Keyword: Shade resistance
Title | Author and Source | Category | View TGIF Record |
Quest for the Holy Grail | Vavrek, Bob. 1995. The Grass Roots. July/August. 23(4): p. 38-39. |
55378 |
Ferguson puts Ibrox's problems in the shade |
Anonymous. 1995. TURF Management. June. p. 8. |
293387 |
Einfluß der Beschattung auf Rasengräser (Literaturstudie) ([Influence of shade on turfgrasses (Review of Literature)]) |
Bär, Dieter; Schulz, Heinz. 1995. Rasen-Turf-Gazon. June. 26(2): p. 48-55. |
35089 |
Moss in yards | Rindels, Sherry. 1995. Integrated Pest Management at Iowa State University. May 12. p. [1]. |
125058 |
Genetic diversity and vulnerability of St. Augustinegrass Access Restrictions |
Busey, Philip. 1995. Crop Science. March/April. 35(2): p. 322-327. |
33439 |
Stretch it, squish it, mound it, pound's fine fescue: Used alone or in a mixture, fine fescues adapt to virtually any cool-season golf course setting | Kassell, Larry. 1995. Landscape Management. January. 34(1): p. 1G, 4G. |
86103 |
Shade adaptation study - 1993 | Christians, N. E. 1994. 1994 Iowa Turfgrass Research Report. p. 21-22. |
31416 |
Growing grass in the shade | Vargas, J. M. Jr. 1994. Proceedings of the 64th Annual Michigan Turfgrass Conference. 23: p. 79. |
28981 |
Manejo de césped en areas de sombra (Management of turf in shady areas.) |
Anonymous. 1994. TGM: Campos Deportivos y Espacios Verdes. Summer. 2(1): p. 40-45. |
34931 |
Performance of three warm-season turfgrass genera cultured in shade I. Buchloe dactyloides |
Morton, S. J.; Engelke, M. C.; Porter, K. G. 1994. Texas Turfgrass Research - 1994. December. p. 21-23. |
62120 |
Performance of three warm-season turfgrass genera cultured in shade II Cynodon dactylon |
Morton, S. J.; Engelke, M. C.; Porter, K. G. 1994. Texas Turfgrass Research - 1994. December. p. 24-26. |
62203 |
Performance of three warm-season turfgrass genera cultured in shade III Zoysia spp. |
Morton, S. J.; Engelke, M. C.; Porter, K. G. 1994. Texas Turfgrass Research - 1994. December. p. 27-29. |
62223 |
Zoysiagrass shade tolerance |
Morton, S. J.; Staton, T.; Engelke, M. C. 1994. Texas Turfgrass Research - 1994. December. p. 30-32. |
62224 |
A promising horizon: The U.S. market for seeded bermudagrasses perks up as research makes gains in developing new varieties Access Restrictions |
Schaffer, Laura. 1994. Golf Course Management. December. 62(12): p. 36, 38, 40, 42. |
32479 |
Performance of three warm-season turfgrass genera cultured in shade: I. Buchloe dactyloides |
Morton, S. J.; Engelke, M. C. 1994. Texas Turfgrass Research - 1993. August. p. 96-98. |
45759 |
Performance of three warm-season turfgrass genera cultured in shade: II. Cynodon dactylon |
Morton, S. J.; Engelke, M. C. 1994. Texas Turfgrass Research - 1993. August. p. 99-101. |
45667 |
Performance of three warm-season turfgrass genera cultured in shade: III. Zoysia spp. |
Morton, S. J.; Engelke, M. C. 1994. Texas Turfgrass Research - 1993. August. p. 102-104. |
45761 |
Warm-season turfgrass species quality and disease resistance in Japan Access Restrictions |
Razmjoo, K.; Imada, T.; Kaneko, S. 1994. Journal of the Sports Turf Research Institute. June. 70: p. 133-138. |
32212 |
[Tips for a good grass growing environment] | Oatis, David. 1994. Greenkeeper International. May. p. 9. |
208124 |
Turfgrass management in shady areas of lawns | DiPaola, Joseph M. 1994. Landscape Management. February. 33(2): p. 54. |
33355 |
Grasses in Shade: Establishing and Maintaining Lawns in Low Light |
Minner, David D.; Fick, Barbara J. 1993. Columbia, Missouri: University of Missouri-Columbia. [3] pp. |
38489 |
Response of turf-type tall fescues to simulated deciduous shade |
Zarlengo, P. J.; King, J. W. 1993. Agronomy Abstracts. p. 4. |
29456 |
Shade adaptation study - 1992 | Christians, N. E. 1993. 1993 Iowa Turfgrass Research Report. p. 20-21. |
30405 |
Evaluation of turfgrass species for shade |
Taylor, Jill. 1993. Turfgrass Research Report - 1993 [Ohio State]. p. 73-82. |
59858 |
Growing turf in shade | Warnke, Scott. 1993. Proceedings of the 63rd Annual Michigan Turfgrass Conference. 22: p. 211- 214. |
26203 |
Response of St. Augustinegrass cultivars [Stenotaphrum secundatum (Walt.) Kuntze] to shade Access Restrictions |
Peacock, C. H.; Dudeck, A. E. 1993. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 7: p. 657-663. |
28129 |
The shade tolerance of Korean lawngrass (Zoysia japonica Steud.) | Nam, Sang-Yong; Han, Sang-Kyung; Kim, Hyung-Ki. 1993. Korean Journal of Turfgrass Science. 7(1): p. 5-12 [592-599]. |
128294 |
Fundamental studies on the landscape use of evergreen ground cover plants in Kang Won area -Propagation, shade tolerance, cold resistance, and growth rate- | Hong, J. U.; Lee, K. C.; Huh, B. L.; Won, K. Y.; Lim, B. C. 1993. Korean Journal of Turfgrass Science. 7(1): p. 19-30 [606-617]. |
128298 |
Turfgrass management in the shade |
DiPaola, Joseph M. 1993. North Carolina Turfgrass. Winter. 10(4): p. 28-29+. |
27807 |
Breeding tall fescues for turf | Fricker, Crystal; Fraser, Melodee; Meyer, W. A. 1993. Lawn and Landscape Maintenance. November. 14(11): p. 71-72. |
29767 |
Made for the shade |
Benner, David E. 1993. Plants & Gardens: The Natural Lawn & Alternatives. Autumn. 49(3): p. 60-67. |
29472 |
Ground covers for shade |
Druse, Ken. 1993. Plants & Gardens: The Natural Lawn & Alternatives. Autumn. 49(3): p. 68-74. |
29473 |
Fine Lawn secures exclusive right for Supranova Poa | Anonymous. 1993. Golf Course News [United Publications]. April. 5(4): p. 56. |
226400 |
Producing quality turfgrass in shaded areas | Relf, Diane. [1992]. Virginia Cooperative Extension Web Site. [September]. |
59921 | |
Breeding improved seeded bermudagrass for turf | Baltensperger, Arden A. 1992. 1983-1992 Turfgrass Research Summary. p. 30. |
94295 |
Shade adaptation study | Christians, N. E. 1992. 1992 Iowa Turfgrass Research Report. p. 31-32. |
70285 |
Castorbeans for evaluation of shade tolerance of tall fescue |
King, J. W.; Zarlengo, P. J. 1992. Agronomy Abstracts. p. 171. |
25653 |
Shade and turfgrass culture |
Dudeck, A. E.; Peacock, C. H. 1992.: p. 269-284. In: Waddington, D. V.; Carrow, R. N.; Shearman, R. C., eds. Turfgrass. 32. Madison, Wisconsin: American Society of Agronomy, Inc., Crop Science Society of America, Inc., and Soil Science Society of America, Inc. |
26026 |
Tall fescues for the humid south | Meyer, William A. 1992. Proceedings of the 29th and 30th Annual North Carolina Turfgrass Conference and Trade Show. 12/13: p. 51. |
28730 |
Vegetation of problem sites | Williams, C. Bruce. 1992. Proceedings of the 29th and 30th Annual North Carolina Turfgrass Conference and Trade Show. 12/13: p. 85-87. |
28766 |
Management of turf in shade |
Wallis, Murray. 1992. ATRI Turf Notes. Summer. 11(4): p. 6-7. |
27191 |
Effects of dry matter production and growth of Zoysia japonica under the light environment: II. Effect of dry matter production and growth construction of Zoysia japonica on a shade rate | Do, Bong-Hyun; Kim, Kwang-Sik. 1992. Korean Journal of Turfgrass Science. 6(2): p. 73-82 [545-553]. |
128284 |
Varieties for shade |
Meyer, William A.; Rose-Fricker, Crystal. 1992. Grounds Maintenance. August. 27(8): p. 33-34, 36, 38, 74. |
84865 |
"Couch" grasses - fairy tales and facts |
McMaugh, Peter. 1992. New Zealand Turf Management Journal. August. 6(3): p. 9-11. |
160872 |
Tree snags--a tree even an agronomist can love! | Sadlon, Nancy P. 1992. USGA Green Section Record. May/June. 30(3): p. 24-25. |
24047 |
Under the old Oak tree |
Patterson, Rich; Patterson, Marion. 1992. Urban Forests. April/May. 12(2): p. 8-11. |
30848 | |
Shade adaptation of selected perennial ryegrass and tall fescue cultivars |
Fermanian, T. W.; Haley, J. E. 1992. 1991 Illinois Turfgrass Research Report. March. p. [22-24]. |
153224 |
Turfgrass Management for the Texas Panhandle | Smith, Jim; Bean, Brent; Patrick, Carl; Duble, Richard; Knoop, William; Hickey, Michael; Horne, Wendell; Wilson, Leonard; Thomason, Ron. 1991. [College Station, Texas]: [Texas Agricultural Extension Service, Texas A&M University System]. 11 pp. |
38811 |
On Your Home Turf: A Guide to the Establishment and Care of the Home Lawn |
Australian Turfgrass Research Institute and Drane, David S., ed. 1991. Concord West, New South Wales, Australia: Australian Turfgrass Research Institute. 51, [1] pp. |
84731 |
Warm-season turfgrass rooting responses to biostimulators |
Goatley, Mike Jr. 1991. Mississippi State Turfgrass Field Day. p. 7-13. |
65522 |
The evaluation of several tall fescue and perennial ryegrass cultivars |
Fermanian, T. W.; Haley, J. E.; Wessels, Kyle; Han, Sang-Wook. 1991. University of Illinois Turfgrass, Nursery, Landscape, and Trial Garden Field Day Program. p. 14-17. |
299064 |
Turf management on the slope and in the shade Access Restrictions |
Harris, Rodney Q. 1991. Proceedings of the 62nd International Golf Course Conference and Show. p. 53-54. |
25234 |
Turfgrass in the shade environment | Busey, Philip; Davis, Edward H. 1991. Proceedings of the Florida State Horticultural Society. 104: p. 353-358. |
31022 |
Effects on dry matter production and growth of Zoysia japonica under the light environment: I. Effect of shade on growth in Zoysia japonica | Do, Bong Hyun. 1991. Korean Journal of Turfgrass Science. 5(2): p. 95-114 [469-488]. |
128278 |
A comparison of vegetative growth of Kentucky bluegrass and perennial ryegrass cultivars in different levels of shade | Ku, Ja-Hyeong; Kim, Tae-Il; Won, Dong-Chan; Song, Nam-Hyun; Song, Cheon-Young. 1991. Korean Journal of Turfgrass Science. 5(1): p. 23-32 [406-415]. |
128197 |
Shade trials [1991] |
Anonymous. 1991. Field Day '91 [Turf-Seed/Pure Seed Testing, Inc.]. [9]: p. 31-38. |
297322 |
Shade study |
Gibeault, V. A.; Autio, R. 1991. Turfgrass Research Conference and Field Day [University of California-Riverside]. September. p. 14-19. |
151986 |
Old native grass tested in Florida - Buffalograss may have useful qualities |
Hamilton, Pat. 1991. Florida Turf Digest. July. 8(3): p. 13, 15. |
251809 |
Shade adaptation study | Christians, N. E. 1990. 1990 Iowa Turfgrass Research Report. p. 16-17. |
51965 |
Want to grow grass in shade? Here are some tips from OSU | Anonymous. 1990. Lawn Care Industry. October. 14(10): p. 18. |
280252 |
Made in the shade |
DiPaola, Joseph M. 1990. Grounds Maintenance. June. 25(6): p. 24-32. |
19294 |
A bluegrass for the future. |
Anonymous. 1990. Seed World. February. 128(3): p. 22-24. |
18201 |
Endophyte levels of perennial turfgrass varieties and tolerance of grass species |
1989. p. P32. In: Landscape Management. Pocket Guide to Turfseed. [Cleveland, OH: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich]. |
14911 |
Heritability estimates for selected turfgrass characteristics of Bermudagrass Evaluated Under Shade |
Coffey, B. N.; Baltensperger, A. A. 1989. Proceedings of the Sixth International Turfgrass Research Conference. p. 117-119. |
17099 |
Fine fescues for shade and drought tolerance |
Laird, Euan. 1989. TRAI Turf Topics. Winter. 28: p. 5-7. |
23768 |
Shade Adaptation Study | Christians, N. E. 1989. 1989 Iowa Turfgrass Research Report. July. p. 30-31. |
18029 |
Turfgrass varieties - What's on the horizon | Funk, C. Reed. 1988. Proceedings of the 26th Annual North Carolina Turfgrass Conference. 9: p. 1-6. |
268002 |
Tall fescue performance and management | Bruneau, Art. 1988. Proceedings of the 26th Annual North Carolina Turfgrass Conference. 9: p. 47-51. |
268017 |
Seed company report Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 1988. TurfNews [ASPA]. September/October. 11(5): p. 41, 44. |
105853 |
The difference between a turfgrass mixture or blend Access Restrictions |
Jacklin-Ward, Gayle. 1988. TurfNews [ASPA]. July/August. 11(4): p. 22, 24. |
22843 |
Turfgrass Varieties for Indiana |
Anonymous. 1988. Indiana Superintendent's News. April. p. 16. |
12188 |
Plant close | USGA Green Section. 1988. USGA Green Section Record. March/April. 26(2) |
77516 |
Response of 32 Bermudagrass Clones to Reduced Light Intensity |
Gaussoin, R. E.; Baltensperger, A. A.; Coffey, B. N. 1988. HortScience. February. 23(1): p. 178-179. |
11936 |
Lawn Care Facts |
Skogley, C. Richard. 1987. University of Rhode Island Publications Office. 11 pp. |
11442 |
Shade tolerance of Kentucky bluegrass cultivars |
Hummel, Norman W. Jr. 1987. 1987 Cornell University Turfgrass Research Report. p. 4. |
62144 |
Turf trials in natural shade |
Taylor, L. H.; Schmidt, R. E. 1987. Research Report - 1987 Virginia Tech Turfgrass FieldDays. p. 7-8. |
142627 |
Apomictic Grasses |
Bashaw, E. C.; Funk, C. Reed. 1987. p. 40-82. In: Fehr, Walter R., ed. Principles of Cultivar Development: Volume 2 Crop Species. New York, NY: Macmillan Publishing Company. |
12427 |
Grass in Shade Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 1987. Sports Turf Bulletin. October-December. 159: p. 9-11. |
11395 |
Making the Grass Grow |
Anonymous. 1987. The Groundsman. October. 40(10): p. 36. |
11457 |
Managing Turf in Shade |
DiPaola, Joseph M. 1987. Lawn Servicing. August. 4(7): p. 16-17, 20-21. |
12641 |
1985 St. Augustinegrass cultivar and selection characterizations including shade adaption: College Station, Texas |
Menn, W. G.; Beard, J. B.; Kim, K. S.; Vermeulen, P. H. 1987. Texas Turfgrass Research - 1986. May. p. 17-20. |
14183 |
1985 tall fescue cultivar characterizations under post oak tree shade: College Station, Texas |
Menn, W. G.; Beard, J. B.; Walker, J. R. 1987. Texas Turfgrass Research - 1986. May. p. 20-21. |
14185 |
New grasses for southern growers |
Dudeck, A. E. 1987. Texas Turfgrass. Spring. 40(1): p. 18-20. |
10049 |
Fine Fescues Have a Place in Your Turf Program |
Roberts, Eliot. 1987. Park Maintenance and Grounds Management. February. 40(2): p. 10-11. |
10052 |
Spring Transition of Warm Season Grasses |
DiPaola, Joseph M. 1987. Grounds Maintenance. February. 22(2): p. 34, 38,40,42. |
10658 |
Tall fescues win shade tolerance test | Anonymous. 1987. Weeds Trees & Turf. January. 26(1): p. 24, 26. |
9804 |
Selecting Turf Grasses for Golf Courses Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Hurley, Richard Herbert. [1986]. Fairfield, New Jersey: Graphic Media. 20:00 min. |
9933 |
Turf trials in natural shade |
Taylor, L. H.; Schmidt, R. E. 1986. 1986 Virginia Tech Turfgrass Field Days. p. 8-12. |
142118 |
New developments in turfgrass breeding Access Restrictions |
Robinson, Michael F. 1986. Proceedings of the 57th International Golf Course Conference and Show. p. 27. |
75140 |
Characteristics of available turfgrass varieties |
Dudeck, A. E. 1986. Proceedings of the Thirty-Fourth AnnualFlorida Turfgrass Conference. 34: p. 45-51. |
87323 |
[Poor performace of bermudagrass in shaded areas?] | Anonymous. 1986. Lawn and Landscape. December. 7(12): p. 18. |
164911 |
Spring transition tips | Anonymous. 1986. SportsTURF. September. 2(7): p. 33. |
10068 |
Grass interplanting in horticulture cropping systems |
Butler, Jack D. 1986. HortScience. June. 21(3): p. 394-397. |
8688 |
Where grass won't grow: Using ground covers effectively: These versatile plant materials offer a wealth of proven remedies for problem-prone areas around the course. They are also a designer's delight Access Restrictions |
Reilly, Ann. 1986. Golf Course Management. May. 54(5): p. 60, 64, 70, 72. |
123677 |
Guidelines for Kentucky Bluegrass Blends/Mixes |
Hurley, Rich. 1986. Grounds Maintenance. April. 21(4): p. 48,50. |
8388 |
Cool Season Cultivars that Grow Well in Shade |
Anonymous. 1986. Grounds Maintenance. April. 21(4): p. 108. |
8396 |
Quality and yield response of four warm-season lawngrasses to shade conditions |
Barrios, E. P.; Sundstrom, F. J.; Babcock, D.; Leger, L. 1986. Agronomy Journal. March/April. 78(2): p. 270-273. |
7909 |
STRI Turfgrass Manual |
Shildrick, John; Speak, Tracy; Woolhouse, Roy. 198X. Bingley, West Yorkshire, England, United Kingdom: The Sports Turf Research Institute. 60 pp. |
14294 |
Cool season turfgrass cultivars performance in the shade Access Restrictions |
Gilbert, W. B.; DiPaola, J. M. 1985. Proceedings of the Fifth International Turfgrass Research Conference. p. 265-274. |
9017 |
Turfgrass cultivars and availability | Gilbert, W. B.; DiPaola, J. M. 1985. Proceedings of the 23rd Annual North Carolina Turfgrass Conference. 6: p. 71-79. |
218353 |