Keyword: Stimpmeter
Title | Author and Source | Category | View TGIF Record |
The green path to success: Best practices for golf course management |
Anonymous. 2024. GreenMaster. Spring. 60(1): p. 16-19. |
334824 |
Topdressing sand size effects on mat layer development during treatment years 5 - 7 | Murphy, James A.; Xu, Zhongqi. 2021. Mike Davis Program for Advancing Golf Course Management: 2021 Progress Reports. p. 173-178. |
317398 |
Determining precise light requirements of warm-season putting greens | Karcher, Douglas; Richardson, Michael; Walton, Thomas. 2020. Turfgrass and Environmental Research Program: 2020 Research Summaries. p. 371-375. |
313754 |
How Data Delivers Better Greens |
Waters, George. 2019. [Liberty Corner, New Jersey]: United States Golf Association. 2 pp. |
309388 |
Volunteering at the Irish Open (2019) Access Restrictions |
Coleman, Damien. 2019. Greenside. October. p. 12-14. |
308640 |
Born to run |
Woodham, Paul. 2019. GreenKeeping. August. 160: p. 6-8. |
309156 |
Conversation with a Stimpmeter |
Moraghan, Tim. 2019. Golf Course Industry. May. 31(5): p. 14-15. |
305366 |
Cut and run: Members of golf clubs often want their greens to be faster but, before embarking on this quest, it is essential to understand the factors that affect green speed, what the target green speed might be and how to get there |
Rixon, Stella. 2019. GreenKeeping. February. 154: p. 6-8, 10. |
306496 |
[Stimpmeter readings at Le Golf National] | Novo, Andrés. 2018. Golf Course Management. August. 86(8): p. 88. |
299988 |
A brief history of green speed Access Restrictions |
Nikolai, Thomas A. 2018. Golf Course Management. July. 86(7): p. 60. |
299425 |
Measuring canopy anomaly influence on golf putt kinematics: Errors associated with simulated putt devices |
Rana, Sandeep S.; Askew, Shawn D. 2018. Crop Science. March/April. 58(2): p. 900-910. |
296618 |
Embrace the Stimpmeter |
Furlong, Ron. 2018. Superintendent. February. 17(2): p. 11. |
295542 |
Data Collection at the U.S. Open |
Bevard, David S. 2017. [Far Hills, New Jersey]: United States Golf Association, USGA. 2 pp. |
289009 |
Measuring and managing putting green trueness | Linde, Doug. 2017. 2017 GCSAA Education Conference: Conference Session Presentations. p. [1-66]. |
296640 |
Green speed and pace of play: Understanding the relationship to improve golfer experience, a study conducted by the Science of the Green® Initiative at the University of Minnesota |
Anderson, Parker. 2017. Hole Notes. October. 52(9): p. Cover, 12-16, 18-21, 24-26. |
293152 |
Stimpmeters should require a license to carry |
Tully, Sean. 2017. Golfdom. June. 73(6): p. 13. |
285545 |
On a roll Access Restrictions |
Richman, Howard. 2017. Golf Course Management. May. 85(5): p. 18, 20. |
284204 |
How do you define 'fast'? |
Lischka, Norbert. 2017. Greenkeeper International. April. p. 42-43. |
286281 |
The USGA Stimpmeter® | Meentemeyer, Blake. 2016. Far Hills, New Jersey: United States Golf Association. 2 pp. |
279067 |
Green acres Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 2016. Golf Course Management. March. 84(3): p. 24. |
269960 |
September Regional Roundtable, Part 2 |
Hartwiger, Chris; Lowe, Todd. 2015. [Far Hills, New Jersey]: United States Golf Association. 3 pp. |
290259 |
Surface firmness: Can we manage it? | Waltz, Clint. 2015. Sustainable Turfgrass Management in Asia 2015. p. 1-13. |
268444 |
Words and numbers |
Danneberger, Karl. 2015. Golfdom. April. 71(4): p. 38. |
264121 |
Surface firmness: Can we manage it? | Waltz, Clint. 2014. 68th Annual Southeastern Turfgrass Conference [Proceedings]. p. [1-38]. |
272064 |
Smoother, truer, faster & firmer: Raising the standards of golf greens in the UK Access Restrictions |
Beggs, Alistair; Windows, Richard; Newton, Adam. 2014. Bulletin for Sports Surface Management. July. 266: p. 20-23. |
247327 |
The big three of putting green setup: Firmness, slope, and speed: Three principles, three tools, and three applications will have you on your way to creative, fair, and fun playing conditions |
Hartwiger, Chris. 2014. USGA Green Section Record. February 21. 52(4): p. 1-3. |
236292 |
Use of a Stimpmeter | Anonymous. 2013. s.l.: United States Golf Association (USGA). 03:14 min. |
307951 |
A simple wooden stick | Sheppard, Bob. 2013. Burlington County Times. November 29. p. [1-2]. |
259844 |
Measuring green speed: Is there really an app for that? |
Jones, Marcus. 2013. Golfdom. September. 69(9): p. 33. |
230917 |
New stimpmeter released by USGA Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 2013. Golf Course Management. March. 81(3): p. 24. |
216515 |
Variety | Brandenburg, David. 2013. The Grass Roots. January/February. 42(1): p. 47. |
215118 |
StimpmeterTM Instruction Booklet | United States Golf Association. 2012. Far Hills, New Jersey: United States Golf Association. [12] panels. |
279014 |
Measuring green speed with iOS devices | Jones, Marcus; Law, Quincy. 2012. ASA, CSSA and SSSA Annual Meetings [2012]. p. 71240. |
213383 |
U. S. loses Ryder Cup; Tyrrell, crew, Medinah, Chicago, and golf win | Cella, Luke. 2012. On Course [MAGCS]. November. 66(7): p. 5, 7, 9-12. |
213586 |
Buyer beware Access Restrictions |
Brown, William. 2012. Golf Course Management. May. 80(5): p. 40. |
204595 |
Victoria's Masters class | Anonymous. 2012. Australian Turfgrass Management Journal. March/April. 14(2): p. 32-33. |
199577 |
How smooth are you? |
Evans, Greg. 2012. Pitchcare. February/March. 41: p. 46-48. |
231154 |
Wonder of wonders Access Restrictions |
Bechelet, Henry. 2012. Bulletin for Sports Surface Management. January. 256: p. 5-9. |
214618 |
[Q and A: Peter Jacobsen] Access Restrictions |
Richman, Howard. 2012. Golf Course Management. January. 80(1): p. 66. |
195783 |
iStimp fails the test | 03:37. PACE turf. 2011. PACE Turf. March 8. |
178089 |
Tools of the Trade, Part I "The Stimp Meter" | Plotts, Jeff. 2010. [Scottsdale, Arizona]: TPC Scottsdale Agronomy. [1] p. |
276166 |
Development of the STRI Trueness MeterTM Access Restrictions |
Baker, Stephen; Spring, Christian. 2010. Bulletin for Sports Surface Management. October. 251: p. 21-23. |
174737 |
The Stimpmeter: Friend or foe?: The love/hate relationship between golf course superintendents and the Stimpmeter continues, but could this tool actually be your best friend? |
Bevard, Darin. 2010. USGA Green Section Record. October 29. 48(21): p. 1-3. |
171215 |
Nature is taking its course | Moore, Jim. 2010. USGA Green Section Record. October 29. 48(21): p. 1. |
171387 |
Lessons learned from bacterial wilt |
Danneberger, Karl. 2010. Golfdom. July. 66(7): p. 18. |
180956 |
Turfgrass performance data at the Open Championship | Anonymous. 2010. Viridescent - The Asian Turfgrass Center Blog. July 15. p. [1-2]. |
170816 |
The STRI programme Access Restrictions |
Bechelet, Henry; Windows, Richard. 2010. International Turfgrass Bulletin. April. 248: p. 22-25. |
163161 |
The politics of green speed |
Gray, Christopher S. Sr. 2010. Golfdom. April. 66(4): p. 27. |
168770 |
Tools of the turf trade | Geary, John. 2010. Australian Turfgrass Management Journal. January/February. 12(1): p. 38-39. |
158844 |
[Stimpmeter: description and use] | Anonymous. [2009]. United States Golf Association. p. [1]. |
160666 |
Putting Green Speed Measurement and Determining the Influence of Management Practices on Putting Green Speed Access Restrictions |
Richards, Jacob Scott. 2009. M.S. Thesis: University of Arkansas. [2], xi, 82 pp. |
161120 |
Comparing two devices used to measure green speed on golf course putting greens | Richards, Jay; Karcher, Doug; Summerford, Josh; Nikolai, Thom; Henderson, Jason; Sorochan, John. 2009. Arkansas Turfgrass Report 2008. p. 93-99. |
148780 |
A comparison of two devices for evaluating putting green speed | Richards, Jacob S.; Karcher, Douglas E.; Nikolai, Thom A.; Henderson, Jason J.; Sorochan, John C. 2009. 2009 International Annual Meetings: [Abstracts][ASA-CSSA-SSSA]. p. 55933. |
159065 |
Development of a stimpmeter for cricket fields Access Restrictions |
Lopez, Francis B.; Chinnery, Louis E. 2009. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 11(Part 1): p. 389-398. |
151031 |
A comparison of two devices used to measure golf course putting green speed |
Richards, Jacob S.; Karcher, Douglas E.; Nikolai, Thomas A.; Henderson, Jason J.; Sorochan, John C. 2009. Applied Turfgrass Science. December. 6(1): p. [1-7]. |
154431 |
2009 Golf Course Environment Awards - winners announced Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 2009. International Turfgrass Bulletin. October. 246: p. 17-18. |
158065 |
Perfectly true |
Windows, Richard; Bechelet, Henry. 2009. Pitchcare. October/November. 27: p. 28-31. |
157923 |
Built for speed | Geary, John. 2009. Australian Turfgrass Management Journal. July/August. 11(4): p. 56-57. |
152053 |
The need for speed |
Munt, Kevin. 2009. Pitchcare. April/May. 24: p. 24-25. |
152794 |
The stimpmeter | Anonymous. 2009. Chips & Putts. April. 15(2): p. 6. |
291955 |
Place of the Stimpmeter on the golf course |
Hawes, Douglas T. 2009. The Perfect Lie. March. 33(1): p. 24-26. |
254080 |
The effects of mowing height and rolling on ball speed, quality, and disease severity of creeping bentgrass | Horvath, Brandon J.; Nichols, Adam E.; Cutulle, Matthew A. 2009. USGA Turfgrass and Environmental Research Online. March 1. 8(5): p. [1-5]. |
145904 |
Greens speed, plant health: A balance |
Forrest, John. 2009. TurfCraft International. January/February. 124: p. 6, 8, 10. |
292121 |
Anthracnose control strategies Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Clarke, Bruce B. [200x]. 13:45. |
137746 |
What's your ideal green speed? Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Morris, Michael; Nikolai, Thom. [200x]. 9:34. |
137754 |
The pelzmeter: Next generation Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Davis, Darren. [200x]. 4:00. |
137830 |
Member profile: Alberto Quevedo Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Quevedo, Alberto. [200x]. 5:30. |
137834 |
GCSAA's ladies man: John Miller, CGCS, has the LPGA Tour courses more consistent than ever as GCSAA's LGPA Tour agronomist Access Restrictions |
Jones, Seth. 2008. Golf Course Management. July. 76(7): p. Cover, 48-52, 54, 56. |
137552 |
Putting green speeds, slopes, and "non-conforming" hole locations: When selecting hole locations on your greens, there are a number of factors to consider |
Lemons, Jerry. 2008. USGA Green Section Record. July/August. 46(4): p. 21-25. |
137522 |
2008 United States Open Championship: An interns perspective | Griffith, Shane. 2008. The Grass Roots. July/August. 37(4): p. 28-29. |
146234 |
Bermudagrass putting green overseeding with coolseason turfgrasses in coastal Tuscany |
Grossi, N.; Volterrani, M.; Gaetani, M.; Lulli, F.; Magni, S.; Croce, P.; De Luca, A.; Mocioni, M. 2008. 1st European Turfgrass Society Conference Proceedings. May. 1: p. 87-88. |
136963 |
Right on line: Sometimes green speed and consistency are easier to feel than measure | Frabotta, David. 2008. Golfdom. April. 64(4): p. 34-35, 39-40. |
135477 |
The industry has 'issues' | Aylward, Larry. 2008. Golfdom. April. 64(4): p. 66, 68, 70, 72, 74 76. |
135483 |
Good show-ing: You put a lot of miles on your feet, but hey it's the Golf Industry Show! Here's a recap of what went on in Orlando | Aylward, Larry; Frabotta, David; Harler, Curt; Whitford, Marty. 2008. Golfdom. March. 64(3): p. 40-41, 45, 49, 51-54, 56. |
135098 |
Evaluating bentgrasses for quality, ballroll distance, thatch/mat development and annual bluegrass invasion Access Restrictions |
Harivandi, M. A.; Hagan, W. B.; Morris, K. N. 2008. Acta Horticulturae. February. 783: p. 309-316. |
136420 |
Brad Klein: Golf greens Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Klein, Brad. [200x]. 25:03. |
138186 |
Golf ball roll distance: A field exercise to explore management factors affecting putting green speed |
Bigelow, Cale A.; Walker, Kristina S. 2007. Journal of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Education. 36(1): p. 112-119. |
147222 |
Stimpmeter psychosis | Freeman, Simon. 2007. Greenkeeper International. February. p. 15. |
190483 |
Making it fast and firm | Torsiello, John. 2007. Golf Course Industry. February. 19(2): p. 80-83. |
125222 |
Use of the stimpmeter |
Anonymous. [2006]. USGA World Wide Web Site. 1:46. |
110106 |
An improved method for determining golf green uniformity | Gaussoin, Roch; Schmid, Charles; Mills, Bradley A.; Shearman, Robert. 2006. Abstracts: 2006 International Annual Meetings [ASA/CSSA/SSSA]. p. [1]. |
119071 |
Management of fast putting green by using green speed expectation models | Jang, You-Bee; Shim, Kyung-Ku. 2006. Korean Journal of Turfgrass Science. 20(1): p. 11-23. |
134032 |
"Grüngeschwindigkeit" - Fluch oder Segen?: Der Stimpmeter wird 70 Jahre alt (["Greenspeed" - Curse or blessing?: The Stimpmeter becomes 70 years old]) |
Schneider, Hartmut. 2006. Greenkeepers Journal. December. 4: p. 42-45. |
125482 |
Use your stimpmeter! | Prest, Dan. 2006. Greenkeeper International. October. p. 14. |
150493 |
Measuring green speed with stimpmeter |
Munoz, Marcela; Yan, Jia; Studzinska, Aneta; Fae, Aline; Pohankova, Petra; Danneberger, Karl. 2006. Buckeye Turf. August 31.03:46. |
134995 |
The Stimpmeter |
Anonymous. 2006. Pitchcare. June/July. 7: p. 52. |
145314 |
Fast track?: Increasing the speed of greens has been an objective for the past 30 years but are consistently fast greens achievable? |
Attwood-Harris, George. 2006. Pitchcare. April/May. 6: p. 44-45. |
145548 |
March madness | Gilhuly, Larry. 2006. USGA World Wide Web Site. March 20. p. [1-2]. |
110723 |
Speed Demons: Who's to blame in the need for speed? | Nelson, Matt. 2006. USGA Green Section Record. January/February. 44(1): p. 36. |
109059 |
The Superintendent's Guide to Controlling Putting Green Speed |
Nikolai, Thomas A. 2005. Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. xii, 148 pp. |
94696 |
Trinexapac-ethyl application regimens influence creeping bentgrass putting green performance |
McCullough, Patrick E.; Liu, Haibo; McCarty, Lambert B. 2005. HortScience. December. 40(7): p. 2167-2169. |
109736 |
An insider's perspective on green speeds...: Facts and fallout | Harris, Jim. 2005. Tennessee Turfgrass. October/November. p. 10-13. |
307317 |
Test run at Pinehurst: New tool sharpens focus on ball's impact on turf Access Restrictions |
Ostmeyer, Terry. 2005. Golf Course Management. June. 73(6): p. 64, 66. |
104639 |
The need for speed: Get the most out of green speed by examining measurements and golfer surveys | Nikolai, Thomas A. 2005. Grounds Maintenance. April. 40(4): p. G2-G5, G8. |
127440 |
Michael Morris, CGCS... Mr. Stimp... Tackles the green speed issue |
Anonymous. 2005. TurfNet Monthly. January. 12(1): p. 1-4. |
293065 |
The stimpmeters are coming! The stimpmeters are coming! |
Snook, Doug. 2004. The Reporter [IGCSA]. September. p. 19. |
99194 |
Rollin rollin rollin: The history of lightweight rolling since 1990 |
Nikolai, Thomas A. 2004. Bluegrass Blade. July. p. 13, 15-16. |
298122 |
Quick facts about golf courses |
Golf Course Superintendents Association of America. 2004. GCSAA World Wide Web Site. June. p. [1-2]. |
109007 | |
Paying the price for fast greens Access Restrictions |
Baird, James H. 2004. GreenMaster. June. 39(3): p. 10-12. |
116634 |
The Morris method: Befriending the "Stimpmonster" | Krause, Keith. 2004. On Course. March. 57(10): p. 13, 15. |
95448 |