Keyword: Rolling
Title | Author and Source | Category | View TGIF Record |
Preparing for summer games (cricket tables, tennis courts, bowling greens) Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 1977. Sports Turf Bulletin. April-June. 117: p. 8-10. |
102199 |
Looking after winter pitches Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 1977. Sports Turf Bulletin. January-March. 116: p. 6-10. |
102195 |
Mole control in turfgrass | Dudderar, Glenn R. 1976. Proceedings of the 46th Annual Michigan Turfgrass Conference. 5: p. 43. |
26421 |
Preparing for spring Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 1976. Sports Turf Bulletin. January-March. 112: p. 7-10. |
102179 |
The Home Pro Landscape and Lawn Care Guide |
Automotive-Hardware Trades Division, Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company. 1975. [St. Paul, Minnesota]: Automotive-Hardware Trades Division, Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company. i, 172 pp. |
72571 |
Surface levelling Access Restrictions |
Sports Turf Research Institute. 1975. Journal of the Sports Turf Research Institute. 51: p. 124. |
114508 |
Turf aeration Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 1975. Sports Turf Bulletin. October-December. 111: p. 5-8. |
102015 |
A Baker's Dozen Lawn Tips |
Cott, A. E. 1975. Ames, Iowa: Iowa State University Cooperative Extension Service. 2 pp. |
108051 |
Renovation of winter pitches Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 1974. Sports Turf Bulletin. April-June. 105: p. 7-10. |
101995 |
Sodding practices in the Midwest |
Rieke, Paul E. 1973. 19th Rocky Mountain Regional Turfgrass Conference. p. 6-10. |
99471 |
[Fine turf areas] |
Anonymous. 1973. Newsletter of the N.Z. Institute for Turf Culture. December. 88: p. 199, 202-204. |
289484 |
Spring on the sports ground Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 1973. Sports Turf Bulletin. April-June. 101: p. 4-7. |
101983 |
Guideline Specifications for Sodding |
American Sod Producers Association, Inc. [1972]. New Brunswick, New Jersey: American Sod Producers Association, Inc. 16 pp. |
37486 |
Cricket - Take Care of Your Square |
National Cricket Association Lock, H. C. 1972. East Ardsley, Wakefield, West Yorkshire, England, United Kingdom: E.P. Publishing Limited, The E.P. Group of Companies. 33 pp. First Edition. |
116280 |
Fröproduktion till grönytor (Seed production for turf areas) |
Persson, Sigvard. 1971. Weibulls Gräs-Tips. December. 12-14: p. 20-21. |
2578 |
Management of cricket outfields Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 1971. Sports Turf Bulletin. October-December. 95: p. 5-8. |
101945 |
To roll or not to roll Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 1971. Sports Turf Bulletin. April-June. 93: p. 6-8. |
101936 |
Rugby pitch management Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 1971. Sports Turf Bulletin. January-March. 92: p. 5-7. |
101928 |
Your Lawn |
Hellyer, Arthur. 1970. London, England: Hamlyn Publishing Group Limited. 64 pp. |
33223 |
Construction and maintenance of turfgrass areas in Britain and western Europe | Escritt, John. 1970. Southern California Turfgrass Culture. April. 20(2): p. 9-13. |
82493 |
Tips on grass tennis courts Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 1969. Sports Turf Bulletin. July-September. 86: p. 10-12. |
101711 |
Cricket pitches Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 1968. Sports Turf Bulletin. January-March. 80: p. 9-12. |
101677 |
Uneven surfaces of tees Access Restrictions |
Sports Turf Research Institute. 1967. Journal of the Sports Turf Research Institute. 43: p. 91-92. |
114710 |
Flattening furrows | USGA Green Section. 1967. USGA Green Section Record. September. 5(3) |
77898 |
Maintenance of polo grounds Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 1967. Sports Turf Bulletin. July-September. 78: p. 6-8. |
101672 |
Northern transition: Winter to spring | Holmes, James L. 1967. USGA Green Section Record. May. 5(1): p. 10-13. |
35630 |
"All hands on deck" Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 1967. Sports Turf Bulletin. April-June. 77: p. 9-12. |
102260 |
Hockey pitch maintenance for keen, firm and true surfaces |
Anonymous. 1966. Parks and Administration [UK]. September. 31(9): p. 49-50, 52. |
254159 |
Hockey pitch maintenance Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 1966. Sports Turf Bulletin. July-September. 74: p. 4-6. |
102244 |
Preparing turf for spring |
Anonymous. 1966. Park Administration [UK]. March. 31(3): p. 36, 41. |
254158 |
Preparing for spring Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 1966. Sports Turf Bulletin. January-March. 72: p. 8-10. |
102239 |
Lawns |
1965. p. 173-200. In: Bush-Brown, James. America's Garden Book. New York, NY: Charles Scribner's Sons. |
13465 |
Running track maintenance Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 1965. Sports Turf Bulletin. July-September. 70: p. 7-8. |
102221 |
Slow bowling greens Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 1965. Sports Turf Bulletin. July-September. 70: p. 9-10. |
102224 |
Racecourses |
Anonymous. 1964. Newsletter of the N.Z. Institute for Turf Culture. October. 33: p. 4. |
289390 |
The maintenance of fine lawns |
Hodgson, A. D. 1964. Journal of the Royal Horticultural Society. August. 84(8): p. 332-338. |
128777 |
Notes on the maintenance of hard porous surfaces for sport Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 1964. Sports Turf Bulletin. April-June. 65: p. 4-8. |
102161 |
The Lawn: How to Establish and Maintain | Daniel, W. H.; Gilbert, H. W.; Lee, O. C.; Sharvelle, E. G.; Lehker, G. E.; Oderkirk, G. C. 1963. Lafayette, Indiana: Cooperative Extension Service, Purdue University. 23 pp. |
41238 |
Facts and Tips |
William Mihelich & Son Nursery. [1963]. Warren, Michigan: Mihelich Nursery. 2 pp. |
110320 |
'Divots' on the gridiron: A look at the major football bowls: A look at the Rose Bowl Access Restrictions |
Townsend, R. B. 1963. The Golf Course Reporter. August. 31(8): p. 20-21. |
126521 |
Care of the bowling green in spring and early summer Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 1963. Sports Turf Bulletin. April-June. 61 |
101892 |
Winter management of rugby grounds |
Walker, C. 1963. Newsletter of the N.Z. Institute for Turf Culture. April. 24: p. 2-4. |
253728 |
Wear resistance of cool season turfgrasses. Effects of previous mowing practices |
Youngner, Victor B. 1962. Agronomy Journal. May/June. 54(3): p. 198-199. |
12806 |
All About Lawns Access Restrictions |
Bradshaw, John and Compton-Smith, C. J., ed. 1961. New York, New York; Buffalo, New York; Toronto, Ontario, Canada: Leland Publishing Company. 96 pp. |
33150 |
Home Lawns |
Cornman, John F. 1961. Ithaca, New York: Cooperative Extension Service, New York State College of Agriculture, Cornell University. 32 pp. Revised Edition. |
108728 |
What rolling should be done? |
Walker, C. 1961. Newsletter of the N.Z. Institute for Turf Culture. October. 15: p. 10. |
253369 |
Rasen: Bedeutung, Anlage, Pflege (Lawn: Importance, Installation, Maintenance) |
Gandert, Klaus-Dietrich. 1960. [Berlin, Germany]: Deutscher Landwirtschaftsverlag. 156 pp. |
127017 |
Rolling of football pitches Access Restrictions |
Sports Turf Research Institute. 1960. Journal of the Sports Turf Research Institute. 36: p. 221-222. |
112429 |
The renovation of winter pitches Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 1960. Sports Turf Bulletin. April-June. 49: p. 9-10. |
99234 |
Bowling green reminders Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 1960. Sports Turf Bulletin. March. 48: p. 6. |
99219 |
Weed control |
Anonymous. 1960. Newsletter of the N.Z. Institute for Turf Culture. March. 6: p. 1-3. |
252969 |
Lawn Maintenance |
Roberts, Eliot C.; Havis, John R. [1959]. Amherst, Massachusetts: Cooperative Extension Service, College of Agriculture, University of Massachusetts, Amherst. 4 pp. |
108742 |
Renovation of winter pitches Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 1959. Sports Turf Bulletin. April-June. 45: p. 6-7. |
100984 |
A turf nursery from seed Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 1959. Sports Turf Bulletin. April-June. 45: p. 8-10. |
100987 |
Early spring maintenance Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 1959. Sports Turf Bulletin. January-March. 44: p. 8-9. |
100979 |
Frost protection and rolling of golf greens Access Restrictions |
Sports Turf Research Institute. 1958. Journal of the Sports Turf Research Institute. June. 34: p. 510. |
111284 |
The Lawn, How to Establish and Maintain Access Restrictions |
Daniel, W. H.; Gilbert, H. W.; Lee, O. C.; Sharvelle, E. G.; Lehker, G. E.; Oderkirk, G. C. 1957. Lafayette, Indiana: Agricultural Extension Service, Purdue University. 27 pp. |
112824 |
Golf in frosty weather Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 1957. Sports Turf Bulletin. October-December. 39: p. 6-7. |
100932 |
Turf for winter games Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 1957. Sports Turf Bulletin. October-December. 39: p. 7-9. |
100933 |
Hockey Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 1957. Sports Turf Bulletin. July-September. 38: p. 8-9. |
100880 |
Some reminders for early spring work II. Bowling greens Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 1957. Sports Turf Bulletin. January-March. 36: p. 9. |
100859 |
Some reminders for early spring work V. Lawns Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 1957. Sports Turf Bulletin. January-March. 36: p. 11-12. |
100863 |
The Complete Book of Gardening and Lawn Care |
Peigelbeck, Will. 1956. New York, NY: Random House. 144 pp. |
72573 |
Some notes on sports ground maintenance Access Restrictions |
Simpson, George. 1956. The Journal of the Sports Turf Research Institute. 9(32): p. 228-230. |
74142 |
Moss Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 1956. Sports Turf Bulletin. October-December. 35: p. 10-11. |
100854 |
Gadget #4 for a non-scalped and cleaner cut | Anonymous. 1956. Northeastern Turfletter. June/July. 3(4): p. 2. |
280545 |
Seasonal notes for lawn officers Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 1956. Sports Turf Bulletin. January-March. 32: p. 7. |
100830 |
Some suggestions for spring work on the bowling green Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 1956. Sports Turf Bulletin. January-March. 32: p. 10-11. |
100833 |
Garden Lawns |
Whitehead, Stanley B. 1955. London, England: W. & G. Foyle Ltd. 96, [4] pp. |
33357 |
Improving a poor putting green by lifting and re-laying Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 1955. Sports Turf Bulletin. October-December. 31: p. 5-7. |
100821 |
Some points about playing fields construction Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 1955. Sports Turf Bulletin. July-September. 30: p. 5-6. |
100809 |
Autumn work II. Cricket squares Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 1955. Sports Turf Bulletin. July-September. 30: p. 7-8. |
100811 |
Autumn work III. Tennis courts Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 1955. Sports Turf Bulletin. July-September. 30: p. 8. |
100813 |
Be prepared! Some suggestions for spring work II. Bowling greens Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 1955. Sports Turf Bulletin. January-March. 28: p. [8-9]. |
100787 |
How to Take Care of Your Lawn |
Popular Mechanics. 1954. Chicago, Illinois: Popular Mechanics Press. 32 pp. |
115615 |
Maintenance of Putting-Green Turf |
DeFrance, J. A. 1954. Kingston, Rhode Island: Rhode Island Agricultural Experiment Station. 4 pp. |
229341 |
The backs go tearing by on what kind of turf? |
Reeder, Red. 1954. Athletic Journal. January. 34(5): p. 16, 48-51. |
135371 |
Association football, rugby and hockey pitches Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 1954. Sports Turf Bulletin. January-March. 24: p. [1-2]. |
100774 |
Cricket squares - spring and early summer Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 1954. Sports Turf Bulletin. January-March. 24: p. [3]. |
100776 |
The Care of Scotts Bentgrass | O. M. Scott & Sons Co. 195X. Marysville, Ohio: The O. M. Scott & Sons Co. 7 pp. |
247563 |
Turf for winter sports I. Caring for the surface Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 1953. Sports Turf Bulletin. October-December. 23: p. [2]. |
100710 |
Notes on turf management in autumn and early winter IV. Football and hockey grounds Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 1953. Sports Turf Bulletin. July-September. 22: p. [2]. |
100705 |
Notes on turf management I. Bowling greens Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 1953. Sports Turf Bulletin. January-March. 20: p. [1-2]. |
100682 |
Notes on turf management III. Rugby and football pitches Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 1953. Sports Turf Bulletin. January-March. 20: p. [2]. |
100685 |
The Lawn: Its Making and Maintenance |
Daniel, William H.; Hull, Roy B.; Lee, Oliver C.; Sharvelle, Eric G. 1952. Lafayette, Indiana: Agricultural Extension Service, Purdue University. 19 pp. 4th Edition. |
112813 |
Tennis court management at some leading clubs [Survey] Access Restrictions |
Escritt, J. R. 1952. The Journal of the Sports Turf Research Institute. 8(28): p. 173-177. |
74078 |
Turf for winter games Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 1952. Sports Turf Bulletin. November. 19: p. [1-2]. |
100679 |
How to Grow the Best Lawn and Garden in your Neighborhood: A Complete Guide to Gardening and Landscaping |
Throm, Edward L.; Kanameishi, Betty M., eds. 1951. Chicago, Illinois: Popular Mechanics. 176 pp. |
72625 |
Greener Grasses All Summer |
Lyons, Wm. E. 1951. [Ohio State University]. 5 pp. |
72706 |
Lawns: Their Construction and Upkeep |
Gurie, Albert. 195x. London, United Kingdom: News Chronicle Publications. 72 pp. |
92415 |
How to plant creeping bent stolons and produce putting greens |
Bond, R. R. 1951. The Bull Sheet. September. 5(3): p. [3-4]. |
133375 |
Notes on the upkeep of association and rugby football grounds Access Restrictions |
The Board of Greenkeeping Research. 1951. Sports Turf Bulletin. February. 2: p. [2]. |
100661 |
Keeping Turf Playworthy: A Practical Guide |
Lewis, I. G. 19xx. Wales, United Kingdom: University Department of Agriculture (Wales). 16 pp. |
107579 |
Lawn Care |
Santelmann, P. W.; Wagner, R. E. 19XX. College Park, Maryland: University of Maryland, Extension Service. 16 pp. |
108205 |
Planting and Care of the Lawn |
Elliott, N. R. 1950. Lexington, Kentucky: Agriculture Extension Service, College of Agriculture and Home Economics, University of Kentucky. 14 pp. Revised Edition. |
108214 |
The improvement and maintenance of Hull City Football Ground Access Restrictions |
Carter, Raich; Carter, George. 1950. Journal of the Board of Greenkeeping Research. 7(26): p. 337-341. |
51296 |
[Rolling turf in spring] | Anonymous. 1950. The Bull Sheet. May. 4(5): p. [5]. |
133346 |
Emergency aerification Access Restrictions |
Twombly, A. R. 1950. The Greenkeepers' Reporter. January/February. 18(1): p. 20. |
118462 |
Airport Turfing |
United States Civil Aeronautics Administration. 1949. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Commerce, Civil Aeronautics Administration. v, 34 pp. |
113893 |
Spring Care of Established Lawns |
Ahlgren, Gilbert H.; Engel, Ralph E. 1949. New Brunswick, New Jersey: New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station, Rutgers University - The State University of New Jersey. [3] pp. |
120468 |