Keyword: Sorption
Title | Author and Source | Category | View TGIF Record |
Glyphosate sorption/desorption on biochars - Interactions of physical and chemical processes Access Restrictions |
Hall, Kathleen E.; Spokas, Kurt A.; Gamiz, Beatriz; Cox, Lucia; Papiernik, Sharon K.; Koskinen, William C. 2018. Pest Management Science. May. 74(5): p. 1206-1212. |
296613 |
The impact of soil characteristics and land use on sorption of ionic and nonionic herbicides | Ou, Ling; Gannon, Travis W.; Polizzotto, Matthew. 2016. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 100230. |
278615 |
Degradation and sorption of the fungicide tebuconazole in soils from golf greens Access Restrictions |
Badawi, Nora; Rosenbom, Annette E.; Jensen, Anne M. D.; Sørensen, Sebastian R. 2016. Environmental Pollution. December. 219: p. 368-378. |
286511 |
Fungicide leaching from golf greens: A synopsis of Scandinavian studies | Aamlid, Trygve S. 2014. Popular Scientific Articles - STERF. December. 25: p. 1-13. |
264607 |
Sorption of simazine and S-metolachlor to soils from a chronosequence of turfgrass systems Access Restrictions |
Gannon, Travis W.; Hixson, Adam C.; Weber, Jerome B.; Shi, Wei; Yelverton, Fred H.; Rufty, Thomas W. 2013. Weed Science. July-September. 61(3): p. 508-514. |
225834 |
Phosphorus reduction in runoff using a steel slag trench filter system | Wang, Zan; Bell, Greg; Penn, Chad J. 2012. ASA, CSSA and SSSA Annual Meetings [2012]. p. 70931. |
213235 |
Effects of soil composition on solid phase microextraction determination of triazine and organophosphorus pesticides Access Restrictions |
Ðurović, Rada D.; Ðor^D=dević, Tijana M. 2012. Journal of Environmental Science and Health: Part B: Pesticides, Food Contaminants, and Agricultural Wastes. 47(9): p. 851-857. |
210797 |
Predicting phosphorus sorption onto steel slag using a flow-through approach with application to a pilot scale system |
Penn, Chad J.; McGrath, Joshua M. 2011. Journal of Water Resource and Protection. April. 3(4): p. 235-244. |
249062 |
Sorption of organic pollutants to thatch as influenced by thatch chemical properties | Carroll, M. J.; Leshin, R. M. 2010. 2010 International Annual Meetings: [Abstracts][ASA-CSSA-SSSA]. p. 58358. |
170920 |
Sorption of naphthalene and 1-napthol to turfgrass thatch as influenced by thatch chemical properties | Leshin, Richard M.; Carroll, Mark J. 2010. 239th ACS National Meeting & Exposition: Abstracts of Papers. March. 239: p. [1]. |
275234 |
Role of sorption and degradation in the herbicidal function of isoxaflutole Access Restrictions |
Sims, Gerald K.; Taylor-Lovell, Sarah; Tarr, Gabe; Maskel, Shawn. 2009. Pest Management Science. July. 65(7): p. 805-810. |
152548 |
Phosphorus sorption capacity of filter materials used for on-site wastewater treatment determined in batch experiments - A comparative study |
Cucarella, Victor; Renman, Gunno. 2009. Journal of Environmental Quality. March/April. 38(2): p. 381-392. |
146341 |
Effectiveness of vegetative filter strips in reducing pesticide loading: Quantifying pesticide trapping efficiency |
Sabbagh, G. J.; Fox, G. A.; Kamanzi, A.; Roepke, B.; Tang, J.-Z. 2009. Journal of Environmental Quality. March/April. 38(2): p. 762-771. |
146346 |
Soil Properties Affect Simazine and Saflufenacil Fate, Behavior, and Performance |
Hixson, Adam Charles. 2008. Ph.D. Dissertation: North Carolina State University. [3], xiii, 226 pp. |
138094 |
Turfgrass and the environment Access Restrictions |
Kenna, Michael P. 2008. p. 65-90. In: Beard, James B.; Kenna, Michael P., eds. Water Quality and Quantity Issues for Turfgrasses in Urban Landscapes. Ames, Iowa: Council for Agricultural Science and Technology. |
133437 |
Thatch pesticide sorption Access Restrictions |
Carroll, Mark. 2008. p. 187-202. In: Nett, Mary T.; Carroll, Mark J.; Horgan, Brian P.; Petrovic, A. Martin, eds. The Fate of Nutrients and Pesticides in the Urban Environment. Washington, DC: American Chemical Society, distributed by Oxford University Press. |
146411 |
Effect of sample preparation on the sorption of organic pollutants to turfgrass thatch | Leshin, Richard; Carroll, Mark. 2008. 2008 Joint Annual Meeting: [Abstracts][GSA/SSSA/ASA/CSSA/GCAGS/HGS]. p. 41766. |
145182 |
Sorption of fenamiphos to different soils: The influence of soil properties Access Restrictions |
Cáceres, Tanya P.; Megharaj, Mallavarapu; Naidu, Ravi. 2008. Journal of Environmental Science and Health: Part B: Pesticides, Food Contaminants, and Agricultural Wastes. September/October. 43(7): p. 605-610. |
141084 |
Managing bisolids runoff phosphorus using buffer strips enhanced with drinking water treatments residuals |
Wagner, D. J.; Elliott, H. A.; Brandt, R. C.; Jaiswal, D. 2008. Journal of Environmental Quality. July/August. 37(4): p. 1567-1574. |
145885 |
Degradation and sorption of imidacloprid in dissimilar surface and subsurface soils Access Restrictions |
Anhalt, Jennifer C.; Moorman, Thomas B.; Koskinen, William C. 2008. Journal of Environmental Science and Health: Part B: Pesticides, Food Contaminants, and Agricultural Wastes. March/April. 43(3): p. 207-213. |
135594 |
Sorption and degradation of simazine in bermudagrass and bareground soil systems | Hixson, Adam; Weber, Jerome; Yelverton, Fred; Shi, Wei. 2007. Abstracts: 2007 International Annual Meetings[ASA/CSSA/SSSA]. p. [1]. |
132166 |
Characterization and Sorption Behavior of Dissolved Organic Matter from Fertilizers and their Environmental Impact on Turfgrass Soil Leachates Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Heymann, Karen. 2007. M.S. Thesis: University of Massachusetts Amherst. xi, 122 pp. |
154368 |
Influence of organic matter quality and quantity on simazine sorption by bermudagrass soil systems | Hixson, Adam C.; Weber, Jerome B.; Yelverton, Fred H. 2006. Abstracts: 2006 International Annual Meetings [ASA/CSSA/SSSA]. p. [1]. |
119085 |
Sorption and leaching studies of fenitrothion and tebuconazole in granular activated carbon and charcoal | Lee, Dong-Ik; Chun, So-Ul; Joo, Young-Kyoo. 2006. Korean Journal of Turfgrass Science. 20(1): p. 47-55. |
134041 |
Sorption of a hydrophilic pesticide: Effects of soil water content Access Restrictions |
Ochsner, T. E.; Stephens, B. M.; Koskinen, W. C.; Kookana, R. S. 2006. Soil Science Society of America Journal. November. 70(6): p. 1991-1997. |
226713 |
Leaching of Fungicides from Golf Greens: Quantification and Risk Assessment | Strömqvist, Johan; Jarvis, Nicholas. 2005. Uppsala, Sweden: Division of Environmental Physics, Department of Soil Sciences, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. 37, [4] pp. |
288710 |
Effect of organic fertilizers derived dissolved organic matter on pesticide sorption and leaching | Li, Kun; Xing, Baoshan; Torello, William A. 2005. Environmental Pollution. March. 134(2): p. 187-194. |
157283 |
Herbicide sorption to concrete and asphalt Access Restrictions |
Ramwell, Carmel T. 2005. Pest Management Science. February. 61(2): p. 144-150. |
101947 |
Surfactant-enhanced release of carbaryl and ethion from two long-term contaminated soils Access Restrictions |
Ahmad, Riaz; Kookana, Rai S.; Alston, Angus M. 2004. Journal of Environmental Science and Health: Part B: Pesticides, Food Contaminants, and Agricultural Wastes. B39(4): p. 565-576. |
98264 |
Sorption kinetics of atrazine and diuron in soils from Southern Brazil Access Restrictions |
Inoue, Miriam H.; Oliveira, Rubem S. Jr.; Regitano, Jussara B.; Tormena, Cássio A.; Constantin, Jamil; Tornisielo, Valdemar L. 2004. Journal of Environmental Science and Health: Part B: Pesticides, Food Contaminants, and Agricultural Wastes. B39(4): p. 589-601. |
98274 |
Sorption of the fumigant 1,3-dichloropropene on soil Access Restrictions |
Park, Moon-Ki; Kim, Jung-Ho; Dungan, Robert S. 2004. Journal of Environmental Science and Health: Part B: Pesticides, Food Contaminants, and Agricultural Wastes. B39(4): p. 603-612. |
98282 |
Factors influencing 2,4-D sorption and mineralization in soil Access Restrictions |
Picton, Paula; Farenhorst, Annemieke. 2004. Journal of Environmental Science and Health: Part B: Pesticides, Food Contaminants, and Agricultural Wastes. May. B39(3): p. 367-379. |
95183 |
Sorption-desorption of Fenamiphos in surfactant-modified clays Access Restrictions |
Singh, N.; Megharaj, M.; Gates, W. P.; Churchman, J.; Kookana, R. S.; Naidu, R.; Sethunathan, N. 2004. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. February. 72(2): p. 276-282. |
93080 |
2,4-D sorption in iron oxide-rich soils: Role of soil phosphate and exchangeable Al |
Vasudevan, Dharni; Cooper, Ellen M. 2004. Environmental Science & Technology. January. 38(1): p. 163-170. |
147806 |
Use of organosmectites to reduce leaching losses of acidic herbicides Access Restrictions |
Carrizosa, M. J.; Hermosin, M. C.; Koskinen, W. C.; Cornejo, J. 2003. Soil Science Society of America Journal. March/April. 67(2): p. 511-517. |
85911 |
Does thatch complicate pesticide leachate predictions? | Carroll, Mark; Hill, Robert L. 2003. USGA Turfgrass and Environmental Research Online. March 1. 2(5): p. [1-11]. |
85740 |
The influence of lipophilicity and formulation on the distribution of pesticides in laboratory-scale sediment/water systems Access Restrictions |
Bromilow, Richard H.; Evans, Avis A.; Nicholls, Peter H. 2003. Pest Management Science. February. 59(2): p. 238-244. |
85432 |
Sorption and degradation of selected fungicides in the turfgrass canopy |
Sigler, William V.; Reicher, Zachary; Throssell, Clark; Bischoff, Marianne; Turco, Ronald F. 2003. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution. January. 142(1): p. 311-326. |
94839 | |
Variation of pesticide sorption isotherm in soil at the catchment scale Access Restrictions |
Coquet, Yves. 2003. Pest Management Science. January. 59(1): p. 69-78. |
84982 |
Effect of soil sterilization by mercuric chloride on herbicide sorption by soil Access Restrictions |
Stephens, Kristian D.; Farenhorst, Annemieke; Fuller, Les G. 2002. Journal of Environmental Science and Health: Part B: Pesticides, Food Contaminants, and Agricultural Wastes. B37(6): p. 561-571. |
83358 |
Picloram and napropamide sorption as affected by polymer addition and salt concentration |
Lu, Jianhang; Wu, Laosheng; Letey, John; Farmer, Walter J. 2002. Journal of Environmental Quality. July/August. 31(4): p. 1234-1239. |
81399 |
Leaching and sorption of norflurazon in soils as affected by cationic surfactants Access Restrictions |
Singh, M.; Tan, S.; Sharma, S. D. 2002. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. June. 68(6): p. 901-907. |
82829 |
Environmental research: Past and future | Kenna, Michael P.; Snow, James T. 2002. USGA Turfgrass and Environmental Research Online. April 1. 1(3): p. [1-27]. |
79123 |
Copper sorption and accumulation by the extraradical mycelium of different Glomus spp. (arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi) isolated from the same polluted soil |
Gonzalez-Chavez, C.; D'Haen, Jan; Vangronsveld, J.; Dodd, J. C. 2002. Plant and Soil. March. 240(2): p. 287-297. |
81326 |
Sorption strength of persistent organic pollutants in particle-size fractions of urban soils Access Restrictions |
Krauss, Martin; Wilcke, Wolfgang. 2002. Soil Science Society of America Journal. March/April. 66(2): p. 430-437. |
79194 |
How does turf influence pesticide dissipation?: Active thatch microbe populations can help reduce the risks of some pesticides | Branham, B. E.; Gardner, D. S. 2002. USGA Green Section Record. March/April. 40(2): p. 18-20. |
79165 |
Impact of pesticides and fertilizers on golf courses Access Restrictions |
Charbonneau, Pam. 2002. GreenMaster. February/March. 37(1): p. 12, 14, 17-18. |
79775 |
Estimating hydraulic properties of soil aggregate skins from sorptivity and water retention Access Restrictions |
Gerke, Horst H.; Köhne, J. Maximilian. 2002. Soil Science Society of America Journal. January/February. 66(1): p. 26-36. |
78496 |
Effect of thatch on pesticide model leaching predictions | Carroll, M. J.; Hill, R. L.; Raturi, S. 2001. IXth International Turfgrass Research Conference. 9: p. 72. |
74467 |
Sorption and mobility of dithiopyr in golf course greens rooting medium Access Restrictions |
Hong, S.; Smith, A. E. 2001. Journal of Environmental Science and Health: Part B: Pesticides, Food Contaminants, and Agricultural Wastes. B36(5): p. 529-543. |
76644 |
Organoclays for controlled release of the herbicide fenuron Access Restrictions |
Hermosin, M. Carmen; Calderón, M. Jesús; Aguer, Jean-Pierre; Cornejo, Juan. 2001. Pest Management Science. September. 57(9): p. 803-809. |
76822 |
Microbiological characteristics of a vegetative buffer strip soil and degradation and sorption of metolachlor Access Restrictions |
Staddon, W. J.; Locke, M. A.; Zablotowicz, R. M. 2001. Soil Science Society of America Journal. July/August. 65(4): p. 1136-1142. |
74793 |
Sorption and leaching potential of herbicides on Brazilian soils Access Restrictions |
Oliveira, R. S. Jr.; Koskinen, W. C.; Ferreira, F. A. 2001. Weed Research. April. 41(2): p. 97-110. |
73383 |
Modeling transport of atrazine through calcareous soils from South Florida | Shinde, D.; Savabi, M. R.; Nkedi-Kizza, P.; Vázquez, A. 2001. Transactions of the American Society of Agricultural Engineers. March/April. 44(2): p. 251-258. |
75906 |
Pesticide fate in turfgrass | Gardner, David. 2001. TurfGrass TRENDS. February. 10(2): p. 5-9. |
87004 |
The U.S. golf association turfgrass and environmental research program overview Access Restrictions |
Kenna, Michael P.; Snow, James T. 2000. p. 2-35. In: Clark, J. Marshall; Kenna, Michael P., eds. Fate and Management of Turfgrass Chemicals. Washington, DC: American Chemical Society. |
64478 |
Environmental fates of fungicides in the turfgrass environment: A minireview Access Restrictions |
Sigler, W. V.; Taylor, C. P.; Throssell, C. S.; Bischoff, M.; Turco, R. F. 2000. p. 127-149. In: Clark, J. Marshall; Kenna, Michael P., eds. Fate and Management of Turfgrass Chemicals. Washington, D.C.: American Chemical Society. |
64603 |
Sorption of PAHs and degradation products to estuarine sediments and organic matter fractions |
Parikh, S. J.; Chorover, J. 2000. 2000 Annual Meeting Abstracts [ASA/CSSA/SSSA]. p. 222. |
72662 |
Pesticide-clay interactions inferred from molecular simulations and experimental data |
Teppen, B. J.; Sheng, G.; Johnston, C. T.; Boyd, S. A. 2000. 2000 Annual Meeting Abstracts [ASA/CSSA/SSSA]. p. 237. |
72694 |
Sorption and photolysis studies in soil and sediment of the herbicide napropamide Access Restrictions |
Aguer, J. P.; Cox, L.; Richard, C.; Hermosín, M. C.; Cornejo, J. 2000. Journal of Environmental Science and Health: Part B: Pesticides, Food Contaminants, and Agricultural Wastes. B35(6): p. 725-738. |
70338 |
Evaluating soil tests to predict bermudagrass growth in drinking water treatment residuals with phosphorus fertilizer |
Basta, N. T.; Zupancic, R. J.; Dayton, E. A. 2000. Journal of Environmental Quality. November/December. 29(6): p. 2007-2012. |
71469 |
[14C]Glyphosate transport in undisturbed topsoil columns Access Restrictions |
de Jonge, Hubert; de Jonge, Lis W.; Jacobsen, Ole H. 2000. Pest Management Science. October. 56(10): p. 909-915. |
69540 |
Fate of turfgrass pesticides, key concepts and scientific findings |
Cisar, John. 2000. The Landsculptor. June. p. 27-28. |
72695 |
Retention of organic and inorganic chemicals by the drainage/supply piping material |
Li, Kun; Torello, W. A.; Xing, Baoshan. 2000. Environmental Pollution. June. 108(3): p. 397-403. |
85736 | |
Modeling Pesticide Sorption and Transport Through Turfgrass Thatch and Soil Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Raturi, Sanju. 1999. Ph.D. Dissertation: University of Maryland. x, 194 pp. |
77422 |
Phosphorus storage on effluent irrigated land |
Menzies, N. W.; Skilton, J. A.; Guppy, C. N. 1999. Journal of Environmental Quality. May/June. 28(3): p. 750-754. |
59337 |
Effects of turfgrass thatch and mat layers on pesticide transport | Carroll, Mark. 1999. Proceedings of the 69th Annual Michigan Turfgrass Conference. January. 28: p. 86-87. |
56652 |
Nutrient exchange and uptake in zeolite-amended putting green soils |
Guertal, E. A.; Adams, J. F.; Shaw, J. N.; Walker, R. H.; Wehtje, G. 1998. 1998 Annual Meeting Abstracts. p. 132. |
57050 |
Sorption and transport of carbaryl in turfgrass thatch |
Raturi, S.; Carroll, M. J.; Hill, R. L. 1998. 1998 Annual Meeting Abstracts. p. 142. |
58055 |
Sorption, degradation, and transport of carbaryl in a modified USGA rootzone mix. |
Nkedi-Kizza, P.; Prabowo, T.; Gooding, H.; Sartain, J. 1998. 1998 Annual Meeting Abstracts. p. 144-145. |
58411 |
What are the primary pesticide fate pathways? Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 1998. TurfNews [ASPA]. November/December. 22(6): p. 50, 52. |
106719 |
Sorption of imidacloprid on soil clay mineral and organic componets Access Restrictions |
Cox, L.; Koskinen, W. C.; Celis, R.; Yen, P. Y.; Hermosin, M. C.; Cornejo, J. 1998. Soil Science Society of America Journal. July/August. 62(4): p. 911-915. |
54335 |
Organic compound sorption enthalpy and sorption mechanisms in soil organic matter |
Borisover, Mikhail D.; Graber, Ellen R. 1998. Journal of Environmental Quality. March/April. 27(2): p. 312-317. |
42388 |
Effects of turfgrass on leaching and degradation of cyproconazole |
Gardner, David; Branham, Bruce; Lickfeldt, D. W. 1997. University of Illinois Turfgrass, Nursery, Landscape, and Trial Garden Field Day Program. p. 43-46. |
301066 |
Sorption and movement of some pesticides through turf profiles under Australian conditions |
Baskaran, S.; Kookana, R. S.; Naidu, R. 1997. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 8(Part 1): p. 151-166. |
55867 |
Influence of compost addition to soil on the behaviour of herbicides Access Restrictions |
Barriuso, Enrique; Houot, Sabine; Serra-Wittling, Claire. 1997. Pesticide Science. January. 49(1): p. 65-75. |
39593 |
Mobility assessment of agrichemicals: Current laboratory methodology and suggestions for future directions |
Cleveland, Cheryl B. 1996. Weed Technology. January-March. 10(1): p. 157-168. |
37282 |
Dicamba Sorption to Turfgrass Thatch and Soil Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Raturi, Sanju. 1995. M.S. Thesis: University of Maryland at College Park. viii, 101 pp. |
111737 |
Degradation of fungicides in turfgrass systems |
Turco, Ron; Throssell, Clark. 1995. [USGA]. p. 78-79. |
29266 |
Sorption, mobility and degradation of Triclopyr and 2,4-D on four soils |
Johnson, William G.; Lavy, Terry L.; Gbur, Edward E. 1995. Weed Science. October-December. 43(4): p. 678-684. |
36345 |
Sorption of nonionic organic compounds by Kentucky bluegrass leaves and thatch |
Lickfeldt, D. W.; Branham, B. E. 1995. Journal of Environmental Quality. September/October. 24(5): p. 980-985. |
35503 |
The fate of pesticides used on turf | Hull, Richard J. 1995. TurfGrass TRENDS. September. 4(9): p. 2-11. |
35592 |
What happens to pesticides applied to golf courses? |
Kenna, Michael P. 1995. USGA Green Section Record. January/February. 33(1): p. 1-9. |
32638 |
Sorption and Kinetics of Imazaquin in Surface Soils Access Restrictions |
Regitano, Jussara Borges. 1994. Ph.D. Dissertation: Purdue University. xii, 109 pp. |
36411 |
Herbicide fate in turf |
Branham, B. E. 1994. p. 109-151. In: Turgeon, Alfred J., ed. Turf Weeds and Their Control. Madison, WI: American Society of Agronomy and Crop Science Society of America. |
31796 |
Pesticides and the environment | Joern, Brad; Lohman, Becky; Whitford, Fred. 1994. Purdue Cooperative Extension Agronomy Publications. August. |
45659 | |
Organic Compound Sorption by Kentucky Bluegrass (Poa pratensis L.) Leaves and Thatch |
Lickfeldt, D. W. 1994. M.S. Thesis: Michigan State University. |
30731 |
Sorption and retention of herbicides in vertically oriented earthworm and artificial burrows |
Stehouwer, R. C.; Dick, W. A.; Traina, S. J. 1994. Journal of Environmental Quality. March/April. 23(2): p. 286-292. |
30282 |
Biologically based sorbents and their potential use in pesticide waste disposal during composting |
Mullins, D. E.; Young, R. W.; Berry, D. F.; Gu, J.-D.; Hetzel, G. H. 1993. p. 113-126. In: Racke, Kenneth D.; Leslie, Anne R., eds. Pesticides in Urban Environments: Fate and Significance. Washington, D.C.: American Chemical Society. |
37690 |
Dicamba sorption to turfgrass thatch |
Raturi, S.; Carroll, M. J. 1993. Agronomy Abstracts. p. 163. |
29413 |
An Investigation of Water Repellency in a Range of New Zealand Soils Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Wallis, Murray Gordon. 1991. Ph.D. Dissertation: Massey University, NZ. 227 pp. |
27999 |
Estimation of sorption coefficients for fungicides applied to turf |
Dell, C. J.; Throssell, C. S.; Turco, R. F. 1991. Agronomy Abstracts. October. p. 173. |
21973 |
Estimation of sorption and desorption coefficients for fungicides in thatch and soil |
Dell, C.; Throssell, C. S.; Turco, R. F. 1990. 1990 Turfgrass Research Summary [Purdue]. p. 48-51. |
82348 |
Pesticide movement in soils |
Hornsby, Arthur G. 1990. Proceedings of the Florida Turfgrass Conference. 38: p. 64-76. |
38028 |
Sorption behavior of s-Triazine and Thiocarbamate herbicides on soils |
Singh, G.; Spencer, W. F.; Cliath, M. M.; van Genuchten, M. Th. 1990. Journal of Environmental Quality. July-September. 19(3): p. 520-525. |
18497 |
Behavior of Dinitroaniline Herbicides in Soils |
Weber, Jerome B. 1990. Weed Technology. April-June. 4(2): p. 394-406. |
18391 |
Transport and Attenuation of Chemicals Applied to Turf. |
Bouwer, E. J. 1989. Agronomy Abstracts. October. 81: p. 154. |
16436 |
Modeling Leachate for Different Soil Textures and Organic Matter Contents. |
Hornsby, A. G.; Means, G. D. 1989. Agronomy Abstracts. October. 81: p. 159. |
16514 |
Buffering of Phosphate in the Soil Solution During Growth of Ryegrass Compared with Buffering by Sorption |
Holford, I. C. R. 1988. Plant and Soil. September. 111(1): p. 3-9. |
13640 |
Estudio de la relacion entre la dinamica de elementos traza (Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Ni y Zn) y factores edaficos. I. pH y textura (Relationships between trace elements (Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Ni and Zn) and soil factors. I. pH and texture) |
Garate, A.; Mateos, M.; Sanchez-Andreu, J. 1982. Agrochimica. 26(4): p. 362-370. |
5056 |