Keyword: Seeding time
Title | Author and Source | Category | View TGIF Record |
Treatment of turf subject to injury from salt water; late fall seeding | USGA Green Section. 1932. The Bulletin of the United States Golf Association Green Section. October. 12(5): p. 214. |
120689 |
Fall seeding of southern greens: Correct fertilization before seeding insures better turf for winter play. Careful watering is necessary | Noer, O. J. 1932. The National Greenkeeper. October. 6(10): p. 5-6. |
133242 |
New Zealand Greenkeeping Research Access Restrictions |
Levy, E. Bruce. 1932. Journal of the Board of Greenkeeping Research. Autumn. 2(7): p. 258-267. |
47015 |
Fall planting best | Sherman, Hope. 1932. Lawn Care. August. 5(4): p. 3. |
262919 |
Seed early | Anonymous. 1932. Lawn Care. February. 5(1): p. 3. |
262899 |
[Seed mixture and timing on newly constructed green] Access Restrictions |
Board of Greenkeeping Research. 1931. The Journal of the Board of Greenkeeping Research. November. 2(5): p. 142-143. |
104029 |
[Advice on sowing tennis court] Access Restrictions |
Board of Greenkeeping Research. 1931. The Journal of the Board of Greenkeeping Research. November. 2(5): p. 153. |
104045 |
Skimpy seeding practice robs till, turf and time | Riggs-Miller, T. H. 1931. Golfdom: The Business Journal of Golf. August. 5(8): p. 19-21. |
178896 |
When winter goes | Anonymous. 1931. Lawn Care. February. 4(1): p. 3. |
262715 |
Preparation of sandy soil for fairways by the use of mushroom soil, marl, and bone meal. | USGA Green Section. 1931. The Bulletin of the United States Golf Association Green Section. January. 11(1): p. 17-18. |
120636 |
Experiments With Turf Grasses in New Jersey |
Sprague, Howard B.; Evaul, E. E. 1930. New Brunswick, New Jersey: New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station. 55 pp. |
56453 |
Making the Home Lawn | Longley, L. E. 1930. [St. Paul, Minnesota]: Extension Division, College of Agriculture, University of Minnesota. 11 pp. |
198280 |
Conditioning the golf course | Dearie, Edward B. Jr. 1930. The National Greenkeeper. September. 4(9): p. 11-17. |
132151 |
Fall seeding best hundred years ago | Anonymous. 1930. Lawn Care. September. 3(5): p. 3. |
262703 |
Fall seeding factors that chart successful policy | Dickinson, Lawrence S. 1930. Golfdom: The Business Journal of Golf. August. 4(8): p. 64-68. |
181288 |
Date of seeding | Anonymous. 1930. Lawn Care. August. 3(4): p. 8. |
262697 |
[Questionnaire: Experience with bermudagrass] | Tower, Ray. 1930. Golfdom: The Business Journal of Golf. February. 4(2): p. 64, 66. |
178763 |
Spring seeding, rolling and fertilizing | Anonymous. 1930. Lawn Care. February. 3(1): p. 3-4. |
262657 |
Lawns: Planting and Maintenance in Colorado |
Beach, George. 1929. Fort Collins, Colorado: Extension Service, Colorado Agricultural College. 8 pp. |
210757 |
How my new greens were built | Coy, Carl J. 1929. The National Greenkeeper. November. 3(11): p. 7-8. |
130671 |
Don't forget fall topdressing | Anderson, John. 1929. The National Greenkeeper. September. 3(9): p. 25-26. |
130642 |
Seed greens in late August | Anonymous. 1929. The National Greenkeeper. September. 3(9): p. 26. |
130643 |
When shall I sow seed? | Anonymous. 1929. Lawn Care. September. 2(5): p. 2. |
262642 |
Advantages of fall seeding | Anonymous. 1929. Lawn Care. August. 2(4): p. 3. |
262634 |
Changing fescue greens to bent |
Wilson, Frank H. Jr. 1929. The Newsletter [New England]. May. 1(1): p. 3-4. |
283992 |
The spring lawn menu | Anonymous. 1929. Lawn Care. February. 2(1): p. 1. |
262577 |
Compost for lawn topdressing | Anonymous. 1929. Lawn Care. February. 2(1): p. 1-2. |
262586 |
Bent Lawns |
O. M. Scott & Sons Co. 1928. Marysville, Ohio: O. M. Scott & Sons Co. 21 pp. |
140161 |
Bent Lawns | O. M. Scott & Sons Co. 1928. Marysville, Ohio: O. M. Scott & Sons Co. 23 pp. |
278757 |
Prepare now for new spring lawns | Anonymous. 1928. Lawn Care. October. 1(3): p. [3-4]. |
262572 |
Nebraska conditions challenge skill | Campbell, J. O. 1927. The National Greenkeeper. November. 1(11): p. 9-10. |
84695 |
Start war on fall weeds | Valentine, Joseph. 1927. The National Greenkeeper. September. 1(9): p. 18, 33-34. |
84664 |
Converting bluegrass-redtop greens to bent greens | USGA Green Section. 1927. The Bulletin of the United States Golf Association Green Section. August. 7(8): p. 163. |
121142 |
Turning nature's forces upside down | Flood, Valentine. 1927. The National Greenkeeper. April. 1(4): p. 25-26, 42. |
84534 |
Spring seeding | Anonymous. 1927. The National Greenkeeper. March. 1(3): p. 12. |
84503 |
Landscape construction notes. XX: Construction of turf areas |
Taylor, Albert D. 1927. Landscape Architecture. January. 17(2): p. 128-142. |
74009 |
Seeding as late as October 30 | USGA Green Section. 1926. The Bulletin of the United States Golf Association Green Section. November. 6(11): p. 247. |
119041 |
Winter planting of bent stolons | USGA Green Section. 1926. The Bulletin of the United States Golf Association Green Section. November. 6(11): p. 247. |
119042 |
Late fall and winter seeding | USGA Green Section. 1926. The Bulletin of the United States Golf Association Green Section. October. 6(10): p. 226. |
119057 |
Disadvantage of spring and summer planting | USGA Green Section. 1926. The Bulletin of the United States Golf Association Green Section. June. 6(6): p. 147. |
121222 |
Inadvisability of early summer seeding | USGA Green Section. 1926. The Bulletin of the United States Golf Association Green Section. February. 6(2): p. 51. |
121279 |
Reseeding fairways on snow; seed mixture for fairways | USGA Green Section. 1925. The Bulletin of the United States Golf Association Green Section. December. 5(12): p. 286. |
121630 |
Fall, winter, and spring seeding of fairways | USGA Green Section. 1925. The Bulletin of the United States Golf Association Green Section. October. 5(10): p. 236. |
121558 |
Grasses for winter greens in the South; rate of seeding redtop, Italian rye grass, and Kentucky bluegrass | USGA Green Section. 1925. The Bulletin of the United States Golf Association Green Section. September. 5(9): p. 213. |
121533 |
Spring seeding as compared with fall seeding | USGA Green Section. 1925. The Bulletin of the United States Golf Association Green Section. August. 5(8): p. 191. |
121503 |
Comparative costs of producing creeping bent turf from seed and from stolons | USGA Green Section. 1925. The Bulletin of the United States Golf Association Green Section. July. 5(7): p. 167. |
121519 |
Rye and vetch as soil-improving crops | USGA Green Section. 1925. The Bulletin of the United States Golf Association Green Section. July. 5(7): p. 167. |
121521 |
Bermuda grass and Japan clover (lespedeza) for quick results on fairways | USGA Green Section. 1925. The Bulletin of the United States Golf Association Green Section. March. 5(3): p. 70. |
121459 |
Spring seeding versus fall seeding | USGA Green Section. 1925. The Bulletin of the United States Golf Association Green Section. February 16. 5(2): p. 45-46. |
121484 |
Converting redtop and fescue greens into bent greens | USGA Green Section. 1925. The Bulletin of the United States Golf Association Green Section. February 16. 5(2): p. 46-47. |
121490 |
Spring and winter seeding of fairways and planting of stolons | USGA Green Section. 1925. The Bulletin of the United States Golf Association Green Section. January. 5(1): p. 20-21. |
121424 |
When to reseed established turf | USGA Green Section. 1925. The Bulletin of the United States Golf Association Green Section. January. 5(1): p. 23. |
121431 |
Time to sow Bermuda seed | USGA Green Section. 1925. The Bulletin of the United States Golf Association Green Section. January. 5(1): p. 23. |
121432 |
[Winterhardiness of redtop seedlings] | USGA Green Section. 1924. The Bulletin of the United States Golf Association Green Section. December. 4(12): p. 300. |
117868 |
Seeding and fertilizing new putting greens in the north | USGA Green Section. 1924. The Bulletin of the United States Golf Association Green Section. November. 4(11): p. 279. |
121868 |
Soil preparation for putting greens and fairways; Use of rye, cowpeas, and soybeans in preparing land for turf growing | USGA Green Section. 1924. The Bulletin of the United States Golf Association Green Section. October. 4(10): p. 253-254. |
121366 |
Buffalo grass and grama grass as turf grasses in the dry lands of the West | USGA Green Section. 1924. The Bulletin of the United States Golf Association Green Section. September. 4(9): p. 227-228. |
122192 |
Converting turf of other grasses into bent turf | USGA Green Section. 1924. The Bulletin of the United States Golf Association Green Section. September. 4(9): p. 230. |
122235 |
Seeding redtop for winter greens in the South | USGA Green Section. 1924. The Bulletin of the United States Golf Association Green Section. September. 4(9): p. 231. |
122241 |
Clover for southern fairways in winter | USGA Green Section. 1924. The Bulletin of the United States Golf Association Green Section. August 21. 4(8): p. 201. |
120698 |
Grasses for winter greens in the south | USGA Green Section. 1924. The Bulletin of the United States Golf Association Green Section. August 21. 4(8): p. 203. |
120817 |
Seeding a polo field; Canada bluegrass | USGA Green Section. 1924. The Bulletin of the United States Golf Association Green Section. February. 4(2): p. 49-50. |
122347 |
Winter seeding | USGA Green Section. 1923. The Bulletin of the United States Golf Association Green Section. December. 3(12): p. 321. |
122367 |
October seeding in the north | USGA Green Section. 1923. The Bulletin of the United States Golf Association Green Section. November. 3(11): p. 298-299. |
122396 |
Converting redtop and fescue greens into bent greens | USGA Green Section. 1923. The Bulletin of the United States Golf Association Green Section. October. 3(10): p. 273. |
122384 |
Fall renovation of fairways | USGA Green Section. 1923. The Bulletin of the United States Golf Association Green Section. August. 3(8): p. 223-234. |
122410 |
Seeding fairways and rough | Carrier, Lyman. 1923. Bulletin of the Green Section of the U.S. Golf Association. August 21. 3(8): p. 215-217. |
48654 |
Soil preparation in establishing new turf | USGA Green Section. 1923. The Bulletin of the United States Golf Association Green Section. July. 3(7): p. 201-202. |
123607 |
Reseeding bent greens; use of redtop in reseeding | USGA Green Section. 1923. The Bulletin of the United States Golf Association Green Section. May. 3(5): p. 153. |
124011 |
Converting into bent turf greens formerly seeded to a mixture | USGA Green Section. 1923. The Bulletin of the United States Golf Association Green Section. May. 3(5): p. 154. |
124018 |
Vegetative planting | Carrier, Lyman. 1923. Bulletin of the Green Section of the U.S. Golf Association. April 21. 3(4): p. 102-113. |
48615 |
Soil preparation and seeding of new putting greens | USGA Green Section. 1923. The Bulletin of the United States Golf Association Green Section. March 21. 3(3): p. 91. |
123985 |
Winter seeding | USGA Green Section. 1923. The Bulletin of the United States Golf Association Green Section. January. 3(1): p. 21. |
124147 |
Winter seeding in Ohio | USGA Green Section. 1922. The Bulletin of the United States Golf Association Green Section. December. 2(12): p. 346. |
124165 |
Cost of building and seeding a nine-hole course in the fall of 1921 and the spring of 1922 | Long, William W. 1922. Bulletin of the Green Section of the U.S. Golf Association. October 16. 2(10): p. 282-283. |
48213 |
The fallacy of sowing fine turf grasses in spring | Piper, C. V.; Oakley, R. A. 1922. Bulletin of the Green Section of the U.S. Golf Association. April 26. 2(4): p. 119-120. |
47943 |
Northern putting-greens and fairways, spring seeding; redtop, bent, bluegrass, English (perennial) rye-grass | USGA Green Section. 1922. The Bulletin of the United States Golf Association Green Section. February. 2(2): p. 44-45. |
124287 |
Spring-seeding of putting-greens; use of redtop and bent in putting-greens | USGA Green Section. 1922. The Bulletin of the United States Golf Association Green Section. February. 2(2): p. 45. |
124288 |
[Bermuda greens during the winter months] | USGA Green Section. 1921. The Bulletin of the United States Golf Association Green Section. October. 1(10): p. 215. |
136290 |
[Fall seeding of greens] | USGA Green Section. 1921. The Bulletin of the United States Golf Association Green Section. September. 1(9): p. 192. |
141770 |
[Greens that adapt to thin-some clay and sandy soil] | USGA Green Section. 1921. The Bulletin of the United States Golf Association Green Section. May. 1(5): p. 93-94. |
141242 |
Greenkeeping notes | Anonymous. 1916. The Golf Course [New York]. September. 1(9): p. 93. |
137309 |
Autumn sowing and renovation of golf course | Macomber, L. 1916. The Golf Course [New York]. July. 1(7): p. 70-71. |
136749 |
[Seasonal work on the golf course] | Sinclaire, R. O. 1916. The Golf Course [New York]. June. 1(6): p. 54. |
136737 |
The Lido links at Long Beach | Lees, Peter W. 1916. The Golf Course [New York]. June. 1(6): p. 58-59. |
136740 |
Lawns, Golf Courses, Polo Fields, Turf Courts, and How to Treat Them |
Cunningham, S. A.; Leavens, George D. 1914. New York, New York: The Coe-Mortimer Company. 40 pp. |
33166 |
The Laying Out and Upkeep of Golf Courses and Putting Greens |
Sutton, Martin H. F. [191x]. London, England: Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent & Co., Ltd. 47 pp. |
72564 |
The formation of turf | Beale, Gilbert. 1906. p. 19-45. In: Hutchinson, Horace G., ed. Golf Greens and Green-Keeping. London: Country Life Ltd. & George Newnes, Ltd. |
72588 |