Keyword: Sports turf
Title | Author and Source | Category | View TGIF Record |
Turf insects: Chinch bugs | Stier, John C.; Delahaut, Karen; Pellitteri, Phil; Becker, Brian. 2000. Wisconsin's School Integrated Pest Management Manual. p. [1-2]. |
72241 | |
Seed selection/overseeding | Stier, John C.; Delahaut, Karen; Pellitteri, Phil; Becker, Brian. 2000. Wisconsin's School Integrated Pest Management Manual. p. [1-2]. |
72262 | |
A New Look at New Problems |
Pass, Carl. [2000]. 4 pp. |
72556 |
Turfgrass Maintenance Reduction Handbook: Sports, Lawns, and Golf |
Brede, Doug. 2000. Chelsea, Michigan: Sleeping Bear Press. xii, 374 pp. |
72703 |
Management of sports fields in Mississippi | |
72740 | |
Weeds of Lawns and Sports Turf |
Harrington, Kerry. 2000. Palmerston North, New Zealand: New Zealand Sports Turf Institute. 56 pp. |
72812 |
Sand Textured Root Zones in Athletic Fields: Turfgrass Establishment and Constituent Selection Based on Agronomic and Engineering Properties |
Henderson, Jason Jeffrey. 2000. M.S. Thesis: Michigan State University. xi, 93 pp. |
77367 |
The Effects of Soil Inclusions on Soil Physical Properties and Athletic Field Playing Surface Quality Access Restrictions |
McNitt, Andrew Scott. 2000. Ph.D. Thesis: The Pennsylvania State University. xxiii, 228 pp. |
77388 |
Disease and insect control for commercial turf | Cobb, Pat; Hagan, Austin. [200x]. Alabama Cooperative Extension System Web Site. p. [1-6]. |
81269 | |
Sightlines: A Stadium Odyssey |
Inglis, Simon. 2000. London, UK: Yellow Jersey. 309 pp. |
84302 |
Grass Tennis Courts: How to Construct and Maintain Them |
Perris, J., ed. 2000. Bingley: STRI in partnership with the All England Lawn Tennis Club. 160 pp. |
84437 |
Virginia's Turfgrass Industry |
Virginia Agricultural Statistics Service; National Agricultural Statistics Service. 2000. Richmond, Virginia: Virginia Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services; Washington, D.C.: National Agricultural Statistics Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture. 80 pp. |
84789 |
Mechanical Bowling Green Maintenance Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Chesham, Robert. [200x]. |
90269 |
Mechanical Cricket Ground Maintenance Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Brereton, Geoff. [200x]. |
90271 |
Mechanical Football Ground Maintenance Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Leach, Tony. [200x]. |
90273 |
Natural Turf for Sport |
Sport England. 2000. Wetherby, England: Sport England Publications. 35 pp. |
92893 |
Turfgrass Seed 2000 |
Sports Turf Research Institute. 2000. Bingley, West Yorkshire, England: Sports Turf Research Institute. 16 pp. |
99042 |
Cao Ping Ji Shu Zhi Nan ([Turf Technology Directory]) |
Sun, Jixiong; Zhang, Zhihao and Sun, Jixiong, ed. 2000. Beijing: Ke xue ji shu wen xian chu ban she [Beijing: Scientific and Technical Documents Publishing House]. [19], 4, 274 pp. 1st Edition. |
130657 |
Historical introduction |
Evans, R. D. C. 2000. p. 8-21. In: Grass Tennis Courts: How to Construct and Maintain Them. Bingley: STRI in partnership with the All England Lawn Tennis Club, Wimbledon. |
99050 |
New course debuts at MSU |
Gilstrap, David. 2000. Newsnotes (Michigan Turfgrass Foundation). Summer. p. 12. |
66991 |
2000 Turfgrass research plans and update | Rogers, John N. III; Sorochan, John C. 2000. A Patch of Green. Mid-summer. p. 17. |
67260 |
The basic requirements for a grass court |
Perris, J. 2000. p. 25-27. In: Perris, J., ed. Grass Tennis Courts: How to Construct and Maintain Them. Bingley: STRI in partnership with the All England Lawn Tennis Club, Wimbledon. |
99052 |
Evaluation of athletic field soil amendments | McNitt, A. S.; Landschoot, P. J. 2000. 2000 Annual Research Report [Penn State]. p. 30-43. |
72926 |
Genetic variability among intermediate ryegrass seed lots and cultivars detected by AFLPs and RAPDs |
Barker, R. E.; Warnke, S. E.; Cook, R. L. 2000. 2000 Annual Meeting Abstracts [ASA/CSSA/SSSA]. p. 149. |
72599 |
Kentucky bluegrass cultivar selection for athletic field seed mixtures |
Stier, J. C. 2000. 2000 Annual Meeting Abstracts [ASA/CSSA/SSSA]. p. 155-156. |
70975 |
Common bermudagrass suppression in a tall fescue race course with ethofumesate plus fenoxaprop-p-ethyl |
Fidanza, M.; Arends, J.; Davis, S. 2000. 2000 Annual Meeting Abstracts [ASA/CSSA/SSSA]. p. 165. |
71223 |
Cultural impact on sports injury to turfgrass |
Ries, S. B.; Cockerham, S. T.; Riechers, G. H.; Gibeault, V. A. 2000. 2000 Annual Meeting Abstracts [ASA/CSSA/SSSA]. p. 167-168. |
71278 |
Late-season management of bermudagrass to enhance cold hardiness |
Richardson, Michael D. 2000. 2000 Annual Meeting Abstracts [ASA/CSSA/SSSA]. p. 169. |
72276 |
Water-extractable carbon in sand-based rootzones of dwarf bermudagrasses |
Zuberer, D. A.; Brien, J.; Fincher, A. 2000. 2000 Annual Meeting Abstracts [ASA/CSSA/SSSA]. p. 256. |
72698 |
Amenity grassland |
Thorogood, D. 2000. p. 317-342. In: Hopkins, Alan, ed. Grass: Its Production & Utilization. London, England: Blackwell Science. 3rd Edition. |
73108 |
Selection of grass species, cultivars and mixtures for lawn tennis Access Restrictions |
Newell, A. J.; Wood, A. D. 2000. Journal of Turfgrass Science. 76: p. 53-62. |
73160 |
The effects of grass cutting height and pre-match rolling and watering on football pitch ground cover and playing quality Access Restrictions |
Mooney, S. J.; Baker, S. W. 2000. Journal of Turfgrass Science. 76: p. 70-77. |
73167 |
Laboratory testing of rootzone mixes for sports turf: Factors influencing variation in the measurement of soil physical properties Access Restrictions |
Baker, S. W.; Magni, S.; Volterrani, M. 2000. Journal of Turfgrass Science. 76: p. 78-89. |
73168 |
Soil testing & spring renovation |
Street, John R.; Sherratt, Pam J.; Pound, William E. 2000. OTF Turf News. 62(2): p. 8-15. |
69467 |
Cultivar selection for sports turf | Brede, Doug. 2000. Proceedings of the 70th Annual Michigan Turfgrass Conference. 29: p. 88-89. |
64299 |
Preventive and curative tests of Merit, Tempo and Dursban on hairy chinch bug (trial no.1), 1999 Access Restrictions |
Swier, Stanley R.; Rollins, Alan; Patrick, Gretchen; Cady, Arthur. 2000. Arthropod Management Tests. 25: p. 384. |
70166 |
Results of regional Kentucky bluegrass cultivar trials |
St. John, Rodney A.; Christians, Nick E.; Minner, David D. 2000. 2000 Iowa Turfgrass Research Report. 21: p. [1-7]. |
71507 |
Overseeding of northern turfgrass sports fields with bermudagrass |
Minner, David D.; Gaussoin, Roch; Keeley, Steve. 2000. 2000 Iowa Turfgrass Research Report. 21: p. [1-3]. |
71517 |
Managing cool-season grasses as part of a SportGrass® system |
Minner, David D.; Hudson, Jay S. 2000. 2000 Iowa Turfgrass Research Report. 21: p. [1-5]. |
71580 |
Applying calcium to turfgrass grown on calcareous sand |
St. John, Rodney A.; Christians, Nick E.; Taber, Henry G. 2000. 2000 Iowa Turfgrass Research Report. 21: p. [1-3]. |
71583 |
Turf seed-mat (Sure-Turf®) | Christians, Nick E.; Joo, Young, K. 2000. 2000 Iowa Turfgrass Research Report. 21: p. [1-16]. |
71593 |
Turf is more than just grass: It's the emerald backdrop against which Americans play out their lives |
Cockerham, Stephen T. 2000. Diversity. 16(1/2): p. 7-9. |
67630 |
Advances in turfgrass science and management in Australasia |
Aldous, David. 2000. Diversity. 16(1/2): p. 51-52. |
67660 |
What every grounds manager needs |
Burns, Tom. 2000. Athletic Turf: Maintenance & Technology. 3(4): p. 17. |
66440 |
How do you measure up? |
Hall, Ron. 2000. Athletic Turf: Maintenance & Technology. 3(4): p. 18-21. |
66441 |
UT turf sets the standard |
Laufenberg, Cynthia. 2000. Athletic Turf: Maintenance & Technology. 3(4): p. 22-23. |
66442 |
Guide to athletic field maintenance |
Knoop, William. 2000. Athletic Turf: Maintenance & Technology. 3(4): p. 25, 27-28, 30-32, 35-36, 39. |
66443 |
Ballpark boom |
Telischak, Jennifer; Shoemaker, Beth. 2000. Athletic Turf: Maintenance & Technology. 3(4): p. 40-42. |
66444 |
Field diagrams |
Anonymous. 2000. Athletic Turf: Maintenance & Technology. 3(4): p. 54-57. |
66445 |
Croquet: A Bibliography: Specialist Books and Pamphlets Complete to 1997 |
Drazin, David H. 2000. New Castle, Delaware: Oak Knoll Press; Winchester, England, United Kingdom: St Paul's Bibliographies. xx, 508 pp. First Edition. |
72555 |
Artificial sports surfaces for schools |
Mansfield, Peter. 2000. TURF Management. December/January. p. 21-22, 24. |
68978 |
Danvers, Massachusetts: Using compost for turf in new athletic club Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 2000. BioCycle, The Journal of Composting & Recycling. December. 41(12): p. 18. |
73422 |
Colfax High School - The high and mighty Football Field of the Year | Tracinski, Bob. 2000. SportsTURF. December. 16(12): p. 8-13. |
72645 |
[Choice of species for a multiple use sports facility] | Miller, Grady. 2000. SportsTURF. December. 16(12): p. 42. |
72646 |
The pitch, the focal point |
Simpson, Paul. 2000. Australian Turfgrass Management. December/January. 1(6): p. 6-10. |
64466 |
Awards recognise Marcellin team |
Dowie, Alastair. 2000. Turf Craft International. November/December. 75: p. 12-13. |
71235 |
Turf stalwarts honoured |
Anonymous. 2000. Turf Craft International. November/December. 75: p. 14-15. |
71236 |
Old couch saves WACA wicket |
Palmer, David. 2000. Turf Craft International. November/December. 75: p. 24-26. |
71240 |
Blanket topdressing a waste of money |
Palmer, David. 2000. Turf Craft International. November/December. 75: p. 27-29. |
71242 |
Quality wickets are vital |
Winter, Richard. 2000. Turf Craft International. November/December. 75: p. 30. |
71244 |
WACA wicket on holidays |
Dowie, Alastair. 2000. Turf Craft International. November/December. 75: p. 31. |
71246 |
Kensington's sporting spirit lives on |
Clancy, Tony. 2000. Turf Craft International. November/December. 75: p. 32-33. |
71247 |
Renovation of kikuyu on sandy root zones |
Hambelton, Lin. 2000. Turf Craft International. November/December. 75: p. 34-36. |
71248 |
And they're racing again at Randwick |
Palmer, David. 2000. Turf Craft International. November/December. 75: p. 37. |
71250 |
Fertilizer programming for local authorities |
Hambleton, Lin. 2000. Turf Craft International. November/December. 75: p. 38-40. |
71251 |
Training that extends from the classroom |
Clancy, Tony. 2000. Turf Craft International. November/December. 75: p. 44. |
71254 |
Are you putting your field to bed or putting it out to pasture? | Minner, Dave. 2000. Sports Turf Manager [STMA]. November/December. 18(6): p. 4-5. |
71645 |
Efficiency - The buzzword for the 21st century | Perry, Floyd. 2000. SportsTURF. November. 16(11): p. 6. |
70252 |
Stocker Stadium of the city of Grand Junction, Colo., earns STMA 1999 Football Field of the Year honors | Tracinski, Bob. 2000. SportsTURF. November. 16(11): p. 8-11. |
70253 |
Winter turf protection for athletic fields | Rulli, David. 2000. SportsTURF. November. 16(11): p. 12-13. |
70254 |
[Renovating an old bermudagrass field] | Miller, Grady. 2000. SportsTURF. November. 16(11): p. 42. |
70255 |
Olympic turf: Behind the scenes |
Way, Brian. 2000. New Zealand Turf Management Journal. November. 15(4): p. 3-6. |
70781 |
Artificial bowling greens: Establishment and maintenance survey. Part 1 |
Wells, David; Gibbs, Richard. 2000. New Zealand Turf Management Journal. November. 15(4): p. 19-21. |
70786 |
Got a 'coyote ugly' idea? Share it |
Hall, Ron. 2000. Athletic Turf: Maintenance & Technology. November/December. 3(6): p. 5. |
70843 |
Bird joins the crew - for a while |
Stahl, Jason. 2000. Athletic Turf: Maintenance & Technology. November/December. 3(6): p. 7. |
70852 |
Where Giants dare to tread |
Dale, Donnie. 2000. Athletic Turf: Maintenance & Technology. November/December. 3(6): p. 12-15. |
70863 |
Big kicks |
Harler, Curt. 2000. Athletic Turf: Maintenance & Technology. November/December. 3(6): p. 16-18. |
70867 |
Flying high with the Cards |
Hall, Ron. 2000. Athletic Turf: Maintenance & Technology. November/December. 3(6): p. 22-23. |
70873 |
Game on |
Hall, Ron. 2000. Athletic Turf: Maintenance & Technology. November/December. 3(6): p. 24-26. |
70876 |
Yanks give Aussies a lesson in baseball prep |
Stahl, Jason. 2000. Athletic Turf: Maintenance & Technology. November/December. 3(6): p. 26. |
70877 |
Paint the "big game" |
Hebrard, Mike. 2000. Athletic Turf: Maintenance & Technology. November/December. 3(6): p. 27-29. |
70879 |
Q & A with: Grant Trenbeath: Head groundskeeper, Arizona Diamondbacks |
Stahl, Jason. 2000. Athletic Turf: Maintenance & Technology. November/December. 3(6): p. 36. |
70880 |
Science and turf quality: Soil testing brings it all together |
Steadman, Carolyn. 2000. Turf: West. October. p. B3-B5. |
70427 |
Season extends for fusarium |
Anonymous. 2000. TURF & Amenity Management. October. p. 2. |
70196 |
Cutting edge |
Anonymous. 2000. TURF & Amenity Management. October. p. 3. |
70197 |
Square up to autumn |
Noyce, John. 2000. TURF & Amenity Management. October. p. 13-14. |
70198 |
Top dressing |
Arthur, Jim. 2000. TURF & Amenity Management. October. p. 19-20. |
70199 |
The heat is on!: Keeping winter pitches playable Access Restrictions |
Westwood, James. 2000. International Turfgrass Bulletin. October. 210: p. 5-7. |
69793 |
Stadia design: Where the sun doesn't shine! Access Restrictions |
Newell, Andy. 2000. International Turfgrass Bulletin. October. 210: p. 21-22. |
70164 |
First report of gray leaf spot caused by Pyricularia grisea on Lolium perenne in Illinois |
Pedersen, D. K.; Kane, R. T.; Wilkinson, H. T. 2000. Plant Disease. October. 84(10): p. 1151. |
68579 |
Why Derby County's Mark Robinson won IOG Football Groundsman title |
Beardall, Mike. 2000. The Groundsman. October. 54(10): p. 28-29. |
69633 |
Creating a level playing field for cricket |
Smith, Trevor Lyon. 2000. The Groundsman. October. 54(10): p. 48-49. |
69634 |
Compost scores big in soccer field recovery Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 2000. BioCycle, The Journal of Composting & Recycling. October. 41(10): p. 20. |
70647 |
Diseases of turfgrasses on N.C. athletic fields |
Wetzel, Henry C. 2000. North Carolina Turfgrass. October/November. 18(6): p. 34-35, 38-40. |
70918 |
Legion Field stars as STMA 1999 Football Field of the Year in the college division | Tracinski, Bob. 2000. SportsTURF. October. 16(10): p. 8-13, 17. |
69794 |
The best cool season turfgrasses for your field | Stier, John. 2000. SportsTURF. October. 16(10): p. 18-23. |
69795 |
The key to success - quality athletic turf | Perry, Floyd. 2000. SportsTURF. October. 16(10): p. 24-25, 37. |
69796 |
Surviving special events | Cook, L. Murray. 2000. SportsTURF. October. 16(10): p. 26, 36. |
69797 |
Big book smooths bumpy ground | Minner, Dave. 2000. SportsTURF. October. 16(10): p. 42, 38. |
69798 |
Chasing rainbows |
Hendren, Paul S. 2000. Panstadia International Quarterly Report. October. 7(2): p. 6-7, 10-15. |
71260 |