Keyword: Sclerotinia homoeocarpa
Title | Author and Source | Category | View TGIF Record |
Evaluation of Putting Green Surface Organic Matter Management Programs |
Moeller, Adam Cory. 2008. M.S. Thesis: Purdue University. [3] pp., xiii, 178 pp. |
134649 |
Evaluation of fungicides for control of dollar spot and brown spot in creeping bentgrass, 2007 |
Gleason, M. L.; Carlson, A. H.; Batzer, J. C. 2008. 2008 Iowa State Turfgrass Research Report. p. [1-2]. |
137631 |
Dollar Spot Disease of Turfgrass | Swift, C. E. 2008. Fort Collins, Colorado: Colorado State University Extension. [3] pp. |
140248 |
Evaluation of fungicides for control of dollar spot on creeping bentgrass, 2008 |
Latin, R. 2008. 2008 Annual Report: Purdue University Turfgrass Science Program. p. [1-2]. |
157242 |
Interaction of biofungicides and chlorothalonil for control of dollar spot on creeping bentgrass, 2008 | Latin, R. 2008. 2008 Annual Report: Purdue University Turfgrass Science Program. p. [1-4]. |
157243 |
Dollarspot suppression by fertility programs on creeping bentgrass fairway turf | Carey, K.; Porter, A. J.; Lyons, E. M.; Jordan, K. S. 2008. [Guelph Turfgrass Institute Annual Research Report 2008]. p. 1-4. |
241683 |
2008 evaluation of fungicides for curative control of dollar spot greens height | Mitkowski, Nathaniel. 2008. Rhode Island Annual Turfgrass Field Days. p. 7. |
160304 |
Efficacy of preventative fungicide application for control of dollar spot on creeping bentgrass, 2007 | Mitkowski, N. A. 2008. Rhode Island Annual Turfgrass Field Days. p. 13. |
160309 |
Effects of species and cultivar on dollar spot severity, 2007 |
Ebdon, J.S. 2008. University of Massachusetts Turf Research Field Day. p. 13. |
184481 |
Dollar spot (Sclerotinia homoeocarpa/Rutstroemia floccosum), 2008 | Vargas, Joe Jr.; Detweiler, Ron; Dykema, Nancy. 2008. 2007-2008 Fungicide Report [Michigan State University]. p. 27-38. |
177593 |
Update on QTL markers for dollar spot resistance in creeping bentgrass | Bonos, S. A.; Weibel, E. N.; Honig, J. A.; Kubik, C. 2008. Proceedings of the Seventeenth Annual Rutgers Turfgrass Symposium. p. 33. |
134454 |
Gene action of dollar spot resistance in creeping bentgrass as affected by isolate and host genotype | Bonos, Stacy A.; Weibel, Eric. 2008. Proceedings of the Seventeenth Annual Rutgers TurfgrassSymposium. p. 38. |
134471 |
Dollar spot (Sclerotinia homoeocarpa, Rutstroemia floccosum) fairway studies 2008 | Vargas, Joe Jr.; Detweiler, Ron; Dykema, Nancy. 2008. 2007-2008 Fungicide Report [Michigan State University]. p. 38-40. |
177595 |
Virus populations of Sclerotinia homoeocarpa, causal agent of dollar spot disease on turfgrass | Chi, Emily; Clarke, Bruce B.; Hillamn, Bradley I.; Crouch, Jo Anne. 2008. Proceedings of the Seventeenth Annual Rutgers TurfgrassSymposium. p. 39. |
134499 |
Evaluation of putting green surface organic matter management programs: Part 2: Visual turfgrass responses | 2008. p. 73-121. In: Moeller, Adam Cory. Evaluation of Putting Green Surface Organic Matter Management Programs. M.S. Thesis: Purdue University. |
174153 |
Resistance of Kentucky bluegrass cultivars to dollar spot (Sclerotinia homoeocarpa), 2007 |
Ebdon, J.S. 2008. University of Massachusetts Turf Research Field Day. p. 86-88. |
184489 |
Relationship between cell wall components and nitrogen use efficiency in dollar spot resistance in Agrostis species and cultivars: 2007 progress report submitted to the NERTF |
DaCosta, M.; Ebdon, J.S.; Jiang, Z. 2008. University of Massachusetts Turf Research Field Day. p. 115-131. |
184499 |
Dollar spot control strategies: Evaluation of different early spring fungicide application treatments |
Popko, James T. Jr.; Jung, Geunhwa. 2008. University of Massachusetts Turf Research Field Day. p. 141-142. |
184519 |
Prediction of field insensitivity of demethylation inhibitor fungicides in dollar spot |
Popko, James; Ban, Jiyeon; Dowgiewicz, Jason; Jung, Geunhwa. 2008. University of Massachusetts Turf Research Field Day. p. 143-146. |
184520 |
Effect of repeated applications of fungicides on the development of resistance in dollar spot |
Ban, J.; Jo, Y.; Jung, G. 2008. University of Massachusetts Turf Research Field Day. p. 147-148. |
184521 |
Management of dollar spot fungicide resistance |
Jung, G.; Jo, Y.; Ban, J.; Popko, J.; Spear, S.; Dowgiewicz, J. 2008. University of Massachusetts Turf Research Field Day. p. 149-150. |
184522 |
Relationship between cell wall components, nitrogen use efficiency and nitrate reductase activity in dollar spot resistance among Agrostis species and genotypes | DaCosta, Michelle; Ebdon, Jeffrey. 2008. 2008 Joint Annual Meeting: [Abstracts][GSA/SSSA/ASA/CSSA/GCAGS/HGS]. p. 40226. |
145600 |
Controlling dollar spot: Climatic conditions and the timing of fungicide applications | Koenig, John; Madden, Laurence; Hicks, Todd; Boehm, Michael. 2008. 2008 Joint Annual Meeting: [Abstracts][GSA/SSSA/ASA/CSSA/GCAGS/HGS]. p. 40272. |
145401 |
The identification of SSR QTL markers for dollar spot resistance in creeping bentgrass | Bonos, Stacy A.; Weibel, Eric; Honig, Joshua; Kubik, Christine; Warnke, Scott. 2008. 2008 Joint Annual Meeting: [Abstracts][GSA/SSSA/ASA/CSSA/GCAGS/HGS]. p. 42666. |
145336 |
Geographic distribution of fungicide-insensitive Sclerotinia homoeocarpa in New England | Putman, Alexander; Kaminski, John. 2008. 2008 Joint Annual Meeting: [Abstracts][GSA/SSSA/ASA/CSSA/GCAGS/HGS]. p. 42770. |
145593 |
Colonial bentgrass genetic linkage mapping and identification of the chromosomal location of genes responsible for dollar spot resistance | Rotter, David; Amundsen, Keenan; Bonos, Stacy; Meyer, William A.; Warnke, Scott; Belanger, Faith C. 2008. 2008 Joint Annual Meeting: [Abstracts][GSA/SSSA/ASA/CSSA/GCAGS/HGS]. p. 43498. |
145185 |
Curative fungicide applications for dollar spot control | Koch, Paul; Huncosky, Tom; Soper, Sam; Kerns, Jim. 2008. 2008 Wisconsin Turfgrass Research Reports. 26: p. [97-98]. |
242849 |
Carryover effects of snow mold fungicide applications for the control of dollar spot | Koch, Paul; Huncosky, Tom; Soper, Sam; Kerns, Jim. 2008. 2008 Wisconsin Turfgrass Research Reports. 26: p. [99-101]. |
242851 |
Control of dollar spot on creeping bentgrass maintained at fairway height | Koch, Paul; Huncosky, Tom; Soper, Sam; Kerns, Jim. 2008. 2008 Wisconsin Turfgrass Research Reports. 26: p. [102-103]. |
242855 |
Control of dollar spot on creeping bentgrass maintained at putting green height | Koch, Paul; Huncosky, Tom; Soper, Sam; Kerns, Jim. 2008. 2008 Wisconsin Turfgrass Research Reports. 26: p. [104-106]. |
242858 |
Early season preventative fungicide applications for the delay of dollar spot symptom developments [2008] | Koch, Paul; Huncosky, Tom; Soper, Sam; Kerns, Jim. 2008. 2008 Wisconsin Turfgrass Research Reports. 26: p. [107-108]. |
242865 |
Preventive control of dollar spot in a creeping bentgrass fairway with various fungicides, 2007 | Kaminski, J. E.; Putman, A. I. 2008. PDMR: Plant Disease Management Reports. 2: p. T004. |
163311 |
Comparison of QoI fungicides for suppression of dollar spot in creeping bentgrass, 2007 | Soika, M. D.; Tredway, L. P. 2008. PDMR: Plant Disease Management Reports. 2: p. T012. |
163325 |
Preventative control of dollar spot on creeping bentgrass putting greens in Raleigh, NC, 2007 | Soika, M. D.; Tredway, L. P. 2008. PDMR: Plant Disease Management Reports. 2: p. T014[1]-T014[3]. |
163336 |
Efficacy of fungicides for control of dollar spot of creeping bentgrass on a sand-based green, 2007 | Vincelli, P.; Dixon, E.; Williams, D.; Burrus, P. 2008. PDMR: Plant Disease Management Reports. 2: p. T021[1]-T021[2]. |
163346 |
Evaluation of fungicide applications for control of dollar spot on creeping bentgrass, 2007 Access Restrictions |
Kennelly, M. 2008. PDMR: Plant Disease Management Reports. 2: p. T028. |
163352 |
Effects of fungicides on dollar spot incidence in a bentgrass fairway, 2007 Access Restrictions |
Uddin, W.; Benelli, J.; Yenez, J.; Kern, J. 2008. PDMR: Plant Disease Management Reports. 2: p. T039[1]-T039[2]. |
163417 |
Effects fungicide on dollar spot in a mixed creeping bentgrass and annual bluegrass putting green, 2007 Access Restrictions |
Uddin, W.; Benelli, J.; Yenez, J. 2008. PDMR: Plant Disease Management Reports. 2: p. T040. |
163419 |
Efficacy of fungicides for control of dollar spot in a mixed creeping bentgrass/Poa annua soil-based green, 2007 | Vincelli, P.; Dixon, E.; Williams, D.; Burrus, P. 2008. PDMR: Plant Disease Management Reports. 2: p. T022[1]-T023[2]. |
163421 |
Influence of fungicide spray programs on turf quality in a mixed creeping bentgrass/Poa annua soil-based green, 2007 | Vincelli, P.; Dixon, E.; Williams, D.; Burrus, P. 2008. PDMR: Plant Disease Management Reports. 2: p. T023[1]-T023[2]. |
163423 |
Effects of species and cultivar on dollar spot severity, 2007 Access Restrictions |
Ebdon, J. S. 2008. PDMR: Plant Disease Management Reports. 2: p. T031. |
163424 |
Resistance of Kentucky bluegrass cultivars to dollar spot, 2007 Access Restrictions |
Ebdon, J. S. 2008. PDMR: Plant Disease Management Reports. 2: p. T034[1]-T034[3]. |
163439 |
Rapid development of fungicide resistance by Sclerotinia homoeocarpa on turfgrass |
Jo, Young-Ki; Chang, Seog Won; Boehm, Michael; Jung, Geunhwa. 2008. Phytopathology. December. 98(12): p. 1297-1304. |
144442 |
1000 piece dollar spot puzzle | Kerns, Jim; Koch, Paul. 2008. The Grass Roots. November/December. 37(6): p. 34-37. |
145866 |
Resistance of Sclerotinia homoeocarpa to iprodione, propiconazole, and thiophanate-methyl in Tennessee and Northern Mississippi |
Bishop, Pamela; Sorochan, John; Ownley, Bonnie H.; Samples, T. J.; Windham, Alan S.; Windham, M. T.; Trigiano, R. N. 2008. Crop Science. July/August. 48(4): p. 1615-1620. |
138585 |
Dollar spot on turf |
Pataky, Nancy. 2008. Home, Yard, and Garden Pest Newsletter. July 23. [12](13): p. 1-2. |
292440 |
Oxalic acid production by Sclerotinia homoeocarpa: The causal agent of dollar spot | Beaulieu, R. A.; Medina, A. Martínez; Boehm, M. J. 2008. Phytopathology. June Supplement. 98(6): p. S20. |
136638 |
Structure of fungicide resistance populations of Sclerotinia homoeocarpa on golf courses | Jung, G.; Jo, Y.-K.; Koch, P.; Chang, S. W. 2008. Phytopathology. June Supplement. 98(6): p. S207. |
136696 |
Examining fungicide synergism for control of dollar spot |
Latin, R.; Burpee, L. 2008. 1st European Turfgrass Society Conference Proceedings. May. 1: p. 111-112. |
137011 |
Interaction among plant growth regulators, fungicides, and mowing frequency on dollar spot control on golf course fairways |
Putman, A. I.; Kaminski, J. E. 2008. 1st European Turfgrass Society Conference Proceedings. May. 1: p. 155-156. |
137040 |
New challenge to an old foe, dollar spot fungicide resistance Access Restrictions |
Jung, Geunhwa; Jo, Young-Ki. 2008. The Newsletter [New England]. January. p. 3, 5-6. |
233985 |
Evaluation of fungicides for control of dollar spot in fairway height 'Penneagle' creeping bentgrass, 2006 |
Gleason, M. L.; Jesse, L. C. 2007. 2007 Iowa Turfgrass Research Report. p. [1]. |
127261 |
Effects of Fungicides on Dollar Spot, Caused by Sclerotinia Homoeocarpa Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Niver, Amy Lee. 2007. M.S. Thesis: Ohio State University. viii, 77 pp. |
128654 |
Effect of Cultural Practices on the Population Structure of Fungicide Resistant Isolates of Sclerotinia Homoeocarpa of Turfgrass Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Koch, Paul L. 2007. M.S. Thesis: University of Wisconsin - Madison. vi, 64 pp. |
132511 |
Efficacy of preventative fungicide applications for control of dollar spot on creeping bentgrass, 2006 | Mitkowski, N. A.; Boesch, B. 2007. 76th Rhode Island Turfgrass Field Day 2007 [Universityof Rhode Island]. p. 7. |
139000 |
Preventative fungicide applications for management of dollar spot on greens-height creeping bentgrass |
Kennelly, Megan; Fry, Jack; Zuk, Alan. 2007. K-State Turfgrass Research 2007. p. 32-33. |
138954 |
Preventive dollar spot (Sclerotinia homoeocarpa, Rutstroemia floccosum) on an annual bluegrass fairway | Anonymous. 2007. 2006-2007 Fungicide Report [Michigan State University]. p. 45-48. |
177710 |
Dollar spot (Sclerotinia homoeocarpa/Rutstroemia floccosum) on a creeping bentgrass green, 2007 | Anonymous. 2007. 2006-2007 Fungicide Report [Michigan State University]. p. 48-54. |
177712 |
Dollar spot severity as influenced by nozzle type and fungicide mode of activity | Kaminski, John E. 2007. 2007 Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary. p. 61. |
132604 |
Impact of nozzle-type on dollar spot control | Kaminski, J. E.; Fidanza, M. A.; Gregos, J.; Agnew, M. 2007. 2006 Turfgrass Research Report [Connecticut]. p. 94. |
147108 |
Relationship between cell wall components and nitrogen use efficiency in dollar spot resistance in Agrostis species and cultivars |
DaCosta, M.; Dowgiewicz, J.; Ebdon, J.; Jung, G.; Jiang, Z. 2007. University of Massachusetts Turf Research Field Day. p. 136. |
180335 |
Effect of repeated applications of fungicides on the development of resistance in dollar spot |
Jo, Young-Ki; Jung, Geunhwa. 2007. University of Massachusetts Turf Research Field Day. p. 141-144. |
180337 |
Isolation and characterization of Sclerotinia homoeocarpa causing dollar spot disease in 'Anyang Joongji' |
Park, Dae Sup; Kim, Kyung Duck. 2007. Journal of Japanese Society of Turfgrass Science. 35(Supplement 1): p. 67-68. |
228125 |
Control of sclerotinia dollar spot (fairway) [2007] | Koch, Paul; Kalmi, John; Seabloom, Brittany; Huncosky, Tom. 2007. 2007 Wisconsin Turfgrass Research Reports. 25: p. 165-167. |
242592 |
Control of sclerotinia dollar spot (putting green) [2007] | Koch, Paul; Kalmi, John; Seabloom, Brittany; Huncosky, Tom. 2007. 2007 Wisconsin Turfgrass Research Reports. 25: p. 168-170. |
242593 |
Curative fungicide applications for dollar spot control [2007] | Koch, Paul; Kalmi, John; Seabloom, Brittany; Huncosky, Tom. 2007. 2007 Wisconsin Turfgrass Research Reports. 25: p. 171-172. |
242594 |
Early season preventative fungicide applications for the delay of dollar spot symptom development | Koch, Paul; Sisk, Pat. 2007. 2007 Wisconsin Turfgrass Research Reports. 25: p. 173-174. |
242595 |
Biocontrol trials for dollar spot disease summer 2007 - fairway height |
Hsiang, T.; Tian, L. 2007. Guelph Turfgrass Institute Annual Research Report [2007]. 21: p. 128-129. |
141534 |
Wormcast trials for dollar spot disease control summer 2007 |
Hsiang, T.; Tian, L. 2007. Guelph Turfgrass Institute Annual Research Report [2007]. 21: p. 155-156. |
141617 |
Evaluation of fungicides for the control of dollar spot in southern California, Spring 2006 | Wong, F. P.; Rios, J. C.; Ries, S. B. 2007. PDMR: Plant Disease Management Reports. 1: p. TO58:1-T058:2. |
186247 |
Evaluation of fungicides for the control of dollar spot in southern California, 2005 | Wong, F. P.; de la Cerda, K. A.; Ries, S. B. 2007. PDMR: Plant Disease Management Reports. 1: p. T060. |
186250 |
Effects of fungicides on dollar spot incidence on a bentgrass fairway, 2006. | Uddin, W.; Tornquist, H. 2007. PDMR: Plant Disease Management Reports. 1: p. T069. |
186296 |
Long-term, trends in meteorological conditions favorable for dollar spot in eastern portions of the United States |
DeGaetano, Arthur T.; Rossi, Frank S. 2007. Applied Turfgrass Science. December. 4(1): p. [1-9]. |
131329 |
Fungicide resistance in turfgrass - current ideas and research | Koch, Paul. 2007. The Grass Roots. September/October. 36(5): p. 15-17, 19, 21. |
139428 |
Rapid population shift of Sclerotinia homoeocarpa in response to fungicide applications on turfgrass | Jo, Y.; Boehm, M.; Jung, G. 2007. Phytopathology. July Supplement. 97(7): p. S53. |
127810 |
Thiophanate-methyl and propiconazole in vitro sensitivity of Sclerotinia homoeocarpa isolates collected from golf course putting greens, fairways, and roughs | Koch, P. L.; Jo, Y.; Jung, G. 2007. Phytopathology. July Supplement. 97(7): p. S58-S59. |
127822 |
A practical field guide for estimating dollar spot severity on golf course turf | McDuffee, D. A.; Schoonveld, W.; Latin, R. 2007. Phytopathology. July Supplement. 97(7): p. S73. |
127831 |
Sclerotinia homoeocarpa: From F.T. Bennett forward | Horvath, B. J. 2007. Phytopathology. July Supplement. 97(7): p. S134. |
127925 |
Biology of Sclerotinia homoeocarpa and epidemiology of dollar spot | Boehm, M. 2007. Phytopathology. July Supplement. 97(7): p. S134. |
127929 |
Taxonomic clarification of the dollar spot pathogen: Sclerotinia homoeocarpa | Powell, J. F.; Vargas, J. M. Jr. 2007. Phytopathology. July Supplement. 97(7): p. S134-S135. |
127932 |
Sensitivity of Sclerotinia homoeocarpa to demethylation- inhibiting fungicides in Ontario, Canada, after a decade of use Access Restrictions |
Hsiang, T.; Liao, A.; Benedetto, D. 2007. Plant Pathology. June. 56(3): p. 500-507. |
124464 |
Evaluation of fungicides for control of dollar spot in fairway height 'Penneagle' creeping bentgrass, 2005 |
Gleason, M. L.; Mueller, D. S. 2006. 2006 Iowa Turfgrass Research Report. p. [1]. |
113220 |
Evaluation of fungicides for control of dollar spot in 'Penncross' creeping bentgrass, 2005 |
Gleason, M. L.; Mueller, D. S. 2006. 2006 Iowa Turfgrass Research Report. p. [1]. |
113221 |
Genetic Diversity of Sclerotinia homoeocarpa Delineated by AFLP and Vegetative Compatibility | DeVries, Renae Erin. 2006. M.S. Thesis: University of Tennessee, Knoxville. x, 110 pp. |
124612 |
2006 evaluation of fungicides for control of dollar spot | Mitkowski, Nathaniel; Boesch, Brian. 2006. Rhode Island Annual Turfgrass Field Days. p. [27]. |
161011 |
Relative pathogenicity and fungicide sensitivity of isolates of Rhizoctonia and other fungal pathogens and the disease responses of seashore paspalum and zoysiagrass cultivars | Stiles, Carol M.; Harmon, Philip F.; Kenworthy, Kevin E. 2006. 2006 Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary. p. 11. |
119722 |
Fungicide application strategies for control of dollar spot in bentgrass fairways |
Settle, Derek; Kane, Randy; Miller, Lee. 2006. 2006 Turfgrass Research Field Day [Illinois]. p. 22-23. |
115903 |
Preventive fungicide applications for control of dollar spot and brown patch of creeping bentgrass and their potential to alleviate summer stress |
Settle, Derek; Kane, Randy; Miller, Lee. 2006. 2006 Turfgrass Research Field Day [Illinois]. p. 24-25. |
115905 |
Control of sclerotinia dollar spot (Fairway) [2006] | Koch, Paul; Goeser, Dan; Nacewicz, Jeremy; Koch, Jennifer; Jung, Geunhwa. 2006. 2006 Wisconsin Turfgrass Research Reports. 24: p. 150-152. |
242308 |
Control of sclerotinia dollar spot (Putting green) [2006] | Koch, Paul; Goeser, Dan; Nacewicz, Jeremy; Koch, Jennifer; Jung, Geunhwa. 2006. 2006 Wisconsin Turfgrass Research Reports. 24: p. 153-155. |
242313 |
Preventative application of fungicides for the control of dollar spot | Koch, Paul; Sisk, Pat; Jung, Geunhwa. 2006. 2006 Wisconsin Turfgrass Research Reports. 24: p. 156-157. |
242314 |
Curative fungicide applications for dollar spot control | Koch, Paul; Goeser, Dan; Nacewicz, Jeremy; Koch, Jennifer; Knulty, Jim; Jung, Geunhwa. 2006. 2006 Wisconsin Turfgrass Research Reports. 24: p. 158-160. |
242317 |
Appropriate spatial sampling scale for determining in vitro fungicide sensitivity of a dollar spot population | Jo, Young-Ki; Rees, Jessica; Jung, Geunhwa. 2006. 2006 Wisconsin Turfgrass Research Reports. 24: p. 161-162. |
242320 |
Dollar spot population dynamics in response to fungicides | Jo, Young-Ki; Rees, Jessica; Escalante, Ryan; Koch, Paul; Jung, Geunhwa. 2006. 2006 Wisconsin Turfgrass Research Reports. 24: p. 163-164. |
242322 |
Development of antagonistic microorganism for biological control of dollar spot of turfgrass | Shin, Taek-Su; Jung, Woo-Cheol; Do, Ki-Seok; Shim, Gyu-Yul; Lee, Jae-Ho; Choi, Kee-Hyun. 2006. Korean Journal of Turfgrass Science. 20(2): p. 191-201. |
134083 |
Genetic and physiological discrepancies from isolates of Sclerotinia homoeocarpa using Zoysiagrass dollar spot disease | Park, Dae-Sup; Kim, Kyung-Duck; Kihl, Joon-yeong; Pyee, Jae-Ho. 2006. Korean Journal of Turfgrass Science. 20(1): p. 65-76. |
134043 |
Evaluation of fungicide and plant growth regulator tank-mix programmes on dollar spot severity of creeping bentgrass Access Restrictions |
Fidanza, M. A.; Wetzel, H. C. III; Agnew, M. L.; Kaminski, J. E. 2006. Crop Protection. September. 25(9): p. 1032-1038. |
147103 |
The identification of a limited number of vegetative compatibility groups within isolates of Sclerotinia homoeocarpa infecting Poa spp. an Agrostis palustris from temperate climates Access Restrictions |
Mitkowski, N. A.; Colucci, S. 2006. Journal of Phytopathology. August. 154(7-8): p. 500-503. |
144213 |
Heritability of dollar spot resistance in creeping bentgrass |
Bonos, Stacy A. 2006. Phytopathology. August. 96(8): p. 808-812. |
113825 |
Fungicide sensitivity of Sclerotinia homoecarpa from golf courses in Ohio |
Jo, Young-Ki; Niver, Amy L.; Rimelspach, Joesph W.; Boehm, Michael J. 2006. Plant Disease. June. 90(6): p. 807-813. |
118864 |