 |
Setting turf research priorities |
Aldous, David. 1992. Turf Craft Aust.. September. 29: p. 17-18+. |
25531 |
The science of growing grass |
Lamb, Scott. 1992. OGCSA Newsletter. September. 7(3): p. 9-10. |
298328 |
Selecting traffic tolerant turfgrass varieties |
Gaussoin, Roch E. 1992. Landscape & Irrigation. August. 16(8): p. 8-9,10-11. |
24833 |
DMI fungicides: The discussion continues: A variety of theories continues to emerge as problems with dollar spot persist in some areas Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 1992. Golf Course Management. July. 60(7): p. 100, 102, 104. |
24736 |
Heavy metal tolerance in Festuca ovina L. from contaminated sites in the Eifel Mountains, Germany |
Brown, Gary; Brinkmann, Klaus. 1992. Plant and Soil. June. 143(2): p. 239-247. |
24793 |
Differences in resistance to dollar spot and brown patch among twenty bentgrass varieties | Doney, J. C. Jr.; Vincelli, P. C.; Powell, A. J. Jr. 1992. Phytopathology. April. 82(4): p. 497. |
24918 |
The role of Acremonium endophytes in biological control: The effects of these organisms on stress tolerance can be dramatic Access Restrictions |
Johnson-Cicalese, Jennifer. 1992. Golf Course Management. April. 60(4): p. 106, 108, 110, 112. |
23679 |
Conserving water in the landscape | Steinegger, Donald; Baxendale, Fred; Horst, Garald; Lindgren, Dale. 1992. Nebraska IANR Web Site. March. p. [1-7]. |
71341 | |
Dollar spot resistance to DMI fungicides: New research indicates a need for adjusted approaches to fungicide applications in the interest of extending their effectiveness Access Restrictions |
Vargas, J. M. Jr.; Golembiewski, R.; Detweiler, A. R. 1992. Golf Course Management. March. 60(3): p. 50, 52, 54. |
23303 |
Trampling resistance, recovery and growth rate of eight plant species Access Restrictions |
Sun, Dan. 1992. Agriculture, Ecosystems, and Environment. March. 38(4): p. 265-273. |
27037 |
Post-emergence weed control in warm-season grasses | Murphy, Tim R. 1992. Landscape Management. March. 31(3): p. 64, 70. |
23396 |
Dr. Beard views future of turf management | Hall, Ron. 1992. Landscape Management. March. 31(3): p. 82. |
23408 |
Response of creeping bentgrass to spring-applied herbicides |
Shim, Sang Ryul; Johnson, B. J. 1992. HortScience. March. 27(3): p. 237-239. |
23178 |
Compaction study on seedling wear tolerance and root production |
Mills, Robert. 1992. Turf Craft Aust.. March. 26: p. 43-44,47. |
23554 |
New varieties: Roberts Seed Co. announces turf varieties |
Anonymous. 1992. Seed World. February. 130(2): p. 24. |
23188 |
Pre-emergence weed control | Lewis, W. M. 1992. Landscape Management. February. 31(2): p. 54, 60, 62. |
23156 |
Temperature and seasonal effects on expression of Acremonium endophyte-enhanced resistance to Schizaphis graminum (Homoptera: Aphididae) Access Restrictions |
Breen, Jane P. 1992. Environmental Entomology. February. 21(1): p. 68-74. |
22943 |
Frictional resistance of overland flow on tropical turfed slopes Access Restrictions |
Chiew, Yee-Meng; Tan, Soon-Keat. 1992. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. January. 118(1): p. 92-97. |
251515 |
The playing quality and carrying capacity of natural turf pitches (implications for users and providers) |
Baker, Stephen; Gibbs, Richard; Adams, Bill. 1992. Parks, Golf Courses & Sports Grounds. January. 57(4): p. 3-5. |
23198 |
Quinclorac for weed control during turfgrass establishment |
Evans, J. R.; Sciarappa, W. J.; Harrell, A. L. 1992. Southern Weed Science Society Proceedings. January. 45: p. 134. |
27569 |
Evaluation of Herbicides for bermudagrass tolerance on rights-of-way |
Gacheru, E. N.; Coats, G. E.; Taylor, J. M. 1992. Southern Weed Science Society Proceedings. January. 45: p. 286. |
27610 |
What's available in creeping bentgrasses? |
Rogers, Marilyn. 1992. Grounds Maintenance. January. 27(1): p. 33,36,38,40. |
22723 |
Turfgrass Species for Pennsylvania Access Restrictions |
Landschoot, Peter. 1991. University Park, Pennsylvania: Cooperative Extension, College of Agriculture, The Pennsylvania State University. 4. |
21883 |
Turf pesticides - deposit, decay, runoff and resistance |
Woodcock, Terry. 1991. Conference Proceedings - 1991 National Turf Grass Conference -- Addendum [NZ]. p. 20/a-20/c. |
60443 |
Chemical perspectives on endophyte-grass interactions and their implications to insect herbivory |
Dahlman, Douglas L.; Eichenseer, Herbert; Siegel, Malcolm. 1991. p. 227-252. In: Barbosa, Pedro; Krischik, Vera A.; Jones, Clive G., eds. Microbial Mediation of Plant-Herbivore Interactions. New York: Wiley & Sons, Inc. |
79921 |
Fitness studies of Italian ryegrass resistant to diclofop-methyl: 1. Seedling demography and plant growth | Roush, M. L.; Ghersa, C. M.; Ghersa, M. A.; Radosevich, S. R. 1991. Proceedings of the Western Society of Weed Science. 44: p. 41. |
23921 |
Fitness studies of Italian ryegrass resistant to diclofop-methyl: 2. Pollen phenology and gene flow | Ghersa, C. M.; Ghersa, M. A.; Roush, M. L.; Radosevich, S. R. 1991. Proceedings of the Western Society of Weed Science. 44: p. 42. |
23923 |
Fitness studies of Italian ryegrass resistant to diclofop-methyl: 3. Selection pressures for resistance and germination time | Ghersa, C. M.; Ghersa, M. A.; Roush, M. L.; Radosevich, S. R. 1991. Proceedings of the Western Society of Weed Science. 44: p. 42. |
23924 |
Prodiamine evaluations in turf |
Lewis, W. M. 1991. Southern Weed Science Society Proceedings. 44: p. 186. |
29633 |
Tolerance of bentgrass and overseeded bermudagrass greens to simazine treated irrigation water |
Murphy, T. R.; Johnson, B. J. 1991. Southern Weed Science Society Proceedings. 44: p. 187. |
29634 |
Biorational control of the sting nematode in turf |
Busey, Philip; Giblin-Davis, Robin M. 1991. Proceedings of the Florida Turfgrass Conference. 39: p. 30-34. |
37955 |
Towards sustainable controls of pasture pests: progress on control of Argentine stem weevil (Listronotus bonariensis (Kuschel)) | Prestidge, R. A.; Barker, G. M.; Pottinger, R. P. 1991. Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association. November. 53: p. 25-31. |
27115 | |
Invade--A new solution to an old problem? |
Davies, Brent; Grant, Alistar. 1991. New Zealand Turf Management Journal. November. 5(4): p. 36-38. |
23372 |
Triazole compounds increase winter stress tolerance in Brassica |
Andrews, C. J.; Morrison, M. J. 1991. Agronomy Abstracts. October. p. 122. |
21923 |