Keyword: Technology
Title | Author and Source | Category | View TGIF Record |
Coming soon... |
Moraghan, Tim. 2018. Golf Course Industry. February. 30(2): p. 22. |
295742 |
Limiting exposure to chemicals with closed systems |
Westcott, Nancy. 2018. Irrigation & Green Industry. February. 21(2): p. 20-22. |
295956 |
Topgolf's fun, high-tech approach is the key to attracting women, millennials |
McCue, Mike. 2018. Superintendent. February. 17(2): p. 12-13. |
295543 |
Tipping point |
Lawrence, Adam. 2018. Golf Course Architecture. January. 51: p. 1. |
294958 |
What does the future hold?: How will the profession of golf course architecture change in the years between now and 2030? |
Lawrence, Adam. 2018. Golf Course Architecture. January. 51: p. 28-30, 33, 35, 37. |
294977 |
Innovation and golf: On a collision course? Is golf's tradition of long, leisurely days set for a collision course with today's fast pace of change? |
Chester, Paul. 2018. Golf Course Architecture. January. 51: p. 43. |
294985 |
2018 Turfgrass Research Day | Brandenburg, David A. 2018. The Grass Roots. January/February. 47(1): p. 34, 36-38, 40-41. |
295138 |
Chad Price, CSFM, CFB |
Anonymous. 2018. SportsTurf. January. 34(1): p. 26, 28. |
298575 |
Is remote jobsite monitoring for you?: New systems and apps for 2018 for your phone, tablet or computer track equipment usage on jobsites | Hall, Ronnie. 2018. Turf [North Edition]. January. 31(1): p. 16-17. |
294691 |
Explosive growth leads to larger vision: With meager beginnings as two guys and a lawn mower, Westcoast Landscape and Lawns lived the truism: If you're not earning, you're learning |
Mantey, Carrie. 2018. Green Industry Pros. January/February. 30(1): p. 8-10. |
299086 |
The Grainys - 2017 edition |
Moraghan, Tim. 2018. Golf Course Industry. January. 30(1): p. 12-13. |
295050 |
Robots, computers and drones: It's the future... now |
Williams, Bruce R. 2018. The Boardroom. January/February. 22(274): p. 90-91. |
296477 |
The Impact of Golf Course Labor: Labor Has a Direct Impact on Playing Conditions |
United States Golf Association. 2017. [Far Hills, New Jersey]: United States Golf Association. 1 sheet; 28 cm x 21.5 cm. |
291444 |
The Value of Education |
Dowling, Elliott. 2017. [Far Hills, New Jersey]: United States Golf Association. 2 pp. |
293021 |
Drones on your course without all the hype | Bastis, Thomas. 2017. 2017 GCSAA Education Conference: Conference Session Presentations. p. [1-53]. |
296678 |
What you have taught me in 30 years of teaching you | Rogers, Trey. 2017. 2017 GCSAA Education Conference: Conference Session Presentations. p. [1-20]. |
296716 |
Portable Moisture Meters | Anonymous. 2017. s.l.: United States Golf Association (USGA). 01:40 min. |
307870 |
A new generation of smart controllers | Webb, Parry. 2017. Irrigation Show 2017: Technical Session Proceedings. p. 1-8. |
294330 |
They say golf cart, we say golf car | Lynge, Anders. 2017. Green Pages. p. 21. |
284566 |
What is our superintendent droning on about? |
Anonymous. 2017. The Dogwood. Summer. p. 26-27. |
290454 |
Satellite-based estimation of actual evapotranspiration of golf course cool-season turf | Hipps, Lawrence; Torres, Alfonso; Kjelgren, Roger. 2017. Turfgrass and Environmental Research Program: 2017 Research Summaries. p. 232-234. |
298188 |
Encouraging adoption of precision irrigation technology through on-course application and demonstration of water savings | Friell, Josh; Horgan, Brian; Bauer, Sam; Straw, Chase. 2017. Turfgrass and Environmental Research Program: 2017 Research Summaries. p. 237-242. |
298191 |
Establishing portable X-ray fluorescence (PXRF) as a rapid soil analysis tool for golf courses | Young, Joseph; Weindorf, David. 2017. Turfgrass and Environmental Research Program: 2017 Research Summaries. p. 357-360. |
298245 |
Using social media in the classroom: Perspective on an evolving classroom pedagogy | Bigelow, Cale. 2017. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 109293. |
290802 |
Is autonomous turf health likely? Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 2017. STRI Bulletin. Summer. 278: p. 29-31. |
288017 |
The evolution of pump automation: From physical labour to the touch of a button Access Restrictions |
Penelton, Paul. 2017. GreenMaster. Summer. 53(2): p. 26-27. |
288949 |
How are things different today when doing a master plan compared to back in the early 90's? |
Harvey, A. John. 2017. The Greenerside. 42(2): p. 26, 28. |
289756 |
Soil water and plant canopy sensor technologies to optimize water and nutrient use | Campbell, Colin S.; Hansen, Neil C.; Hopkins, Bryan G.; Evans, Shane; Campbell, Emily; Campbell, Alton; Rivera, Leo; Cobos, Douglas. 2017. Proceedings of the Western Nutrient Management Conference. 12: p. 11-18. |
286586 |
Wade Peckham at home in Edmonton: "I have to change with the times" | Anonymous. 2017. Turf Trends [Idaho]. Summer. 3(2): p. 68-79. |
285638 |
Looking into the future |
Lawrence, Adam. 2017. By Design. Winter. 36: p. Cover, 12-17. |
294150 |
Planning for the next generation |
Harwood, Phil. 2017. Landscape Management. December. 56(12): p. 46. |
293976 |
R&D report: Novel chemistries for turf protection: Inside the next generation of pest control products |
White, Patrick. 2017. Superintendent. December. 16(12): p. Cover, 14-17. |
294041 |
How chemistries are like rocket ships |
Frabotta, David. 2017. Superintendent. December. 16(12): p. 2. |
294035 |
Great expectations for the next generation of golfers: Robert McElreath, Club Car's vice president of Connectivity, discusses innovation and how millenials are changing the golf experience |
McCue, Mike. 2017. Superintendent. December. 16(12): p. 11-13. |
294040 |
Modernizing your operation | Van Buskirk, Jason. 2017. ONCourse. November. p. 13. |
293608 |
Irrigation: Remote control |
Dowdle, Lauren. 2017. Landscape Management. November. 56(11): p. ILG5. |
292344 |
Smart startup: A recent grab nabs funding and takes his soil moisture monitoring idea to the 'Sharks' |
Melancon, Merritt. 2017. Landscape Management. November. 56(11): p. 35. |
292353 |
Why training means a lot to millennials Access Restrictions |
Hackel, Evan. 2017. Turf News [TPI]. November/December. 41(6): p. 100, 102. |
292468 |
[Determining customer needs and criteria for product development] |
Anonymous. 2017. SportsTurf. November. 33(11): p. 42-43. |
291702 |
Technology is not taking away your job | Parker, Linda. 2017. The Golf Course Trades. November. 30(11): p. 24-26. |
290888 |
Pardon the disruption |
Pennell, Whitney Reid. 2017. The Boardroom. November/December. 21(273): p. 18. |
294864 |
A glimpse into the future | Anonymous. 2017. Irrigation & Green Industry. November. 20(11): p. SR4-SR5. |
294554 |
Wireless irrigation technology |
Williams-Villano, Mary Elizabeth. 2017. Irrigation & Green Industry. November. 20(11): p. 30-32, 34, 36, 38. |
294560 |
Precision, data are the keys to watering southern grasses |
White, Patrick. 2017. Superintendent. November. 16(11): p. 26-28. |
292985 |
Sports turf trends: Assessing the current state of the industry and forecasting the future |
White, Patrick; Meyer, Robert. 2017. SportsField Management. November/December. 12(10): p. Cover, 10-15. |
294568 |
Respecting the past | Wynja, Patrick. 2017. The Reporter [IGCSA]. October. p. 6. |
294772 |
State of the industry 2017: Q&A with IA |
Anonymous. 2017. Landscape & Irrigation. October. 41(7): p. 30. |
290674 |
A different perspective: Drones are changing the way you and your clients view their landscapes |
Hanna, Tory; Staley, Dan. 2017. Lawn & Landscape. October. 38(10): p. 126, 128, 130, 132, 136. |
291105 |
The future of the equipment industry: A look inside the latest equipment trends |
Cuddihe, Rick. 2017. Turf [North Edition]. October. 30(10): p. 58-60, 62. |
291294 |
Old school is still cool |
Moraghan, Tim. 2017. Golf Course Industry. October. 29(10): p. 14, 63. |
291415 |
Golf goes to town |
Gould, David. 2017. Golf Business [NGCOA]. October. 23(9): p. 16. |
293758 |
Disaster planning is risk management |
McCue, Mike. 2017. Superintendent. October. 16(10): p. 24-25. |
291128 |
Golf course dragons | Albanese, Paul. 2017. Course Conditions. Fall. p. 15. |
293309 |
Where have all our assets gone?: This case study describes Townsville City Council's problem in keeping track of their many irrigation assets, and the remedy selected after a successful tender process | Rome, Bruce. 2017. New Zealand Turf Management Journal. Autumn. 34(1): p. 32-33. |
281678 |
The times they are a changin' Access Restrictions |
Hollister, Scott. 2017. Golf Course Management. September. 85(9): p. 16. |
288762 |
Artificial intelligence: The first artificial playing surfaces were crude affairs, used by only the most basic of venues. Now, synthetic turf is proving popular with even the upper echelons of sport | Williams, Richard N. 2017. Stadia. September. 84: p. 42-43, 45, 47-48. |
290667 |
Streaming services: What's new with irrigation design software and how contractors are using it |
Dowdle, Lauren. 2017. Landscape Management. September. 56(9): p. 30, 32. |
289749 |
New technologies and change |
Vinchesi, Brian. 2017. Golf Course Industry. September. 29(9): p. 28. |
289847 |
Shifting to fall-focused fertility: The three factors that impact fall nutrition and how enhanced efficiency fertilizer (EEF) products from Koch Turf & Ornamental can be the key to your turf strategy |
Anonymous. 2017. Golf Course Industry. September. 29(9): p. 44-46. |
289856 |
Innovations in golf course construction: From bunkers to irrigation, a wave of new technology and products is revolutionizing the way courses are built | Thisdell, Katie. 2017. Golf Inc.. September/October. 26(5): p. 38-40, 42-44. |
290675 |
The importance of club communications during a crisis: What we learned from Irma |
Michael, Robin. 2017. The Boardroom. September/October. 21(272): p. 67. |
293810 |
Infusing new technology |
Schendel, Steve. 2017. The Boardroom. September/October. 21(272): p. 110. |
293813 |
The progression of power: A look at battery technology today and tomorrow |
Dahl, Mike. 2017. Landscape Contractor Design Build Maintain Supply. September. 20(9): p. 32-34. |
289421 |
Soil water sensing: Comparing the technologies for irrigation management |
Evett, Steven R. 2017. Water Efficiency: The Journal for Water Resource Management. September/October. 12(6): p. 47, 49-51. |
289846 |
Sky scanner: Using satellite / GPS technology for spraying doesn't just ensure costs can be cut as guesswork is removed, it also leads to better results, less unsightly residue on the grass, improved safety and greenkeepers' time being saved | Waple, Andy. 2017. Greenkeeping. August. 137: p. 6, 8. |
295259 |
Predicting satisfaction with smart irrigation controllers and their long-term use among homeowners in central Florida Access Restrictions |
Morera, Maria C.; Monaghan, Paul F.; Dukes, Michael D.; Breder, Eliza. 2017. JAWRA: Journal of the American Water Resources Association. August. 53(4): p. 929-943. |
288386 |
The beauty of technology |
Dudones, David. 2017. Tee to Green [New York]. August/September. 48(4): p. 1, 7. |
291643 |
How technology helps those who help us |
Ceplo, Matt. 2017. Tee to Green [New York]. August/September. 48(4): p. 2-5. |
291644 |
Aerators for sports turf |
Anonymous. 2017. SportsTurf. August. 33(8): p. 36, 38-40. |
288549 |
The next generation of central controllers: Commanding communication remotely |
Tressler, Sarah. 2017. Irrigation & Green Industry. August. 20(8): p. 24, 26, 28, 30. |
289015 |
Muir blends: As course manager of three St Andrews Links courses, Kevin Muir is a well known figure. Here he talks about the technology he uses to maintain them | Longmire, Tania. 2017. Greenkeeping. July. 136: p. 10. |
295267 |
Tout your tech skills Access Restrictions |
Rau, Carol D. 2017. Golf Course Management. July. 85(7): p. 34. |
288233 |
Laser-focused Access Restrictions |
Hardwick, Nancy. 2017. Golf Course Management. July. 85(7): p. 54-56. |
288239 |
Gut Lärchenhof enhances practice facilities | Anonymous. 2017. Golf Course Architecture. July. 49: p. 25. |
289160 |
Equipment trends 2017 | Anonymous. 2017. Landscape & Irrigation. July/August. 41(5): p. 14-27. |
288509 |
[BioGrass® Sod Farms] Access Restrictions |
Bell, Clark T.; Trusty, Suz. 2017. Turf News [TPI]. July/August. 41(4): p. 58-60. |
295514 |
The digital water world: The key to helping your customers with efficient irrigation may be the method you're using to design |
Tuttle, Katie. 2017. Lawn & Landscape. July. 38(7): p. 56, 58-59. |
287265 |
Eyes underground: A recent University of Georgia graduate created a product he hopes will measure the water available in soil more accurately |
Tuttle, Katie. 2017. Lawn & Landscape. July. 38(7): p. 60, 62. |
287268 |
Power up: Electric equipment is taking a stand alongside gas-powered tools with more power, longer run times and commercial-grade construction |
Hampshire, Kristen. 2017. Lawn & Landscape. July. 38(7): p. 68-73. |
287270 |
Slope stabilization techniques |
Brzozowski, Carol. 2017. Erosion Control. July/August. 24(5): p. 40-45. |
286878 |
Torque tech Access Restrictions |
Nesbitt, Scott R. 2017. Golf Course Management. June. 85(6): p. 32. |
285237 |
Drones may be golf's next big breakthrough: Technology provides multitude of valuable information for superintendents |
Jiggens, Mike. 2017. Turf & Rec. June. 30(4): p. 8-11. |
286907 |
CRISPR/Cas9 system and its prospective application in grass |
Wang, Dan; Zhou, Mei-liang; Li, Jin-bo; Sun, Zhan-min; Wu, Yan-min. 2017. [Caoye Kexue] [Pratacultural Science]. June 20. 34(6): p. 1204-1214. |
288729 |
It's time to get Trent (and you) on Twitter | Jones, Pat. 2017. Carolinas Green. May/June. p. 8, 10. |
284426 |
Smart watering in the palm of your hand |
Klemmetson, Jennifer. 2017. Landscape & Irrigation. May/June. 41(4): p. 16-17. |
285877 |
Come Alive Outside: Activating your business to drive community health Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 2017. Turf News [TPI]. May/June. 41(3): p. 42. |
283956 |
When uberization collides with your industry Access Restrictions |
Morrison, Tom. 2017. Turf News [TPI]. May/June. 41(3): p. 45-46. |
283960 |
Crossing the generational divide: Unlocking the power of generations to grow your business Access Restrictions |
Beaudreau, Matt. 2017. Turf News [TPI]. May/June. 41(3): p. 47-49. |
283961 |
Community engagement and the opportunity available Access Restrictions |
Zeigler, Ronni. 2017. Turf News [TPI]. May/June. 41(3): p. 51-53. |
283962 |
Electric avenue: Sebert Landscape embraces new technology to cut down on carbon |
Spirgen, Kate. 2017. Lawn & Landscape. May. 38(5): p. 58-59. |
284990 |
The low down on low tech |
Miller, Monroe. 2017. Golf Course Industry. May. 29(5): p. 46. |
285013 |
Will drones help your green industry business soar into the future? | Williams-Villano, Mary Elizabeth. 2017. Irrigation & Green Industry. May. 20(5): p. 12-14, 16, 18. |
285687 |
Wireless irrigation controllers | Williams-Villano, Mary Elizabeth. 2017. Irrigation & Green Industry. May. 20(5): p. 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 58. |
285691 |
Balancing act: From replacing aging irrigation systems to dealing with Mother Nature's endless surprises, superintendents are managing water inputs with new technology - And a respect for new realities | Gilliland, Betsy. 2017. Club & Resort Business. May. 13(5): p. 40, 42-43. |
284540 |
Making the connection Access Restrictions |
Maynard, Bill. 2017. Golf Course Management. April. 85(4): p. 14. |
283392 |
Measuring what you manage Access Restrictions |
Vaughey, Bob. 2017. Golf Course Management. April. 85(4): p. 34. |
283470 |
Mower blades: The sum of all parts... |
Pinnock, Clive. 2017. Pitchcare. April/May. 72: p. 120-122. |
286705 |
Cloud cover: Irrigation manufacturers offer details to help contractors become more comfortable with Wi-Fi enabled irrigation controller technology |
Schappacher, Emily. 2017. Landscape Management. April. 56(4): p. 42, 44, 46. |
283353 |
Gearing up for the future | Kmitta, John. 2017. Landscape & Irrigation. April. 41(3): p. 5. |
283466 |
Hi-tech web tool a boon to supers: USGA map-based tool helps reduce costs and improve golfer experience |
McPherson, David. 2017. Turf & Rec. April/May. 30(3): p. 30, 32-33. |
289602 |