Keyword: Susceptibility
Title | Author and Source | Category | View TGIF Record |
Diuron-resistant Poa annua is resistant to norflurazon Access Restrictions |
Hanson, Bradley D.; Mallory-Smith, Carol A. 2000. Weed Science. November/December. 48(6): p. 666-668. |
71658 |
Efficacy and metabolism of MON 37500 in Triticum aestivum and weedy grass species as affected by temperature and soil moisture Access Restrictions |
Olson, Brian L. S.; Al-Khatib, Kassim; Stahlman, Phillip; Isakson, Paul J. 2000. Weed Science. September/October. 48(5): p. 541-548. |
69606 |
Temperature-dependent resistance to crown rust infection in perennial ryegrass, Lolium perenne |
Roderick, H. W.; Thorogood, D.; Adomako, B. 2000. Plant Breeding. March. 119(1): p. 93-95. |
150962 |
[Crown hydration and winterkill] | Beard, James B. 2000. TURFAX. January/February. 8(1): p. 8. |
64063 |
National Bermudagrass Test - 1997: Progress Report 1998 | National Turfgrass Evaluation Program. 1999. Beltsville, MD: United States Department of Agriculture. vi, 93 pp. |
59145 |
Lawn Weed Prevention and Control | Stier, J. C.; Newman, R. C. 1999. Madison, Wisconsin: Cooperative Extension, University of Wisconsin-Extension. [4] pp. |
110725 |
Soil testing: Understanding what goes on beneath the turf layer can help contractors provide the most attractive and healthy turf | West, Bob. 1999. Lawn and Landscape. August. 20(8): p. 66, 68, 70-71. |
81322 |
Biology and management of dollar spot (Sclerotinia homoeocarpa); an important disease of turfgrass |
Walsh, Brenda; Ikeda, Stephanie S.; Boland, Greg J. 1999. HortScience. February. 34(1): p. 13-21. |
57231 |
Weed management recommendations for professional turfgrass managers: Athletics fields, golf courses, commercial lawns and turfgrass-sod |
Robinson, Darren K.; Samples, Tom. [19xx]. University of Tennessee Agricultural Extension Service. |
71363 | |
Development of transgenic creeping bentgrass (Agrostis palustris Huds.) for fungal disease resistance |
Warkentin, D.; Chai, B.; Liu, A.-C.; Hajela, R. K.; Zhong, H.; Sticklen, M. B. 1998. p. 153-161. In: Sticklen, Mariam B.; Kenna, Michael P., eds. Turfgrass Biotechnology: Cell and Molecular Genetic Approaches to Turfgrass Improvement. Chelsea, MI: Ann Arbor Press. |
53183 |
Simultaneous control of weeds, dollar spot, and grown patch diseases in transgenic creeping bentgrass |
Zhong, Heng; Liu, Chien-An; Vargas, Joseph M. Jr.; Penner, Donald; Sticklen, Miriam B. 1998. p. 203-210. In: Sticklen, Mariam B.; Kenna, Michael P., eds. Turfgrass Biotechnology: Cell and Molecular Genetic Approaches to Turfgrass Improvement. Chelsea, MI: Ann Arbor Press. |
53569 |
DNA profiles of different biotypes of quackgrass (Elytrigia repens) | Mitra, S.; Bhowmik, P. C.; Bernatzky, R. 1998. Proceedings of the 52nd Annual Meeting of the Northeastern Weed Science Society. 52: p. 35. |
44531 |
Management outline for warm-season insect pests | Brandenburg, Rick. 1998. Landscape Management. December. 37(12): p. 65. |
56643 |
Warm-season solutions | Simone, Gary W. 1998. Landscape Management. December. 37(12): p. 67-68. |
56645 |
The low-down on down low winter diseases: The facts about pink and grey snow moulds Access Restrictions |
Hsiang, Tom; Charbonneau, Pam. 1998. GreenMaster. December/January. 33(6): p. 36, 38-39. |
56741 |
The effects of air-borne nitrogen pollutants on species diversity in natural and semi-natural European vegetation Access Restrictions |
Bobbink, Roland; Hornung, Michael; Roelofs, Jan G. M. 1998. Journal of Ecology. October. 86(5): p. 717-738. |
55738 |
The question file for the "peak" of summer |
Patchan, Greg. 1998. The Landsculptor. August. p. 13-15. |
54457 |
There are two types of Anthracnose: Basal rot and foliar blight | Dernoeden, Peter H. 1998. TURFAX. July/August. 6(4): p. 3, 7. |
54655 |
Why some turf wilts more than others |
Rieke, Paul. 1998. Michigan State University's Landscape Crop Advisory Team Alert. June 5. 13(8): p. 7-8. |
59077 | |
Unraveling the confusion of anthracnose basal rot |
Backman, Paul. 1998. Turfgrass Management in the Pacific Northwest. Spring. 1(2): p. 26-27. |
55363 |
Pest Control for Professional Turfgrass Managers 1997 |
Bruneau, Arthur H., ed. 1997. Raleigh, North Carolina: North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service, North Carolina State University. 25 pp. |
40389 |
Curvularia disease |
Anonymous. 1997. p. 3. In: Smith, Angelene C., ed. Turf Tip Compendium: A Compilation of 42 Turf Tips. Volume 1. Concord West, New South Wales, Australia: Australian Turfgrass Research Institute. |
58162 |
Grey leaf spot disease |
Anonymous. 1997. p. 11. In: Smith, Angelene C., ed. Turf Tip Compendium: A Compilation of 42 Turf Tips. Volume 1. Concord West, New South Wales, Australia: Australian Turfgrass Research Institute. |
58167 |
Susceptibility of cool and warm season turfgrasses to fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda. Access Restrictions |
Reinert, J. A.; Engelke, M. C.; Read, J. C.; Maranz, S. J.; Wiseman, B. R. 1997. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 8(Part 1): p. 1003-1011. |
56124 |
Effect of the plant growth regulator Paclobutrazol on the growth of weeds within turf Access Restrictions |
Noma, Yutaka; Takagaki, Mitiko. 1997. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 8(Part 2): p. 1414-1417. |
61164 |
Baseline sensitivity and cross-resistance to demethylation-inhibiting fungicides in Ontario isolates of Sclerotina homoeocarpa Access Restrictions |
Hsiang, T.; Yang, L.; Barton, W. 1997. European Journal of Plant Pathology. July. 103(5): p. 409-416. |
60001 | |
Inhibitory activity of corn gluten hydrolysate on monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous species |
Liu, Dianna L.; Christians, Nick E. 1997. HortScience. April. 32(2): p. 243-245. |
40015 |
Response of Japanese beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) to leaf volatiles of susceptible and resistant maple species Access Restrictions |
Loughrin, John H.; Potter, Daniel A.; Hamilton-Kemp, Thomas R.; Byers, Matthew E. 1997. Environmental Entomology. April. 26(2): p. 334-342. |
40206 |
Phytophthora Diseases Worldwide |
Erwin, Donald C.; Ribeiro, Olaf K. 1996. St. Paul, MN: APS Press: The American Phytopathological Society. xii, 562 pp. |
39859 |
Rust disease | Duble, Richard L. 1996. PLANTanswers Web Site [Texas A & M]. p. 1. |
38769 | |
Spring dead spot in bermudagrass | Duble, Richard L. 1996. PLANTanswers Web Site [Texas A & M]. p. 1. |
38771 | |
Does premature branch removal and improper pruning predispose trees to sunscald injury? | Iles, Jeffery K. 1996. 1996 Iowa Turfgrass Research Report. p. 107. |
49716 |
Variables indicating nitrate contamination in bedrock aquifers, Newark Basin, New Jersey Access Restrictions |
Clawges, Rick M.; Vowinkel, Eric F. 1996. Water Resources Bulletin. October. 32(5): p. 1055-1066. |
234139 |
Susceptibility of bermudagrass cultivars to Eoreuma loftini (lepidoptera: pyralidae) in subtropical Mexico | Rodriguez-Del-Bosque, L. A.; Palomo-Salas, J.; Mendez-Rodriguez, A. 1996. Florida Entomologist. June. 79(2): p. 188-193. |
38585 |
FloraDwarf™ bermudagrass |
Dudeck, A. E. 1995. Agronomy Abstracts. p. 148. |
38070 |
Tillage and crop rotation effects on seed yield and soybean cyst nematode population |
Stienstra, W. C.; Hoverstad, T. 1995. Agronomy Abstracts. p. 150. |
38102 |
Resistance to demethylation-inhibiting fungicides in Ontario turfgrass pathogens, 1994-1995 |
Hsiang, Tom; Barton, Wayne; Harvie, Bill. 1995. Guelph Turfgrass Institute: 1995 Research Report -Addendum. 9: p. 21-22. |
60011 |
Parasitism of Hoplolaimus galeatus on diploid and polyploid St. Augustinegrasses | Giblin-Davis, R. M.; Busey, P.; Center, B. J. 1995. Journal of Nematology. December. 27(4): p. 472-477. |
84411 |
Some like it hot and some like it cold | Millett, Steve. 1995. The Grass Roots. November/December. 23(6): p. 40-41, 43. |
55390 |
Environmental effects on grub ecology and control |
Villani, Michael G. 1995. Grounds Maintenance. September. 30(9): p. 17-18, 20. |
55840 |
Pesticide Selection Guide for Nebraska Professional Turfgrass Managers |
Gaussoin, Roch; Baxendale, Fred; Watkins, John; Hygnstrom, Scott. 1994. Lincoln: University of Nebraska. 28 pp. |
57842 |
Anthracnose | McCain, A. H.; Ohr, H. D. 1994. p. 26. In: Turfgrass: Pest Management Guidelines. Davis, CA: University of California. |
38206 |
Curvularia blight | McCain, A. H.; Ohr, H. D. 1994. p. 27. In: Turfgrass: Pest Management Guidelines. Davis, CA: University of California. |
38207 |
Fairy ring |
McCain, A. H.; Ohr, H. D. 1994. p. 28. In: Turfgrass: Pest Management Guidelines. Davis, CA: University of California. |
38208 |
Fusarium blight | McCain, A. H.; Ohr, H. D. 1994. p. 29. In: Turfgrass: Pest Management Guidelines. Davis, CA: University of California. |
38210 |
Summer patch | McCain, A. H.; Ohr, H. D. 1994. p. 30. In: Turfgrass: Pest Management Guidelines. Davis, CA: University of California. |
38211 |
Pythium blight | McCain, A. H.; Ohr, H. D. 1994. p. 31. In: Turfgrass: Pest Management Guidelines. Davis, CA: University of California. |
38212 |
Rhizoctonia blight | McCain, A. H.; Ohr, H. D. 1994. p. 32. In: Turfgrass: Pest Management Guidelines. Davis, CA: University of California. |
38213 |
Evaluation of buffalograss leaf pubescence and its effect on mealybug host selection |
Johnson-Cicalese, Jennifer. 1994. Turfgrass Research Report for 1994 [Nebraska]. p. 33. |
37478 |
Sclerotium blight | McCain, A. H.; Ohr, H. D. 1994. p. 33. In: Turfgrass: Pest Management Guidelines. Davis, CA: University of California. |
38215 |
Loose smut | McCain, A. H.; Ohr, H. D. 1994. p. 34. In: Turfgrass: Pest Management Guidelines. Davis, CA: University of California. |
38216 |
Dollar spot | McCain, A. H.; Ohr, H. D. 1994. p. 35. In: Turfgrass: Pest Management Guidelines. Davis, CA: University of California. |
38221 |
Necrotic ring spot | McCain, A. H.; Ohr, H. D. 1994. p. 36. In: Turfgrass: Pest Management Guidelines. Davis, CA: University of California. |
38222 |
Leaf spot | McCain, A. H.; Ohr, H. D. 1994. p. 37. In: Turfgrass: Pest Management Guidelines. Davis, CA: University of California. |
38223 |
Leaf blotch | McCain, A. H.; Ohr, H. D. 1994. p. 38. In: Turfgrass: Pest Management Guidelines. Davis, CA: University of California. |
38224 |
Powdery mildew | McCain, A. H.; Ohr, H. D. 1994. p. 39. In: Turfgrass: Pest Management Guidelines. Davis, CA: University of California. |
38225 |
Rust | McCain, A. H.; Ohr, H. D. 1994. p. 40. In: Turfgrass: Pest Management Guidelines. Davis, CA: University of California. |
38226 |
Stripe smut | McCain, A. H.; Ohr, H. D. 1994. p. 41. In: Turfgrass: Pest Management Guidelines. Davis, CA: University of California. |
38227 |
Fusarium patch | McCain, A. H.; Ohr, H. D. 1994. p. 42. In: Turfgrass: Pest Management Guidelines. Davis, CA: University of California. |
38228 |
Melting out | McCain, A. H.; Ohr, H. D. 1994. p. 43. In: Turfgrass: Pest Management Guidelines. Davis, CA: University of California. |
38229 |
Red thread | McCain, A. H.; Ohr, H. D. 1994. p. 44. In: Turfgrass: Pest Management Guidelines. Davis, CA: University of California. |
38230 |
Spring dead spot | McCain, A. H.; Ohr, H. D. 1994. p. 44. In: Turfgrass: Pest Management Guidelines. Davis, CA: University of California. |
38231 |
Take-all patch | McCain, A. H.; Ohr, H. D. 1994. p. 45. In: Turfgrass: Pest Management Guidelines. Davis, CA: University of California. |
38232 |
Seed rot and damping off | McCain, A. H.; Ohr, H. D. 1994. p. 46. In: Turfgrass: Pest Management Guidelines. Davis, CA: University of California. |
38233 |
Pythium root rot | McCain, A. H.; Ohr, H. D. 1994. p. 47. In: Turfgrass: Pest Management Guidelines. Davis, CA: University of California. |
38234 |
Susceptibility of weeds to herbicide control | Elmore, C. L.; Cudney, D. W.; Gibeault, V. 1994. p. 62-63. In: IPM Education and Publications, University of California, Davis, ed. Turfgrass: Pest Management Guidelines. Davis, CA: University of California. |
38243 |
Influence of canopy structure on tall fescue cultivar susceptibility to brown patch disease |
Yuen, Gary Y.; Giesler, Loren J.; Horst, Garald L. 1994. Turfgrass Research Report for 1994 [Nebraska]. p. 75-79. |
37510 |
Bacillus thuringiensis (B.T.) |
Swadener, Carrie. 1994. Journal of Pesticide Reform. Fall. 14(3): p. 13-20. |
31686 |
Rhizoctonia blight susceptibility among commercial and experimental zoysiagrasses |
Metz, S. P.; Colbaugh, P. F.; Engelke, M. C. 1994. Texas Turfgrass Research - 1993. August. p. 82-83. |
45442 |
Purification and characterization of acetyl-conenzyme a carboxylase from diclofop-resistant and -susceptible Lolium multiflorum |
Evenson, Kimberly J.; Gronwald, John W.; Wyse, Donald L. 1994. Plant Physiology. June. 105(2): p. 671-680. |
31107 |
Comparative studies on graminicide-resistant and susceptible biotypes of Eleusine indica Access Restrictions |
Marshall, G.; Kirkwood, R. C.; Leach, G. E. 1994. Weed Research. June. 34(3): p. 177-185. |
30418 |
Season-long disease management in turf |
Lehman, Virginia. 1993. North Carolina Turfgrass. Summer. 10(3): p. 55. |
29911 |
Reaction of St. Augustinegrass cultivars and selections to gray leaf spot, 1992 |
Holcomb, G. E.; Shepard, D. 1993. Biological and Cultural Tests for Control of Plant. 8: p. 121. |
30509 |
Improving brown patch resistance in tall fescue |
Fraser, Melodee L. 1993. North Carolina Turfgrass. Fall. 10(4): p. 9-10. |
28481 |
Ice storm damage to urban trees |
Hauer, Richard J.; Wang, Weishen; Dawson, Jeffrey O. 1993. Journal of Arboriculture. July. 19(4): p. 187-194. |
37465 |
Focusing closely: Nematodes in creeping bentgrass and annual bluegrass: Different susceptibility could account for some of the changes in proportion where greens are mixtures of these two grasses Access Restrictions |
Davis, R. F.; Wilkinson, H. T.; Kane, R. T. 1993. Golf Course Management. May. 61(5): p. 54, 58, 60, 62, 64, 66. |
27397 |
Modes of action of insecticides |
Beehag, Gary W. 1993. ATRI Turf Notes. Spring. 12(3): p. 8. |
30136 |
Disease control |
Elliott, M. L.; Simone, G. A.; Freeman, T. E. 1992. p. 8-14. In: McCarty, L. B., ed. 1992 University of Florida's Pest Control Recommendations for Turfgrass Managers. [Gainesville, Florida]: Cooperative Extension Service, IFAS, University of Florida. |
58915 |
Host status of different bermudagrasses (Cynodon spp.) for the sting nematode, Belonolaimus longicaudatus |
Giblin-Davis, Robin M.; Cisar, John L.; Bilz, Frank G.; Williams, Karen E. 1992. Supplement to Journal of Nematology. December. 24(4S): p. 749-756. |
58922 |
1992 Pest Control Recommendations For Turfgrass Managers Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service. 1991. Raleigh, North Carolina: North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service. 12 pp. |
19433 |
Cross-resistance to herbicides in annual ryegrass (Lolium rigidum) III. On the mechanism of resistance to diclofop-methyl |
Holtum, Joseph A. M.; Matthews, John M.; Häusler, Rainer E.; Liljegren, David R.; Powles, Stephen B. 1991. Plant Physiology. November. 97(3): p. 1026-1034. |
21833 |
Susceptibilty of buffalograss and kikuyugrass to Roundup |
Henry, J. M.; Leonard, M. K.; Gibeault, V. A.; Cockerham, S. T. 1991. Agronomy Abstracts. October. p. 176. |
21990 |
Tolerance and the basis for selectivity to 2,4-D in perennial Glycine species |
Hart, Steve B.; Glenn, Scott; Kenworthy, William W. 1991. Weed Science. October-December. 39(4): p. 535-539. |
22656 |
Susceptibility of diploid St. Augustinegrasses to Belonolaimus longicaudatus |
Busey, Philip; Giblin-Davis, Robin M.; Zaenker, Edna I.; Riger, Charles W. 1991. "(Annals of Applied Nematology)". October. 23(4s): p. 604-610. |
25018 |
Getting at the root of herbicide complexities | Danneberger, Karl. 1991. Lawn and Landscape Maintenance. March. 12(3): p. 72, 76, 78. |
21149 |
1991 Pest Control Recommendations for Turfgrass Managers |
Brandenburg, Rick L.; Bruneau, Arthur H.; DiPaola, Joseph M.; Kay, Stratford H.; Lewis, William M.; Lucas, Leon T.; Peacock, Charles H.; White, Richard H. 1990. Raleigh, North Carolina: The North Carolina Agricultural Extension Service, North Carolina State University. 12 pp. Revised Edition. |
7042 |
Registration of 'Prairie' buffalograss |
Engelke, M. C.; Lehman, V. G. 1990. Crop Science. November/December. 30(6): p. 1360-1361. |
56113 |
Susceptibility of Poa pratensis cultivars to Puccinia poarum |
Gooding, M. J.; Baldwin, N. A. 1990. Tests of Agrochemicals and Cultivars. April. 11: p. 102-103. |
25885 |
The susceptibility of ryegrass (Lolium) seedlings of two species/cultivars and of different ages to frit fly infestatation [infestation] |
Ellis, S. A.; Bale, J. S.; Clements, R. O. 1990. Tests of Agrochemicals and Cultivars. April. 11: p. 106-107. |
25895 |
Practical management for rights-of-way herbicide application |
Gangstad, E. O.; Phillips, Philip. 1989. p. 31-43. In: Gangstad, Edward O., ed. Woody Brush Control. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press. |
57749 |
Inheritance of Diclofop Resistance in Italian Ryegrass. |
Betts, K. J. (1); Wyse, D. L. (1); Gronwald, J. W. (2); Ehlke, N. J. (1). 1989. Agronomy Abstracts. October. 81: p. 75. |
16361 |
Screening Italian Annual Ryegrass Seedlings for Aluminum Toxicity. |
Nelson, L. R.; Haby, V. A.; Crowder, J. 1989. Agronomy Abstracts. October. 81: p. 93. |
16367 |
Drought Resistance in St. Augustinegrass. |
Busey, P. 1989. Agronomy Abstracts. October. 81: p. 155. |
16441 |
Influence of Temperature on Response of Roughstalk Bluegrass to Fenoxaprop. | Mueller-Warrant, G. W. 1989. Proceedings of the Western Society of Weed Science. March. 42: p. 218-220. |
16329 |
Basis for sensitivity differences among three grass species to fenoxaprop-ethyl |
Lefsrud, H. Christopher; Hall, J. Christopher. 1988. The Guelph Turfgrass Institute: Annual Report. 2: p. 25-32. |
20063 |
Effect of light on turfgrass seedling establishment | Chastain, Thomas G. 1988. Proceedings of the 42nd Northwest Turfgrass Conference. December. 42: p. 6-9. |
38307 |
Susceptibility of turfgrasses to necrotic ring spot | Chastagner, Gary. 1988. Proceedings of the 42nd Northwest Turfgrass Conference. December. 42: p. 14-20. |
38309 |
Relationship of fall armyworm (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) from Florida, Honduras, Jamaica, and Mississippi: Susceptibility to insecticides with reference to migration | Pitre, Henry N. 1988. Florida Entomologist. March. 71(1): p. 56-61. |
224309 |
Effect of Air Temperature and Herbicide Induced Stress on the Susceptibility of Creeping Bentgrass to Curvularia Lunata | Smith, B. D.; Couch, H. B. 1987. Phytopathology. December. 77(12): p. 1733. |
11652 |
Survival of fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda, (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) exposed to cold temperatures | Foster, R. E.; Cherry, R. H. 1987. Florida Entomologist. December. 70(4): p. 419-422. |
224353 |