Keyword: Technology
Title | Author and Source | Category | View TGIF Record |
High throughout selection of novel plant growth regulators: Assessing the translatability of small bioactive molecules from Arabidopsis to crops Access Restrictions |
Rodriguez-Furlán, Cecilia; Miranda, Giovanna; Reggiardo, Martín; Hicks, Glenn R.; Norambuena, Lorena. 2016. Plant Science. April. 245: p. 50-60. |
270235 |
LED power supplies Access Restrictions |
Nesbitt, Scott R. 2016. Golf Course Management. April. 84(4): p. 34. |
271076 |
Data mining and drones Access Restrictions |
Vaughey, Bob. 2016. Golf Course Management. April. 84(4): p. 40. |
271080 |
Second-gen growth: After 40 years and in its second generation, Fort Worth Lawn Sprinkler Co. evolves with the times |
Schappacher, Emily. 2016. Landscape Management. April. 55(4): p. 42, 44-45, 55. |
271211 |
Doubling down on water and energy conservation |
Garcia, Amy A. 2016. Parks & Recreation [Virginia]. April. 51(4): p. 58-61. |
272782 |
Making visualisations easier for architects |
Aherne, John. 2016. Golf Course Architecture. April. 44: p. 33. |
272899 |
Poking holes: Aeration and overseeding are core services that improve turf health. But which application techniques work best? | Pereira, Pierre. 2016. Turf [North Edition]. April. 29([4]): p. 12-13. |
273655 |
Objective analysis: Digital soil moisture meters offer concrete data to assist in irrigation decisions. Now superintendents are wondering where the technology is headed |
Thomas, Rob. 2016. Golf Course Industry. April. 28(4): p. 44-46. |
271252 |
Increase your productivity |
Kaminski, John E. 2016. Golf Course Industry. April. 28(4): p. 48. |
271253 |
The daily grind: New technology helps golf course maintenance operations keep pace with golfers' demands for near-perfect conditions |
Aylward, Lawrence. 2016. Superintendent. April. 15(4): p. 24-25. |
271374 |
[Paul McClearn: Head Greenkeeper, The Carrick Golf Club] Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 2016. Greenkeeper International. March. p. 9. |
276010 |
Grass driveway trial in Perth | Anonymous. 2016. TurfCraft International. March/April. 167: p. 55. |
290507 |
Ultimate tool box / work station |
Buchen, Terry. 2016. Golf Course Industry. March. 28(3): p. 63. |
270453 |
ChemChina acquires Syngenta |
Anonymous. 2016. Australian Turfgrass Management Journal. March/April. 18(2): p. 58-60. |
271622 |
Getting to the 'heart' of technology |
Aylward, Lawrence. 2016. Superintendent. March. 15(3): p. 6. |
271323 |
Communication is key |
Sandels, Chris. 2016. Turfgrass Matters. Spring. p. 17. |
277839 |
One-stop shopping Access Restrictions |
Vaughey, Bob. 2016. Golf Course Management. February. 84(2): p. 40. |
268700 |
GolfNow to enter maintenance game? | Anonymous. 2016. Golfdom. February. 72(2): p. 9. |
269177 |
Harvesting rainwater |
Ershadi, Julie. 2016. Irrigation & Green Industry. February. 19(2): p. 30-32, 44, 46. |
290649 |
Futuristic fungicides: Utilizing new technologies is improving the effectiveness of these products |
White, Patrick. 2016. Superintendent. February. 15(2): p. 18-21. |
271400 |
Perfecting water use in Nedlands |
Forrest, John. 2016. TurfCraft International. January/February. 166: p. 36, 38. |
290486 |
Coming of stage: A main stage on the trade show floor is among the new additions at this year's Golf Industry Show Access Restrictions |
Richman, Howard. 2016. Golf Course Management. January. 84(1): p. 80, 82, 84-86, 88-92. |
268093 |
The fantastic 5 at GIS |
Gannon, Grant B. 2016. Golfdom. January. 72(1): p. 30, 32, 34. |
268405 |
50th Golf Turf Symposium: How are we doing as an industry? | Brandenburg, David. 2016. The Grass Roots. January/February. 45(1): p. 38-43. |
268982 |
The evolution of information technologies driving smart water management | Spain, Chris. 2016. Landscape & Irrigation. January/February. 40(1): p. 15-17. |
273357 |
Computerized job board |
Buchen, Terry. 2016. Golf Course Industry. January. 28(1): p. 62. |
268695 |
One-year anniversary of revolutionary course management technology product | Dunlap, Jim. 2016. The Pellucid Perspective. January. 7(1): p. 8. |
272225 |
Moisture and Salinity Monitoring Through In-Ground Sensors | Anonymous. 2015. [Far Hills, New Jersey]: United States Golf Association. 3 pp. |
258996 |
Six years of smart controller performance in Texas Access Restrictions |
Swanson, Charles; Fipps, Guy. 2015. 2015 ASABE/IA Irrigation Symposium: Emerging Technologies for Sustainable Irrigation. p. 1-12. |
290232 |
Irrigation goes mobile Access Restrictions |
Batt, Debbie; Johnson, Jodi. 2015. 2015 ASABE/IA Irrigation Symposium: Emerging Technologies for Sustainable Irrigation. p. 1-3. |
290236 |
Soil moisture management to deliver productive and sustainable urban landscapes Access Restrictions |
Connellan, Geoff; Symes, Peter. 2015. 2015 ASABE/IA Irrigation Symposium: Emerging Technologies for Sustainable Irrigation. p. 1-9. |
290292 |
Importance of ET controller program settings on water conservation potential Access Restrictions |
Davis, S. L.; Dukes, M. D. 2015. 2015 ASABE/IA Irrigation Symposium: Emerging Technologies for Sustainable Irrigation. p. 1-17. |
290337 |
[Communication tools benefit MiGCSA and members] |
Holmes, Jeff. 2015. Course Conditions. Summer. p. 5. |
266108 |
Comparing sprayer technology and herbicide technology | Hathaway, Aaron; Nikolai, Thomas A. 2015. The Michigan Turfgrass Foundation and Michigan State University Present: Turfgrass Field Day. p. 19. |
264085 |
Emerging technology in turfgrass maintenance | Lonn, Dana R. 2015. Proceedings of the Twenty-Fourth Annual Rutgers Turfgrass Symposium. p. 20. |
263729 |
Mike Thorsen: Jacobsen |
Anonymous. 2015. Course Conditions. Summer. p. 20-21. |
266115 |
Dave Yates |
Anonymous. 2015. Course Conditions. Summer. p. 26-27. |
266118 |
Summer stress management summary | Kauffman, Gordon III. 2015. Turf Trends [Idaho]. Summer. p. 74-77. |
268534 |
Small drone applications for turf & golf course management | Thomas, Chris; Oldham, Randy; Thomas, Rio. 2015. Turf Trends [Idaho]. Summer. p. 84-89. |
268607 |
Evaluating small unmanned aircraft systems for detecting turfgrass stress with an emphasis on drought | Bremer, Dale; van der Merwe, Deon; Fry, Jack; Keeley, Steve; Hoyle, Jared; Kennelly, Megan; Price, Kevin. 2015. Turfgrass and Environmental Research Program: 2015 Research Summaries. p. 126-130. |
285065 |
Aerial and ground based imagery techniques for evaluation of NTEP variety trials | McCurdy, James D.; Hathcock, Lee; Meacham, Sean; Stewart, Barry R.; Philley, Hebert W.; Baldwin, Christian M.; Moorhead, Robert J. II; Sullivan, Dana. 2015. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 91804. |
267215 |
Quantitative trait loci (QTL) analysis of freezing tolerance in zoysiagrass | McCamy Pruitt, Helen; Schwartz, Brian M; Patton, Aaron J.; Arellano, Consuelo; Milla-Lewis, Susana R. 2015. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 91870. |
266940 |
A new device for measuring putting green characteristics | McElroy, J. Scott; Marshall, Andrew K. 2015. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 92038. |
267024 |
Evaluating turfgrass color through digital image analysis using GreenIndex+ Turf smartphone app | O'Brien, Daniel P.; Karcher, Douglas E.; Richardson, Michael D. 2015. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 93122. |
266765 |
Practicality of an unmanned aerial system in golf course management | McCall, David S.; Sullivan, Dana; Beck, John; Guertal, Elizabeth A.; Bland, Geoff; Ryan, Mark A. 2015. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 94283. |
267210 |
Chasing shadows: How far have we caught up? Access Restrictions |
Collier, Lee; Palmer, Matt; Rowley, Michael. 2015. Bulletin for Sports Surface Management. Summer. 270: p. 27-31. |
262313 |
New services - thanks to "new" technologies |
Todd, Chris. 2015. New Zealand Turf Management Journal. Winter. 32(2): p. 3. |
260695 |
An aerial perspective proves invaluable: A drone's flexibility and technical capabilities enables NZSTI to offer faster and more cost-effective precision to turf management services |
Schraders, Chris. 2015. New Zealand Turf Management Journal. Winter. 32(2): p. 4-5. |
260704 |
Changes and challenges in turfgrass management |
Anonymous. 2015. Pennsylvania Turfgrass. Winter. 4(1): p. 19. |
255697 |
Student reflection of blogging in a turfgrass weed management course | Baldwin, Christian M.; Hock, Gaea; McCurdy, James D. 2015. NACTA Journal. December. 59(4): p. 331-334. |
273498 |
Hassle-free makeovers: The rise of slit-drainage and GPS technologies are providing agronomic and financial alternatives to conventional green reconstruction tactics |
Phillips, Hal. 2015. Golf Course Industry. December. 27(12): p. 26-28, 30-31. |
267790 |
Raising standards from the ground up | Hoskins, Colin. 2015. The Groundsman [IOG]. November. p. 16-17, 19-20. |
268481 |
Reflections on industry challenges: Rigby Taylor has been transformed into a company that can provide grass and amenity supplies to suit all agronomic and budgetary demands, as executive chairman Chris Clark explains | Hoskins, Colin. 2015. The Groundsman [IOG]. November. p. 24-25. |
268487 |
Gratitude for the modern stuff Access Restrictions |
Nesbitt, Scott R. 2015. Golf Course Management. November. 83(11): p. 34. |
266874 |
What the heck is networking anyway? | Van Herynen, Jim. 2015. The Grass Roots. November/December. 44(6): p. 4. |
267850 |
Pulling the trigger | Gross, Pat. 2015. Australian Turfgrass Management Journal. November/December. 17(6): p. 50-54. |
267928 |
Performance evaluation of urban turf irrigation smartphone app Access Restrictions |
Migliaccio, K. W.; Morgan, K. T.; Fraisse, C.; Vellidis, G.; Andreis, J. H. 2015. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. October. 118: p. 136-142. |
269222 |
A high-tech take on building security Access Restrictions |
Vaughey, Bob. 2015. Golf Course Management. October. 83(10): p. 40. |
265833 |
Smarter, smoother labor tracking Access Restrictions |
Flaherty, Gerald. 2015. Golf Course Management. October. 83(10): p. 62, 64, 66, 68. |
265836 |
Victim or victor: What are online tee times doing for your course? |
Gannon, Grant B. 2015. Golfdom. October. 71(10): p. 18, 21-22, 24, 26-27. |
266699 |
Environmental pressure: How and why sprayheads are becoming more efficient |
Dowdle, Lauren. 2015. Landscape Management. October. 54(10): p. 30, 32. |
266727 |
"Super" innovation: Three cup system frees time for other chores |
McCarthy, John. 2015. Hole Notes. October. 49(9): p. 46-50, 52-54. |
267357 |
Fingerprinting erosion: Scientists find humans aren't entirely to blame for water contamination from runoff |
Wisniewski, Nicole. 2015. Turf [North Edition]. October. 28(10): p. 70-71. |
266331 |
Need an irrigation renovation? |
Vinchesi, Brian. 2015. Golf Course Industry. October. 27(10): p. 54. |
266890 |
It's time for some much-needed perspective |
Meyer, Rob. 2015. SportsField Management. October. 10(10): p. 4. |
268317 |
Gadgets and gizmos for the turfgrass manager |
Karcher, Douglas. 2015. Alabama Green. Fall. 3: p. 12, 14. |
267642 |
A filter fix (for when the factory manual fails) Access Restrictions |
Nesbitt, Scott R. 2015. Golf Course Management. September. 83(9): p. 36. |
265294 |
New technology gives golfers an alternative to carts Access Restrictions |
Cousineau, Marc. 2015. GreenMaster. September/October. 50(5): p. 11. |
266347 |
A magnetic attraction: Cordova Bay's experience with structured water to improve its irrigation management Access Restrictions |
Piller, Dean. 2015. GreenMaster. September/October. 50(5): p. 20-22. |
266352 |
Turf 2.0: The recent technological advances shaping the way golf course managers do their jobs Access Restrictions |
Cousineau, Marc. 2015. GreenMaster. September/October. 50(5): p. 26-28. |
266354 |
EU project SodSAT tackles growing pains Access Restrictions |
de Bertoldi, Claudia. 2015. Turf News [TPI]. September/October. 39(5): p. 49. |
265042 |
CoverSports USA |
Anonymous. 2015. SportsTurf. September. 31(9): p. 38-39. |
264930 |
Art on display: Logos and banners bring field to life |
White, Patrick. 2015. SportsField Management. September. 10(9): p. 16-19. |
268311 |
Let there be light: Stadium grow lighting allows for natural grass to grow in any stadium under any possible condition |
Minnick, Jerad. 2015. SportsField Management. September. 10(9): p. 20-23. |
268312 |
Robotic mowers paid off for Pennsylvania club | Reitman, John. 2015. September 4. p. [1-2]. |
267374 |
Buffalo Turbine | Anonymous. 2015. The Golf Course Trades. September 1. 28(9): p. 10. |
265891 |
What could drones mean for golf? |
Harris, Andrew. 2015. Greenside. August. p. 14-15. |
266263 |
Social talk |
Anonymous. 2015. Greenkeeper International. August. p. 54-57. |
268739 |
Time-saving tech: Technology helps streamline the irrigation division of Echo Systems, resulting in a better use of technicians' time and better looking client properties |
Schappacher, Emily. 2015. Landscape Management. August. 54(8): p. 61-63. |
265100 |
Edge effects on plant communities along power line clearings Access Restrictions |
Eldegard, Katrine; Totland, Ørjan; Moe, Stein R. 2015. Journal of Applied Ecology. August. 52(4): p. 871-880. |
265141 |
Do you accept credit cards? | Anonymous. 2015. Turf [North Edition]. August. 28(8): p. 26. |
266217 |
Be Spartan Green commitment extends to safe, playable athletic fields at Michigan State University | White, Russ; Watts, Hannah. 2015. August 19. p. [1-2]. |
267463 |
Time for an upgrade?: At some point in time, your client's irrigation system will need upgrading. Here's how to determine when and to what extent | Vinchesi, Brian. 2015. Turf Design Build. July. p. 8-11. |
262408 |
Reinhardt rides internet into the new generation | Bouts, Trent. 2015. Through the Green [Georgia]. July/August. p. 16-18. |
262823 |
Yup! There's an app for that! Access Restrictions |
Stewart, Barry. 2015. Turf News [TPI]. July/August. 39(4): p. 53-56. |
262479 |
Michelin's X TWEEL Turf | Hall, Ronnie. 2015. Turf [North Edition]. July. 28(7): p. 12. |
265757 |
Lawn maintenance matchmakers: New online ordering service brings homeowners and contractors closer together | White, Patrick. 2015. Turf [North Edition]. July. 28(7): p. 28-30. |
265768 |
Technology's impact on how we water |
Kaminski, John E. 2015. Golf Course Industry. July. 27(7): p. 34. |
263806 |
Under further review: Will seed coating technology benefit the golf industry? Our experts outline the impact on turf today and in the future |
Torsiello, John. 2015. Golf Course Industry. July. 27(7): p. 36-38, 40-41. |
263807 |
Technology touching landscape equipment: Five examples of how "high-tech" had made its way to some of today's landscaping equipment |
Wartgow, Gregg. 2015. Green Industry Pros. July/August. 27(6): p. 36-37. |
276841 |
"Welcome to McMahons" |
Anonymous. 2015. Courses for Horses. June. p. 7-8. |
274318 |
Getting the most from your photos Access Restrictions |
Vaughey, Bob. 2015. Golf Course Management. June. 83(6): p. 42. |
260874 |
Conservation goes high-tech: Technological advances in irrigation and pump stations have elevated superintendents' ability to save water Access Restrictions |
Gregg, Dan. 2015. Golf Course Management. June. 83(6): p. 82, 84-85. |
260879 |
Gaining ground: Why two-wire irrigation systems are growing in popularity |
Dowdle, Lauren. 2015. Landscape Management. June. 54(6): p. 56-58. |
261798 |
Best practice irrigation management and extension in peri-urban landscapes - Experiences and insights from the Hawkesbury-Nepean Catchment, Australia Access Restrictions |
Maheshwari, B. L.; Plunkett, M. 2015. The Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension. June. 21(3): p. 267-282. |
267760 |
Common-rail diesels Access Restrictions |
Nesbitt, Scott R. 2015. Golf Course Management. May. 83(5): p. 34. |
259353 |
Moving science forward through Meta-analysis |
Fisher, Madeline. 2015. CSA News. May. 60(5): p. 4-9. |
261055 |
Staying current: Revised irrigation best practices focus on sustainability, technology and communication |
Dowdle, Lauren. 2015. Landscape Management. May. 54(5): p. 30-32. |
259314 |
Smart moves: Home automation technology is on the rise, bringing opportunities for landscape companies |
Pfledderer, Sarah. 2015. Landscape Management. May. 54(5): p. 34, 36, 38, 40. |
259315 |
How are you setting up the course today? | Stephenson, Brent. 2015. Heart Beat. May. 47(3): p. 8-9. |
262501 |