Keyword: Sand
Title | Author and Source | Category | View TGIF Record |
On design, detail and judicious juggling Access Restrictions |
Gadd, Dale. 1988. Golf Course Management. November. 56(11): p. 22, 26, 28. |
13576 |
From Elvington, Yorks, to Loftus Road, W 12 |
Mills, Bill. 1988. The Groundsman. November. 41(11): p. 10-12. |
13965 |
Use of natural zeolites in sand rootzones for putting greens Access Restrictions |
Voroney, R. Paul; van Straaten, Peter. 1988. Greenmaster. November/December. 24(8): p. 19. |
13925 |
Amenity turf drainage Access Restrictions |
Martin, L. 1988. Sports Turf Bulletin. October-December. 163: p. 9-12. |
13973 |
Drainage Control: Maximising Benefits of Sand Construction |
Anonymous. 1988. Parks, Golf Courses & Sports Grounds. October. 54(1): p. 53. |
13736 |
...To Down-Home: A Homemade Course on the Colorado Prairie |
Simpson, Kevin. 1988. Golf Journal. September. 41(6): p. 31-35. |
13811 |
The Brain Drain - II |
Fry, Robert. 1988. The Groundsman. August. 41(8): p. 8-9. |
13963 |
In sandy soil... | Rao, Balakrishna. 1988. Landscape Management. August. 27(8): p. 76. |
13757 |
Power bunker rakes cruise where people dread to tread: Over the years, manufacturerers have added options that give their products versatility in and out of the bunker Access Restrictions |
Gadd, Dale. 1988. Golf Course Management. July. 56(7): p. 94-96, 100. |
12970 |
Grooming sand by hand Access Restrictions |
Jones, Pat. 1988. Golf Course Management. July. 56(7): p. 96, 99. |
12971 |
The response of Lolium Perenne L. grown on a Prunty-Mulqueen sand carpet rootzone to fertiliser nitrogen I. ground cover response as affected by football-type wear Access Restrictions |
Canaway, P. M.; Hacker, J. W. 1988. Journal of the Sports Turf Research Institute. June. 64: p. 63-74. |
12946 |
Nitrogen depletion and uptake by turfgrass in sand culture Access Restrictions |
Nelson, S. H. 1988. Greenmaster. May. 24(4): p. 14-15, 17. |
12488 |
The big blow | Watschke, Gary A. 1988. USGA Green Section Record. March/April. 26(2): p. 20. |
12310 |
Bunkers: A Fair Hazard - Not a Trap for the Unwary Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 1988. Sports Turf Bulletin. January-March. 160: p. 6-8. |
11867 |
Turf Managers' Handbook |
Daniel, W. H.; Freeborg, R. P. 1987. Cleveland, Ohio: Business Publications Division, Harvest Publishing Company, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich. 437 pp., [16] plates. Second Edition. |
28654 |
An Investigation of Water Repellency in the Himatangi Sand Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Wallis, Murray Gordon. Wallis, Murray Gordon. 1987. M. S. Thesis: Massey University, New Zealand. |
77343 |
Sand bunker maintenance | Faubel, Gerald. 1987. Proceedings of the 57th Annual Michigan Turfgrass Conference. 16: p. 96-97. |
10258 |
Particle size analyses of root zone mixes in golf greens suffering from black layer | Burpee, Lee; Anderson, Annette. 1987. The Guelph Turfgrass Institute: Annual Report. 1: p. 1-4. |
19496 |
Use of natural zeolites in sand rootzones for putting greens | Voroney, Paul; Marcille, Virginia. 1987. The Guelph Turfgrass Institute: Annual Report. 1: p. 17-19. |
20025 |
Tolerance of Native Grass Seedlings to Selected Grass Herbicides. |
Mosier, Dwight G.; Ohlenbusch, Paul D.; Fjell, Dale L. 1987. Proceedings of the North Central Weed Control Conference. December. 42: p. 72. |
13800 |
All say 'Ah!' |
Mills, William. 1987. The Groundsman. December. 40(12): p. 4. |
11682 |
How to reduce tension | USGA Green Section. 1987. USGA Green Section Record. July/August. 25(4) |
77539 |
Nutritional problems of sand greens Access Restrictions |
Almack, Corrie. 1987. Greenmaster. July/August. 23(5): p. 28. |
10721 |
The fertiliser requirement of Agrostis castellana-festuca rubra turf growing on pure sand Access Restrictions |
Lawson, D. M. 1987. Journal of the Sports Turf Research Institute. June. 63: p. 28-36. |
19206 |
The nutrient content of sands used for turf culture in the United Kingdom Access Restrictions |
Lawson, D. M.; Baker, S. W. 1987. Journal of the Sports Turf Research Institute. June. 63: p. 49-56. |
19211 |
The black layer: Nature's revenge? | Shank, Bruce. 1987. SportsTURF. June. 3(6): p. 11. |
10456 |
Sand dune revegetation |
Anonymous. 1987. Grounds Maintenance. May. 22(5): p. 34. |
10213 |
Sand Slit Drainage |
Otto, Daniel. 1987. Park Maintenance and Grounds Management. April. 40(4): p. 16-19. |
10024 |
Yet unfound: Answers for 'black layer' | Anonymous. 1987. Weeds Trees & Turf. March. 26(3): p. 8. |
9817 |
Topdressing operations that vibrate | Latham, James T. [M.]. 1987. USGA Green Section Record. March/April. 25(2): p. 35-36. |
10021 |
How sand constructions improve playability |
Baker, Steve. 1987. Parks, Golf Courses & Sports Grounds. February. 52(5): p. 8-9. |
10157 |
Topdressing studies on greens |
Anonymous. 1987. Newsnotes (Michigan Turfgrass Foundation). January-March. p. 12. |
9869 |
Removing excess water vertically from sports turf |
Daniel, William. 1987. Park Maintenance and Grounds Management. January. 40(1): p. 8-10. |
9627 |
A Preliminary Study of Selected Soil Properties Affecting the Playability of Some New Zealand Cricket Pitches Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Cameron-Lee, Stuart Paul. 1986. B. S. Thesis: Massey University. |
77342 |
Effects of cultural practices on bermudagrass thatch buildup | Anonymous. 1966[1986]. California Turfgrass Culture. 36(1-4): p. 6. |
10194 |
Sand zur Bodenverbesserung und als Mittel zur Rasenpflege (Sand for soil improvement and as a means of turf improvement) |
Büring, Walter. 1986. Rasen, Grunflachen, Begrunungen. December. 17(4): p. 113-116. |
9741 | |
Analysis of Sands Available for Rootzones |
Daniel, W. H.; Freeborg, R. P.; Throssell, Clark. 1986. Agronomy Abstracts. November. p. 132. |
8773 |
The Response of Selected Salt-Tolerant and Normal Lines of Four Grass Species to NaCl in Sand Culture Access Restrictions |
Ashraf, M.; McNeilly, T.; Bradshaw, A. D. 1986. New Phytologist. November. 104(3): p. 453-461. |
9653 |
Our experience with nematodes on sand topdressed greens | Purpur, Joel. 1986. The Bull Sheet. October. 40(5): p. 9, 11. |
8548 |
Experiences with Sand Base Turf in Lithia Park | Mickelsen, Kenneth J. 1986. Proceedings of the 40th Northwest Turfgrass Conference. September. 40: p. 132-135. |
10851 |
Golf green construction the ideal vs. the practical Access Restrictions |
Seabrook, Brett. 1986. Greenmaster. September/October. 22(7): p. 19-20. |
9331 |
Bunker sand selection: For golfer and course manager alike, the choice of sands used in bunkers can mean the difference between success and frustration throughout the season. The study reported here provides essential guidelines Access Restrictions |
Brown, K. W.; Thomas, J. C. 1986. Golf Course Management. July. 54(7): p. 64, 66, 68, 70. |
8979 |
Bunker renovation: Design and construction factors play key roles in bunker longevity and long-term playability, particularly where optimal quality sand may be unavailable Access Restrictions |
Stewart, Roger. 1986. Golf Course Management. July. 54(7): p. 66, 68. |
8980 |
A Successful Solution to a Sticky Problem: Wallowing in the Mud, Doomed by Design |
Brougham, R. W.; Haycock, Bruce; Small, Rob; Williams, Johnny; Graham, Neil; Paul, Merv; Guy, Ritchie. 1986. New Zealand Turf Management Journal. July. 1(1): p. 5-8. |
10552 |
The Effects of Mechanical Treatments of the Water Infiltration Rate of a Sand Playing Surface for Association Football Access Restrictions |
Canaway, P. M.; Isaac, S. P.; Bennett, R. A. 1986. Journal of the Sports Turf Research Institute. June. 62: p. 67-73. |
9185 |
Technical Note: The Effects of Fertilizer Nitrogen on the Water Infiltration Rate of a Sand Rootzone for Football Access Restrictions |
Canaway, P. M.; Bennett, R. A. 1986. Journal of the Sports Turf Research Institute. June. 62: p. 204-206. |
9205 |
The Playing Quality of Natural Turf for Football: 2) A Pilot Survey Access Restrictions |
Holmes, G. 1986. Journal of the Sports Turf Research Institute. June. 62: p. 218. |
8645 |
VHAF Grass Reinforcement Access Restrictions |
Radford, Carole. 1986. Journal of the Sports Turf Research Institute. June. 62: p. 219. |
8646 |
Sand bunkers | Knapp, Ray. 1986. The Grass Roots. May/June. 13(3): p. 1, 35-36. |
9592 |
Bunkers: A golfer's point of view | Cookson, David U. 1986. The Grass Roots. May/June. 13(3): p. 3. |
138237 |
Sand bunker renovation | Lennert, Larry. 1986. The Grass Roots. May/June. 13(3): p. 41-42. |
9597 |
New research project |
Anonymous. 1986. The Groundsman. April. 39(4): p. 42. |
8384 |
First Aid for Ailing Playing Surfaces |
Brown, Kirk W. 1986. Grounds Maintenance. April. 21(4): p. 70,72. |
8390 |
The right sand | Anonymous. 1986. SportsTURF. April. 2(3): p. 26. |
9979 |
A useful technique in sand bunker renovation |
Snow, James T. 1986. USGA Green Section Record. March/April. 24(2): p. 16-17. |
8788 |
Survey of sand bunker maintenance & costs | Opperman, Fred D. 1986. The Bull Sheet. February. 39(9): p. 7, 9. |
8105 |
Souter of stirling | Hall, Ron. 1986. Weeds Trees & Turf. February. 25(2): p. 52, 56. |
7891 |
Some problems found on new-golf courses Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 1986. Sports Turf Bulletin. January-March. 152: p. 9-11. |
9281 |
Sand trap renovation | Nass, Mike. 1986. The Bull Sheet. January. 39(8): p. 3. |
9436 |
A Guide for Evaluating Sands for Use as a Growing Medium for High Traffic Turf |
Davis, William B.; Paul, Jack L. 1985. Davis, California: Cooperative Extension, Turfgrass Adaptive Research Program, Department of Environmental Horticulture, University of California, Davis. 4 pp. |
288389 |
Topsoil quality: Relation to the performance of sand-soil mixes Access Restrictions |
Baker, S. W. 1985. Proceedings of the Fifth International Turfgrass Research Conference. p. 401-409. |
9033 |
Effects of nitrogen fertilizer and fall topdressing on the spring recovery of Agrostis palustris Huds. (Penncross creeping bentgrass) greens Access Restrictions |
Christians, N. E.; Diesburg, K. L.; Nus, J. L. 1985. Proceedings of the Fifth International Turfgrass Research Conference. p. 459-468. |
9039 |
Mineral nutrition of bentgrass on sand rooting systems Access Restrictions |
Sheard, R. W.; Haw, M. A.; Johnson, G. B.; Ferguson, J. A. 1985. Proceedings of the Fifth International Turfgrass Research Conference. p. 469-485. |
9040 |
Turfgrass establishment in golf course construction on dune sand |
Kavanagh, T.; Cassidy, J. C. 1985. Proceedings of the Fifth International Turfgrass Research Conference. p. 515-522. |
9044 |
Topdressing--Sand or soil? |
Murphy, J. W. 1985. Sports Turf Review. December. 160: p. 148-149. |
8234 |
Sand als Baustoff in der Vegetationstechnik-physiologisch wichtige Eigenschaften (Sand as a building material in vegetation technics - physiologically important properties) |
Deller, B. 1985. Rasen-Turf-Gazon. December. 16(4): p. 105-111. |
34716 |
Denver's multiuse stadium survives with PAT and TLC |
Wightman, Steve. 1985. Park Maintenance and Grounds Management. November. 38(11): p. 9-12. |
7950 |
Milkshake turf stands up to downpours and the Kansas City Chiefs | Shank, Bruce. 1985. SportsTURF. November/December. 1(2): p. 26, 28-29. |
9949 |
Investigations of Wear Tolerance |
Anonymous. 1985. Sports Turf Review. September. 158: p. 92. |
10770 |
Sand greens and new drainage (The first year and member comprehension) |
Cirino, Richard S. 1985. The Georgia Turf-grass News. September/October. 18(5): p. 2-3. |
7818 |
Golf courses the pros love to hate |
Rappoport, Ken. 1985. The Saturday Evening Post. July/August. 257: p. 66 (4). |
18370 | |
Golf green construction using perlite as an amendment: In the lab and on the course, a pair of studies reflect encouraging results that merit attention Access Restrictions |
Crawley, Wayne; Zabcik, David. 1985. Golf Course Management. July. 53(7): p. 44, 48, 50, 52. |
5783 |
Culture du sable et fertilisation ([Sand culture and fertilization]) Access Restrictions |
Nelson, S. H. 1985. GreenMaster. July/August. 21(6): p. 28-29. |
116149 |
Einfluß verschiedener Bodeneigenschaften auf die botanische Zusammensetzung der Pflanzenbestände (The influence of various soil properties on the botanical composition of the plant populations) |
Franken, H. 1985. Rasen-Turf-Gazon. June. 16(2): p. 57-60. |
8407 |
Decade of sand topdressing |
Knapp, Ray. 1985. Proceedings of the Turf Conference of the Midwest Regional Turf Foundation. March. p. 66-69. |
7673 |
Sands for Sports Turf. |
Daniel, Bill W. [H.]. 1985. Proceedings of the 19th Annual Tennessee Turfgrass Conference. January. p. 7-10. |
9264 |
[Canadians still moon walking] Access Restrictions |
Gourlay, David W. 1985. GreenMaster. January/February. 21(1): p. 21. |
115952 |
[Poor drainage in sandy, flat native land] | Bailey, Michael J. 1984. The Florida Green. Summer. p. 38-39. |
223654 |
Topdressing golf greens |
Skogley, C. R. 1984. URI Turfgrass Research Review. 16: p. 5. |
10099 |
Research Notes: Nitrogen and Wear |
Evans, [P. S.]. 1984. Sports Turf Review. December. 154: p. 136-138. |
10756 |
Recent research in sand, soil, and peat mixtures | Vandehey, Russ. 1984. Northwest Turfgrass Topics. December. 27(3): p. 7, 11. |
264686 |
Choosing Bunker Sands Access Restrictions |
O'Brien, Patrick M. 1984. Summary of Proceedings: Tenth Virginia TurfgrassConference. November. p. 27-28. |
13289 |
Sand rootzones for bentgrass Access Restrictions |
Nelson, S. H.; Schroeder, W. R. 1984. Greenmaster. November/December. 20(8): p. 12-13, 15. |
2302 |
Black Hawk's green making and maintenance methods | Hadley, F. B.; Bone, J. S. 1984. The Grass Roots. November/December. 11(7): p. 25-26. |
9578 |
Sands for sports turf construction and maintenance Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 1984. Sports Turf Bulletin. October-December. 147: p. 3-5. |
13063 |
Sand football pitches Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 1984. Sports Turf Bulletin. October-December. 147: p. 5-7. |
13064 |
Choosing the exact sand required for the job |
Baker, Steve. 1984. Parks, Golf Courses & Sports Grounds. September. 49(12): p. 30, 33-34. |
820 |
Tee and Bunker Design and Construction: Factors to Consider | Fream, Ronald W. 1984. Proceedings of the 38th Northwest Turfgrass Conference. September. 38: p. 57-64. |
9914 |
Studies with Sand Culture for Bentgrass Greens Access Restrictions |
Nelson, S. H.; Schroeder, W. R. 1984. Canadian Journal of Plant Science. July. 64(3): p. 699-706. |
10767 |
And the sand runneth over | Whitaker, Bill. 1984. USGA Green Section Record. July/August. 22(4): p. 9-11. |
19640 |
Directors' Report to the N.Z. Golf Association |
Leng-Ward, D. G. 1984. Sports Turf Review. June. 151: p. 52-55. |
10741 |
Quality sand bunkers | Zontek, Stanley J. 1984. The Grass Roots. May/June. 2(3): p. 16-17. |
138218 |
Construction of a sand ameliorated golf green Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 1984. Sports Turf Bulletin. April-June. 145: p. 10-12. |
13071 |
Intensive Sand Topdressing |
Ferguson, Walter. 1984. Proceedings of the Turf Conference of the Midwest Regional Turf Foundation. March. p. 16-18. |
7647 |
Topdressing--My program |
Conroy, Jim. 1984. Proceedings of the 1984 Turf Conference of the Midwest. March. p. 66. |
7661 | |
Sand & Soil Applications to a Penncross Turf |
Murphy, J. W. 1984. Sports Turf Review. February. 149: p. 15-17. |
10599 |
Construction and Maintenance of Natural Grass Athletic Fields |
Goss, Roy L.; Cook, Thomas. 1983. Moscow, Idaho: University of Idaho Cooperative Extension Service; Corvallis, Oregon: Oregon State University Extension Service; Pullman, Washington: Washington State Cooperative Extension. 27 pp. |
12269 |
Sand-filled artificial grass on a hard porous base |
Gillespie, Malcolm. 1983. Proceedings of the Second National Turfgrass Conference [UK]. p. 41-42. |
85134 |
Discussion on synthetic surfaces |
Millest, Jennifer. 1983. Proceedings of the Second National Turfgrass Conference [UK]. p. 47-58. |
85138 |
Problems and solutions to maintaining sand greens and playing fields | Davis, William B. 1983. California Turfgrass Culture. 33(1-4): p. 1-2. |
7902 |