Keyword: Vertical mowing
Title | Author and Source | Category | View TGIF Record |
Focus on hockey: Maintaining hockey pitches Access Restrictions |
Goddard, Gareth. 1995. Sports Turf Bulletin. November. 190: p. 10-11. |
38915 |
On the homefront: Domestic lawns Access Restrictions |
McClements, Ian. 1995. Sports Turf Bulletin. November. 190: p. 20-22. |
38835 |
Winter play - South: Maintenance of golfers' winter playgrounds in the Southern climes requires a delicate balancing act Access Restrictions |
Warters, Jim. 1995. Golf Course Management. September. 63(9): p. 8, 10, 12, 16. |
35125 |
Mowing height and vertical mowing frequency effects on putting green quality Access Restrictions |
Salaiz, T. A.; Horst, G. L.; Shearman, R. C. 1995. Crop Science. September/October. 35(5): p. 1422-1425. |
35173 |
Control weeds in newly established turf |
Watschke, Thomas L. 1995. Grounds Maintenance. August. 30(8): p. 34, 36-37. |
55834 |
Winter overseeding: Seedbed preparation and fertility |
Edminster, Craig W. 1995. Landscape & Irrigation. August. 19(8): p. 14-16. |
71680 |
Overseeding: Making the transition | Reaves, Robert E. 1995. SportsTURF. August. 11(8): p. 16, 21-22. |
83997 |
Sports focus: Bowls |
Reed, G. Arthur. 1995. The Groundsman. July. 48(7): p. 30-31. |
82585 |
[Tournament preparation sequence] |
McCarty, Bert. 1995. Florida Turf Digest. July/August. 12(4): p. 26-28. |
70461 |
The cricket outfield Access Restrictions |
Goddard, Gareth. 1995. Sports Turf Bulletin. June. 189: p. 5-6. |
99404 |
Golf greens - spring development Access Restrictions |
Isaac, Steve. 1995. Sports Turf Bulletin. June. 189: p. 13-14. |
99414 |
Lawn tennis |
Seaward, Eddie. 1995. The Groundsman. May. 48(5): p. 12-13. |
82571 |
End of term report: Why I did what I did | Garfitt, Kevin. 1995. Greenkeeper International. February. p. 62. |
208167 |
Progress report: Kikuyugrass management studies |
Cockerham, Stephen T.; Khan, Rudolph A. 1994. Turfgrass Research Conference and Field Day and Landscape Management Research Conference and Field Day [1994]. p. 20-22. |
152612 |
End of season renovation |
Cole, A. R. 1994. p. 180-192. In: Evans, R. D. C., ed. Winter Games Pitches: The Construction and Maintenance of Natural Turf Pitches for Team Games. Bingley, UK: The Sports Turf Research Institute. |
40345 |
La incorporación de tecnología de avanzada en el mantenimiento de campos deportivos ([The incorporation of advanced technology in the maintenance of sports turf]) |
Schilling, Andrés. 1994. TGM: Campos Deportivos y Espacios Verdes. Summer. 2(1): p. 10-12, 14. |
34916 |
Fairway maintenance Access Restrictions |
Beggs, A. J. 1994. Sports Turf Bulletin. October-December. 187: p. 9-11. |
32491 |
No strain until September |
Bracey, Dave. 1994. TURF Management. July. p. 18-19, 21. |
2110 |
Culture makes the green |
Thomas, Jim. 1994. Through The Green. May/June. p. 10, 12-13. |
31863 |
Grooming: The key to good greens? |
Ormsby, David. 1994. New Zealand Turf Management Journal. May. 8(2): p. 15-16. |
32697 |
Turf groomers: Conditioning greens with these devices can help achieve smoother, more consistentent putting surfaces Access Restrictions |
Schaffer, Laura. 1994. Golf Course Management. April. 62(4): p. 110, 112. |
32067 |
Thatch control: Assessing problems and implementing procedures Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 1994. GreenMaster. February/March. 28(1): p. 68-70. |
39232 |
Thatch - causes and control |
Charbonneau, Pam. 1994. Turf & Recreation. January/February. 7(1): p. 24-25. |
33710 |
Lawn Craft |
Toogood, Alan R. 1993. London, England: Ward Lock Limited. 96 pp. |
72567 |
Thatch Control in Turf |
Landry, Gil Jr. 1993. GA: University of Georgia Cooperative Extension Service. |
102559 |
If all else fails, use your imagination Access Restrictions |
Baranski, John A. 1993. Conference Proceedings: 64th International Golf CourseConference and Show. p. 56-57. |
129829 |
Turfgrass cultivation practices |
McCarty, L. B.; Cisar, J. L. 1993. p. 73-80. In: McCarty, L. B.; Elliot, Monica L. Best Management Practices for Florida Golf Courses. Gainesville, FL: Department of Environmental Horticulture, University of Florida. |
35705 |
Management practices affecting putting speed |
McCarty, L. B.; Cisar, J. L. 1993. p. 88-92. In: McCarty, L. B.; Elliot, Monica L. Best Management Practices for Florida Golf Courses. Gainesville, FL: Department of Environmental Horticulture, University of Florida. |
35707 |
"Working" bermudagrass fairways | Foy, John H. 1993. USGA Green Section Record. November/December. 31(6): p. 11-13. |
29274 |
Maintenance of hockey pitches Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 1993. Sports Turf Bulletin. October-December. 183: p. 8-10. |
30145 |
How a keen Adelaide bowls player invented his vertical mowing blades |
Cappo, Jack. 1993. Turf Craft Aust.. September. 34: p. 19-20. |
29136 |
[Verticutting and spiking are still in style!] | Latham, James M. 1993. The Grass Roots. September/October. 21(5): p. 53. |
28817 |
Success with overseeding warm-season grasses |
Landry, Gil. 1993. Landscape & Irrigation. September. 17(9): p. 8, 10. |
28798 |
Ball diamond turfgrass management programme | Kennedy, Bob. 1993. Sports Turf Newsletter [STA]. September. 6(3): p. 12. |
30257 |
Vertical mowers/dethatchers |
Kellogg, Gina Hogan. 1993. Grounds Maintenance. August. 28(8): p. 40-42, 52. |
28538 |
July: Month of big days: II. Yorkshire Bank CrownKing |
Allen, Fraser. 1993. TURF Management. July. p. 16. |
29044 |
July: Month of big days: IV. Womens bowls championship |
Southam, Hazel. 1993. TURF Management. July. p. 18. |
29048 |
Controlling problems on the surface |
Spencer, J. H. E. 1993. Parks, Golf Courses & Sports Grounds. July. 58(10): p. 3-5. |
28587 |
Sometimes, the 'least management' is the best your resources allow |
Dickinson, Leif. 1993. Florida Turf Digest. July/August. 10(4): p. 17-18. |
251903 |
Thatch: the hidden enemy |
Harivandi, M. Ali. 1993. Landscape & Irrigation. June. 17(6): p. 8, 11-12. |
27697 |
Green preparation for tournament play |
McCarty, L. B. 1993. Florida Turf Digest. May/June. 10(3): p. 24-28. |
251900 |
Turfgrass renovation: Measures for success | Wildmon, John. 1993. SportsTURF. May. 9(5): p. 14-17. |
28232 |
Verticutting, grooming & scarification Access Restrictions |
Isaac, S. P. 1993. Sports Turf Bulletin. April-June. 181: p. 11-15. |
27880 |
Bermudagrass Turf Response to Fertility and Cultural Practices |
Carrow, Robert N.; Johnson, B. J. 1992. Athens, Georgia: The Georgia Agricultural Experiment Stations, College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, The University of Georgia. 28 pp. |
35046 |
Cultural practice interactions on golf course turf | Shearman, Robert C. 1992. 1983-1992 Turfgrass Research Summary. p. 18. |
94268 |
The competition of tall fescue and perennial ryegrass with kikuyugrass | Gibeault, Victor A.; Cockerham, Stephen T.; Cudney, David W.; Leonard, Matthew K. 1992. California Turfgrass Culture. 42(1-4): p. 4-5. |
29821 |
Maintenance of cricket outfields Access Restrictions |
Spencer, J. H. E. 1992. Sports Turf Bulletin. October-December. 179: p. 4-6. |
26762 |
Autumn maintenance of bowling greens Access Restrictions |
Squires, N. R. W. 1992. Sports Turf Bulletin. October-December. 179: p. 6-8. |
26763 |
The cricket square in the playing season |
Reed, Arthur. 1992. The Groundsman. September. 45(9): p. 14. |
25419 |
[Verticutting and spiking greens] | Latham, James M. 1992. The Grass Roots. September/October. 20(5): p. 17. |
138613 |
Spring back to bermuda |
Kopec, David M. 1992. California Fairways. August. 1(4): p. 32+. |
25946 | |
Verticutting & vertigrooming: Different operations with similar names | Knotts, Prentis C. 1992. The Florida Green. May/June. p. 30-31. |
157038 |
Mowing height and vertical mowing frequency effects on putting green quality | Salaiz, Tom. 1992. The Grass Roots. March/April. 20(2): p. 37-38. |
23220 |
Mowing Height and Vertical Mowing Frequency Effects on Putting Green Quality |
Salaiz, Thomas A. 1991. M.S. Thesis: University of Nebraska. vi.; 54 pp. |
32464 |
Cultural Practices for Florida Golf Courses |
McCarty, L. B.; Cisar, J. L. 1991. Gainesville: University of Florida. 19 pp. |
58736 |
The core: What to do with the evidence Access Restrictions |
Kinzer, Bill. 1991. Golf Course Management. July. 59(7): p. 14, 20, 26. |
21294 |
Going for the gold with bermudagrass greens | Foy, John H. 1991. USGA Green Section Record. July/August. 29(4): p. 1-4. |
15363 |
Practices to combat horizontal growth |
Isaac, Steve. 1991. Parks, Golf Courses & Sports Grounds. February. 56(5): p. 16-18. |
20879 |
Thatch and its control in Florida lawns |
McCarty, L. B.; Cisar, John L. 1990. p. 85-87. In: McCarty, Lambert B.; Black, Robert J.; Ruppert, Kathleen C., eds. Florida Lawn Handbook: Selection, Establishment and Maintenance of Florida Lawngrasses. Gainesville: University of Florida. |
58530 |
Professional Lawn Care |
Duble, Richard L. 1990. Texas Turfgrass. Winter. 42(4): p. 13-18. |
17524 |
Vertical mowing of warm season grasses |
Peacock, Charles H. 1990. North Carolina Turfgrass. Winter. 8(3): p. 35,37,39. |
20226 |
Bentgrass gets expected "thumbs up" at 1990 Wisconsin Golf Turf Symposium | Miller, Monroe S. 1990. The Grass Roots. November/December. 17(6): p. 23-27. |
20358 |
Mowing height and vertical mowing frequency effects on putting green quality |
Salaiz, T. A.; Shearman, R. C.; Walter-Shea, E.; Riordan, T. P.; Blad, B. L. 1990. Agronomy Abstracts. October. p. 181. |
19912 |
Bowling green maintenance Access Restrictions |
Evans, R. D. C. 1990. Sports Turf Bulletin. October-December. 171: p. 2-6. |
29153 |
Bemerkungen über Honiggräser (Some remarks relating to creeping soft grasses) |
Burghardt, H. 1990. Rasen, Grunflachen, Begrunungen (Rasen-Turf-Gazon). June. 21(2): p. 34-38. |
18338 | |
Turf groomers Access Restrictions |
Isaac, S. P. 1990. Sports Turf Bulletin. April-June. 169: p. 14-16. |
29065 |
Preemergence control of perennial ryegrass Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Fishel, Fred M. 1990. Weed Control Investigations in Turfgrasses - 1989 [Mississippi]. February. p. 9-12. |
116845 |
Postemergence winter broadleaf control Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Baldwin, John L. 1990. Weed Control Investigations in Turfgrasses - 1989 [Mississippi]. February. p. 43-45. |
116862 |
Cultural practice interactions on golf course turf | Shearman, Robert. 1989. 1989 Turfgrass Research Summary [USGA/GCSAA]. p. 23-24. |
17450 |
Deep tines aerification of greens Access Restrictions |
Sheffield, Alton. 1989. Conference Proceedings: 60th International Golf CourseConference and Show. p. 78-80. |
130176 |
Updating information on black layer |
Goss, Roy L. 1989. Rutgers Turfgrass Proceedings. 20: p. 18-21. |
87794 |
Vertical mowing frequency and mowing height interactive effects on putting green quality and plant stress |
Salaiz, T.; Shearman, R.C. 1989. Turfgrass Bulletin [Nebraska]. Winter. 10(3): p. 8. |
300682 |
Roseman inks pact to supply Kubota | Anonymous. 1989. Golf Course News. November. 1(9): p. 30. |
53986 |
Turfgrass renovation and overseeding methods | Voigt, T. B.; Haley, J. E.; Wehner, D. J. 1989. 1988 Illinois Turfgrass Research Report. March. p. 70-72. |
69251 |
Small Problems Become Serious with Poor Turf and Soil Management |
Goss, Roy L. 1989. Canadian Turfgrass Conference & Show. March. 40: p. 57-61. |
15693 |
Warm-season weed control guide | Murphy, Tim R. 1989. Landscape Management. March. 29 [28](3): p. 54-56, 58, 60. |
14352 |
Hi-Lo Desert Superintendents Report 1988 Challenges |
Lozoya, David. 1989. Golden State Fairways. First Quarter. 1(1): p. 8,44. |
14800 |
Management of Mixed Annual Bluegrass and Creeping Bentgrass Stands. | Hendricks, Michael George. Hendricks, Michael George. 1988. M.S. Thesis: Michigan State University. 114 pp. |
17348 |
Introduction to Turf Management Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Eggens, J. L. 1988. Guelph, Ontario: University of Guelph, University School of Part Time Studies and Continuing Education. vii, 127. 4th Edition. |
127402 |
Turfgrass cultural practices and their interactive effects on rooting. | Shearman, Robert. 1988. 1988 Turfgrass Research Summary [USGA/GCSAA]. p. 22. |
14549 |
Bermudagrass winter management study |
Tapp, Linda; Powell, A. J. Jr.; Richardson, Arnie. 1988. Kentucky Turfgrass Research. p. 55-61. |
19385 |
Turfgrass cultivation |
Duble, Richard. 1988. Texas Turfgrass. Summer. 41(2): p. 20-24. |
19338 |
Management of mixed annual bluegrass/creeping bentgrass fairways: [II. The effects of cultivation and seeding rates on the establishment of overseeded creeping bentgrass] | Hendricks, M. G.; Branham, B. E. 1988. Proceedings of the 58th Annual Michigan Turfgrass Conference. 17: p. 38-40, 43. |
24352 |
The Renovation of Football Pitches |
Worthy, D. 1988. The Groundsman. November. 41(11): p. 15-16. |
13966 |
The Texas System of Winter Overseeding: Part II - Spring Transition |
Beard, James B.; Menn, Wallace G. 1988. Grounds Maintenance. October. 23(10): p. 26,76. |
13443 |
The Texas System of Winter Overseeding - Part I |
Beard, James B.; Menn, Wallace G. 1988. Grounds Maintenance. September. 23(9): p. 14-16, 83. |
13886 |
Maintenance of lawn tennis courts Access Restrictions |
Cole, A. R. 1988. Sports Turf Bulletin. July-September. 162: p. 2-5. |
100305 |
Maintenance of hoceky pitches Access Restrictions |
Westwood, J. R. 1988. Sports Turf Bulletin. July-September. 162: p. 8-10. |
100308 |
Centipedegrass Decline and Recovery as Affected by Fertilizer and Cultural Treatments |
Johnson, B. J.; Carrow, R. N.; Burns, R. E. 1988. Agronomy Journal. May/June. 80(3): p. 479-486. |
12457 |
Fairway, Semi-Rough and Rough Management Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 1988. Sports Turf Bulletin. April-June. 161: p. 8-12. |
12448 |
Seashore Paspalum Scalping Study | Gibeault, Victor A.; Leonard, Matthew K.; Henry, J. Michael; Cockerham, Stephen T. 1988. California Turfgrass Culture. April. 38(3): p. 4-6. |
14547 |
How to Maintain Baseball Facilities |
Kurtz, Kent W. 1988. AS&U. February. 60(6): p. 21-28. |
14312 | |
First impressions of Southland golf courses |
Grant, A. S. 1988. New Zealand Turf Management Journal. February. 2(1): p. 23. |
18967 |
The "how" and "what's new" of aerification |
Snow, James T. 1987. Rutgers Turfgrass Proceedings: 1987. 18: p. 21-24. |
60174 |
Managing mixed annual bluegrass creeping bentgrass fairways: [I. Field experiment 1] | Hendricks, M. G.; Branham, B. E.; Collins, M. 1987. Proceedings of the 57th Annual Michigan Turfgrass Conference. 16: p. 70-77. |
10253 |
Managing mixed annual bluegrass creeping bentgrass fairways: [II. Field experiment 2] | Hendricks, M. G.; Branham, B. E.; Collins, M. 1987. Proceedings of the 57th Annual Michigan Turfgrass Conference. 16: p. 70-77. |
14722 |
Verti-Groove aeration drainage | Legg, David. 1987. Proceedings of the 57th Annual Michigan Turfgrass Conference. 16: p. 120-121. |
10265 |
Influence of Aeration, Topdressing, and Vertical Mowing on Overseeded Bermudagrass Putting Green Turf |
Mazur, A. R.; Wagner, D. F. 1987. HortScience. December. 22(6): p. 1276-1278. |
11462 |
The Americanization of lawn bowling and croquet | Anonymous. 1987. SportsTURF. November. 3(11): p. 12-14, 16-17. |
12462 |
Excessively Slow Bowling Greens Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 1987. Sports Turf Bulletin. October-December. 159: p. 6-9. |
11394 |