Keyword: Urea-ammonium nitrate
Showing items 1 to 23 of 23.
Title | Author and Source | Category | View TGIF Record |
Water absorption from air and ammonia loss from urea fertilizers applied to grassland in southeastern United States Access Restrictions |
Cabrera, Miguel L.; Franklin, Dorcas; Kissel, David. 2024. Soil Science Society of America Journal. November/December. 88(6): p. 2266-2276. |
341547 |
Reduced fungicide usage through application optimization | Branham, Bruce. 2023. Mike Davis Program for Advancing Golf Course Management: 2023 Progress Reports. p. 269-274. |
336620 |
Reduced fungicide usage through application optimization | Branham, Bruce. 2022. Mike Davis Program for Advancing Golf Course Management: 2022 Progress Reports. p. 314-317. |
328681 |
Reduced fungicide usage through application optimization | Branham, Bruce. 2021. Mike Davis Program for Advancing Golf Course Management: 2021 Progress Reports. p. 296-300. |
317422 |
Urea ammonium nitrate additive and raking improved mesotrione efficacy on creeping bentgrass Access Restrictions |
Xie, Lijuan; Li, Deying; Fang, Wenjuan; Howatt, Kirk. 2011. HortTechnology. February. 21(1): p. 41-45. |
176525 |
Nitrogen fertigation of subsurface drip irrigation bermudagrass | Maurer, Michael; Moken, James; Young, Leon. 2009. 2009 International Annual Meetings: [Abstracts][ASA-CSSA-SSSA]. p. 53518. |
159120 |
Optimization of foliar nitrogen nutrition to improve turf performance under energy stress | Henning, Shelby; Branham, Bruce; Sharp, William. 2007. 2007 Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary. p. 16. |
132527 |
Nozzle, spray volume, and adjuvant effects on carfentrazone and imazamox efficacy Access Restrictions |
Ramsdale, Bradford K.; Messersmith, Calvin G. 2001. Weed Technology. July-September. 15(3): p. 485-491. |
76556 |
Effects of Temperature on Nutrient Release From Slow-release Fertilizers. II. Emulsion-forming N and NPK Fertilizers | Engelsjord, M. E.; Fostad, O.; Singh, B. R. 1997. M. S. Thesis: Agricultural University of Norway. 10 pp.; [3 pp.]. |
40023 |
Spray application parameters that influence the growth inhibiting effects of trinexapac-ethyl |
Fagerness, Matthew James. 1997. p. 1-32. In: Fagerness, Matthew James. Factors Affecting the Efficacy of Two Turfgrass Growth Regulators, Trinexapac-Ethyl and V-10029. M.S. Thesis: Michigan State University. |
156648 |
Fertilizer management by landscape maintenance and lawn care firms in Atlanta |
Beverly, Reuben B.; Florkowski, Wojciech; Ruter, John M. 1997. HortTechnology. October-December. 7(4): p. 442-445. |
83489 |
Effects of slow-release fertilizers on growth and on uptake and leaching of nutrients in Kentucky bluegrass turfs established on sandbased root zones Access Restrictions |
Engelsjord, M. E.; Singh, B. R. 1997. Canadian Journal of Plant Science. July. 77(3): p. 433-444. |
40027 |
Effects of addition of UAN to plant growth regulators applied to low maintenance tall fescue turf | Gover, Arthur E.; Watschke, Thomas L.; Lyman, Gregory T. 1991. Turfgrass Research Results 1990/1991 [Penn State]. p. 61-63. |
225769 |
Tall fescue response to placement of urea/ammonium nitrate solution Access Restrictions |
Moyer, J. L.; Sweeney, D. W. 1990. Soil Science Society of America Journal. July/August. 54(4): p. 1153-1156. |
182017 |
The Effects of Ammonium to Nitrate Ratios on Root and Shoot Growth of Creeping Bentgrass (Agrostis palustris Huds.). |
McCrimmon, J. N.; Karnok, K. J. 1989. Agronomy Abstracts. October. 81: p. 161. |
16591 |
Nitrogen Fertilizer Management for Smooth Bromegrass Production. |
Lamond, R. E.; Bonczkowski, L. C. 1989. Agronomy Abstracts. October. 81: p. 317. |
16760 |
Effect of BCH 815 and Nitrogen on Antagonism With Tank Mixes of Sethoxydim and Bentazon. |
Jordan, D. L.; Corbin, F. T. 1988. Southern Weed Science Society Proceedings. January. 41: p. 281. |
16022 |
Programming N Fertilization to Improve Cool Season Turf |
Schmidt, R. E. 1986. Western Views. July/August. p. 4-5. |
8543 |
Effects of knifed vs. broadcast fertilizer placement on yield and nutrient uptake by tall fescue |
Lamond, R. E.; Moyer, J. L. 1983. Soil Science Society of America Journal. January. 47(1): p. 145-149. |
154456 |
Nitrogen Management in Lawn Care Programming |
Fermanian, Thomas W. 1982. p. 109-123. In: Symposium on Turfgrass Fertility: Advances in Turfgrass Fertility. Piqua, Ohio: Hammer Graphics, Inc. |
11339 |
An evaluation of liquid nitrogen fertilizers for home lawns | Spangenberg, Bruce; Fermanian, Thomas W.; Wehner, David J. 1982. Proceedings of the 23rd Illinois Turfgrass Conference. November. 23: p. 106-111. |
300 |
Dribble Versus Broadcast Applications of Nitrogen Solution for Cool Season Grasses |
Murphy, L. S.; Gallagher, P. J.; Lamond, R. E.; Raines, G. A. 1977. Agronomy Abstracts. November. 69: p. 185. |
15979 |
Does biuret in prilled urea inhibit Coastal bermudagrass growth? |
Jackson, James E.; Burton, Glenn W. 1959. Agronomy Journal. December. 51(12): p. 752-753. |
12786 |