Keyword: Soil drench
Showing items 1 to 21 of 21.
Title | Author and Source | Category | View TGIF Record |
Onion peel waste has the potential to be converted into a useful agricultural product to improve vegetable crop growth |
Zhang, Qianwen; Kong, Yun; Masabni, Joseph; Niu, Genhua. 2024. HortScience. May. 59(5): p. 578-586. |
337885 |
An investigation of the impact of compost tea applications on turf quality and soil microbial activity |
Waliczek, T. M.; Wagner, N. C. 2023. Journal of Environmental Horticulture. March. 41(1): p. 1-6. |
327093 |
Progress toward solving the silvery-thread moss issue in cool-season putting greens | Stark, Llo; Raudenbush, Zane; Johnson, Matthew; Greenwood, Joshua. 2021. Mike Davis Program for Advancing Golf Course Management: 2021 Progress Reports. p. 329-334. |
317428 |
Progress toward solving the silvery-thread moss issue in cool-season putting greens | Stark, Llo; Raudenbush, Zane; Johnson, Matthew; Greenwood, Joshua. 2020. Turfgrass and Environmental Research Program: 2020 Research Summaries. p. 317-321. |
313749 |
European chafer damage to home lawns is showing now | Smitley, Dave. 2008. Landscape Alert Newsletter. April 18. 23(3): p. 2-3. |
137433 |
Out in front: A proactive, multipractice approach to treating localized dry spots can make the battle easier | Massey, T. R. 2007. Golf Course Industry. August. 19(7): p. 42-45. |
138080 |
Emerald ash borer: Insecticide options for protecting ash trees and their effectiveness | Williamson, R. Chris. 2007. The Grass Roots. May/June. 36(3): p. 23, 25-27, 29, 31. |
128374 |
Effects of a soil-applied fortified Ascophyllum nodosum extract on the visual quality of Zoysia turfgrass | Morales-Payan, J. Pablo. 2006. Proceedings of the 33th Annual Meeting of the Plant GrowthRegulation Society of America. p. 208. |
239441 |
Survival and infectivity of Steinernema scapterisci (Nematoda: Steinernematidae) after contact with soil drench solutions Access Restrictions |
Barbara, Kathryn A.; Buss, Eileen A. 2004. Florida Entomologist. September. 87(3): p. 300-305. |
99883 |
Y2K grub control: Are you compliant? | Williamson, R. Chris. 1999. The Grass Roots. November/December. 28(6): p. 5-7. |
62641 |
Efficacy of soil drenches with eradicative fungicides and seed treatments with aerated steam for control of clavicipitaceous endophytes in grass germ plasm | Wilson, A. D.; Lester, D. G.; Kaiser, W. J. 1995. Phytopathology. October. 85(10): p. 1167. |
36088 |
Core cultivation and efficacy of benomyl applied to creeping bentgrass |
Liu, Leon X.; Hsiang, Tom; Eggens, Jack L. 1994. 1994 Annual Research Report [Guelph]. 8: p. 34-39. |
37664 |
Growth, biomass, and trim/chip time reduction following application of flurprimidol tree growth regulator |
Redding, Kent D.; Burch, Patrick L.; Miller, Kenneth C. 1994. Journal of Arboriculture. January. 20(1): p. 38-45. |
40675 |
Effects of Sumagic on growth of Pyracantha, Photinia, and dwarf burford holly |
Anonymous. 1990. Oklahoma State University Turfgrass, Nursery and Floriculture Field Day. p. 26-32. |
203067 |
Carrier volume - How much? |
Harris, Jack. 1990. Turf Craft Aust.. March. 16: p. 16-20. |
293085 |
Control of type 1 fairy rings |
Baldwin, N. A. 1988. p. 155-167. In: Gibbs, R. J.; Adams, W. A., eds. Proceedings of the Sixth Discussion Meeting of Amenity Grass Research. Aberystwyth, Wales: University College of Wales. |
115292 |
Liquid/dry: Pros/cons | Anonymous. 1979. Lawn Care Industry. April. 3(4): p. 7, 9, 35. |
279749 |
Differential response of timothy varieties to captan |
Nittler, L. W.; Kenney, T. J. 1968. Agronomy Journal. November/December. 60(6): p. 706-708. |
12570 |
Application of Soil Drench Fungicides to Large Turf Areas. |
Small, W. A. 1967. Agronomy Abstracts. November. 59: p. 57. |
17988 |
A comparison of soil drench and subsurface irrigation for application of an organo-phosphate nematocide |
Nigh, Edward L. Jr. 1965. Report on Turfgrass Research [Arizona]. p. 24-26. |
169205 |
A machine for separating leatherjackets from turf samples Access Restrictions |
Mayor, J. G.; Browne, K. W. 1964. Plant Pathology. September. 13(3): p. 113-114. |
234123 |