Keyword: Seeding methods
Title | Author and Source | Category | View TGIF Record |
Fall lawn care tips with a U of M expert |
Anonymous. 2008. University of Minnesota Extension Service. September 4. p. [1]. |
153314 |
D-day - seeding 'seaspray' seashore paspalum Access Restrictions |
van Amerongen, Arne. 2008. Greenkeeper International. August. p. 14-15. |
190405 |
Overseeding athletic fields: Improving playability and stability |
Trusty, Suz. 2007. Turf: West. December. 17(12): p. B4, B6, B20. |
144698 |
Dormant seeding |
Shetlar, David. 2007. COGCSA News Quarterly [Central Ohio]. September/October. 14(3): p. 13. |
252517 |
Seed it to believe it: Hydroseeding can produce a great-looking lawn with less money in less time |
Mullins, Emily. 2007. Lawn and Landscape. July. 28(7): p. 84, 86-88, 90. |
152356 |
Remedying the effects of summer stress |
Jamieson, Bruce. 2006. Greenkeeper International. October. p. 16-17. |
150496 |
Over here, over there, overseed |
Kopec, David. 2006. Cactus Clippings. September/October. p. 13, 15. |
251820 |
Airstrip Turf Development | MDT Aeronautics Division. 200X. Helena, Montana: MDT Aeronautics Division. [2] pp. |
263183 |
Sports field maintenance: Schaumburg Park District | Anonymous. 2005. Great Lakes Park Training Institute Proceedings. p. 1, 3-122. |
287086 |
Germination of blue yellow Kentucky bluegrass in cool temperatures | Koeritz, Eric J.; Stier, John C. 2005. [Wisconsin Turfgrass Research Reports]. p. 85-95. |
242213 |
Can you seed on top of snow? | Sherratt, Pam. 2005. Buckeye Turf. December 19. p. [1-2]. |
126488 |
The potential of overseeding |
Jones, Steve. 2005. Pitchcare. August/September. 2: p. 34-35. |
145387 |
Techniques for conversion of conventional putting greens to Roundup Ready® creeping bentgrass |
Dant, Luke; Christians, N. E.; Fei, Shui-Zhang. 2004. 2004 Iowa State Turfgrass Research Report. p. 43-45. |
97150 |
Success with overseeding for sports field | Chinery, David. 2004. CUTT. Winter. 14(4): p. 10-12. |
94011 |
One mixture doesn't always fit all! Access Restrictions |
van de Weerd, Lex. 2004. Greenkeeper International. November. p. 24-25. |
98973 |
Weird science?: Not at all. BlueYellow is just a new and inventive way to grow turf | Aylward, Larry. 2004. Golfdom. August. 60(8): p. 44-47. |
98732 |
Overseeding warm-season grasses |
Peart, Andrew. 2004. Australian Turfgrass Management. April/May. 6(2): p. 32-33. |
101381 |
Vegetative Planting - Why and how |
Peart, Andrew. 2004. Australian Turfgrass Management. February/March. 6(1): p. 36-37. |
93111 |
[Does frost seeding rejuvenate turf?] | Murphy, James. 2004. Update [New Jersey]. January/February. 4(1): p. 9. |
171674 |
Effect of re-seeding interval on perennial ryegrass tolerance to MON 44951 | Nutt, Bill; Murphy, Tim R. 2003. Summary of Turfgrass, Forage, & Noncropland Management Research [Georgia]. p. 1-15. |
93308 |
Interseeding bentgrasses - Is it viable? |
Peart, Andrew. 2003. Australian Turfgrass Management. February/March. 5(1): p. 14. |
86719 |
2002 cool-season grass demonstration | Anonymous. 2003. 2002 Turfgrass and Horticultural Trials Report [North Dakota]. January. p. 3. |
245171 |
Turfgrass Establishment | Leinauer, Bernd; White, John. 2002. Las Cruces, New Mexico: Cooperative Extension Service, College of Agriculture and Home Economics, New Mexico State University. 4 pp. |
154221 |
Centipedegrass establishment via sod seeding in bahiagrass (02-D51) | Gannon, Travis; Yelverton, Fred. 2002. 2002 Herbicide-PGR Reports [North Carolina StateUniversity]. p. [1-5]. |
166089 |
Common centipedegrass and el toro zoysiagrass establishment via sod (02-D52) | Gannon, Travis; Yelverton, Fred. 2002. 2002 Herbicide-PGR Reports [North Carolina StateUniversity]. p. [1-5]. |
166090 |
Establishing a Lawn in Oklahoma | Martin, Dennis L.; Hillock, David. 2002. Stillwater, Oklahoma: Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Oklahoma State University. 8 pp. |
248668 |
If you can't beat Poa annua, imitate it | Ross, Kevin J. 2002. Golf Course News [United Publications]. October. 14(10): p. 7, 10. |
230395 |
Heron Creek Golf & Country Club: Killing turf to make a better golf course |
Zinn, Stacie; Redles, Rich. 2002. Turf: South. February. 13(2): p. B1-B3, B23. |
252038 |
[Practical applications of frost seeding for the athletic field manager] | Murphy, James. 2002. Update [New Jersey]. January/February. 2(8): p. 12. |
171523 |
[The preparation, application and repair of pregerminated seed] | Anonymous. 2001. Update [New Jersey]. October. 4: p. 1. |
171460 |
Wild things | Taylor, Roland. 2001. Greenkeeper International. September. p. 18-19. |
96338 |
Lawn Establishment & Renovation | Stier, John C. 2000. Madison, Wisconsin: Cooperative Extension, University of Wisconsin-Extension. 7, [1] pp. |
149903 |
Weed Control in Home Lawns | Keeley, Steve. 1999. [Manhattan, Kansas]: Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension Service, Kansas State University. 8 pp. |
190769 |
The write stuff: Economy in golf course management | Kirkpatrick, W. 1999. Greenkeeper International. July. p. 31-34. |
208557 |
Lawn Repair in Spring | Mugaas, Bob. 1998. University of Minnesota. [2] pp. |
154003 |
Le Gazon Avec Succés ([Grass Successfully]) Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Brochard, Daniel. 1998. Paris, France: Éditions Rustica. 63 pp. |
175151 |
Arizona two-step done Capital City style |
Sutton, Bret. 1998. Through the Green [Georgia]. November/December. p. 14, 24, 35. |
296375 |
Establishing a Home Lawn | Stack, Lois Berg. 1997. Orono, Maine: Cooperative Extension, The University of Maine. [6] pp. |
249692 |
Bermudagrass seed establishment in perennial ryegrass and fine fescue maintained under golf course fairway conditions |
Gooch, C. B.; Chalmers, D. R. 1997. Research Summary: 1997 Virginia Tech Turfgrass and Landscape Field Days. p. 17-18. |
286987 |
Notes on establishment of native grasses |
Daniels, Jody. 1997. Research Summary: 1997 Virginia Tech Turfgrass and Landscape Field Days. p. 21. |
286994 |
Five keys to successful overseeding | Gross, Pat. 1997. Thru the Green [Northern California]. November. p. 4. |
205818 |
Should we do our own overseeding with a spinner? |
Hacker, John. 1997. TURF Management. May. p. 13-14. |
293576 |
Timing, skill imperative when seeding new golf courses |
Jiggens, Mike. 1997. Clippings [Washington]. Spring. p. 4-5. |
301081 |
Turtle Hill: A one man show |
Stricklin, Art. 1997. Turf: South. February. p. A5, B6-B11. |
251742 |
How do you pre-germinate your seed? | Wightman, Steve; Andresen, Mike; Cook, Murray; Buono, Bob; Schimming, Mark. 1996. Sports Turf Manager [STMA]. November/December. 14(6): p. 3. |
216084 |
Guidelines, Specifications for Soil Preparation/Seeding |
Maryland Seeding Association. 199X. s.l.: Maryland Seeding Association. 10 pp. |
297247 |
Turfgrass mixtures: The importance of a bluegrass base |
Brede, Doug. 1995. Turfgrass Bulletin [Nebraska]. Summer. 16(2): p. 3-5. |
254569 |
Establishing or improving turf with hydraulic seeding | Ingham, Daniel; Augsdorfer, Mike. 1995. SportsTURF. July. 11(7): p. 18-20. |
84130 |
Differences in aluminium tolerance of ryegrass and white clover plants grown from seed or propagaged vegetatively Access Restrictions |
Wheeler, D. M. 1995. Journal of Plant Nutrition. May. 18(5): p. 949-954. |
52601 |
[Fertilizer addition recommendations] | Kussow, Wayne R. 1995. The Grass Roots. January/February. 23(1): p. 16. |
140996 |
Bermudagrass Management in North Carolina | Mueller, J. P.; Green, J. T. Jr.; Chamblee, D. S.; Burns, J. C.; Bailey, J. E.; Brandenburg, R. L. 1993. [Raleigh, North Carolina]: North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service. 13, [1] pp. |
249320 |
Pioneer in Bermuda research gives tips on care | Anonymous. 1993. Golf Course News. March. 5(3): p. 29. |
47464 |
Supers find mission possible with methyl bromide | Buchen, Terry. 1992. Golf Course News [United Publications]. July. 4(7): p. 54, 53. |
226240 |
Hydraulic planting revolutionizes the planting of golf course grasses |
Johannes, Scott. [1991]. Golf Development Magazine. Premiere Issue: p. 10. |
277425 |
Central fiber mulch study | Nus, Jeff. 1990. 1990 Turfgrass Research [Kansas State University]. p. 6-7. |
69889 |
A different approach |
Ross, Kevin J. 1990. The Newsletter [New England]. November. p. 5-6. |
277773 |
New developments in weed control and growth regulation |
Hall, Chris. 1990. The Turf Line News. October/November. 100: p. 5. |
253148 |
Origin of frit-fly (Oscinella spp.) attack on newly sown grass, effect of pesticides on frit-fly larvae and benefit of using glyphosate herbicide pre-ploughing Access Restrictions |
Clements, R. O.; Bentley, B. R.; Asteraki, E. J. 1990. Crop Protection. April. 9(2): p. 105-110. |
225405 |
Bentgrass overseeding into fairway turf | Rebhan, S.; Branham, B. E. 1989. Michigan State University Field Tour Program. p. 23-25. |
157759 |
Renovating athletic fields | Bruneau, Arthur H. 1989. Proceedings of the 27th Annual North Carolina Turfgrass Conference. 10: p. 53-57. |
252334 |
Turf renovation trial | Fritts, Glenn. 1989. Oregon State University 5th Annual Spring Field Day. 5: p. 21-23. |
163357 |
Texas turfgrass winter overseeding research summary |
Beard, James B. 1988. Australian Golf Course Superintendents' Association 10th National Turf Grass Conference [Proceedings]. p. [11]. |
291171 |
Erosion control seeding practices |
Adams, Theodore E. 1988. Proceedings of the 1988 Turf and Landscape Institute. p. 60-61. |
252443 |
Techniques for pregermination of cool season turfgrass seeds | Grundman, Mark. 1988. The Grass Roots. May/June. 15(3): p. 15, 17. |
12391 |
Wild flowers: Success or failure |
Borland, James. 1987. 33rd Annual Rocky Mountain Regional Turfgrass Conference. 33: p. 165-172. |
276265 |
A seedsmans view of the Phoenix Conference & Exhibition | Franks, Jonathan. 1987. Golf Greenkeeping and Course Maintenance. April. p. 17. |
214149 |
Native plants - viable alternative |
Lemke, Roger R. 1986. Proceedings of 1986 Midwest Regional Turf Conference. p. 18-19. |
139687 |
Seeding depth study |
Powell, A. J. Jr.; Tapp, Linda. 1985. Kentucky Turfgrass Research. p. 21-22. |
8272 |
Native grasses and wildflower evaluation | Midcap, James. 1983. 1983 Iowa Turfgrass Field Day and Equipment Show. p. 127-129. |
146725 |
Metodo de siembra (Seeding method) Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Ramos V., R. J.; Garcia E., A.; Buldrini, G.; Marchegiani, G.; Noacco, N. 1983. Cuaderno de Actualizacion Tecnica de los CREA. 34: p. 47-52. |
3539 | |
Direct seeding into bluegrass sod for erosion control Access Restrictions |
Elliot, L. F.; Papendick, R. I. 1983. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation. September/October. 38(5): p. 436-439. |
231733 |
[Fall 1982 report of golf course maintenance from courses in Port Charlotte, Ft. Meyers, and Naples] | Hall, Dan L. Jr. 1982. The Florida Green. Spring. p. 28, 34-36. |
223590 |
A comparison of methods of establishing perennial and Italian ryegrasses Access Restrictions |
Bartholomew, P. W.; Easson, D. L.; Chestnutt, D. M. B. 1981. Grass and Forage Science. June. 36(2): p. 75-80. |
200463 |
The effect of insecticide treatment on the establishment and growth of Italian ryegrass under different sowing conditions Access Restrictions |
Henderson, I. F.; Clements, R. O. 1980. Grass and Forage Science. September. 35(3): p. 235-241. |
200963 |
Standing stubble versus crimped straw mulch for establishing grass on mined lands |
Schuman, G. E.; Taylor, E. M. Jr.; Rauzi, F.; Howard, G. S. 1980. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation. January/February. 35(1): p. 25-27. |
231731 |
Hydroseeding forest roadsides in British Columbia for erosion control |
Carr, W. W.; Ballard, T. M. 1980. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation. January/February. 35(1): p. 33-35. |
231732 |
Establishment techniques and weed control for summer grasses Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Morgan, P. 1978. p. 39-47. In: Griffith, C. A., ed. Proceedings of Summer Grass Conference on the Management of Warm Season Grasses for Utilization with Beef Cattle. Ardmore, Oklahoma: Agricultural Division, Noble Foundation. |
6021 | |
Seed spreader calibrations | Anonymous. 1978. The South Florida Green. October. 5(4): p. 13. |
268940 |
Southern golf course winterseeding: New perennial ryegrasses make the difference | Hurley, Richard H. 1978. The South Florida Green. October. 5(4): p. 17-18, 20. |
268941 |
Effect of different cultiral [cultural] practices on the establishment of grasses from seed for roadside erosion Access Restrictions |
Huffine, W. W. 1977. International Turfgrass Society Program: III International Turfgrass Research Conference. p. 82. |
270069 |
"Developing equipment to revegetate roadside slopes" |
Pickett, Ted. 1977. Proceedings of International Erosion Control Association Conference VIII. p. 105-109. |
254873 |
Late March is the time to overseed |
Anonymous. 1977. Parks and Grounds. March/April. [1]: p. 31. |
293172 |
The protection of steep slopes against erosion |
Jaaback, Gordon. 1977. Parks and Grounds. March/April. [1]: p. 32-33. |
293173 |
Lawns and their tending |
Schery, Robert W. 1976. Plants & Gardens. Spring. 32(1): p. 85-89. |
116119 |
Seeding renovation tests |
Anonymous. 1975. Midwest Field Day Report. September 29. p. 12. |
268001 |
Home and Lawn Care: 145 Questions and Answers |
Robey, Melvin J. 1972. West Lafayette, Indiana: Melvin J. Robey. 42 pp. |
129619 |
Studies on surface sowing in grassland establishment. 1. Effects and applicability of wet methods of coating seeds Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Hirota, H. 1972. Journal of Japanese Society of Grassland Science. 18(4): p. 299-309. |
3128 | |
Problemen und Verfahren der Begrünung extremer Standorte im Voralpen- und Alpenraum ([Problems and methods of grassing extreme sites in the lower Alps and the Alps]) |
Schiechtl, H. M. 1972. Rasen-Turf-Gazon. 3(1): p. 1-6. |
2570 |
Make your lawn a beautifully carpeted setting for your house, trees, flowers and garden |
Anonymous. 1972. Yard and Fruit. 1(3): p. 42-47. |
289255 |
British develop soilless turf Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 1972. Golf Superintendent. March. 40(3): p. 52. |
117193 |
The Effect of a Fungicide, a Herbicide, and Seeding Methods on Stand Establishment of Two Grasses for Soil Erosion Control Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Cornforth, Lawrence Arthur. 1971. M. S. Thesis: Oklahoma State University. |
72881 |
Construction and care of sports grounds |
Newman, R. J. 1971. p. 71-76. In: Department of Agriculture. Turf Manual. Melbourne, Victoria, Australia: Department of Agriculture. |
263688 |
Your Lawn...: It Can Be Beautiful | Askew, Robert G.; Hoag, Donald G. 1970. Fargo, North Dakota: Cooperative Extension Service, North Dakota State University. 4 pp. Revised Edition. |
259617 |
Crownvetch Establishment on a Simulated Roadcut Using Two Seeding Methods and Two Nursegrasses and Establishment for Forage Yield as Influenced by Lime and Fertilizer Placement on an Acid Soil Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Faix, James J. 1969. M.S. Thesis: Southern Illinois University. vi, 34 pp. |
229160 |
Guide to planting |
Muser, H. B.; Perkins, A. T. 1969. p. 474-490. In: Turfgrass Science. American Society of Agronomy. |
7500 |
Seeding and feeding with compressed air Access Restrictions |
Wheeler, William H. 1968. The Golf Superintendent. November/December. 36(10): p. 24. |
113996 |
Species and methods for overseeding bermudagrass greens Access Restrictions |
Gill, W. J.; Thompson, W. R. Jr.; Ward, C. Y. 1967. The Golf Superintendent. September/October. 35(9): p. 10, 13, 15, 17. |
114226 |
Hydraulic vegetative planting of turfgrass Access Restrictions |
Schmidt, R. E. 1967. The Golf Superintendent. March. 35(3): p. 10, 13, 69. |
114118 |
[Questions concerning the maintenance of a new turf area] |
Shurtleff, Malcolm C. 1967. Grounds Maintenance. January. 2(1): p. 18, 38. |
155997 |
Sod production |
Indyk, Henry W. 1966. Summary of Proceedings Annual Conference of the Mid-Atlantic Association of Golf Course Superintendents. p. 20-22. |
141684 |