Keyword: Technology
Title | Author and Source | Category | View TGIF Record |
The pros and cons of pump station replacement |
Gregg, Dan. 2015. Landscape & Irrigation. May/June. 39(4): p. 38-39. |
273351 |
The most desired skills of the future: "Three practices to communicate, engage and influence people" Access Restrictions |
Jamail, Nathan. 2015. Turf News [TPI]. May/June. 39(3): p. 44-45. |
259418 |
There's an app for that |
DeLozier, Henry. 2015. Golf Course Industry. May. 27(5): p. 10. |
260297 |
Investing in the inevitable: More companies, products and recognizable names are involved in Precision Turf Management. But is the industry closer to widespread adoption? |
Cipriano, Guy. 2015. Golf Course Industry. May. 27(5): p. 24, 26, 28, 30. |
260301 |
Chemistry and water: Superintendents are looking at less traditional products to help them irrigate more efficiently |
Aylward, Lawrence. 2015. Superintendent. May. 14(5): p. 26-29. |
260586 |
Their APProach: Editorial advisory board members talk about the software they use on mobile devices to help them on the course |
Anonymous. 2015. Superintendent. May. 14(5): p. 30-32. |
260591 |
The importance of keeping up to date | Mann, Ruth. 2015. The Groundsman [IOG]. April. p. 28-29. |
260500 |
Lessons learned from San Antonio |
Daniels, John. 2015. Northern Ohio Turf. March/April. p. 8. |
267647 |
New Zealand thoroughbred racing notes |
Treweek, Kim. 2015. Courses for Horses. March. p. 12. |
274314 |
The perfect route: Gearing up for a busy spring? Improve your routing and scheduling efficiency to maximize profit | Michelsen, Anne. 2015. Turf [North Edition]. March. 28(3): p. 26-28, 30, 32. |
257548 |
5 key trends in the irrigation industry |
Trusty, Steve. 2015. Green Industry Pros. March/April. 27(4): p. 40-41. |
266446 |
Adjusting spectral indices for spectral response function differences of very high spatial resolution sensors simulated from field spectra |
Cundhill, Sharon L.; van der Werff, Harald M. A.; van der Meijde, Mark. 2015. Sensors. March. 15(3): p. 6221-6240. |
274709 |
The use of hygroscopic humectants in managing soil moisture |
Spindler, James. 2015. Turf Trends [Idaho]. Spring. 1(1): p. 72-77. |
266615 |
Lookin' for tech in all the right places Access Restrictions |
Vaughey, Bob. 2015. Golf Course Management. February. 83(2): p. 40. |
254563 |
Bringing precision to topdressing |
Throssell, Clark. 2015. Golfdom. February. 71(2): p. 52. |
262172 |
The WaterGolf system: Optimising water consumption |
Pons, Gerard; De Luca, Alessandro; De Bertoldi, Claudia. 2015. Pitchcare. February/March. 59: p. 120-123. |
258546 |
A look at controller trends: With today's advances in water tech, irrigators see the benefits in efficiency and affordability |
Geraci, Beth. 2015. Landscape Management. February. 54(2): p. 38-40. |
255894 |
The future: Weather, technology, & turfgrass | Ross, Jim. 2015. A Touch of Green. January-March. p. 6-7. |
258965 |
Tennessee dealer has an eye on EFI: Ronnie Lingerfelt of Athens Lawn & Garden believes EFI engine-powered mowers are the future, and that future could be drawing closer than some might think |
Danes, Lisa. 2015. Green Industry Pros. January. 27(2): p. 20. |
253779 |
Technology - Part of our daily life in the green department | Chapin, Brett. 2014. 2014 GCSAA Education Conference: Conference Session Presentations. p. [1-49]. |
246561 |
A digital life: Communication for today & tomorrow | Myers, Jim. 2014. 2014 GCSAA Education Conference: Conference Session Presentations. p. [1-42]. |
246563 |
Increasing productivity via technology | Porter, Robert W. 2014. 2014 GCSAA Education Conference: Conference Session Presentations. p. [1-12]. |
246594 |
Bridge your budget communications gap: Using concepts understandable to your bosses to help sell your ideas | Carson, Chris. 2014. 2014 GCSAA Education Conference: Conference SessionPresentations. p. [1-77]. |
246600 |
Closure to "Interactive irrigation tool for simulating smart irrigation technologies in lawn turf" by N. A. Dobbs, K. W. Migliaccio, M. D. Dukes, K. T. Morgan, and Y. C. Li Access Restrictions |
Migliaccio, Kati W.; Dukes, Michael D.; Dobbs, Nicole A.; Morgan, Kelly T.; Li, Yuncong. 2014. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering. [September]. p. [1]. |
251465 |
Bridging the Generation Gap in the Turf Industry | Rieker, Joel; VanLoo, Tim. [2014]. [Lawrence, Kansas]: Sports Turf Managers Association. [36] slides. |
283402 |
Updates in ET based smart irrigation controller performance: Results from 2013 | Swanson, Charles; Fipps, Guy. 2014. Irrigation Show 2014: Technical Session Proceedings. p. 1-18. |
289789 |
Remote sensing & GIS unmanned aerial systems (UAS) | Goodwin, Robert; Welsh, Joe; Lusch, Dave. 2014. The Michigan Turfgrass Foundation and Michigan State University Present: Turfgrass Field Day. p. 8, 21. |
247843 |
New technology for monitoring soil moisture | Kowalewski, Alec. 2014. OSU Turf Field Day Proceedings [Oregon]. p. 8. |
262803 |
Horticulture instruction with "augmented reality" | Watkins, Eric; Michaels, Thomas; Guzey, Selcen; Friell, Joshua; Dabney, Clemon J. III. 2014. ASA, CSSA and SSSA Annual Meetings [2014]. p. 90513. |
250168 |
The mobile weed manual: A new resource for managers of turfgrass and ornamentals | Elmore, M.; Brosnan, J. T.; Armel, G. R.; Breeden, G. K.; Vargas, J. J. 2014. Proceedings of the Sixty-eighth Annual Meeting of the Northeastern Weed Science Society. 68: p. 93. |
265545 |
Scandinavian testing of turfgrass species and varieties for winter hardiness | Aamlid, Trygve S. 2014. Bioforsk Fokus. 9(8): p. 12-14. |
270888 |
Digital job board |
Shafer, Matt. 2015 [2014]. Course Conditions. Winter. p. 6. |
255910 |
Team viewer |
Steger, Rob. 2015 [2014]. Course Conditions. Winter. p. 7. |
255911 |
Water without waste: Technological advances push pros to keep learning to avoid irrigation runoff and erosion | Ingles, Mike. 2014. Turf [North Edition]. December. 27(12): p. B10, B12-B13. |
252858 |
The Turfpath app: Crowdsourcing the path of turfgrass pests |
Kaminski, J. E. 2014. Phytopathology. November. 104(11S): p. S3.159. |
251502 |
University of Maryland |
Mathias, J. Kevin. 2014. SportsTurf. November. 30(11): p. 33. |
251371 |
Technology to the rescue: The way landscape professionals do business has changed, and technology has helped smooth the process | Getz, Lindsey. 2014. Turf [North Edition]. November. 27(11): p. A12-A15. |
252250 |
Smartphones can manage crews: A look at how today's smartphones can increase profitability for your crews | Karlskind, Mike. 2014. Turf [North Edition]. November. 27(11): p. C1-C2, C4. |
252254 |
Water smarter |
Dahl, Mike. 2014. Landscape Contractor Design Build Maintain Supply. November. 17(11): p. 26, 28, 30. |
251269 |
Turf wizards: With a wealth of new technology at their disposal, superintendents now have much more than soil probes and Stimpmeters in their toolkits to help keep courses in top-notch condition | Gilliland, Betsy. 2014. Club & Resort Business. November. 10(11): p. 42-45. |
251304 |
Smart as a ... Phone: How sports field managers are using technology to become more astute at their jobs |
White, Patrick. 2014. SportsField Management. November. 9(11): p. 10-13. |
254340 |
Problems facing the turf recycling idustry: An interview with Mark Heinlein, CFB | Anonymous. 2014. Newsline [ASBA]. October. p. [1]. |
256360 |
Turf Science Live pops up in the Midwest Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 2014. Golf Course Management. October. 82(10): p. 22, 24. |
249383 |
Taking the technology plunge Access Restrictions |
Vaughey, Bob. 2014. Golf Course Management. October. 82(10): p. 40. |
249394 |
Mirror, mirror: Facing your future in the golf industry: Industry veterans offer advice for steering a career course in changing times Access Restrictions |
Williams, Anthony L. 2014. Golf Course Management. October. 82(10): p. 80-83. |
249399 |
Play before you build: GCA discovers how a tool developed to create virtual golf courses for video games is now being used by real-world golf designers | Anonymous. 2014. Golf Course Architecture. October. 38: p. 46-47. |
275347 |
Use technology to manage and improve your business | Cuddihe, Rick. 2014. Turf [North Edition]. October. 27([10]): p. A8. |
254256 |
Applying for a job in the digital age Access Restrictions |
Rau, Carol D. 2014. Golf Course Management. September. 82(9): p. 40. |
248553 |
Back from the brink: In the last six years, Bland Landscaping took on death, recession, deception and more. Today, the firm is stronger, smarter and poised to have a record year |
Hampshire, Kristen. 2014. Lawn & Landscape. September. 35(9): p. 36-37, 40, 42-44, 46-48, 50. |
252762 |
Your guide to propane: A four-part guide to considering the opportunities and challenges of adding propane kits and fuel to your dealership offering - and tools to seamlessly implement the addition | Wood, David. 2014. Green Industry Pros. September/October. 26(7): p. 4-7. |
251499 |
[How modern design and technology can guide your attitude towards irrigation] | Mortram, Adrian. 2014. Greenkeeper International. August. p. 30-33. |
250396 |
Irrigation access on the go Access Restrictions |
Vaughey, Bob. 2014. Golf Course Management. August. 82(8): p. 40. |
247790 |
On the mark: GPS-guided equipment can provide more consistent, accurate sprayers that superintendents need, manufacturers say |
Aylward, Lawrence. 2014. Superintendent. August. 13(8): p. 46-49. |
250966 |
Stove-top sports |
Kurcab, Ross. 2014. SportsField Management. August. 9(8): p. 44. |
252326 |
Creative "inventions" | Vaughn, Mark. 2014. Virginia Turfgrass Journal. July/August. p. 10-11. |
248484 |
In it for the long haul: A Pennsylvania lawn care company celebrates 50 years of service |
Schappacher, Emily. 2014. Landscape Management. July. 53(7): p. 20, 22. |
247572 |
Pine Hill Club provides opportunity to play golf's gems | Anonymous. 2014. Golf Course Architecture. July. 37: p. 14-15. |
248480 |
High-tech future?: Will technology transform the way courses are designed, built and maintained? | Anonymous. 2014. Golf Course Architecture. July. 37: p. 24-27, 29. |
248579 |
Turf manager/app developer |
Schroder, Eric. 2014. SportsTurf. July. 30(7): p. 6. |
247288 |
Getting smarter: Successful irrigation beyond "smart" technology | White, Patrick. 2014. Turf [North Edition]. July. 27(7): p. A6-A7, A10, A12. |
248282 |
Reflecting on 20 years of Turf & Recreation |
Jiggens, Mike. 2014. Turf & Recreation. July/August. 26(6): p. 4. |
248488 |
Aerial photography and videography are practical and affordable |
Moore, James F. 2014. United States Golf Association. July 9. p. 1-3. |
247743 |
[Approaching turfgrass irrigation holistically while thinking on greenkeeping methods from the past] | Mortram, Adrian. 2014. Greenkeeper International. June. p. 24-27. |
250433 |
[New technologies available to the turf industry] |
Calder, Norley. 2014. The Turf Line News. June/July. 237: p. 30-31. |
245162 |
Drones: Coming to a golf course near you? Access Restrictions |
Vaughey, Bob. 2014. Golf Course Management. June. 82(6): p. 40. |
244087 |
Transitioning the easy way |
Anonymous. 2014. Golfdom. June. 70(6): p. 28. |
246220 |
Breaking down the barriers: Tips to streamline the adoption of mobile technology | Bonaparte, Anne. 2014. Turf [South Edition]. June. 27(6): p. B10, B12. |
246416 |
Precise know-how: Fine tune phosphorus and potassium in your turf with precision turf management (PTM) |
Trusty, Steve. 2014. Golf Course Industry. June. 26(6): p. 48, 50-51. |
246105 |
Not on social media yet? You must still have outdoor plumbing, too |
Furlong, Ron. 2014. Superintendent. June. 13(6): p. 12. |
250924 |
[Hardware and software considerations for PC and/or server] Access Restrictions |
Corporate Computer Services Inc. 2014. Turf News [TPI]. May/June. 38(3): p. 37-38. |
241175 |
Technology tools to manage putting surface quality and consistency | Horvath, Brandon. 2014. Tennessee Turfgrass. April/May. p. 20-22, 24. |
242718 |
Drip's role will only grow: Why you will embrace subsurface irrigation's water-saving efficiency | Schipper, K. 2014. Turf [North Edition]. April. 27(4): p. A20, A22. |
240771 |
New technology improves fertilizer application efficiency |
Anonymous. 2014. Turf & Recreation. April/May. 27(3): p. 33. |
244550 |
Art or science?: Has science killed the art of growing grass? |
Moraghan, Tim. 2014. Golf Course Industry. April. 26(4): p. 42, 64. |
240049 |
Insurance policy: Preventative measures taken by the team at The Greenbrier reduces the risk of hydraulic hose failure |
Anonymous. 2014. Golf Course Industry. April. 26(4): p. 62. |
240057 |
The shape of things to come: Scientific knowledge is exploding - estimated to be doubling every five years. So what will golf course maintenance resemble in 2050? |
Aylward, Lawrence. 2014. Superintendent. April. 13(4): p. 24-26, 28-29. |
244772 |
Earning their stripes: Fairway mowing vies superintendents the opportunity to embrace artistry and aesthetics while using the latest techniques and equipment to create the best product most efficiently | Gilliland, Betsy. 2014. Club & Resort Business. April. 10(4): p. 32-34. |
239705 |
Make the decision to cut now while the pain is fresh |
Lowe, Todd. 2014. United States Golf Association. April 1. p. 1-2. |
238927 |
Smarter systems | Crain, Tom. 2014. Turf Design Build. March. p. 22-23. |
246153 |
Taking your pulse; Maintaining the heart of your golf course |
Eckholm, E. Paul. 2014. Hole Notes. March. 48(2): p. 14-18. |
237997 |
[Important consideration for PC and server purchases] Access Restrictions |
Corporate Computer Services Inc. 2014. Turf News [TPI]. March/April. 38(2): p. 42. |
237882 |
Mobile crew management is here: Keeping track of a mobile business? There's an app for that, too! | White, Patrick. 2014. Turf [North Edition]. March. 27(3): p. A14, A16. |
239709 |
The trouble with FOMOs |
Jones, Pat. 2014. Golf Course Industry. March. 26(3): p. 60. |
238884 |
Promotion of turf health through early pathogen detection - Development of a Turf PathoCHIP | Zhang, Ning; Clarke, Bruce; Wong, Francis; Harmon, Philip; Martin, Bruce. 2014. USGA Turfgrass and Environmental Research Online. March/April. 13(2): p. 14-15. |
240126 |
Efficient technology Access Restrictions |
Vaughey, Bob. 2014. Golf Course Management. February. 82(2): p. 40. |
236691 |
GPS technology gets spray accuracy spot on: Ely City Golf Club is pioneering a step change in spray application accuracy on golf courses, with a new system that uses GPS satellite guidance to automatically switch on and off the spray nozzles to deliver more consistent coverage |
Anonymous. 2014. Pitchcare. February/March. 53: p. 146-147. |
238256 |
Drones offer unique perspective to turfgrass managers |
Dworak, Scott M.; Gaussoin, Roch E.; Singh, Vishal. 2014. SportsTurf. February. 30(2): p. 12, 14-15. |
236879 |
Durable sod for in-season replacement |
Price, Chad. 2014. SportsTurf. February. 30(2): p. 28-30. |
236901 |
Using science and technology to preserve and enhance the game | Pringle, Matt. 2014. United States Golf Association. February 10.41 slides; Audio: 27:58. |
259937 |
Q & A with Sean Tully | Nettz, Brian. 2014. Thru the Green [Northern California]. January/February. p. 12, 14. |
239306 |
Precision management: Introducing the STRI Turf Management Programme using Toro Precision Sense Technology Access Restrictions |
Woodham, Paul. 2014. Bulletin for Sports Surface Management. January. 264: p. 5-9. |
236295 |
Looking back: View from the summit |
Jackson, Joel. 2014. Golfdom. January. 70(1): p. 14. |
235500 |
Fields of green: A contractor uses crop-sensing technology to save money and improve athletic turf conditions |
Katz, Jonathan. 2014. Landscape Management. January. 53(1): p. 38. |
237620 |
Industry innovations: The latest products, equipment and solutions for the Green Industry | Anonymous. 2014. Landscape & Irrigation. January/February. 38(1): p. 8-15. |
273265 |
Making restoration simpler: Architect Keith Foster's restoration of AW Tillinghast's Wissahickon course at the Philadelphia Cricket Club has been made much easier by an innovative new scanning technique |
Anonymous. 2014. Golf Course Architecture. January. 35: p. 40-41. |
238131 |
Emerging technologies advancing forage and turf grass genomics Access Restrictions |
Kopecký , David; Studer, Bruno. 2014. Biotechnology Advances. January/February. 32(1): p. 190-199. |
269562 |
Upgrade your equipment to do more work | Cuddihe, Rick. 2014. Turf [North Edition]. January. 27(1): p. A6. |
235683 |
Ingenious, indeed: Smart glasses will only help make superintendents smarter |
Black, Jim. 2014. Superintendent: Science, Technology and New Products for Golf Course Superintendents. January. 13(1): p. 66. |
244748 |
Hershey's Mill has edge in water race |
Regina, Tony. 2014. The Bonnie Greensward. Year End. p. 12-14. |
267728 |
The moneyball age of turf management | Bonnell, Chase. 2013. 2013 GCSAA Education Conference: Conference Session Presentations. p. [1-8]. |
246514 |