Keyword: Soil amendments
Title | Author and Source | Category | View TGIF Record |
The use of commercial fertilizers on turf grasses | Vandecaveye, S. C. 1956. Proceedings of the Second Annual New Mexico Turfgrass Conference. p. 14-16. |
285281 |
Topdressing and a compost field Access Restrictions |
Thomas, James E. 1956. The Golf Course Reporter. September/October. 24(7): p. 28, 30. |
122221 |
The Role of Lime in Turf Management |
Noer, O. J. 1955. Milwaukee, Wisconsin: Turf Service Bureau, Sewerage Commission, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. [1], 25 pp. Revised Edition. |
71340 |
Le Role de la Chaux Dans L'entretien du Gazon (The Role of Lime in Turf Management) |
Noer, O. J. [1955]. Milwaukee, Wisconson: Turf Service Bureau, Sewerage Commission, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. 16, [2] pp. |
325970 |
Seedbed preparation for turfgrass Access Restrictions |
Lunt, O. R.; Miller, P. A.; Wyckoff, C. G. 1955. The Golf Course Reporter. August. 23(6): p. 5-9. |
122167 |
Is sawdust as good as peat for improving a heavy tight soil? |
Grau, Fred. 1955. Athletic Journal. May. 35(9): p. 28. |
135386 |
Permeability - Can gypsum help you? | Anonymous. 1954. Southwestern Turfletter. September. 4: p. 3. |
296070 |
Effect of porous soil amendments on water retention characteristics of soils | Hagan, Robert M.; Stockton, John R. 1952. USGA Journal and Turf Management. April. 5(1): p. 29-31. |
35761 |
Better Lawns and Turf |
Young, Orville W. [1951]. [?Dayton, Ohio?]. 62 pp. |
224 |
Research projects listed at the various stations in 1950: Soil physical conditions |
Anonymous. 1951. Turf Research Review [USGA Green Section]. p. 6. |
207814 |
[Porous mineral materials as amendments or conditions to improve the physical properties of soils] | Hagan, Robert M.; Stockton, John R. 1951. Proceedings of National Turf Field Days. p. 7-10. |
219004 |
[Plugs and mixtures of U-3 bermuda] | Stoutemyer, Verne. 1951. Proceedings of National Turf Field Days. p. 10-11. |
219010 |
Better Lawns and Gardens |
The American Agricultural Chemical Co. 19XX. New York City, New York: The American Agricultural Chemical Co. 16 pp. |
306847 |
Peat and its uses in horticulture: Part I. The formation and extent of peat Access Restrictions |
Fraser, Geo. K. 1950. Journal of the Board of Greenkeeping Research. 7(26): p. 322-334. |
51294 |
Processed sawdust as soil amendment Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 1950. Greenkeepers' Reporter. November/December. 18(6): p. 26. |
118603 |
Soil physics (with special relation to green construction) |
Thomas, R. P. 1949. 1949 Annual Conference Mid-Atlantic Association ofGreenkeepers. p. 32-41. |
137658 |
The experimental project in turf culture |
Anonymous. 1949. First Annual Fall Field Day on Turf Culture. 1: p. 1-4. |
140740 |
Grass variety and turf management studies |
Stoutemyer, V. T. 1949. First Annual Fall Field Day on Turf Culture. 1: p. 37-42. |
140755 |
Soil compaction and aeration |
Huberty, M. R. 1949. First Annual Fall Field Day on Turf Culture. 1: p. 51-53. |
140758 |
The Role of Lime in Turf Management |
Anonymous. 1947. Milwaukee, Wisconson: Turf Service Bureau, Sewerage Commission, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. 23 pp. |
71338 |
Good Lawns: A Guide to Those Who Appreciate the Orderly Beauty of a Well Kept Lawn | O. M. Scott & Sons Company. 194X. Marysville, Ohio: O. M. Scott & Sons Company. 42 pp. |
33389 |
Turf Management in Rhode Island |
Bell, Robert S. 1945. Kingston, RI: Rhode Island Agricultural Experiment Station, Rhode Island State College. 21 pp. |
37137 |
The Home Lawn |
Cornman, John F. 1942. Ithaca, New York: Extension Service, New York State College of Agriculture, Cornell University. 23 pp. |
109287 |
Relative Effectiveness of Acid Lead Arsenate and Other Materials as Stomach Poisons for the Larvae of the Japanese Beetle |
Fleming, Walter E. 1942. Washington, DC: United States Department of Agriculture. 32 pp. |
58417 |
Waste materials as fertilisers Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 1940. Journal of the Board of Greenkeeping Research. June. 6(21): p. 100-101. |
51049 |
Potash supplies Access Restrictions |
Dawson, R. B. 1940. Journal of the Board of Greenkeeping Research. June. 6(21): p. 121-122. |
51056 |
Feeding Turf Grasses on Lawns, Parks, and Recreation Fields |
Sprague, Howard B. 1936. New Brunswick, New Jersey: New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station, Rutgers University. [4] pp. |
142710 |
The constitution of soil Access Restrictions |
Comber, Norman M. 1936. Journal of the Board of Greenkeeping Research. Spring. 4(14): p. 179-184. |
49434 |
The effects of sodium chloride on some turf plants and soils |
Stoutemyer, V. T.; Smith, F. B. 1936. Journal of the American Society of Agronomy. January. 28(1): p. 16-23. |
103338 |
Humus characteristics and use in course maintenance | Melville, C. M. 1933. Golfdom: The Business Journal of Golf. June. 7(6): p. 53-55. |
180781 |
Greenkeeping in South Africa: A treatise on Scientific Methods for the Establishment and Maintenance of Turf for Sporting Purposes and Garden Lawns |
Murray, C. M. Murray, C. M. 1932. Cape Flats, South Africa: South African Golf. 104 pp. |
33295 |
How mercury, lead arsenate control nitrification | White, J. W. 1931. Golfdom: The Business Journal of Golf. May. 5(5): p. 38-40. |
178770 |
Experiments With Turf Grasses in New Jersey |
Sprague, Howard B.; Evaul, E. E. 1930. New Brunswick, New Jersey: New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station. 55 pp. |
56453 |
Anderson used humus | Anderson, John L. 1930. The National Greenkeeper. October. 4(10): p. 18. |
132094 |
The life and activities of soil bacteria | Smith, James A. 1930. The National Greenkeeper. May. 4(5): p. 5-8. |
131875 |
Re-turfing Florida golf courses | Roseman, Joe A. 1930. The National Greenkeeper. February. 4(2): p. 11-12, 14-15. |
131038 |
The use of peat, muck and humus on golf courses | Anonymous. 1929. The Bulletin of the United States Golf Association Green Section. November. 9(11): p. 191-192. |
35681 |
You don't need manure in making top-dressing - green crop method serves | Leach, B. R. 1929. Golfdom: The Business Journal of Golf. November. 3(11): p. 14-16. |
176437 |
Top-dressing preparation by the "soiling method" | Leach, B. R. 1929. Golfdom: The Business Journal of Golf. September. 3(9): p. 50, 52, 54. |
176361 |
Rebuilding the putting green | Welton, Kenneth. 1929. The Bulletin of the United States Golf Association Green Section. August. 9(9): p. 142-151. |
35647 |
This treatment kept our greens in good shape | Boyd, Tom. 1929. Golfdom: The Business Journal of Golf. July. 3(7): p. 13. |
176282 |
Soils in relation to golf course turf | Lipman, J. G. 1929. The Bulletin of the United States Golf Association Green Section. April. 9(4): p. 62-70. |
35563 |
Humus for the soils | Smith, James A. 1928. The National Greenkeeper. November. 2(11): p. 16. |
87257 |
About charcoal | Anonymous. 1928. The National Greenkeeper. November. 2(11): p. 22. |
87262 |
Putting greens on heavy clay soil | Evans, Lewis M. 1928. The Bulletin of the United States Golf Association Green Section. September. 8(9): p. 183-184. |
51219 |
[Weeds on fairways] | Leach, B. R. 1928. Golfdom: The Business Journal of Golf. September. 2(9): p. 13. |
175500 |
Effects of individual fertilizer materials on soil reaction | Noer, O. J. 1928. The Bulletin of the United States Golf Association Green Section. April. 8(4): p. 68-72. |
51157 |
Consider organic matter in soil for healthy turf | Chenoweth, Austin K. 1928. Golfdom: The Business Journal of Golf. April. 2(4): p. 28, 30, 32. |
175307 |
Feeding versus seeding turf | Mattice, Norman L. 1928. The Bulletin of the United States Golf Association Green Section. February. 8(2): p. 25-26. |
51085 |
Further experiments in the control of Japanese beetle grubs | Leach, B. R. 1928. The Bulletin of the United States Golf Association Green Section. February. 8(2): p. 28-33. |
51086 |
Gypsum (calcium sulfate) of questionable value for turf grasses | Anonymous. 1928. The Bulletin of the United States Golf Association Green Section. February. 8(2): p. 35-37. |
51147 |
Improving turf on sandy soil | Read, H. Kendall. 1928. The Bulletin of the United States Golf Association Green Section. January. 8(1): p. 12-14. |
51078 |
[Torn-up greens] | Lott, Noah. 1927. Golfdom: The Business Journal of Golf. November. 1(10): p. 26. |
172254 |
[Compost and small brown patch] | Lott, Noah. 1927. Golfdom: The Business Journal of Golf. November. 1(10): p. 26. |
172256 |
[Large oak trees dying] | Lott, Noah. 1927. Golfdom: The Business Journal of Golf. August. 1(7): p. 13. |
171065 |
Compost characteristics and its preparation | Tregillus, C. A. 1927. Golfdom: The Business Journal of Golf. August. 1(7): p. 15-17, 45-46. |
171069 |
Additional experiments in grub-proofing turf | Leach, B. R.; Lipp, J. W. 1927. The Bulletin of the United States Golf Association Green Section. February. 7(2): p. 23-32. |
50967 |
Why I use charcoal | Morley, John. 1927. The National Greenkeeper. January. 1(1): p. 15. |
84458 |
Peat and humus | Anonymous. 1926. The Bulletin of the United States Golf Association Green Section. April. 6(4): p. 92-93. |
50304 |
Producing turf on sandy wastes | Anonymous. 1925. Bulletin of the Green Section of the U.S. Golf Association. November 16. 5(11): p. 255. |
49632 |
Spent hops as a fertilizer and amendment for heavy soils | Anheuser, Eberhard. 1925. Bulletin of the Green Section of the U.S. Golf Association. November 16. 5(11): p. 257. |
49636 |
General Data on the Activated Sludge Process of Sewage Treatment |
Filtros: General Filtration Co., Inc. 1924. Rochester, N.Y. : General Filtration Co., Inc. 47 pp. |
84956 |
Fertilizing to improve fairways | USGA Green Section. 1924. The Bulletin of the United States Golf Association Green Section. August 21. 4(8): p. 204-205. |
125301 |
Sand versus peat for ameliorating clay putting greens | Anonymous. 1924. Bulletin of the Green Section of the U.S. Golf Association. January 24. 4(1): p. 9. |
49191 |
Peat in California | Lipman, Charles B. 1923. Bulletin of the Green Section of the U.S. Golf Association. September 21. 3(9): p. 243. |
48665 |
Top-dressing | Carrier, Lyman. 1923. Bulletin of the Green Section of the U.S. Golf Association. March 21. 3(3): p. 73-77. |
48604 |
Puddling and baking | Piper, C. V. 1922. Bulletin of the Green Section of the U.S. Golf Association. October 16. 2(10): p. 294. |
48223 |
Treatment for unwatered greens | Metcalf, Maynard M. 1922. Bulletin of the Green Section of the U.S. Golf Association. July 17. 2(7): p. 209-210. |
48182 |
A mechanical sifter for humus and top soil | Barrett, Frank B. 1922. Bulletin of the Green Section of the U.S. Golf Association. May 17. 2(5): p. 155-156. |
47958 |
Pine sawdust as soil admixture; layering putting-greens; preventing adobe soil from baking | USGA Green Section. 1922. The Bulletin of the United States Golf Association Green Section. May 17. 2(5): p. 160-161. |
136771 |
Soil beds for use on golf courses and how they can be made at very small cost | Connellan, William. 1922. Bulletin of the Green Section of the U.S. Golf Association. April 26. 2(4): p. 116-118. |
47942 |
[Ground oyster shells in grub extermination; undesirability of lime] | USGA Green Section. 1922. The Bulletin of the United States Golf Association Green Section. January. 2(1): p. 19-20. |
117151 |
[Compost as putting-green top-dressing; preparation of the compost; hydrated lime, burnt lime and peat in the compost] | USGA Green Section. 1922. The Bulletin of the United States Golf Association Green Section. January. 2(1): p. 20. |
117173 |
Greensand marl | Lipman, J. G. 1922. Bulletin of the Green Section of the U.S. Golf Association. January 16. 2(1): p. 15-17. |
47919 |
Producing turf on poor land at Pinehurst, North Carolina |
Tufts, Leonard. 1921. Bulletin of the Green Section of the U.S. Golf Association. December 16. 1(12): p. 254-255. |
47655 |
How we solved the problem of good fairway turf at Pine Valley | Wilson, Alan D. 1921. Bulletin of the Green Section of the U.S. Golf Association. June 20. 1(6): p. 98-103. |
47584 |
How to Lay Out Suburban Home Grounds |
Kellaway, Herbert J. 1915. New York, New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. x, 128 pp. 2nd Edition. |
39189 |
Materials for putting greens |
Piper, C. V.; Oakley, R. A. 1914. Golf [USGA Bulletin 1898-1909]. March. 34(3): p. 153-157. |
283342 |
Golf greens on sand and in dry climates |
Sutton, Martin H. F. 1912. p. 245-253. In: Hilton, Harold H.; Smith, Garden G., eds. The Royal & Ancient Game of Golf. London: The London and Counties Press Association Ltd., for Golf Illustrated Ltd. |
143818 |
A hint to plant growers [Letter] |
A Constant Reader. 1847. The Horticulturist and Journal of Rural Art and RuralTaste. October. 2(4): p. 167-169. |
103186 |