Keyword: Seed yield
Title | Author and Source | Category | View TGIF Record |
Seed yield as a function of cytokinin-regulated gene expression in wild Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis) |
Zhang, Jinqing; Ha, Xue; Ma, Huiling. 2024. BMC Plant Biology. 24: p. 691 [1-18]. |
340687 |
Response of stomatal conductance to plant water stress in buffalograss seed production: Observation with UAV thermal infrared imagery |
Wang, Chu; Zhu, Kai; Bai, YanYan; Li, ChenYan; Li, Maona; Sun, Yan. 2024. Agricultural Water Management. March 1. 292: p. 108661. |
334672 |
Development of seeded zoysiagrass cultivars with improved turf quality and high seed yields | Chandra, Ambika; Genovesi, A. Dennis; Meeks, Meghyn. 2023. Mike Davis Program for Advancing Golf Course Management: 2023 Progress Reports. p. 41-45. |
336575 |
Buffalograss breeding and development | Amundsen, Keenan. 2023. Mike Davis Program for Advancing Golf Course Management: 2023 Progress Reports. p. 61-64. |
336581 |
Understanding factors associated with successful re-establishment of golf course putting greens following winterkill | DaCosta, Michelle; Watkins, Eric; Ebdon, Scott; Petrella, Dominic; Aamlid, Trygve S.; Espevig, Tatsiana; Waalen, Wendy; Dalmannsdottir, Sigridur; Lönnberg, Carl-Johan. 2023. Mike Davis Program for Advancing Golf Course Management: 2023 Progress Reports. p. 144-153. |
336605 |
Optimization of nutrient ratio and quantity in base fertilizer for seed production in Poa pratensis |
Hua, Xian-Ze; Liu, Ying; Ma, Yu-Shou; Wang, Yan-Long; Hou, Wan-Hong; Zhang, Bing-Cang; Li, Juan. 2023. Grass Research. 3: p. 25 [1-8]. |
337821 |
Spring wheat canopy effects on light dynamics and yield of intercropped fine fescues |
Breuillin-Sessoms, Florence; Petrella, Dominic P.; Ehlke, Nancy J.; Vellekson, Donn; Watkins, Eric. 2023. Crop Science. September/October. 63(5): p. 3096-3109. |
331891 |
Development of seeded zoysiagrass cultivars with improved turf quality and high seed yields | Chandra, Ambika; Blankenship, Caydee; Genovesi, A. Dennis; Meeks, Meghyn. 2022. Mike Davis Program for Advancing Golf Course Management: 2022 Progress Reports. p. 52-57. |
328664 |
Development and release of turf-type saltgrass variety | Qian, Yaling; Koski, Tony. 2022. Mike Davis Program for Advancing Golf Course Management: 2022 Progress Reports. p. 84-90. |
328671 |
Heritability estimates for seed yield and its components in Cynodon dactylon var. dactylon (L.) Pers. |
Tan, Chengcheng; Wu, Yanqi; Taliaferro, Charles M.; Bell, Greg E.; Martin, Dennis L.; Smith, Mike W. 2022. Grass Research. 2: p. 7 [1-6]. |
337756 |
A preliminary study of apomictic characteristics of 'Mianli' (Pyrus sinkiangensis Yü) |
Li, Chunlan; Xu, Panyun; Zhou, Aote; Song, Jinlong; Wu, Yuxia; He, Tianming. 2022. HortScience. July. 57(7): p. 818-826. |
320149 |
Development of a shade-tolerant bermudagrass cultivar(s) suitable for fine turf use | Fontanier, Charles; Wu, Yanqi. 2021. Mike Davis Program for Advancing Golf Course Management: 2021 Progress Reports. p. 21-26. |
317370 |
Development of seeded zoysiagrass cultivars with improved turf quality and high seed yields | Chandra, Ambika; Genovesi, A. Dennis; Meeks, Meghyn. 2021. Mike Davis Program for Advancing Golf Course Management: 2021 Progress Reports. p. 44-48. |
317378 |
Buffalograss breeding and development | Amundsen, Keenan. 2021. Mike Davis Program for Advancing Golf Course Management: 2021 Progress Reports. p. 61-66. |
317381 |
Relationships and influence of yield components on spaced-plant and sward seed yield in perennial ryegrass Access Restrictions |
Heineck, Garett C.; Ehlke, Nancy J.; Altendorf, Kayla R.; Denison, Ford; Jungers, Jacob M.; Lamb, Eric G.; Watkins, Eric. 2020. Grass and Forage Science. December. 75(4): p. 424-437. |
338883 |
Fungicide application improves seed yield of perennial ryegrass upon infection with stem and crown rust fungi Access Restrictions |
Rodriguez-Algaba, Julian; Boelt, Birte; Matzen, Niels; Jørgensen, Lise N. 2020. Crop Protection. August. 134: p. [1-7]. |
315319 |
Effective weed suppression in dual-use intermediate wheatgrass systems |
Zimbric, Joseph W.; Stoltenberg, David E.; Picasso, Valentin D. 2020. Agronomy Journal. May/June. 112(3): p. 2164-2175. |
317341 |
Managing forage and turf-type bahiagrass for seed production Access Restrictions |
Rios, Esteban F.; Zilli, Alex; Kenworthy, Kevin E.; Mackowiak, Cheryl; Quesenberry, Kenneth; Blount, Ann. 2020. Crop Science. May/June. 60(3): p. 1569-1579. |
315595 |
Increasing competition in perennial ryegrass selection nurseries bolsters prediction accuracy | Heineck, Garett; Ehlke, Nancy Jo; Altendorf, Kayla; Watkins, Eric. 2019. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 121964. |
309593 |
A simultaneous effect of selfing and Epichloë endophyte on forage, seed yield and turf characteristics of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) Access Restrictions |
Torkian, Mehran; Sabzalian, Mohammad R.; Ehtemam, Mohammad Hossein. 2019. Grass and Forage Science. September. 74(3): p. 559-570. |
308580 |
Demand rises and yield falls |
Smith, Derek. 2019. Pitchcare. August/September. 86: p. 130-134. |
308336 |
Quality is everything |
Taylor, Simon. 2019. Greenkeeper International. April. p. 60-61. |
305928 |
Development of a shade-tolerant bermudagrass cultivar(s) suitable for fine turf use | Fontanier, Charles; Wu, Yanqi. 2018. Turfgrass and Environmental Research Program: 2018 Research Summaries. p. 28-30. |
304958 |
Development of seeded zoysiagrass cultivars with improved turf quality and high seed yields | Genovesi, A. Dennis; Chandra, Ambika. 2018. Turfgrass and Environmental Research Program: 2018 Research Summaries. p. 47-51. |
304967 |
Development and release of turf-type saltgrass variety | Qian, Yaling; Koski, Tony. 2018. Turfgrass and Environmental Research Program: 2018 Research Summaries. p. 81-84. |
305002 |
Generating fungal secretomes to investigate pathogen host interaction | Sheltra, Matthew; Benson, Christopher; Huff, David R. 2018. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 113628. |
302136 |
Tracking turf trends: Yield, competition and regulations drive seed production and turf market | Deering, Julie. 2018. Seed World. October. p. 42, 44-45. |
301387 |
Effects of the application of three growth regulators on seed yield of Lolium multiflorum |
Sun, Xuchun; Gu, Hongru; Zhang, Xia; Dong, Chenfei; Xu, Nengxiang. 2018. [Caoye Kexue] [Pratacultural Science]. August. 35(8): p. 1959-1964. |
301298 |
Predicting anthesis date of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) with growing degree-days at heading Access Restrictions |
Abel, S.; Byrne, S. L.; Asp, T.; Boelt, B. 2018. Grass and Forage Science. March. 73(1): p. 233-238. |
299612 |
Exploring alternative management options for multiyear perennial ryegrass seed production in northern Minnesota |
Heineck, Garett; Watkins, Eric; Ehlke, Nancy Jo. 2018. Crop Science. January/February. 58(1): p. 426-434. |
294909 |
Kentucky Bluegrass Collection Incorporation | Daddio, Ryan M.; Meyer, William A.; Bonos, Stacy A.; Bara, Ronald; Tate, Trent; Smith, Dirk; Mohr, Melissa; Qu, Henry. 2017. Proceedings of the Twenty-Sixth Annual Rutgers Turfgrass Symposium. 26: p. 45. |
281817 |
Path and correlation analysis of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) seed yield components |
Abel, S.; Gislum, R.; Boelt, B. 2017. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science. August. 203(4): p. 338-344. |
287967 |
Tillage and establishment system effects on annual ryegrass seed crops Access Restrictions |
Chastain, Thomas G.; Garbacik, Carol J.; Young, William C. III. 2017. Field Crops Research. August 1. 209: p. 144-150. |
287931 |
Technological developments in DNA sequencing are boosting advances in turfgrass science research |
Huff, David R. 2017. Pennsylvania Turfgrass. Spring. 6(2): p. 12. |
294356 |
The evaluation of novel hybrid bluegrass in northwest Oklahoma as low-input turf | Goldman, Jason. 2016. Turfgrass and Environmental Research Program: 2016 Research Summaries. p. 9-12. |
285099 |
Development of seeded zoysiagrass cultivars with improved turf quality and high seed yields | Genovesi, Dennis A.; Chandra, Ambika. 2016. Turfgrass and Environmental Research Program: 2016 Research Summaries. p. 35-39. |
285106 |
Development of fine textured seeded types and clonally propagated zoysiagrasses | Chandra, Ambika; Genovesi, Dennis; Fry, Jack D.; Patton, Aaron J.; Kennelly, Megan M.; Xiang, Mingying. 2016. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 99753. |
278255 |
Exploring the possibility of multi-year perennial ryegrass seed production in Minnesota | Heineck, Garett; Watkins, Eric; Ehlke, Nancy Jo. 2016. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 102366. |
278091 |
The promise of perennials: Working through the challenges of perennial grain crop development |
Lubofsky, Evan. 2016. CSA News. November. 61(11): p. 4-7. |
277783 |
Perennial ryegrass breeding and seed production | Heineck, Garett. 2016. MTGF Clippings. Fall/Winter. 24(2): p. 16. |
278664 |
Impact of endophytic fungi on seed and seedling characteristics in tall and meadow fescues |
Majidi, M. M.; Mirlohi, A. 2016. International Journal of Plant Production. Autumn. 10(4): p. 469-478. |
288618 |
Crop outlook report Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 2016. Turf News [TPI]. July/August. 40(4): p. 23. |
273588 |
Development of shade-tolerant bermudagrass cultivars for fine turf use | Wu, Yanqi; Koh, Kyungjoon; Bell, Greg. 2015. Turfgrass and Environmental Research Program: 2015 Research Summaries. p. 37-39. |
285044 |
Development of seeded zoysiagrass cultivars with improved turf quality and high seed yields | Genovesi, A. Dennis; Chandra, Ambika. 2015. Turfgrass and Environmental Research Program: 2015 Research Summaries. p. 48-50. |
285047 |
Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis L.) germplasm for seed production without field burning | Johnston, William J.; Golob, Charles T.; Johnson, Richard C. 2015. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 92397. |
266786 |
Assessment of morpho-anatomical traits of red fescue (Festuca rubra L.) germplasm differing in origin |
Stukonis, Vaclovas; Juzėnas, Sigitas; Cesevičienė, Jurgita; Norkevičienė, Eglė. 2015. Zemdirbyste - Agriculture. 102(4): p. 437-442. |
269110 |
Tough times for turf seed Access Restrictions |
Carson, Teresa. 2015. Golf Course Management. September. 83(9): p. 34. |
265293 |
Seeding rate, row spacing, and nitrogen rate effects on perennial ryegrass seed production |
Koeritz, Eric J.; Watkins, Eric; Ehlke, Nancy J. 2015. Crop Science. September/October. 55(5): p. 2319-2333. |
265134 |
"Crop failure" |
Brede, Doug. 2015. Turfgrass Producers International E-Newsletter. September/October. 8(5): p. 28. |
266147 |
Irrigation frequency and seasonal timing effects on perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) seed production Access Restrictions |
Chastain, Thomas G.; King, Craig M.; Garbacik, Carol J.; Young, William C. III; Wysocki, D. J. 2015. Field Crops Research. August 15. 180: p. 126-134. |
269354 |
The effect of late fall seeding time on the seed production of Italian ryegrass |
Coulman, Bruce; Loeppky, Heather; Entz, Martin. 2015. Canadian Journal of Plant Science. July. 95(4): p. 641-645. |
262265 |
Turfgrass seed & vegetative crop report Access Restrictions |
Tubbs, Steve; Dennis, Evelyn; Laxton, Keith; DeHart, Denise; Wingate, Murray; Rector, John; Hagen, Greg. 2015. Turf News [TPI]. July/August. 39(4): p. 44-45. |
262476 |
Low input performance of highland, heat, and drought tolerant bentgrasses | Amundsen, Keenan; Kreuser, William; Brilman, Leah. 2015. USGA Turfgrass and Environmental Research Online. May/June. 14(3): p. 15-17. |
259062 |
The evaluation of novel hybrid bluegrass in northwest Oklahoma as low-input turf | Goldman, Jason. 2015. USGA Turfgrass and Environmental Research Online. May/June. 14(3): p. 18-20. |
259063 |
Development of shade-tolerant bermudagrass cultivars for fine turf use | Wu, Yanqi; Koh, Kyungjoon; Bell, Greg. 2015. USGA Turfgrass and Environmental Research Online. May/June. 14(3): p. 24-25. |
259066 |
Development of seeded zoysiagrass cultivars with improved turf quality and high seed yields | Genovesi, Dennis; Chandra, Ambika. 2015. USGA Turfgrass and Environmental Research Online. May/June. 14(3): p. 26-27. |
259067 |
Evaluation, selection and production of turf-type bahiagrass | Kenworthy, Kevin; Quesenberry, Ken; Unruh, Bryan; Blount, Ann; Altpeter, Fredy; Rios, Esteban. 2015. USGA Turfgrass and Environmental Research Online. May/June. 14(3): p. 38-39. |
259072 |
Development of turf-type Poa pratensis L. germplasm for seed production without field burning | Johnston, William; Johnson, Richard; Golob, Charles; Dodson, Kathleen; Nelson, Matthew; Stahnke, Gwen; Guertal, Elizabeth. 2015. Athens Journal of Sciences. March. 2(1): p. 9-15. |
269236 |
Kentucky Bluegrass Germplasm for Sustainable Seed Yeild | Johnston, W. J.; Golob, C. T.; Johnson, R. C. 2014. [Pullman, Washington]: Washington State University. [1] p. |
301310 |
Heritability estimates for seed yield and its components in Cynodon dactylon var. dactylon (L.) Pers. | Wu, Yanqi; Tan, Chengcheng; Taliaferro, Charles M.; Bell, Greg; Martin, Dennis L.; Smith, Mike. 2014. ASA, CSSA and SSSA Annual Meetings [2014]. p. 85726. |
250152 |
Kentucky bluegrass germplasm for sustainable seed yield | Johnston, William J.; Golob, Charles T.; Johnson, Richard C. 2014. ASA, CSSA and SSSA Annual Meetings [2014]. p. 87970. |
250216 |
Effect of a strobilurin-containing fungicide applied at two timings on seed yield in tall fescue |
Anderson, Nicole P.; Chastain, Thomas G.; Garbacik, Carol J. 2014. Crop Management. November. 13(1): p. 1-5. |
251477 |
Genetic mapping and QTL analysis for seed yield, vegetative characters and cold tolerance in centipedegrass (Eremochloa ophiuroides) Access Restrictions |
Wang, Pengliang; Wang, Haiyan; Zheng, Yiqi; Lv, Zhipeng; Liu, Jianxiu; Wang, Xiue. 2014. Scientia Horticulturae. September 11. 176: p. 97-104. |
248176 |
Trinexapac-ethyl and burning effects on seed yield components in strong creeping red fescue |
Zapiola, Maria L.; Chastain, Thomas G.; Garbacik, Carol J.; Young, William C. III. 2014. Agronomy Journal. July/August. 106(4): p. 1371-1378. |
247980 |
Genetic variability of reproductive traits in common carpetgrass |
Ma, Long; Kenworthy, Kevin E.; Lu, Huangjun; Cherry, Ronald. 2014. HortScience. July. 49(7): p. 856-858. |
247986 |
It's all in the seed Access Restrictions |
Fraser, Melodee; Fricker, Crystal. 2014. Turf News [TPI]. July/August. 38(4): p. 28-29. |
247308 |
Genetics and biology of cytoplasmic male sterility and its applications in forage and turf grass breeding Access Restrictions |
Islam, Md. Shofiqul; Studer, Bruno; Møller, Ian Max; Asp, Torben. 2014. Plant Breeding. June. 133(3): p. 299-312. |
248177 |
Development of seeded zoysiagrass cultivars with improved turf quality and high seed yields | Genovesi, Dennis; Chandra, Ambika. 2014. USGA Turfgrass and Environmental Research Online. May/June. 13(3): p. 22-23. |
241602 |
Spring-applied nitrogen and trinexapac-ethyl effects on seed yield in perennial ryegrass and tall fescue |
Chastain, Thomas G.; Garbacik, Carol J.; Young, William C. III. 2014. Agronomy Journal. March/April. 106(2): p. 628-633. |
237839 |
Performance of trinexapac-ethyl on Lolium perenne seed crops in diverse lodging environments Access Restrictions |
Chastain, Thomas G.; Young, William C. III; Silberstein, T. B.; Garbacik, Carol J. 2014. Field Crops Research. February 15. 157: p. 65-70. |
269441 |
Effects of seeding rate and nitrogen application on tall fescue seed production |
Han, Yunhua; Hu, Tianming; Wang, Xianguo; Hannaway, David B.; Li, Jun; Mao, Peisheng; Cui, Zhiming; Zhu, Zhenlei; Wang, Zhengwei. 2014. Agronomy Journal. January/February. 106(1): p. 119-124. |
235034 |
Advances in nutrient management of grass seed crops | Gislum, René; Boelt, Birte. 2013. Proceedings: 22nd International Grassland Congress: Revitalising Grasslands to Sustain Our Communities. p. 413-415. |
231168 |
Effect of row spacing on seed yield and yield components of five cool-season grasses |
Wang, Xianguo; Hu, Tianming; Hannaway, David B.; Mao, Peisheng; Zhu, Zhenlei; Wang, Zhengwei; Li, Yongxiang. 2013. Crop Science. November/December. 53(6): p. 2623-2630. |
233505 |
Characteristics of seed variation of zoysiagrasses (Zoysia spp.) native to South Korea |
Bae, Eun-Ji; Lee, Kwang-Soo; Park, Yong-Bae; Kim, Dong-Soo; Yang, Geun-Mo. 2013. Weed and Turfgrass Science. September. 2(3): p. 267-273. |
265256 |
The effects of seeding time on the seed yield of annual ryegrass |
Coulman, Bruce; Loeppky, Heather; Entz, Martin. 2013. Agronomy Journal. May. 105(3): p. 587-590. |
221028 |
Genetic and genotype x environment interaction analysis for agronomical and some morphological traits in half-sib families of tall fescue |
Amini, Fatemeh; Majidi, Mohammad Mahdi; Mirlohi, Aghafakhr. 2013. Crop Science. March/April. 53(2): p. 411-421. |
216603 |
Development of seeded zoysiagrass cultivars with improved turf quality and high seed yields | Genovesi, Dennis; Chandra, Ambika. 2013. USGA Turfgrass and Environmental Research Online. January. 12(1): p. 15-16. |
217436 |
Kentucky bluegrass germplasm evaluation for seed production without open-field burning | Johnston, William J.; Johnson, Richard C.; Golob, Charles T. 2012. ASA, CSSA and SSSA Annual Meetings [2012]. p. 71583. |
213426 |
Response of Italian ryegrass seed crop to spring nitrogen application in the first harvest year |
Simić, Aleksandar; Vučković, Savo; Sokolović, Dejan; Stanisavljević, Rade; Mandić, Violeta; Duronić, Gojko. 2012. African Journal of Biotechnology. March 29. 11(26): p. 6826-6831. |
209878 |
Bluegrass Seed Production Without Field Burning | Johnston, W. J.; Johnson, R. C.; Dodson, K. L.; Stahnke, G. K.; Golob, C. T. 2011. Pullman, Washington: Washington State University Burning. [1] p. |
301364 |
Kentucky Bluegrass Seed Production without Field Burning while Maintaining Turfgrass Quality | Johnston, W. J.; Dodson, K. L.; Silbernagel, D. A.; Stahnke, G. K.; Johnson, R. C.; Golob, C. T. 2011. [Puyallup, Washington]: [Washington State University]. [4] pp. |
303050 |
Development of Kentucky Bluegrass for Non-Burn Seed Production: July 1, 2009 to June 30, 2011, Final Report | Washington State Department of Ecology Agricultural Burning Practices and Research Task Force Johnston, William J. 2011. [Pullman, Washington]: Agricultural Burning Practices and Research Task Force, Washington State Department of Ecology, Washington State University. 7 pp. |
303051 |
Selection of bermudagrass germplasm that exhibits potential shade tolerance and identification of techniques for rapid selection of potential shade-tolerant cultivars | Bell, Gregory E.; Wu, Yanqi. 2011. 2011 USGA Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary. p. 20. |
195540 |
Development of seeded zoysiagrass cultivars with improved turf quality and high seed yields | Genovesi, A. Dennis; Chandra, Ambika. 2011. 2011 USGA Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary. p. 23. |
195546 |
Bluegrass seed production without field burning | Johnston, William J.; Dodson, Kathleen L.; Silbernagel, Dale A.; Johnson, Richard C.; Golob, Charles T. 2011. 2011 International Annual Meetings: [Abstracts][ASA-CSSA-SSSA]. p. 66669. |
195662 |
Development of seeded zoysiagrass cultivars with improved turf quality and high seed yields | Genovesi, Anthony; Chandra, Ambika. 2011. 2011 International Annual Meetings: [Abstracts][ASA-CSSA-SSSA]. p. 67530. |
192986 |
Autumn and spring management in seed crops of meadow fescue (Festuca pratensis Huds.) Access Restrictions |
Havstad, L. T. 2011. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica: Section B, Soil and Plant Science. 61(1): p. 50-59. |
244489 |
Modelling of seed yield and its components in tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea) based on a large sample |
Wang, Quanzhen; Hu, Tianming; Cui, Jian; Wang, Xianguo; Zhou, He; Han, Jianguo; Zhang, Tiejun. 2011. African Journal of Biotechnology. October 3. 10(59): p. 12584-12594. |
272872 |
Seed production characteristics of three fine fescue species in residue management systems |
Chastain, Thomas G.; Garbacik, Carol J.; Silberstein, Thomas B.; Young, William C. III. 2011. Agronomy Journal. September/October. 103(5): p. 1495-1502. |
191455 |
Neotyphodium endophyte transmission to Lolium multiflorum seeds depends on the host plant fitness |
Gundel, P. E.; Garibaldi, L. A.; Martínez-Ghersa, M. A.; Ghersa, C. M. 2011. Environmental and Experimental Botany. July. 71(3): p. 359-366. |
202615 |
Head games | Miller, Grady. 2011. SportsTurf. July. 27(7): p. 54. |
185594 |
Seed yield and yield components of four Festuca L. species in Alpine region | Liang, Guo-ling; Yan, Hong-bo; Zhou, Qing-ping; Liu, Wen-hui. 2011. [Cao Di Sue Bao] [Acta Agrestia Sinica]. May. 19(3): p. 458-462. |
270332 |
Evaluation of the Genetic Potential of Prairie Junegrass (Koeleria macrantha) for Use as a Low-Input Turfgrass | Clark, Matthew Daniel. 2010. M.S. Thesis: University of Minnesota. xi, 117 pp. |
270873 |
Development of seeded zoysiagrass cultivars with improved turf quality and high seed yields | Genovesi, A. Dennis; Chandra, Ambika. 2010. 2010 Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary. p. 23. |
173841 |
International symposium: Best management practice for velvet bentgrass (Agrostis canina) on golf course putting greens | Aamlid, Trygve S.; Laukkanen, Kristiina; Espevig, Tatslana. 2010. Scandinavian Turfgrass and Environment Research Foundation Research and Development Yearbook 2010. p. 38-39. |
184830 |
Perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L) seed crop response to spring nitrogen: A comparison of New Zealand and Oregon results | Rolston, M. P.; Hart, J. M.; McCloy, B.; Chynoweth, R. 2010. Proceedings of the 7th International Herbage Seed Conference. p. 50-54. |
251281 |
Modelling critical NDVI curves in perennial ryegrass | Gislum, R.; Boelt, B. 2010. Proceedings of the 7th International Herbage Seed Conference. p. 60-63. |
251284 |
Predicting spring nitrogen for perennial ryegrass seed crops from NDVI | Chynoweth, R. J.; Rolston, M. P.; Trethewey, J. A. K.; McCloy, B. L. 2010. Proceedings of the 7th International Herbage Seed Conference. p. 69-74. |
251285 |
Nitrogen fertilization management for seed production of tall fescue | Casals, Marie-Laure. 2010. Proceedings of the 7th International Herbage Seed Conference. p. 75-81. |
251287 |
Light, lodging and flag leaves - What drives seed yield in ryegrass? | Trethewey, J. T.; Rolston, M. P.; Chynoweth, R.; McCloy, B. 2010. Proceedings of the 7th International Herbage Seed Conference. p. 104-108. |
251291 |