Keyword: Shade resistance
Title | Author and Source | Category | View TGIF Record |
Shade tolerant turfgrasses | Brilman, Leah A. 1985. Weeds Trees & Turf. October. 24(10): p. 46, 48. |
7786 |
Evaluation of bermudagrass (Cynodon spp.) genotypes for shade tolerance |
Gaussoin, R. E.; Baltensperger, A. A. 1985. Agronomy Abstracts. August. p. 126. |
7111 |
Selecting the Best Turfgrass |
Harivandi, M. Ali; Davis, William B.; Gibeault, Victor A.; Henry, Michael J.; Van Dam, John A.; Wu, Lin; Youngner, Victor B. 1984. Berkely, California: Cooperative Extension, Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of California. 4 pp. Revised Edition. |
126178 |
Selecting the best turfgrass | Harivandi, M. Ali; Davis, William; Gibeault, Victor A.; Henry, Michael; Van Dam, John; Wu, Lin. 1984. California Turfgrass Culture. 34(4): p. 17-18. |
7947 |
Tall fescue turf performance under a tree shade gradient | Wu, Lin; Huff, David; Davis, William B. 1984. California Turfgrass Culture. 34(4): p. 19-20. |
7948 |
1984-85 cultivar list recognizes top performance Access Restrictions |
Roberts, Eliot C. 1984. TurfNews [ASPA]. July/August. 7(4): p. 29, 31. |
105485 |
Kentucky bluegrasses and their culture | Funk, C. Reed; Engel, R. E. 1984. Weeds Trees & Turf. June. 23(6): p. 46-48, 50-52, 54, 56-57, 60-62. |
1602 |
Select the proper grass and diagnose correctly |
Nass, Bill. 1984. Florida Turf Digest. June. 1(3): p. 9-10,16. |
7856 |
Shade and tree root effects on turf | Lucas, Leon T. 1984. ALA. May. 5(3): p. 34-35, 38. |
162192 |
Effect of shading on root growth of transplanted sod Access Restrictions |
Hesseltine, B. B.; Skogley, C. R. 1984. TurfNews [ASPA]. January/February. 7(1): p. 19, 24. |
105464 |
Evalution of Bermudagrass (Cynodon spp.) Genotypes for Shade Tolerance Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Gaussoin, Roch E. 1983. M.S. Thesis: New Mexico State University. xi, 66 pp. |
213704 |
Response of turftype perennial ryegrass to a shade environment | Brauen, S. E.; Goss, R. L.; McElhoe, Ray; Orton, S. 1983. Proceedings of the 37th Northwest Turfgrass Conference. p. 156-163. |
32826 |
Turf type tall fescues | Anonymous. 1983. Northwest Turfgrass Topics. April. 26(1): p. 7. |
247092 |
1979 Kentucky bluegrass shade study |
Anonymous. 1982. Welcome to the 1982 Virginia Tech Turfgrass Field Days. p. 12-13. |
283655 |
Shade tolerance studies |
Gilbert, W. B.; DiPaola, J. M. 1982. 2nd Annual North Carolina Turfgrass Field Day/Exhibit:Field Tour Summaries. p. 20-21. |
2795 |
Grasses for the future |
Hayes, P. 1982. Proceedings of the First National Turfgrass Conference [UK]. p. 40-48. |
85050 |
Tall fescue varieties and their culture in New Jersey turfs |
Funk, C. Reed; Johnson-Cicalese, Jennifer M. 1982. 1982 Rutgers Turfgrass Proceedings. 13: p. 80-103. |
68845 |
Turfgrass species, cultivars and management considerations for shaded sites | Karnok, Keith J. 1982. Proceedings of the 52nd Annual Michigan Turfgrass Conference. 11: p. 81-85. |
1589 |
St. Augustinegrass cultivar update |
Beard, J. B.; Toler, R. L.; Crocker, R. L.; Grisham, M. P. 1982. Texas Turfgrass Research - 1982. September. p. 20-22. |
8029 |
1981 Tall fescues cultivar assessment for shaded sites in the humid Southwest |
Beard, J. B.; Batten, S. M.; Griggs, S. D.; Reed, S. R. 1982. Texas Turfgrass Research - 1982. September. p. 27-28. |
8051 |
Kentucky bluegrass shade studies |
Hurley, Rich; Pompei, Marie; Clark, Mary Beth. 1981. Lofts' Research Results. p. [5-6]. |
228526 |
Growing and maintaining turf in shade | Frelich, Jim R. 1981. Proceedings of the 35th Northwest Turfgrass Conference. p. 18-25. |
32496 |
Perspectives in turfgrass breeding and evaluation Access Restrictions |
Funk, C. Reed. 1981. Proceedings of the International Turfgrass Research Conference. 4: p. 3-10. |
1140 |
Growth and carbon dioxide flux of Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis L.) during sod establishment under low light Access Restrictions |
Karnok, K. J.; Augustin, B. J. 1981. Proceedings of the International Turfgrass Research Conference. 4: p. 517-526. |
1196 |
Kentucky bluegrasses and their culture in New Jersey lawns |
Funk, C. Reed; Engel, R. E.; Duell, R. W. 1981. 1981 Rutgers Turfgrass Proceedings. 12: p. 117-137. |
70063 |
Diversity of lawns in North Carolina | Gilbert, William B. 1981. Proceedings of the 19th Annual North Carolina Turfgrass Conference. 2: p. 62-68. |
30919 |
Stress adaptation characteristics of St. Augustinegrass (Stenotaphrum secundatum (Walt.) Kuntze) |
Batten, S. M.; Beard, J. B.; Johns, D.; DiPaola, J. 1981. Agronomy Abstracts. November/December. p. 123. |
7514 |
Growing Zoysia from seed, penncross herbicide tolerance for Poa elimination, new disease in turf, and much, much more!: Turfgrass scientists look into future at Guelph conference Access Restrictions |
Sheard, R. W.; Switzer, C. M. 1981. Golf Course Management. October. 49(9): p. 73-75. |
98103 |
Flowers for shady areas | Fizzell, James A. 1981. The Bull Sheet. July. 35(2): p. [19]. |
131348 |
Perennial ryegrass for turf Access Restrictions |
Funk, C. Reed. 1981. TurfNews [ASPA]. July/August. 4(4): p. 20, 22, 27-28, 30. |
105756 |
Turfgrass responses to total and partial defoliation |
Biran, I.; Bushkin-Harav, I. 1981. HortScience. February. 16(1): p. 74-76. |
2287 |
Shade tolerance Access Restrictions |
Karnok, Keith J. 1981. Golf Course Management. January/February. 49(1): p. 62-64, 66, 68. |
98286 |
Evaluation of perennial ryegrasses - Established September 1975 |
Anonymous. 1980. Welcome to the 1980 Virginia Tech Turfgrass Field Days. p. 22-25. |
276167 |
Tree shade adaptation of turfgrass species and cultivars in France |
Chesnel, A.; Croise, R.; Bourgoin, B. 1980. Proceedings of the Third International Turfgrass Research Conference. p. 431-436. |
224970 |
Groundcovers - an alternative to turf |
Burch, Derek. 1980. Proceedings of the Twenty-Eighth Annual Florida Turfgrass Management Conference. 28: p. 10-13. |
87837 |
Bluegrasses - 1980 |
Daniels, W. H. 1980. The Bull Sheet. July. p. [14]. |
113285 |
Developing a turfgrass management program for shaded areas Access Restrictions |
Hall, John R. III. 1980. TurfNews [ASPA]. May/June. 3(3): p. 12, 21, 29. |
104551 |
Ram I: A bluegrass for all seasons Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 1980. TurfNews [ASPA]. May/June. 3(3): p. 30. |
104556 |
New grasses for special uses Access Restrictions |
Funk, C. Reed. 1980. Golf Course Management. March. 48(2): p. 26-28, 30. |
6336 |
Handling lawns in shade | Anonymous. 1980. Lawn Care Industry. February. 4(2): p. 43. |
279842 |
Management practices affecting turfgrass shade adaptation |
Karnok, Keith J. 1979. Ohio Turfgrass Conference Proceedings. p. 23-27. |
108816 |
Turfgrass shade adaptation Access Restrictions |
Karnok, Keith J. 1979. GCSAA 50th International Turfgrass Conference and Show: Proceedings. p. 93-95. |
103512 |
Fine fescues good for cool sites with moderate shade | Anonymous. 1979. Lawn Care Industry. December. 3(12): p. 9. |
279929 |
Tall fescue good for shaded turf | Anonymous. 1979. Lawn Care Industry. September. 3(9): p. 2. |
279905 |
Centipede grass shade tolerance |
Anonymous. 1979. Quarterly News Bulletin of the Southern Turfgrass Association. May. 14(2): p. 21. |
292514 |
Evaluation of perennial ryegrasses - Established September 1975 |
Anonymous. 1978. Welcome to the 1978 Virginia Tech Turfgrass Field Days and Trade Show. p. 22-26. |
282302 |
10 steps to managing turf in shaded areas | Anonymous. 1978. Lawn Care Industry. September. 2(9): p. 8. |
279668 |
Shade adaptation of turfgrasses studied Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 1978. The Golf Superintendent. May. 46(5): p. 58. |
18713 |
Effect of Three Light Intensities on Eight Turf Type Bermudagrasses (Cynodon L.C. Rich) |
Batten, Steven Michael. 1977. M.S. Thesis: Oklahoma State University. vi, 39 pp. |
94134 |
Evaluation of shade tolerance in bermudas |
Batten, Steven. 1977. Proceedings: 31st Oklahoma Turfgrass Conference. p. [127-129]. |
252222 |
Comparative shade adaptation of St. Augustinegrass and tall fescue as affected by cutting heights and nitrogen regimes | Almodares, A.; Beard, J. B. 1977. Proceedings of the Thirty-Second Annual Texas TurfgrassConference. p. 93-99. |
94253 |
Performance of Kentucky Bluegrass Strains Grown in Sun and Shade. |
Taylor, L. H.; Schmidt, R. E. 1977. Agronomy Abstracts. November. 69: p. 113. |
15951 |
The Effect of Cutting Height and Mowing Frequency, Stage of Development, and Reduced Light Intensity on Net Photosynthesis, Dark Respiration, and Distribution of 14C-Photosynthate in Cool Season Turfgrasses |
Krans, Jeffrey V. 1975. Ph.D. Dissertation: Michigan State University. [4], viii, 64 pp. |
17737 |
Shade turf adaptation | Turgeon, A. J.; Hurto, K. 1975. 1975 Turfgrass Research Summary: University of Illinois,Urbana, Illinois. p. 19-20. |
99559 |
The effect of reduced light intensity on net photosynthesis, dark respiration, and distribution of 14C-photosynthate in cool season turfgrasses | 1975. p. 37-57. In: Krans, Jeffrey V. The Effect of Cutting Height and Mowing Frequency, Stage of Development, and Reduced Light Intensity on Net Photosynthesis, Dark Respiration, and Distribution of 14C-Photosynthate in Cool Season Turfgrasses. Ph.D. Dissertation: Michigan State University. |
130843 |
Glade, a glamorous new bluegrass | Jacklin, Doyle. 1975. The Bull Sheet. August. 29(3): p. [17]. |
130433 |
[Trees that provide shade and are good for lawns] |
Anonymous. 1975. Grounds Maintenance. April. 10(4): p. 9. |
293024 |
Breeding perennial ryegrass for improvements in disease resistance and mowing quality |
Funk, C. Reed; Dickson, William K. 1975. Rutgers Turfgrass Proceedings January 1975. January. 6: p. 58-65. |
80915 |
Final Report to the Woodlands: Identification, Establishment and Maintenance of Turfgrasses at The Woodlands |
Texas A&M University, Soil and Crop Sciences Department, Turf Section. 1974. College Station TX: Texas A&M University, Soil and Crop Sciences Department, Turf Section. 42 pp. |
106264 |
Turfgrass breeding in the seventies |
Funk, C. Reed. 1974. Proceedings 45th Annual Conference Mid-Atlantic Golf Course Superintendents Association. p. 5-11. |
140663 |
Persistence of southern turfgrasses in a shade environment |
Winstead, C. W.; Ward, Coleman Y. 1974. Proceedings of the Second International Turfgrass Research Conference. p. 221-230. |
225389 |
Maintaining turfgrass in shade Access Restrictions |
Wilkinson, James F. 1974. The Golf Superintendent. September/October. 42(9): p. 38-41. |
112586 |
Shady areas can be an asset | Anonymous. 1974. The Bull Sheet. September. 28(4): p. [14]. |
130133 |
Morphology and behavior of the fine fescues |
Schmit, R. M.; Funk, C. R.; Duell, R. W. 1974. Rutgers Turfgrass Proceedings January 1974. January. 5: p. 4-8. |
88238 |
Turfgrass: Science and Culture |
Beard, James B. 1973. Englewood Cliffs, N. J.: Prentice-Hall. x, 658 pp. |
294 |
Shade adaptation of Kentucky bluegrass cultivars | Beard, J. B.; Vargas, J. M. 1973. Michigan State University Turfgrass Research Summary. p. 1-2. |
255276 |
Morphological and photosynthetic responses of Poa pratensis and Festuca rubra to reduced light intensities | Wilkinson, J. F.; Beard, J. B. 1973. Michigan State University Turfgrass Research Summary. p. 2. |
255275 |
Breeding bermudagrass Cynodon sp. for turf Access Restrictions |
Burton, G. W. 1973. Abstracts of Papers Presented at the Second International Turfgrass Research Conference. p. 2. |
269871 |
Anatomical, morphological, and physiological studies relating to the persistence of southern turfgrasses when grown under a reduced light intensity Access Restrictions |
Winstead, C. W.; Ward, C. Y. 1973. Abstracts of Papers Presented at the Second International Turfgrass Research Conference. p. 15. |
269830 |
Turfgrass shade investigations | Beard, J. B.; Vargas, J. M.; Payne, K. T.; Rieke, P. E. 1973. Michigan State University Turfgrass Field Day. p. 26-27. |
153860 |
Selecting a turfgrass |
Ward, Coleman Y. 1973. Proceedings of the Florida Turfgrass Management Conference. 21: p. 13-18. |
88271 |
Shade stress and turfgrass culture | Wilkinson, James. 1973. Proceedings of the 43rd Annual Michigan Turfgrass Conference. 2: p. 83-85. |
26313 |
Turfgrass nutrition & environmental stress | Wilson, Charles G. 1973. Proceedings of the 43rd Annual Michigan Turfgrass Conference. 2: p. 94-97. |
26316 |
Producing sod for shaded areas | Huggett, Wallace. 1972. Proceedings of the 42nd Annual Michigan Turfgrass Conference. 1: p. 119-120. |
26278 |
Development of improved red fescue varieties for sod production and new Kentucky bluegrass varieties for the sod industry | Payne, Kenyon T. 1972. Proceedings of the 42nd Annual Michigan Turfgrass Conference. 1: p. 121-122. |
26279 |
42nd Annual Turfgrass Conference | Anonymous. 1972. A Patch of Green. February. p. 7-8, 11. |
252664 |
Penncross Access Restrictions |
Schery, Robert W. 1970. The Golf Superintendent. April. 38(4): p. 18-20. |
113752 |
An ecological study of annual bluegrass | Beard, J. B. 1970. USGA Green Section Record. March. 8(2): p. 13-18. |
2691 |
Effect of Light Intensity on Seedling Growth in Red Fescue (Festuca rubra L.) |
Hurdzan, Michael John. 1969. M.S. Thesis: University of Vermont. vii, 56 pp. |
124409 |
Evaluating turfgrasses for shade tolerance |
Wood, Glen M. 1969. Agronomy Journal. MAY/JUNE. 61(3): p. 347-352. |
2734 |
Shade tolerant turfgrasses of the United States and southern Canada |
Wood, Glen M. 1969. Proceedings of the First International Turfgrass Research Conference. 1: p. 283-288. |
1748 |
Response of 'Tifgreen' bermudagrass and 'Windsor' Kentucky bluegrass to various light spectra modifications |
McVey, G. R.; Mayer, E. W. 1969. Agronomy Journal. September/October. 61(5): p. 655-659. |
2750 |
Kentucky 31 tall fescue - A shade-tolerant turfgrass | Juska, F. V.; Hanson, A. A.; Hovin, A. W. 1969. Weeds Trees and Turf. January. 8(1): p. 34-35. |
2665 |
Keeping a Lawn |
Butler, J. D.; Britton, M. P.; Randell, Roscoe. 1968. Urbana, Illinois: University of Illinois, College of Agriculture, Cooperative Extension Service. 15 pp. |
41237 |
D-3d. Shade adaptation | Beard, J. B. 1968. 1968 Turfgrass Research Summary [Michigan State University]. p. 15. |
225047 |
Turf research in Mississippi, 1968-1969 | Ward, Coleman Y. 1968. Proceedings of Scotts Turfgrass Research Conference. June. p. 31-34. |
70710 |
Turfgrass variety comparisons |
Horn, G. C. 1967. Proceedings of the FloridaTurf-Grass Management Conference. 15: p. 91-99. |
88981 |
Evaluating Turfgrasses for Shade Tolerance |
Wood, Glen M.; Hurdzan, Michael J. 1967. Agronomy Abstracts. November. 59: p. 55. |
17974 |
Shade grasses | Schery, Robert W. 1967. The Bull Sheet. November. 20 [21](17 [5]): p. [12]. |
129596 |
Cold tolerance in Digitaria |
Oakes, A. J.; Langford, W. R. 1967. Agronomy Journal. July/August. 59(4): p. 387-388. |
12657 |
Turf-tree competition Access Restrictions |
Reid, Scott. 1967. GreenMaster. April. 3(5): p. 4, 6-7. |
116884 |
A-4. Red fescue breeding and selection | Payne, Kenyon T. 1966. 1966 Turfgrass Research Summary [Michigan State University]. p. 17. |
224832 |
Shade tolerance studies on bermudagrass and other turfgrasses |
McBee, George G.; Holt, E. C. 1966. Agronomy Journal. September/October. 58(5): p. 523-525. |
12687 |
Effects of shade on the survival of crested wheatgrass seedlings |
McGinnies, William J. 1966. Crop Science. September/October. 6(5): p. 482-484. |
12095 |
Shade tolerance studies on bermudagrass and other turfgrasses |
McBee, G. G.; Holt, E. C. 1966. Agronomy Abstracts. August. 58: p. 35. |
17065 |
Adapting turfgrass to shade: Microenvironment conducive to disease activity was significant in affecting grass adaption |
Anonymous. 1966. Golf Course Operations. March. 4(1): p. 25, 34-35. |
291859 |
Oregon fine fescues go nation wide |
Anonymous. 1966. Grounds Maintenance. March. 1(3): p. 28. |
155977 |
Shade studies | Beard, James. 1965. 1965 Turfgrass Research Report for the NCR-10 Meetings. p. 7. |
238871 |
Factors in the adaptation of turfgrasses to shade |
Beard, James B. 1965. Agronomy Journal. September/October. 57(5): p. 457-459. |
12752 |
Shadegrass ecology study | Anonymous. 1964. Michigan State University Turfgrass Field Day. p. 11. |
157914 |