Keyword: Technology
Title | Author and Source | Category | View TGIF Record |
The top 10 changes in golf course management in the past 25 years | Nikolai, Thomas A. 2013. 2013 GCSAA Education Conference: Conference Session Presentations. p. [1-30]. |
246518 |
Monitor heat stress on greens with hi-tech gizmos that won't break your budget | Bremer, Dale. 2013. 2013 GCSAA Education Conference: Conference Session Presentations. p. [1-28]. |
246525 |
Great, good, and bad surfaces: what's the cost?: Do you have the budget to meet the expectation? |
Neylan, John. 2013. Sustainable Turfgrass Management in Asia 2013. p. [1-4], [1-35]. |
280678 |
Spray nozzle dynamics and selection for optimal pesticide efficacy | Gilstrap, David. 2013. The Michigan Turfgrass Foundation and Michigan State University Present: Turfgrass Field Day. p. 26-27. |
227817 |
Programs and technological tools promoting youth safety in lawncare | Goatley, James Jr.; Ohanehi, D. C.; Grisso, R. D.; Perumpral, J. V. 2013. ASA, CSSA and SSSA Annual Meetings [2013]. p. 78059. |
232394 |
Unmanned aerial vehicles (drones) for remote sensing in precision turfgrass management | Stowell, Larry J.; Gelernter, Wendy D. 2013. ASA, CSSA and SSSA Annual Meetings [2013]. p. 80851. |
232391 |
Not just for the big boys | Hackwell, Stuart. 2013. By Design. Summer. 15: p. 16-17. |
222414 |
Activity at the Turfgrass Diagnostic Lab | Schweiger, Bruce. 2013. Wisconsin Turfgrass News. Winter. 27(3): p. 5. |
248828 |
Embracing technology |
Palmerton, Jerry. 2013. Grass Clippings [Idaho]. December. p. 8, 10. |
235143 |
Lucky '13: A look at who bet on black and won big in 2013, and who busted |
Moum, Ken; Jones, Seth. 2013. Golfdom. December. 69(12): p. 20-25. |
234888 |
Unmanned aerial systems for field scouting and spraying |
Ehmke, Tanner. 2013. CSA News. December. 58(12): p. 4-7, 9. |
241658 |
Get pumped: Recent innovations make upgrading your irrigation pump station an attractive option |
Thomas, Rob. 2013. Golf Course Industry. December. 25(12): p. 32-34. |
234910 |
Time management, timing and business potential |
Ryan, Kerry. 2013. TurfCraft International. November/December. 153: p. 61. |
291688 |
I'm a flip phone user |
Neff, Matt. 2013. Golfdom. November. 69(11): p. 18. |
233477 |
New technology that helps |
Barber, Chuck. 2013. On Course [MAGCS]. November. 67(7): p. 4-5. |
233605 |
[How a northern superintendent manages the extreme seasons; Streamlining operations] |
Kazmierczak, David. 2013. Hole Notes. November/December. 47(10): p. 48-49. |
235023 |
Charrge!: 2014 breakout year for battery-powered turf and landscape gear? | Hall, Ron. 2013. Turf [North Edition]. November. 26(11): p. C8-C9. |
233906 |
Airbourne turf health monitoring | Wilson, Darren; Barber, Paul. 2013. Australian Turfgrass Management Journal. November/December. 15(6): p. 44-45. |
232688 |
A game changer? |
Black, Jim. 2013. Superintendent: Science, Technology and New Products for Golf Course Superintendents. November. 12(11): p. 46. |
235553 |
Flying high at East Berkshire | Anonymous. 2013. Greenkeeper International. October. p. 11. |
238328 |
GCSAA: Now, there's an app for that Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 2013. Golf Course Management. October. 81(10): p. 24. |
231396 |
[The ability to alter nature has taken away the element of character on a golf course] |
Lewis, Tim. 2013. Golf Course Architecture. October. 34: p. 5. |
249174 |
Everything in its place | Anonymous. 2013. Golf Course Architecture. October. 34: p. 46-47. |
249180 |
I wish I had know there would be so much typing | Breen, Doug. 2013. Green is Beautiful. Fall. p. 26. |
233808 |
Doing more with specialised turf products: Through an ongoing process of innovation, the benefits of using foliar fertilisers are now being recognised. As well as providing traditional plant nutrition, their value-added components can help solve difficult problems in the turf industry |
Nelson, Matt. 2013. New Zealand Turf Management Journal. Autumn. 30(1): p. 39-40. |
216772 |
Interactive irrigation tool for simulating smart irrigation technologies in lawn turf Access Restrictions |
Dobbs, N. A.; Migliaccio, K. W.; Dukes, M. D.; Morgan, K. T.; Li, Y. C. 2013. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering. September. 139(9): p. 747-754. |
251459 |
Following your North Star Access Restrictions |
Finlen, Patrick R. 2013. Golf Course Management. September. 81(9): p. 16. |
229360 |
[How do you deal with changing times and circumstances?] Access Restrictions |
Garrett, Bill. 2013. GreenMaster. September/October. 48(5): p. 5. |
231099 |
Prospering in a changing market: Stay Green says its people make the difference |
Schipper, K. 2013. Turf [West Edition]. September. 26(9): p. B1-B3. |
232707 |
In a state of Apple-plexy | Robinson, Brett. 2013. Australian Turfgrass Management Journal. September/October. 15(5): p. 3. |
230021 |
The cup runneth over: The golf hole is where every golfer goes on a course - and why it receives special attention from a maintenance perspective |
Aylward, Larry. 2013. Superintendent. September. 12(9): p. 42-45. |
268551 |
You've got the power! | Lowe, Jacky. 2013. Greenkeeper International. August. p. 40-41. |
228352 |
Brushing-in top dressing - The options | Pithie, Laurence. 2013. Greenkeeper International. August. p. 42-44. |
228354 |
How well do you know your greens? | Peake, Malcolm. 2013. Greenkeeper International. August. p. 56-57. |
228358 |
List of lists | Cella, Luke. 2013. On Course [MAGCS]. August. 67(4): p. 3. |
227511 |
Custom made: As Custom Landscaping and Lawn Care services a growing base of clients, the firm keeps a close watch on operations and taps into the latest technology |
Hampshire, Kristen. 2013. Lawn & Landscape. August. 34(8): p. 23-25. |
228477 |
Comes with batteries installed!: Evolving Li-ion technology makes electric units more promising for pros | Ingles, Mike. 2013. Turf [North Edition]. August. 26(8): p. A18, A20-A21. |
228857 |
CORE "GasLess" technology unique | Hall, Ron. 2013. Turf [North Edition]. August. 26(8): p. A24. |
228860 |
Sharpen your app-titude: 13 mobile apps you can't live without |
Brown, Bill. 2013. Golf Course Industry. August. 25(7[8]): p. 8-10, 13-14, 16. |
228226 |
A unique approach to managing players and maintenance | Anonymous. 2013. USGA Green Section Record. August 9. 51(16): p. 1. |
226774 |
Golden age innovations | Tully, Sean. 2013. Thru the Green [Northern California]. July/August. p. 15. |
246453 |
A helping hand | Phythian, Ian. 2013. Greenkeeper International. July. p. 46-49. |
228363 |
The value of consultants |
Williams, Bruce. 2013. Asian Golf Business. July. 55: p. 30-36. |
228452 |
Keeping you and your turf app-y: Mobile apps help you manage on the course Access Restrictions |
Brown, Bill. 2013. GreenMaster. July/August. 48(4): p. 16-17. |
226550 |
Changing technologies in irrigation systems to help save water and money | Vinchesi, Brian E. 2013. 2012 Turfgrass Proceedings of the Green Expo Turf and Landscape Conference [Rutgers]. July. 44: p. 247-250. |
247616 |
Water pressure: Irrigation is a complex issue on so many levels for superintendents. The industry's largest irrigation suppliers weigh in on future trends, availability issues and how this industry will be forced to cope |
Vinchesi, Brian. 2013. Golf Course Industry. July. 25(7): p. 12-15. |
227103 |
Turf's most important challenge |
Miller, Monroe. 2013. Golf Course Industry. July. 25(7): p. 60, 79. |
227125 |
Art and science: Superintendents welcome new watering technology, but realize the best irrigation is often based on skill |
Pioppi, Anthony. 2013. Superintendent: Science, Technology and New Products for Golf Course Superintendents. July. 12(7): p. 38-41. |
230183 |
St Annes Old Links soars thanks to drone | Anonymous. 2013. Greenkeeper International. June. p. 11. |
223060 |
Design and characterization of bicomponent melt-spun fiber optimized for artificial turf applications Access Restrictions |
Hufenus, Rudolf; Affolter, Christian; Camenzind, Martin; Reifler, Felix A. 2013. Macromolecular Materials and Engineering. June. 298(6): p. 653-663. |
249564 |
A time to read | Cella, Luke. 2013. On Course [MAGCS]. June. 67(2): p. 3. |
220776 |
New technology to access lightning prediction data on golf course! | Anonymous. 2013. Asian Golf Business. June. 54: p. 76. |
221465 |
Point & click: A beginner's guide to Green Industry pay-per-click marketing |
Kanary, Shaun. 2013. Landscape Management. June. 52(6): p. 52-56, 58, 60, 62. |
222263 |
A changing profession... Access Restrictions |
Taylor, Sallie. 2013. Pitchcare. June/July. 49: p. 38-40. |
226337 |
Irrigation companies pour on the new technology |
Vinchesi, Brian E. 2013. Superintendent: Science, Technology and New Products for Golf Course Superintendents. June. 12(6): p. 66-67. |
228838 |
Central Sod Farms, Plainfield, Illinois & Centreville, Maryland USA |
Anonymous. 2013. Turfgrass Producers International E-Newsletter. June. 6(5): p. 5. |
228768 |
Sandy's blog at Grange-over-Sands | Anonymous. 2013. Greenkeeper International. May. p. 11. |
220566 |
Drop-ins a testing time in Adelaide |
Satterley, John. 2013. TurfCraft International. May/June. 150: p. 25-26. |
291632 |
University of Florida posts turfgrass research videos Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 2013. Turf News [TPI]. May/June. 37(3): p. 40. |
220420 |
Advances in harvesting technology Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 2013. Turf News [TPI]. May/June. 37(3): p. 42-44. |
220422 |
Not missing a beat: Father turning over the keys to daughter in prominent San Diego-based landscape |
Schipper, K. 2013. Turf [West Edition]. May. 26(5): p. B4-B7. |
224517 |
[Online and continous training resources] | Golding, David. 2013. Greenkeeper International. April. p. 56. |
218806 |
Calculating your savings Access Restrictions |
Carson, Teresa. 2013. Golf Course Management. April. 81(4): p. 38. |
218225 |
The times they are a changin' Access Restrictions |
Brown, William. 2013. Golf Course Management. April. 81(4): p. 40. |
218251 |
Goods stuff Access Restrictions |
Richman, Howard. 2013. Golf Course Management. April. 81(4): p. 70, 72, 74, 76, 78, 80. |
218269 |
Bubba's hovercraft makes quite a splash |
Anonymous. 2013. Golfdom. April. 69(4): p. 9. |
219571 |
Eliminate subjective soil moisture management |
Nielsen, Tim; Bradbury, Mitch. 2013. Heart Beat. April. 45(2): p. 3-4. |
253830 |
LED lights up landscape lighting: New technology offers clients longevity, long-term energy savings, more options |
Buchan, April. 2013. Turf [West Edition]. April. 26(4): p. B4-B7. |
220440 |
A partnership that pays dividends Access Restrictions |
Nikolai, Thomas. 2013. Golf Course Management. March. 81(3): p. 78. |
216541 |
Reflections on our industry |
Bloom, Ron. 2013. Hole Notes. March. 45(2): p. 12-15. |
217175 |
Oleson Sod Co., Cedar Falls, IA Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 2013. Turf News [TPI]. March/April. 37(2): p. 40. |
217561 |
Artificial light boosts turfgrass growth |
Anonymous. 2013. New Zealand Turf Management Journal. Spring. 30(3): p. 16. |
229081 |
The long and the short of it | Anonymous. 2013. Greenkeeper International. February. p. 9. |
216118 |
Vitality and passion at 84 years old Access Restrictions |
Beadsmoore, Carolyn. 2013. Bulletin for Sports Surface Management. January. 260: p. 5-6. |
214747 |
See 'em in San Diego: The arrival of the 2013 Golf Industry Show also marks the arrival of new tools for superintendents |
Moum, Ken. 2013. Golfdom. January. 69(1): p. 32-36. |
214941 |
Turf blogging Access Restrictions |
Downton, Jamie. 2013. GreenMaster. January/February. 48(1): p. 16-17. |
215235 |
[Lancashire GC: Back to fairway gang mowers] |
Anonymous. 2013. Golf Course Architecture. January. 31: p. 19. |
217056 |
Robomower is coming |
Anonymous. 2013. Golf Course Industry. January. 25(1): p. 9. |
215431 |
Irrigation management system, IMANSYS, a user-friendly computer based water management software package | Fares, Ali; Fares, Samira. 2012. Irrigation Show 2012: Technical Session Proceedings. p. [1-17]. |
289999 |
More than just growing grass: Enhancing the superintendent's role using software | Vanini, Tim. 2012. 2012 GCSAA Education Conference: Conference SessionPresentations. p. 1-69. |
202755 |
On the course - best mobile apps for the golf course superintendent | Porter, Robert "Bob". 2012. 2012 GCSAA Education Conference: Conference SessionPresentations. p. 1-20. |
202762 |
Interactive map with navigation to learn and understand environmental work and impact at a golf course | Enell, Magnus. 2012. Research and Development Yearbook 2012 [Scandinavia]. p. 42-43. |
245827 |
Measuring green speed with iOS devices | Jones, Marcus; Law, Quincy. 2012. ASA, CSSA and SSSA Annual Meetings [2012]. p. 71240. |
213383 |
A study on root morphological and physiological characteristics of warm season turf grass species as affected by mowing height | Poudel, Bishow; Rowland, Diane; Kenworthy, Kevin; Unruh, J. Bryan; Erickson, John E.; Bennett, Jerry; Harder, Amy. 2012. ASA, CSSA and SSSA Annual Meetings [2012]. p. 71996. |
213134 |
Integrated decision support, sensor networks, and apdaptive control for wireless site-specific sprinkler irrigation Access Restrictions |
Evans, R. G.; Iversen, W. M.; Kim, Y. 2012. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 28(3): p. 377-387. |
211401 |
A review of mechanical move sprinkler irrigation control and automation technologies Access Restrictions |
Kranz, W. L.; Evans, R. G.; Lamm, F. R.; O'Shaughnessy, S. A.; Peters, R. T. 2012. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 28(3): p. 389-397. |
211403 |
Vince Cockriel plans to retire from the City of Edina in the fall | Turtinen, Jeff. 2012. MPSTMA News. Summer. 2(2): p. 4. |
267660 |
Maintaining golf's foundation | Slape, Christina. 2012. Sustainable Golf Practices. Winter. p. [1-4]. |
197276 |
Change |
Albanese, Paul. 2012. Course Conditions. Winter. p. 16. |
215937 |
St. Andrews: Mixed response to Old Course changes |
Anonymous. 2012. By Design. Winter. 13: p. 5. |
214523 |
A tip from the tech world |
Palmieri, Marisa. 2012. Landscape Management. December. 51(12): p. 2. |
215703 |
App-opportunity |
Anonymous. 2012. Landscape Management. December. 51(12): p. 21. |
215711 |
Sustainabililty rules for AAA Landscape: The Underwood's affection for Arizona'a beauty reflected in their business practices |
Trusty, Suz. 2012. Turf [West Edition]. December. 25(12): p. B1-B3. |
217647 |
It's not the gadget, it's the user |
Kaminski, John E. 2012. Golf Course Industry. December. 24(12): p. 26, 47. |
214329 |
Introduction to SM14: Environmental issues in turfgrass Access Restrictions |
Nektarios, P. A.; Monteiro, J. A. 2012. Acta Horticulturae. November. 938: p. 93-94. |
216626 |
New technology - Picking a winner |
McMaugh, Peter. 2012. TurfCraft International. November/December. 147: p. 58-59. |
292260 |
Research on automatic irrigation control: State of the art and recent results Access Restrictions |
Romero, R.; Muriel, J. L.; García, I.; Muñoz de la Peña, D. 2012. Agricultural Water Management. November. 114: p. 59-66. |
238297 |
A digital evolution Access Restrictions |
Hollister, Scott. 2012. Golf Course Management. November. 80(11): p. 18. |
212965 |
Taking the blogging plunge Access Restrictions |
Brown, William. 2012. Golf Course Management. November. 80(11): p. 40. |
213011 |
Rapid response: Mainscape monitors irrigation systems through a central control system, allowing it to immediately catch problems |
Getz, Lindsey. 2012. Lawn & Landscape. November. 33(11): p. 35-36. |
227919 |