Keyword: Sand
Title | Author and Source | Category | View TGIF Record |
[Sand use in golf greens and modern sport pitch construction] |
Warner, John. 1996. The Groundsman. April. 49(4): p. 48. |
82724 |
Bunker sand bulletin: How to select the right sand for your course Access Restrictions |
Hutcheson, Bob. 1996. GreenMaster. April/May. 31(2): p. 32, 34. |
70528 |
Some thoughts on turf management |
Differ, Pat. 1996. Turf & Recreation. January/February. 9(1): p. 22-23. |
37214 |
A Process for Selecting Materials and Methods Used in Golf Putting Green Construction |
Nicewonder, Mark D. 1995. M. S. Thesis: Louisiana State University. vii, 117 pp. |
53421 |
The effect of Trinexepac-ethyl [Trinexapac-ethyl] on six sod types established on sand based rootzones under simulated athletic field conditions |
Krick, T. M.; Stier, J. C.; Rogers, J. N.; Crum, J. R. 1995. Agronomy Abstracts. p. 145. |
38018 |
Screening turfgrasses for aluminum tolerance |
Liu, H.; Heckman, J. R.; Murphy, J. A. 1995. Agronomy Abstracts. p. 147. |
38055 |
Testing rootzone materials for sports turf construction in Cyprus |
Constantinou, C.; Diesburg, K. L.; Chong, S. K. 1995. Agronomy Abstracts. p. 157. |
38220 |
The effect of calcined clay topdressing on temperature, dry spot, and saturated hydraulic conductivity on creeping bentgrass putting greens |
Minner, D. D.; Dunn, J. H.; Bughrara, S. 1995. Agronomy Abstracts. p. 158. |
38260 |
Sand topdressing application and equipment | Dushane, Kevin. 1995. Proceedings of the 65th Annual Michigan Turfgrass Conference. 24: p. 61-62. |
37284 |
Material selection for USGA greens | Hummel, N. W. Jr. 1995. Proceedings of the 65th Annual Michigan Turfgrass Conference. 24: p. 133-150. |
37304 |
Sand topdressing | Bolyard, David. 1995. Proceedings of the 65th Annual Michigan Turfgrass Conference. 24: p. 151-152. |
37305 |
Sand topdressing forum comments | Thuemmel, Kurt A. 1995. Proceedings of the 65th Annual Michigan Turfgrass Conference. 24: p. 157-158. |
37307 |
Sod establishment & maintenance procedures study for athletic turf in sand based rootzones | Krick, T. M.; Stier, J. C.; Rogers, J. N. III; Crum, J. R. 1995. Proceedings of the 65th Annual Michigan Turfgrass Conference. 24: p. 215-219. |
37321 |
Nitrogen and potassium fertility of a sand based rootzone athletic turf | Krick, T. M.; Rogers, J. N. III; Crum, J. R.; Plachta, J. J. 1995. Proceedings of the 65th Annual Michigan Turfgrass Conference. 24: p. 221-226. |
37323 |
Bunker facelift program a hit at Oakdale: Careful planning allows play during renovations Access Restrictions |
Tschanz, Steve; Dermott, Paul. 1995. GreenMaster. December/January. 30(6): p. 7-9. |
70696 |
Trockenheit auf dem Golfplatz: Ursachen, Zusammenhänge - Erkenntnisse aus Versuchen (Dryness on the golf course: Consequences, connections - knowledge from trials) |
Wagner, Andreas. 1995. Greenkeepers Journal. December. 7(4): p. 18-20. |
53730 |
Opinions | USGA Green Section. 1995. USGA Green Section Record. November/December. 33(6) |
78018 |
Hunker in a bunker | Jackson, Joel D. 1995. The Florida Green. Fall. p. 44, 46. |
55374 |
Year three - beware! | Kerkman, Christopher L.; Kussow, Wayne R. 1995. The Grass Roots. September/October. 23(5): p. 38-39. |
35231 |
The basics of bunker grooming: Drawing lines in the sand: Maintaining these hazards can be difficult, but the right tool for the right sand can make all the difference Access Restrictions |
Nesbitt, Scott. 1995. Golf Course Management. August. 63(8): p. 38, 40, 42. |
34888 |
Autumn fertilisers |
Lawson, David. 1995. The Groundsman. August. 48(8): p. 39. |
82587 |
Are bunkers really necessary? | Jamieson, Bruce. 1995. Greenkeeper International. July. p. 12. |
72826 |
Shoot and root development of tall and hard fescues in two different soils |
Brar, G. S.; Palazzo, A. J. 1995. Journal of Environmental Quality. July/August. 24(4): p. 777-781. |
34726 |
The USGA doesn't build roads and the DOT doesn't... |
Hardy, Frank. 1995. Florida Turf Digest. July/August. 12(4): p. 32-35. |
70553 |
The history of bunker design and current problems relating to changing shape and contours of bunkers through sand accumulation/erosion Access Restrictions |
Wishart, Dewar; Beggs, Alistair. 1995. Sports Turf Bulletin. June. 189: p. 10. |
99408 |
Winter games pitches: Do sand pitches really increase usage? |
Dury, Peter L. K. 1995. The Groundsman. May. 48(5): p. 19, 21. |
82573 |
Growing-in new sports turf |
Rieke, Paul E. 1995. The Turf Line News. April/May. 127: p. 18-19, 21-22. |
253163 |
Know your sand |
Hardy, Frank. 1995. Florida Turf Digest. March/April. 12(2): p. 41-47. |
70454 |
Topdressingmaterial für Golfgrüns-Fakten, Daten, häufige Fehler (Topdressing material for golf greens- facts, dates, common mistakes) |
Büring, W. 1995. Greenkeepers Journal. March. 7(1): p. 23-26. |
34563 |
Sports focus: Winter pitch maintenance, part 4 - Association football |
Evans, R. D. C. 1995. The Groundsman. February. 48(2): p. 10, 12. |
82561 |
Sports focus: Winter pitch maintenance part 3 - rugby football |
Evans, R. D. C. 1995. The Groundsman. January. 48(1): p. 12-13. |
82558 |
Best Sand purchases mining operation | Anonymous. 1995. Golf Course News. January. 6 [7](1): p. 54. |
46755 |
Winter Games Pitches: The Construction and Maintenance of Natural Turf Pitches for Team Games |
Evans, R. D. C., ed. 1994. Bingley, UK: The Sports Turf Research Institute. |
32959 |
Root zone sand survey | Stowell, Larry. [199X]. Super Journal: PACE Turfgrass Research Institute. p. 1-7. |
105031 |
A new technology for sports field construction with the randomly oriented, interlocking mesh elements system and its actual use case history |
Beard, James B. 1994. p. 61-80, 139-159. In: The Committee of International Symposium on Soccer Field. Proceedings of International Symposium on Soccer Field. Tokyo, Japan: The Committee of International Symposium on Soccer Field and Soft Science, Inc. |
32415 |
Sands for pitch construction and top dressing |
Baker, S. W. 1994. p. 74-83. In: Evans, R. D. C., ed. Winter Games Pitches: The Construction and Maintenance of Natural Turf Pitches for Team Games. Bingley, UK: The Sports Turf Research Institute. |
40339 |
From a soil to a sand carpet field: A case study |
Gallagher, Mike. 1994. Proceedings of The 5th New Zealand Sports Turf. p. 142-144. |
32411 |
Sand construction: Ten years down the track |
Glasgow, Alex. 1994. Proceedings of The 5th New Zealand Sports Turf. p. 144-146. |
32412 |
Rubber crumb inclusion in sand for training tracks |
Chivers, Ian. 1994. Proceedings of The 5th New Zealand Sports Turf. p. 175-177. |
32535 |
Australian bunker sands - quantifying playability |
Dewar, R. B.; Beehag, G. W.; Chan, K. Y. 1994. p. 483-488. In: Coshran, A. J.; Farrally, A. J., eds. Science and Golf II. London: E. & F. N. Spon. |
30724 |
Quantification and fate of nitrogen from amended and pure sand putting green profiles |
Brauen, S. E.; Stahnke, G. K.; Johnston, W. J.; Chapman, J. E.; Gogger, C. G. 1994. Agronomy Abstracts. 86: p. 189. |
41933 |
Production and quality of St. Augustinegrass on a Pomona fine sand |
Mislevy, P.; Busey, P.; Martin, F. G. 1994. The Soil and Crop Science Society of Florida: Proceedings. 53: p. 69-74. |
47712 |
Bentgrass performance in California's central coast | Harivandi, Ali; Hagan, William. 1994. California Turfgrass Culture. 44(3/4): p. [9]-12. |
37546 |
Sand filtration system installed at Maitland Golf Course |
Dupuis, Alain; Radnidge, Darren. 1994. ATRI Turf Notes. Summer. 13(4): p. 8-9. |
35016 |
Developing specifications for Australian bunker sands |
Dewar, Rachel B. 1994. Proceedings of the 1st ATRI Turf Research Conference. 1: p. 105-112. |
37278 |
Physical properties of sand as affected by clinoptilolite zeolite particle size and quantity Access Restrictions |
Huang, Z. T.; Petrovic, A. M. 1994. Journal of Turfgrass Management. 1(1): p. 1-15. |
30622 |
Caught in the sand | Tilley, Hugh. 1994. Greenkeeper International. December. p. 39-40. |
34688 |
Effects of nitrogen supply on the source of nitrogen used for regrowth of laminae after defoliation of four grass species Access Restrictions |
Thornton, B.; Millard, P.; Duff, E. I. 1994. New Phytologist. December. 128(4): p. 615-620. |
37398 |
Large-scale reclamation |
Anonymous. 1994. Parks, Golf Courses & Sports Grounds. November. 60(2): p. 12. |
34005 |
Why are our new bentgrass collars dying? | Dernoeden, Peter H. 1994. Turfgrass Matters. November. 46(9): p. 4-5. |
32216 |
Soil problems? Try an 'amendment' | Roche, Jerry. 1994. Landscape Management. November. 33(11): p. 28, 30, 31. |
32166 |
Impact of sand topdressing |
Ormsby, David. 1994. New Zealand Turf Management Journal. November. 8(4): p. 13-14. |
33992 |
A national register of sands for golf course construction and maintenance |
Hannan, Brendan. 1994. New Zealand Turf Management Journal. November. 8(4): p. 23. |
33999 |
Experts decry inconsistent root-zone mixes | Leslie, Mark. 1994. Golf Course News. November. 5 [6](11): p. 1, 40-41. |
40418 |
Tender treatment for tough turf |
White, David. 1994. Parks, Golf Courses & Sports Grounds. October. 60(1): p. 12-13. |
34614 |
Rainstorms force reconstruction at Sand Hills | Anonymous. 1994. Golf Course News. October. 5 [6](10): p. 27. |
40440 |
Aireación: Hoy más necesaria que nunca ([Aeration: Needed more today than ever]) |
Vavrek, Robert C. 1994. TGM: Campos Deportivos y Espacios Verdes. October-December. 2(4): p. 10-12, 14, 16-18. |
41008 |
Physical and chemical effects |
Kaapro, Jyri. 1994. ATRI Turf Notes. Autumn. 13(1): p. 6. |
39210 |
A randomly oriented, interlocking mesh high-sand root zone system for sports field and race course applications |
Beard, James B. 1994. North Carolina Turfgrass. Fall. 12(3): p. 52-53. |
32712 |
Surfactants |
Hackleman, Dave. 1994. The Reporter [Rocky Mountain GCSA]. September. p. 6-7. |
34485 |
The Cambridge green: Will it work? |
Anonymous. 1994. TURF Management. September. p. 21. |
34380 |
Moonee Valley likely to have the best racing surfaces |
Anonymous. 1994. Turf Craft Aust.. September. 39: p. 25-27. |
32287 |
Former greenkeeper has 'gone to the dogs' |
Anonymous. 1994. Turf Craft Aust.. September. 39: p. 71. |
32314 |
Bedeutung der Mikronährstoffe für den Intensivrasen: Funktion, Symptomatik, Verfügbarkeit, Aneignung und Düngung von Mikronährstoffen ([Significance of micronutrients in fine turf: Function, symptoms, availability, suitability and fertilization from micronutrients]) |
Römheld, Volker. 1994. Rasen-Turf-Gazon. September. 25(3): p. 64-68. |
31889 |
Turfgrass trivia Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 1994. TurfNews [ASPA]. September/October. 18(5): p. 39. |
106603 |
Golf course undergoes major facelift |
Witteveen, Gordon. 1994. Turf & Recreation. September/October. 7(6): p. 6-7, 24. |
34792 |
Topdresser settings: can they be important? |
Goecke, Dale. 1994. The Reporter [Rocky Mountain GCSA]. August. p. 6-7. |
33866 |
Response of turfed root zones in an interlocking mesh element high-sand matrix system - 1989-1990 |
Sifers, S. I.; Beard, J. B. 1994. Texas Turfgrass Research - 1993. August. p. 108-111. |
45763 |
Turf plant responses and soil characterizations in sandy clay loam and clay loam soil augmented by turf in interlocking mesh elements - 1992 |
Sifers, S. I.; Beard, J. B.; Hall, M. H. 1994. Texas Turfgrass Research - 1993. August. p. 112-115. |
45764 |
Options for bowling green drainage and construction |
Robinson, Michael; Neylan, John. 1994. Turf Craft Aust.. July. 38: p. 41, 43-45. |
34304 |
Sand and reputation no defence against deluges which devastate deficient drainage |
Anonymous. 1994. Turf Craft Aust.. July. 38: p. 46-48. |
34307 |
Make perfect sense | USGA Green Section. 1994. USGA Green Section Record. July/August. 32(4) |
77995 |
Jacobson transforms sand pit into double-green 9 | Anonymous. 1994. Golf Course News. July. 5 [6](7): p. 31, 36. |
40087 |
Denitrification in the top soil of managed grasslands in The Netherlands in relation to soil type and fertilizer level |
De Klein, C. A. M.; Van Logtestijn, R. S. P. 1994. Plant and Soil. June. 163(1): p. 33-44. |
31009 |
Modified bunker sand rakes create hand-done look | Buchen, Terry. 1994. Golf Course News. June. 5 [6](6): p. 17. |
39778 |
Granular seaweed: Some applications within a framework of organic turf management Access Restrictions |
Smith, Douglas. 1994. GreenMaster. April/May. 28(2): p. 50, 56-57. |
39251 |
Physical properties of Hawaiian golf course sands |
Murdoch, Charles L.; Hensley, David L. 1994. HortTechnology. April-June. 4(2): p. 150-153. |
37579 |
Topdressing sand | USGA Green Section. 1994. USGA Green Section Record. March/April. 33(2) |
77981 |
Should stay consistent | USGA Green Section. 1994. USGA Green Section Record. March/April. 33(2) |
77982 |
To avoid poor root zones | USGA Green Section. 1994. USGA Green Section Record. March/April. 33(2) |
77983 |
Pre-compacting the bedding sand - yes or no? |
Smith, David R. 1994. Landscape Trades. March. 16(2): p. 30-32. |
32820 |
Improving Lawn and Landscape Soils |
Lower, John B.; Rothenberger, Ray R. 1993. Columbia, Missouri: University of Missouri-Columbia. [5] pp. |
38498 |
Soil physical analysis and how to use it Access Restrictions |
Thomas, James C. 1993. Conference Proceedings: 64th International Golf CourseConference and Show. p. 24. |
129649 |
Age development in sand-based turf |
Murphy, J. W.; Field, T. R. O.; Hickey, M. J. 1993. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 7: p. 464-468. |
28098 |
Research update: Evaluation of sands for golf course bunkers |
Dewar, Rachel. 1993. ATRI Turf Notes. Winter. 12(2): p. 6. |
28820 |
Sand, silt and clay: The soil minerals | Darrah, Charles H. III. 1993. Landscape Management. November. 32(11): p. 24,26.Tech center. |
29756 |
Testing sands for sports turf use -- an NZTCI analytical service |
Gibbs, Richard. 1993. New Zealand Turf Management Journal. August. 7(3): p. 16-18. |
29942 |
Don't gamble on sand selection | McWilliams, Steve. 1993. Landscape Management. July. 32(7): p. 28. |
28917 |
Puyallup lysimeters: measuring nitrate movement in sand and modified sand root zones |
Brauen, S. E.; Stahnke, G. K.; Cogger, C.; Chastagner, G.; Johnston, W. J.; Chapman, E. 1993. The Turf Line News. June/July. 116: p. 10-12, 14-16. |
27500 |
The effect of rootzone composition and surface moisture content on the speed of bowling greens Access Restrictions |
Baker, S. W.; Richards, C. W. 1993. Journal of the Sports Turf Research Institute. June. 69: p. 31-37. |
28586 |
Preparing your course for a tournament |
Brewer, Bob. 1993. Through The Green. May/June. p. 24-25. |
28403 |
Honeymoons rarely last, even with sand profiles |
Anonymous. 1993. Turf Craft Aust.. May/June. 32: p. 33, 45. |
27951 |
Design, construction and maintenance of sand based facilities using the principle of the perched water table |
McIntyre, Keith; Jakobsen, Bent. 1993. Turf Craft Aust.. May/June. 32: p. 47-53. |
27956 |
Sand root zone reinforcement |
Thorp, Yolanda. 1993. New Zealand Turf Management Journal. May. 7(2): p. 21-23. |
28367 |
Draining bunkers |
Anonymous. 1993. TURF Management. March. p. 16-19. |
27794 |
The worst sand in the world |
Witteveen, Gordon. 1993. Turf & Recreation. March. 6(2): p. 16-19. |
27348 |
Sand pitches: Construction and maintenance Access Restrictions |
Pool, S. T. 1993. Sports Turf Bulletin. January-March. 180: p. 8-9. |
26870 |
Maintaining hazards without problems |
Beggs, A. J. 1993. Parks, Golf Courses & Sports Grounds. January. 58(4): p. 3-6. |
27048 |
Highlights of recent changes to the USGA's green construction recommendations | Vavrek, Robert. 1993. The Bull Sheet. January. 46(8): p. 12-13. |
132316 |
SportsTURF 1992 Man of the Year: Roger Bossard - Family style | Anonymous. 1993. SportsTURF. January. 9(1): p. 22-25. |
26742 |