Keyword: Soil amendments
Title | Author and Source | Category | View TGIF Record |
Soil Management in Home Gardens and Landscapes | Nuss, J. Robert; Sanford, David L.; Sellmer, James C. 2001. University Park, Pennsylvania: Cooperative Extension, College of Agricultural Sciences, The Pennsylvania State University. [2], 10 pp. |
280067 |
Green waste compost as a turf soil amendment |
Ries, Steven B.; Cockerham, Stephen T.; Riechers, George H.; Hartin, Janet S.; Khan, Rudy A.; Gibeault, Victor A. 2001. Turfgrass & Landscape Management Field Day[UC-Riverside]. p. 1-2. |
118890 |
Simulation of putting green hydrology | McCoy, Edward. 2001. 2001 Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary. p. 4. |
78335 |
Turf soils research at Southern Illinois University Carbondale 2001 research update: Project (3): Utilization of coal combustion residual to improve physical properties and nutrient efficiency of a fine-textured soil for golf course fairway turf growth |
Chong, She-Kong; Boniak, Richard; Clark, Jeremy; Indorante, Sam. 2001. 2001 Illinois Turfgrass Research Report. p. 12. |
81179 |
Turf soils research at Southern Illinois University Carbondale 2001 research update: Project (4): Tilth of green sand mixes amended with various organic composts |
Chong, She-Kong; Boniak, Richard; Clark, Jeremy; Indorante, Sam. 2001. 2001 Illinois Turfgrass Research Report. p. 12-13. |
81180 |
Amendments and construction systems for improving the performance of sand-based greens | Ok, Changho; Anderson, Stephen H.; Ervin, Erik; Fresenburg, Brad; Dunn, John H.; Follis, Chad C. 2001. Turfgrass: 2001 Research & Information Report [Missouri]. p. 19-22. |
75308 |
Evaluation of spent mushroom substrate as a topdressing for established turfgrass | McNitt, A. S.; Petrunak, D. M.; Uddin, W. X. 2001. 2001 Annual Research Report [Penn State]. p. 26-34. |
81715 |
Compost utilization in landscapes |
Alexander, Ron. 2001. p. 151-175. In: Stoffella, Peter J.; Kahn, Brian A., eds. Compost Utilization in Horticultural Cropping Systems. Boca Raton, Florida: Lewis Publishers. |
108914 |
Physical characteristics of sports turf rootzones amended and top dressed with rubber crumb Access Restrictions |
Baker, S. W.; Hannaford, J.; Fox, H. 2001. Journal of Turfgrass Science. 77: p. 59-70. |
80273 |
Measurement of bulk mechanical properties and modeling the load-response of rootzone sands: Part 1: Round and angular monosize and binary mixtures |
Yi, H.; Mittal, B.; Puri, V. M.; Li, F.; Mancino, C. F. 2001. Particulate Science and Technology. 19: p. 145-173. |
83105 |
Creeping bentgrass response to root zone mixes in two different environments | Murphy, James; Honig, Josh; Samaranayake, Hiranthi; Lawson, T. J.; Sosa, Miguel. 2001. Proceedings of the Tenth Annual Rutgers TurfgrassSymposium. 10: p. 31. |
76340 |
Early establishment turfgrass response to phosphorus amendment of soils | Hamel, Stephanie C.; Heckman, Joseph R. 2001. Proceedings of the Tenth Annual Rutgers TurfgrassSymposium. 10: p. 33. |
76342 |
Fly ash amendment of sandy soil to improve water and nutrient use efficiency in turf culture Access Restrictions |
Pathan, S. M.; Aylmore, L. A. G.; Colmer, T. D. 2001. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 9(Part 1): p. 33-39. |
74210 |
A laboratory exercise demonstrating the interactions of sand, and organic and inorganic amendments on physical properties of sports turf rootzone mixes Access Restrictions |
Stewart, B. R.; Waddington, D. V.; Goatley, J. M.; Krans, J. V. 2001. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 9(Part 1): p. 98-103. |
74241 |
Nitrogen requirement for Kentucky bluegrass grown on compost amended soil Access Restrictions |
Gentilucci, G.; Murphy, J. A.; Zaurov, D. E. 2001. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 9(Part 1): p. 382-387. |
74419 |
Cation exchange capacity impacts on shoot growth and nutrient recovery in sand based creeping bentgrass greens |
Petri, A. N.; Petrovic, A. M. 2001. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 9(Part 1): p. 422-427. |
74425 |
Rootzone mixes amended with crumb rubber - field study |
Boniak, R.; Chong, S.-K.; Ok, C.-H.; Diesburg, K. L. 2001. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 9(Part 2): p. 487-492. |
74204 |
Rootzone mixes amended with crumb rubber - laboratory study Access Restrictions |
Chong, S.-K.; Ok, C.-H.; Boniak, R.; Diesburg, K. L. 2001. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 9(Part 2): p. 493-497. |
74206 |
Effect of rootzone composition and cultivation/aeration treatment on the physical and root growth performance of golf greens under New Zealand conditions Access Restrictions |
Gibbs, R. J.; Liu, C.; Yang, M.-H.; Wrigley, M. P. 2001. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 9(Part 2): p. 506-517. |
74208 |
Freezing and thawing effects on sand-based media modified with soil amendments Access Restrictions |
Li, D.; Volterrani, M.; Christians, N. E.; Minner, D. D.; Magni, S. 2001. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 9(Part 2): p. 548-552. |
74228 |
Evaluation of a modular turfgrass system amended with shredded carpet Access Restrictions |
McNitt, A. S.; Landschoot, P. J. 2001. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 9(Part 2): p. 559-564. |
74230 |
The effects of soil reinforcing inclusions in an athletic field rootzone Access Restrictions |
McNitt, A. S.; Landschoot, P. J. 2001. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 9(Part 2): p. 565-572. |
74231 |
Accumulation and fractionation of copper, iron, manganese, and zinc in calcareous soils amended with composts Access Restrictions |
Zinati, Gladis M.; Li, Yuncong; Bryan, Herbert H. 2001. Journal of Environmental Science and Health: Part B: Pesticides, Food Contaminants, and Agricultural Wastes. B36(2): p. 229-243. |
73912 |
Effect of temperature, organic amendment rate and moisture content on the degradation of 1,3-dichloropropene in soil Access Restrictions |
Dungan, Robert S.; Gan, Jianying; Yates, Scott R. 2001. Pest Management Science. December. 57(12): p. 1107-1113. |
77456 |
Yard waste compost as a landscape soil amendment for azaleas |
Beeson, R. C. Jr.; Keller, Karen G. 2001. Journal of Environmental Horticulture. December. 19(4): p. 222-225. |
78164 |
Moisture stress dogged new greens |
Palmer, David. 2001. Turf Craft International. November/December. 81: p. 7-8. |
77239 |
Portland, Oregon: Rubber/compost mix brings softness to soccer field Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 2001. BioCycle, The Journal of Composting & Recycling. November. 42(11): p. 18. |
78239 |
The broad benefits of biostimulants | Miranda, Stephen. 2001. SportsTURF. November. 17(11): p. 28. |
77122 |
Effects of soil amendments on herbicide efficacy and leaching Access Restrictions |
Sellers, Brent A.; Hickman, Michael V. 2001. Weed Technology. October-December. 15(4): p. 686-696. |
78494 |
Ice breaker: It's profile to the rescue for frozen greens | Anonymous. 2001. Golfdom. September. 57(9): p. 37. |
76978 |
High tech building boom continues: Playing field systems are being improved to accommodate more events and bring in additional revenue |
Varner, Darren. 2001. Athletic Turf: Maintenance & Technology. September/October. 4(5): p. 14-16. |
76702 |
Uptake of 15N fertilizer in compost-amended soils Access Restrictions |
Sikora, L. J.; Enkiri, N. K. 2001. Plant and Soil. August. 235(1): p. 65-73. |
76807 |
Hydraulic seeding: It's all in the slurry: The grass may be the object of your efforts, but it's the other ingredients that make the difference |
Gassman, Sean. 2001. Grounds Maintenance. August. 36(8): p. Contractor 10, 12, 16. |
74978 |
Amending sand with isolite and zeolite under saline conditions: Leachate composition and salt deposition |
Qian, Y. L.; Koski, A. J.; Welton, R. 2001. HortScience. July. 36(4): p. 717-720. |
74874 |
Composted biosolids incorporation improves turfgrass establishment on disturbed urban soil and reduces leaf rust severity |
Loschinkohl, Cerinda; Boehm, Michael J. 2001. HortScience. July. 36(4): p. 790-794. |
75087 |
Assessment of metal availability in smelter soil using earthworms and chemical extractions |
Conder, Jason M.; Lanno, Roman P.; Basta, Nicholas T. 2001. Journal of Environmental Quality. July/August. 30(4): p. 1231-1237. |
76642 |
Coping with drought | Miller, Grady. 2001. SportsTURF. July. 17(7): p. 46. |
74641 |
The damaging effects of high soil pH: Urban legend or reality? Access Restrictions |
Gelernter, Wendy; Stowell, Larry J. 2001. PACE Insights. July. 7(7): p. 1-4. |
104949 |
Assessment of macro and micro-nutrient accumulation in bermudagrass grown in crumb rubber amended media |
Owings, Allen D.; Bush, Edward W. 2001. HortScience. June. 36(3): p. 541. |
74254 |
Evaluation of composts for growth of grass sod Access Restrictions |
Barker, Allen V. 2001. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis. June. 32(11/12): p. 1841-1860. |
76639 |
Making the best field from existing soils: How to create top-quality fields, by using the materials already on site and adding some minor amendments | Pippen, Scott. 2001. SportsTURF. June. 17(6): p. 32-34. |
73446 |
Creeping bentgrass response to inorganic soil amendments and mechanically induced subsurface drainage and aeration |
Bigelow, Cale A.; Bowman, Daniel C.; Cassel, D. Keith; Rufty, Thomas W. Jr. 2001. Crop Science. May/June. 41(3): p. 797-805. |
72979 |
Dollar for your compost, or compost for your dollar?: Controlling dollar spot with compost Access Restrictions |
Boulter, Jeanine. 2001. GreenMaster. April/May. 36(2): p. 46, 48, 50. |
73702 |
Cation exchange capacity affects greens' turf growth: Sand holds nutrients poorly; properly tested amendments can help Access Restrictions |
Shaw, James W.; Andrews, Richard D. 2001. Golf Course Management. March. 69(3): p. 73-77. |
72415 |
The Idaho roadside program: Revegetation of steep and highly erodible slopes in Idaho | Ross, Gene. 2001. Greener Roadsides. Spring. p. [1-2]. |
104596 |
Sand amendments for turf construction: Organic and inorganic materials influence turf performance Access Restrictions |
Robinson, Michael; Neylan, John. 2001. Golf Course Management. January. 69(1): p. 65-69. |
71816 |
Selecting amendments: Trial on your own course is the best method to rate soil enhancers, expert says | Blais, Peter. 2001. Golfdom. January. 57(1): p. 62. |
73435 |
The question is compaction: Is bulk density the answer? Access Restrictions |
Gelernter, Wendy; Stowell, Larry J. 2001. PACE Insights. January. 7(1): p. 1-4. |
104944 |
Sand Textured Root Zones in Athletic Fields: Turfgrass Establishment and Constituent Selection Based on Agronomic and Engineering Properties |
Henderson, Jason Jeffrey. 2000. M.S. Thesis: Michigan State University. xi, 93 pp. |
77367 |
The Effects of Soil Inclusions on Soil Physical Properties and Athletic Field Playing Surface Quality Access Restrictions |
McNitt, Andrew Scott. 2000. Ph.D. Thesis: The Pennsylvania State University. xxiii, 228 pp. |
77388 |
Influence of Trinexapac-ethyl and Soil Amendment on Growth of Creeping Bentgrass Managed as a Golf Putting Green Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Hart, W. J. 2000. M.S. Thesis: Auburn University. |
78970 |
Microbiological Activity in Organic Waste-amended Soil Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Barbosa, N. I. 2000. M.S. Thesis: Auburn University. |
78984 |
Lawns: Quick & Easy Grasses and Groundcovers |
Crotta, Carol A. 2000. Minnetonka, Minnesota: Creative Pushlishing International, Inc. vii, 104 pp. |
110002 |
Using Your Compost | Hagen, Margaret. 2000. Durham, New Hampshire: University of New Hampshire Cooperative Extension. 2 pp. |
132306 |
Soil amendment development | Wilkinson, Hank; Kane, Randy. 2000. Illinois Turfgrass Research Summary: 2000 ResearchReports. p. [1]. |
135707 |
Green sand mixes study | Chong, She-Kong; Boniak, Richard; Indorante, Sam. 2000. Illinois Turfgrass Research Summary: 2000 Research Reports. p. [1]. |
135724 |
Effects of terra-control soil amendment on soil stability of seeded Kentucky bluegrass, perennial ryegrass, creeping bentgrass, and fine fescue populations |
Carey, K.; Gunn, E. 2000. Guelph Turfgrass Institute: 2000 Research Report. p. 1-4. |
91983 |
Innovative technologies for beneficial uses of dredged material and residual materials |
Adam, P.; Lee, C. R.; Palazzo, A. J.; Burchell, M. R. II. 2000. 2000 Annual Meeting Abstracts [ASA/CSSA/SSSA]. p. 12. |
72416 |
Microbial community development in greens mixes and its role in manageability of golf greens | Gaulin, E.; Tate, R. L. III. 2000. Proceedings of the Ninth Annual Rutgers Turfgrass Symposium. p. 17. |
73527 |
Research on the use of greenwaste compost for turfgrass management |
Riechers, George H.; Cockerham, Stephen T.; Gilbeault, Victor A. 2000. 2000 Turfgrass and Landscape Management Research Conference and Field Day [UC-Riverside]. p. 21. |
119346 |
Managing take all patch | Latin, Richard. 2000. 2000 Annual Report - Purdue University Turfgrass Science Program. p. 60-62. |
73961 |
Bentgrass germination and root development on sand mixes amended with various organic materials |
Boniak, R.; Chong, S. K. 2000. 2000 Annual Meeting Abstracts [ASA/CSSA/SSSA]. p. 166. |
71256 |
Physical properties of root zone mixes varying in sand size distribution |
Honig, J. A.; Lawson, T. J.; Murphy, J. A. 2000. 2000 Annual Meeting Abstracts [ASA/CSSA/SSSA]. p. 166-167. |
71264 |
Microbial strategies for the biological control of turfgrass diseases Access Restrictions |
Nelson, Eric B.; Craft, Cheryl M. 2000. p. 342-352. In: Clark, J. Marshall; Kenna, Michael P., eds. Fate and Management of Turfgrass Chemicals. Washington, D.C.: American Chemical Society. |
64628 |
Utilization of fly ash and urban yard waste as soil amendments to improve soil fertility |
Li, Y. C.; Stoffella, P. J.; Zhao, J.; Zhang, M.; Bryan, H. H.; He, Z. 2000. 2000 Annual Meeting Abstracts [ASA/CSSA/SSSA]. p. 386. |
72762 |
The effect of rootzone composition and compaction on root development in sand-dominated golf green profiles Access Restrictions |
Hannaford, J.; Baker, S. W. 2000. Journal of Turfgrass Science. 76: p. 24-36. |
73149 |
Effect of rootzone composition and cultivation/aeration treatment on surface characteristics of golf greens under New Zealand conditions Access Restrictions |
Gibbs, R. J.; Liu, C.; Yang, M.-H.; Wrigley, M. P. 2000. Journal of Turfgrass Science. 76: p. 37-52. |
73159 |
Turfgrass research for high trafficked areas: III. Amendments for a low budget athletic field | Lundberg, L. M.; Sorochan, J. C.; Crum, J. R.; Rogers, J. N. III. 2000. Proceedings of the 70th Annual Michigan Turfgrass Conference. 29: p. 1, 9. |
64132 |
Proper planting procedures for trees and shrubs | Rowe, Bradley. 2000. Proceedings of the 70th Annual Michigan Turfgrass Conference. 29: p. 110-111. |
64305 |
Managing bentgrass stress on putting green slopes - 1999 report |
Minner, David D.; Christians, Nick E.; Li, Deying; Watters, Dennis. 2000. 2000 Iowa Turfgrass Research Report. 21: p. [1-3]. |
71581 |
Root zone microbial activity in relation to putting green quality | Mueller, Sabrina R.; Kussow, Wayne R. 2000. 2000 Wisconsin Turfgrass Research Reports. 18: p. [130-134]. |
69332 |
Influence of nature's nutrient on bentgrass root growth in a 70/20/10 sand/peat/soil putting green | Schwab, Tom; Gregos, Jeff. 2000. 2000 Wisconsin Turfgrass Research Reports. 18: p. [112-114]. |
69336 |
NCTF project report: New technologies in construction and maintenance of golf course greens |
Bowman, Daniel C.; Bigelow, Cale A.; Ruffy, Thomas W. Jr.; Cassel, D. Keith. 2000. North Carolina Turfgrass. December/January. 18(7): p. 26, 30. |
73586 |
The effect of inorganic and organic amendments on the physical and chemical parameters of sand-based greens |
Li, Deying; Joo, Young K.; Christians, Nick E.; Minner, David D. 2000. The Reporter [IGCSA]. November/December. p. 21, 23-26. |
99703 |
Soil amendments affect compaction, soil strength: With added peat, ceramic clay or diatomaceous earth, sand compacts less Access Restrictions |
Waltz, Clint; Burnett, Staci; Quisenberry, Virgil; McCarty, Bert. 2000. Golf Course Management. November. 68(11): p. 49-55. |
69969 |
Using coal combustion byproducts for turf production: University of Georgia Access Restrictions |
Nus, Jeff. 2000. Golf Course Management. October. 68(10): p. 80. |
68888 |
Composts to improve turf ecology |
Dinelli, Dan. 2000. The IPM Practitioner. October. 22(10): p. 1-6. |
70558 |
The effect of inorganic and organic amendments on the physical and chemical parameters of sand-based greens |
Christians, N. E.; Minner, David D.; Li, D.; Watters, D. 2000. The Reporter [IGCSA]. September. p. 8-9. |
100051 |
Response of four turfgrass cultivars to limestone and biosolids-compost amendment of a zinc and cadmium contaminated soil at Palmerton, Pennsylvania |
Li, Yin-Ming; Chaney, Rufus L.; Siebielec, Grzegorz; Kerschner, Beverly A. 2000. Journal of Environmental Quality. September/October. 29(5): p. 1440-1447. |
68854 |
Nutrient and rhizosphere management of amended sand greens | Holl, F. B. 2000. WCTA Research Report: 1999 Projects [Western Canada]. August. p. 42-44. |
67206 |
Black is back | Williams, Stan. 2000. Greenkeeper International. August. p. 62-63. |
95490 |
Timing, testing key to steady growth |
Buchen, Terry. 2000. Golfweek's SuperintendentNews. August 18. 2(17): p. 16, 33. |
255121 |
Soil amendment study for putting greens |
Anonymous. 2000. Dedication of the Paint Branch Turfgrass Research Facilityand Research Field Day [Maryland]. July. p. 6-7. |
67489 |
Soil amendments affect turf establishment rate: Creeping bentgrass thrives in peat and sand during grow-in Access Restrictions |
Waltz, Clint; McCarty, Bert. 2000. Golf Course Management. July. 68(7): p. 59-63. |
65792 |
Organics recycler maximizes processing efficiency Access Restrictions |
Block, Dave. 2000. BioCycle, The Journal of Composting & Recycling. July. 41(7): p. 67-69. |
66481 |
Inorganic soil amendment effects on sand-based sports turf media |
Li, Deying; Joo, Young K.; Christians, Nick E.; Minner, David D. 2000. Crop Science. July/August. 40(4): p. 1121-1125. |
66997 |
Sand-based rootzone modification with inorganic soil amendments and sphagnum peat moss: Current player volume and maintenance practices call for research into changes in putting green construction materials | Bigelow, Cale A.; Bowman, Dan; Cassel, Keith. 2000. USGA Green Section Record. July/August. 38(4): p. 7-13. |
66349 |
Update on root zone mixture research for putting greens | Murphy, James A.; Honig, Josh; Lawson, T. J.; Samaranayake, Hiranthi; Murphy, Stephanie L.; Clarke, Bruce B.; Sosa, Miguel. 2000. 1999 Rutgers Turfgrass Proceedings. July. 31: p. 239-258. |
68232 |
Effectiveness of coal combustion by-products in controlling phosphorus export from soils | Stout, William L.; Sharpley, Andrew N.; Landa, Jennifer. 2000. Journal of Environmental Quality. July/August. 29(4): p. 1239-1244. |
66433 |
Selenium as an anti-oxidant and pro-oxidant in ryegrass Access Restrictions |
Hartikainen, Helinä; Xue, Tailin; Piironen, Vieno. 2000. Plant and Soil. June. 225(1/2): p. 193-200. |
72188 |
Fertigation: Why only water? Access Restrictions |
Crockett, Jim. 2000. GreenMaster. June/July. 35(3): p. 18-20. |
65862 |
Bodenphysikalische und -mechanische Eigenschaften von organischen Zusatzstoffen in Rasentragschichtgemischen: Die Torfersatzstoffe Biomutans floris und Kompost im Vergleich zu Torf ([Physical and mechanical soil properties of organic mixes in turfgrass mixes: The peat mixture Biomutans floris and composts in comparison to peat]) |
Hauser, Helmut; Matthies, Dietmar. 2000. Rasen-Turf-Gazon. June. 31(2): p. 16-24. |
66344 |
[Effective use of soil amendments] | Gillen, Paul. 2000. SportsTURF. June. 16(6): p. 6. |
65696 |
Soil amendment considerations for sand-based root zones | Betulius, Joe; Lennert, Larry. 2000. SportsTURF. June. 16(6): p. 22. |
65699 |
Dauphin County, Pennsylvania dot beautification project utilizes siosolids compost Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 2000. BioCycle, The Journal of Composting & Recycling. May. 41(5): p. 23. |
65150 |
Greens construction: The next generation |
Stimmel, Sam. 2000. California Fairways. May/June. 9(3): p. 14, 16, 18. |
65303 |
Rethinking reconstruction: The benefits of topdressing with porous ceramics |
Schmaderer, Jason. 2000. California Fairways. May/June. 9(3): p. 16, 18. |
65304 |
What goes best with sand: Peat, soil or compost?: Root zones require careful attention to organic amendments Access Restrictions |
Hummel, Norman W. Jr. 2000. Golf Course Management. April. 68(4): p. 57-60. |
64428 |
Reducing nitrate leaching during green grow-in: Amendments and fertilizers are key to reducing pollution Access Restrictions |
Sartain, J. B.; Gooding, H. D. 2000. Golf Course Management. April. 68(4): p. 70-73. |
64430 |
Physiological response of bermudagrass grown in soil amendments during drought stress |
Miller, Grady L. 2000. HortScience. April. 35(2): p. 213-216. |
64673 |