Keyword: Volumetric water content
Title | Author and Source | Category | View TGIF Record |
Evaluation of gypsum and fertilizer products for enhanced bermudagrass performance under salinity conditions in sandy soils | Sierra, Alejandra; Schiavon, Marco. 2023. Mike Davis Program for Advancing Golf Course Management: 2023 Progress Reports. p. 394-404. |
336661 |
Evaluation of different aerification methods for ultradwarf hybrid bermudagrass putting greens |
Augustinus, Alejandra Sierra; McLoughlin, Patrick H.; Alvarenga, A. Fernanda Arevalo; Unruh, J. Bryan; Schiavon, Marco. 2023. HortTechnology. August. 33(4): p. 333-341. |
331112 |
Leaf, root, and crown tissue physiology of annual bluegrass after cold acclimation at varying soil moisture levels and ice encasement |
Gendjar, Megan; Merewitz, Emily. 2023. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science. May. 148(3): p. 99-107. |
329386 |
Adapting time domain reflectometry to measure surface moisture of sand-based putting greens Access Restrictions |
O'Brien, Daniel; Richardson, Michael; Karcher, Douglas. 2023. Agronomy Journal. 17 February. 115(2): p. 595-606. |
326879 |
Growth chamber study | Anonymous. 2022. Turfgrass Field Day. p. 11-12. |
322884 |
Golf ball reaction and soil strength study | Guevara, Jackie; Kilby, Jake; Bearss, Ryan; Rogers, Evan; Green, Thomas O.; Crum, James R.; Rogers, John N. III. 2022. Mike Davis Program for Advancing Golf Course Management: 2022 Progress Reports. p. 405-413. |
328711 |
Comparing ground-based and aerial data at field scale during dry down on golf course fairways Access Restrictions |
Friell, Joshua; Straw, Chase. 2022. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. June. 14(1): p. 377-384. |
321273 |
Viability of five fairway turfgrasses with and without chemical inputs Access Restrictions |
Pease, Benjamin W.; Stier, John C. 2022. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. June. 14(1): p. 575-582. |
321302 |
Effects of soil compaction and moisture on the growth of Juncus tenuis Access Restrictions |
McCurdy, James D.; Small, Zachary D.; Tseng, Te-Ming; Brosnan, James T.; Reasor, Eric H. 2022. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. June. 14(1): p. 776-782. |
321492 |
Experimental investigation on water release and gas emission of evapotranspirative capillary barrier landfill covers Access Restrictions |
Chen, Rui; Huang, Junwen; Leung, Anthony Kwan; Chen, Zhongkui; Chen, Zibin. 2022. Soil Science Society of America Journal. March/April. 86(2): p. 311-323. |
319882 |
Characterizing immune system responses of select plant health products for putting greens | Ervin, Erik; Kaur, Charanpreet; Bais, Harsh; Guertal, Beth; Fidanza, Mike. 2021. Mike Davis Program for Advancing Golf Course Management: 2021 Progress Reports. p. 115-124. |
317397 |
Topdressing sand size effects on mat layer development during treatment years 5 - 7 | Murphy, James A.; Xu, Zhongqi. 2021. Mike Davis Program for Advancing Golf Course Management: 2021 Progress Reports. p. 173-178. |
317398 |
Integrating canopy dynamics, soil moisture, and soil physical properties to improve irrigation scheduling in turfgrass systems | Dyer, W.; Bremer, D.; Patrignani, A.; Fry, J.; Lavis, C.; Friell, J. 2021. Mike Davis Program for Advancing Golf Course Management: 2021 Progress Reports. p. 214-221. |
317408 |
Determining irrigation thresholds to optimize water use, turf health, and playability | Friell, Josh; Schwab, Ryan; Watkins, Eric; Spokas, Kurt; Petrella, Dominic; Reiter, Maggie. 2021. Mike Davis Program for Advancing Golf Course Management: 2021 Progress Reports. p. 233-239. |
317410 |
Data-driven irrigation scheduling techniques for managing sand-capped fairways | Wherley, Benjamin; Hejl, Reagan; McInnes, Kevin; Grubbs, B. 2021. Mike Davis Program for Advancing Golf Course Management: 2021 Progress Reports. p. 240-247. |
317412 |
Long-term dynamics and management requirements of sand-capped fairways | Wherley, Benjamin; Bowling, Will; McInnes, Kevin; Provin, Tony; Segars, Chrissie. 2021. Mike Davis Program for Advancing Golf Course Management: 2021 Progress Reports. p. 248-255. |
317413 |
Long-term dynamics and management requirements of sand-capped fairways | Wherley, Benjamin; Bowling, Will; McInnes, Kevin; Provin, Tony; Segars, Chrissie. 2020. Turfgrass and Environmental Research Program: 2020 Research Summaries. p. 163-170. |
313757 |
Frequent soil surfactant applications influence anthracnose on an annual bluegrass research green |
Mattox, Clint; Dumelle, Michael; Kowalewski, Alec; McDonald, Brian; Gould, Micah; McMillan, Mica. 2020. Agronomy Journal. September. 112(5): p. 3418-3428. |
315585 |
Effects of water-retention or -penetration surfactants on playing surface of creeping bentgrass greens Access Restrictions |
Young, Joseph. 2020. Golf Course Management. March. 88(3): p. 85-86. |
315731 |
Sand size affects topdressing removed by mowing and anthracnose on annual bluegrass putting green turf |
Wang, Ruying; Hempfling, James W.; Clarke, Bruce B.; Murphy, James A. 2020. HortScience. February. 55(2): p. 237-243. |
311539 |
Long-term dynamics and management requirements of sand-capped fairways | Wherley, Benjamin; Bowling, Will; McInnes, Kevin; Provin, Tony; Segars, Chrissie. 2019. Turfgrass and Environmental Research Program: 2019 Research Summaries. p. 181-188. |
310848 |
Do wetting agents influence putting green speed? | Shaddox, Travis W.; Unruh, J. Bryan. 2019. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 118710. |
310259 |
Identification of wetting agents for water conservation on golf course fairways | Schiavon, Marco; Orlinski, Pawel; Toniatti, Chiara; Forconi, Alessio; Baird, James H. 2019. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 119374. |
310280 |
Removal of coarse sand from topdressing on putting green turf |
Chen, Hui; Hempfling, James; Genova, Kyle M.; Schmid, Chas; Murphy, James A. 2019. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 119674. |
310118 |
Effect of alternative aerification practice to maintain soil physical properties of putting green | Amgain, Naba; Fontanier, Charles Henry. 2019. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 119865. |
310333 |
Wireless soil sensing for turfgrass irrigation | Leinauer, Bernhard; Serena, Matteo; Sevostianova, Elena. 2019. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 121814. |
309603 |
Evaluation of water retention products to conserve urban water resources in home lawns Access Restrictions |
Baliga, Vikram B.; Young, Joseph R.; Carrillo, Mario A. 2019. Crop, Forage and Turfgrass Management. 5(1): p. 1-9. |
322564 |
Using small unmanned aircraft systems for early detection of drought stress in turfgrass Access Restrictions |
Hong, Mu; Bremer, Dale J.; van der Merwe, Deon. 2019. Crop Science. November/December. 59(6): p. 2829-2844. |
310150 |
Understanding the effects of grazing and prescribed fire on hydrology of Kentucky bluegrass-dominated rangelands in the northern Great Plains Access Restrictions |
Nouwakpo, Sayjro K.; Toledo, David; Sanderson, Matt; Weltz, Mark. 2019. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation. July/August. 74(4): p. 360-371. |
307369 |
Removing coarse topdressing sand from greens |
Chen, Hui; Murphy, James. 2019. Golfdom. May. 75(5): p. 35. |
305313 |
easuring putting green firmness Access Restrictions |
O'Brien, Daniel P.; Karcher, Douglas E.; Richardson, Michael D. 2019. Golf Course Management. January. 87(1): p. 119. |
303190 |
Ready... set... spray: Principles of spraying and checklist | Busey, Phil. 2019. Florida Turf Digest. January/February. 36(1): p. Cover, 8-12. |
306635 |
Effects of Changes in Soil Moisture on Composition and Activity of Soil Microbial Communities Controlling Greenhouse Gas Cycling | Fernandez-Baca, Cristina Paola. 2018. Ph.D. Dissertation: Cornell University. 191 pp. |
313144 |
Evaluation of compaction and soil moisture on path rush (Juncus tenuis) | Small, Zachary; McCurdy, James D.; Brosnan, James T.; Byrd, John Jr.; Tseng, Te Ming; Reasor, Eric H.; Richard, Michael. 2018. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 111352. |
302092 |
Examination of synthetic priming agents for improving drought resistance in creeping bentgrass | Lu, Jefferson; Ebdon, Jeffrey Scott; DaCosta, Michelle. 2018. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 112691. |
302049 |
Evaluation of two commercially available soil surfactants on soil moisture management of fairway-height creeping bentgrass on a clay loam soil | Nolan, Gary; Fidanza, Michael. 2018. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 113195. |
302118 |
Evaluating putting green firmness in terms of moisture, maintenance, and playability | O'Brien, Daniel P.; Karcher, Douglas E.; Richardson, Michael D. 2018. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 113516. |
302002 |
Combining trinexapac-ethyl with a soil surfactant reduces bermudagrass irrigation requirements |
Serena, Matteo; Sportelli, Mino; Sevostianova, Elena; Sallenave, Rossana; Leinauer, Bernhard. 2018. Agronomy Journal. November/December. 110(6): p. 2180-2188. |
302698 |
Uniformity and spatial variability of soil moisture and irrigation distribution on natural turfgrass sports fields Access Restrictions |
Straw, Chase M.; Carrow, Robert N.; Bowling, William J.; Tucker, Kevin A.; Henry, Gerald M. 2018. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation. September/October. 73(5): p. 577-586. |
301224 |
Hammer time: Management practices and field surface hardness |
Segars, Chrissie; Thoms, Adam; VanLoo, Tim; Salmond, Jeff. 2018. SportsTurf. July. 34(7): p. 18-21. |
299580 |
Evaluating small unmanned aerial systems for detecting drought stress on turfgrass | Hong, Mu; Bremer, Dale; van der Merwe, Deon. 2018. 2018 Turfgrass Research: Research Reports [Kansas State University]. July. 4(6): p. 1-7. |
311611 |
Spatiotemporal variation of site-specific management units on natural turfgrass sports fields during dry down Access Restrictions |
Straw, Chase M.; Henry, Gerald M. 2018. Precision Agriculture. June. 19(3): p. 395-420. |
285666 |
Evaluating small unmanned aerial systems for detecting turfgrass stress with an emphasis on drought Access Restrictions |
Bremer, Dale J.; Hong, Mu; van der Merwe, Deon. 2018. 6th European Turf Society Conference Proceedings. June. 6: p. 6-7. |
311068 |
Evaluating sand-capping depth and subsoil influence on fairway performance, irrigation requirements and drought resistance | Wherley, B.; McInnes, K.; Dyer, W. 2017. Turfgrass and Environmental Research Program: 2017 Research Summaries. p. 174-179. |
298177 |
Effects of finer-textured topdressing sand on creeping bentgrass putting green turf | Murphy, James A.; Chen, Hui; Genova, Kyle; Hempfling, James W.; Schmid, Charles J. 2017. Turfgrass and Environmental Research Program: 2017 Research Summaries. p. 180-192. |
298178 |
Uniformity and spatial variability of soil moisture and irrigation distribution on natural turfgrass sports fields | Straw, Chase M.; Henry, Gerald M. 2017. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 105270. |
295612 |
Spatiotemporal relationship of plant and soil properties on natural turfgrass sports fields | Henry, Gerald M.; Straw, Chase; Grubbs, Becky. 2017. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 105276. |
290475 |
Infiltration rates of golf course putting greens following various cultivation types | Amgain, Naba; Fontanier, Charles Henry; Moss, Justin Quetone. 2017. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 106104. |
295620 |
Hammer time: Management practices and field surface hardness | Segars, Chrissie; Thoms, Adam; Van Loo, Tim; Salmond, Jeff; Moss, Justin Quetone. 2017. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 106847. |
290258 |
Comparing surface firmness measurements on sand-based putting greens | O'Brien, Daniel P.; Karcher, Douglas E.; Richardson, Michael D. 2017. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 108681. |
290325 |
Evaluation of several sampling procedures for spatial analysis of natural turfgrass sports field properties |
Straw, C. M.; Henry, G. M.; Love, K.; Carrow, R. N.; Cline, V. 2017. Journal of Testing and Evaluation. 46(2): p. [1-16]. |
291471 |
Water restriction impact on surface hardness and soil volumetric water content on recreational sports fields |
Chang, Kuo-Hsien; Powers, Jacqueline E.; Lyons, Eric. 2017. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 13: p. 1-5. |
287802 |
Rainfall versus irrigation influences penetration resistance and surface hardness on a recreational sports field |
Straw, Chase M.; Bowling, William J.; Henry, Gerald M. 2017. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 13: p. 1-5. |
287824 |
The link between water management and pest pressure |
Harler, Curt. 2017. Superintendent. April. 16(4): p. 27-29. |
284557 |
Study of moisture sensors' response to drying cycles of soil | Yadav, Pappu K.; Swanson, Charles; Penning, Tom; Wallace, Joe. 2016. Irrigation Show 2016: Technical Session Proceedings. p. [1-19]. |
289765 |
Regional patterns and homogenization of residential yard soil moisture in US cities | Wheeler, M. M.; Hall, S. J.; Learned, J.; Heavenrich, H. 2016. 18th Annual CAP LTER All Scientists Meeting and Poster Symposium. p. 1. |
272708 |
Handheld vs. mobile data acquisition for spatial analysis of natural turfgrass sports fields | Straw, Chase M.; Henry, Gerald M.; Grubbs, Becky. 2016. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 99444. |
278189 |
Reducing salinity parameters with cultivation practices and products on golf course fairways | Li, Li; Young, Joseph Ronald. 2016. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 99508. |
278207 |
Determining optimum watering regimes for establishment of Kentucky bluegrass sod and fine fescue sod | Trappe, Jon M.; Watkins, Eric; Hollman, Andrew; Bauer, Samuel; Cavanaugh, Matthew. 2016. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 102275. |
278134 |
Ground-penetrating radar water content mapping of golf course green sand layers Access Restrictions |
Allred, Barry; Freeland, Robert; Grote, Katherine; McCoy, Edward; Martinez, Luis; Gamble, Debra. 2016. Journal of Environmental & Engineering Geophysics. December. 21(4): p. 215-229. |
286632 |
Watering synthetic turf: High water pressure and high volume needed for effective irrigation | Gaddo, Randy. 2016. Parks & Rec Business. October. 15(3): p. 20-25. |
278731 |
Handheld versus mobile data acquisitions for spatial analysis of natural sports fields |
Straw, Chase M.; Grubbs, Rebecca A.; Tucker, Kevin A.; Henry, Gerald M. 2016. HortScience. September. 51(9): p. 1176-1183. |
276585 |
Effect of soil organic matter content and volumetric water content on 'Tifway 419' hybrid bermudagrass growth following indaziflam applications Access Restrictions |
Jeffries, Matthew D.; Gannon, Travis W. 2016. Weed Technology. July-September. 30(3): p. 677-687. |
277987 |
Irrigation strategies on sand-based creeping bentgrass (Agrostis stolonifera) putting greens | Aamlid, T. S.; Riley, H.; Kvalbein, A.; Pettersen, T.; Knox, J. W. 2016. 5th European Turfgrass Society Conference Proceedings. June. p. 81-82. |
317598 |
Improving water use efficiency with soil incorporation of organic matter | Waltz, C.; Bauske, E. 2016. 5th European Turfgrass Society Conference Proceedings. June. p. 85-86. |
317601 |
Surfactant seed coating technology: A method to increase soil moisture and improve rewettability of sands | McMillan, M. F.; Madsen, M. A.; Daroub, S. H.; Kostka, S. J.; Erickson, J. E.; Moore, K. A.; Sartain, J. B.; Cisar, J. L.; Malehorn, T. 2016. 5th European Turfgrass Society Conference Proceedings. June. p. 95-96. |
317545 |
Catch can vs. soil moisture-based water audits on sports fields |
Straw, Chase; Henry, Gerald; Richwine, Stephen. 2016. SportsTurf. June. 32(6): p. 34-36. |
272365 |
Making sense: Irrigation experts discuss the ins and outs of soil moisture sensors |
Schappacher, Emily. 2016. Landscape Management. May. 55(5): p. 32-33. |
271935 |
Using Soil Moisture Meters to Improve Playing Conditions and Conserve Water | Anonymous. 2015. [Far Hills, New Jersey]: United States Golf Association. 3 pp. |
258994 |
Playing With Numbers | Woods, Micah. 2015. [Pattaya, Thailand, Asia]: [Asian Turfgrass Center]. 23 slides. |
268483 |
Playing with numbers | Woods, Micah. 2015. Sustainable Turfgrass Management in Asia 2015. p. 1-4. |
268482 |
Quantifying moisture content near the surface in sand based putting greens | O'Brien, Daniel P.; Karcher, Douglas E.; Richardson, Michael D. 2015. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 93114. |
267050 |
TDR technique for estimating the intensity of evapotranspiration of turfgrasses |
Janik, Grzegorz; Wolski, Karol; Daniel, Anna; Albert, Małgorzata; Skierucha, Wojciech; Wilczek, Andrzej; Szyszkowski, Paweł; Walczak, Amadeusz. 2015. The Scientific World Journal. 2015: p. 1-11. |
273462 |
Effects of Evapotranspiration Based Irrigation, Double Mowing, and Wetting Agent on an Agrostis stolonifera var. palustris Putting Green Access Restrictions |
Tocco, Rodney V. Jr. 2014. Ph.D. Dissertation: Michigan State University. xv, 111 pp. |
260104 |
Evaluation of Sampling Procedures for Spatial Analysis of Surface and Edaphic Properties on Sports Fields | Straw, Chase Matthew. 2014. M.S. Thesis: University of Georgia. v, 296 pp. |
266918 |
Surfactant effects on municipal sports fields | Duffy, Alexander M.; McMillan, Mica. 2014. Irrigation Show 2014: Technical Session Proceedings. p. [1-14]. |
289829 |
Annual bluegrass control with Xonerate in creeping bentgrass fairway turf, 2013 | Inguagiato, J.; Miele, K.; Brown, E.; Chen, X.; Vose, S. 2014. 2013 Annual Turfgrass Research Report [Connecticut]. p. 31-34. |
243852 |
Effects of drought and traffic stresses on physiological responses and water use characteristics of creeping bentgrass (Agrostis stolonifera) and annual bluegrass (Poa annua) | Laskowski, Kevin; Merewitz, Emily B.; Frank, Kevin W. 2014. ASA, CSSA and SSSA Annual Meetings [2014]. p. 86325. |
250222 |
Evaluating new methods for measuring putting green surface characteristics | O'Brien, Daniel P.; Karcher, Douglas E.; Richardson, Michael D. 2014. ASA, CSSA and SSSA Annual Meetings [2014]. p. 88380. |
250240 |
Navigating the curves |
Neylan, John. 2014. Australian Turfgrass Management Journal. November/December. 16(6): p. 42-46. |
252003 |
Wetting agent influence on surface firmness and winter injury of putting greens | Bauer, Sam. 2014. MTGF Clippings. Fall/Winter. 22(2): p. 6. |
266177 |
Festuca arundinacea drought resistance induced by Trinexapac-ethyl | Gómez de Barreda Ferraz, Diego; Sáez, Tomás Pérez; Echeverría, Javier Bellón; Romero, Rosa V. Molina; Nebauer, Sergio González. 2014. 4th European Turfgrass Society Conference Proceedings. June. 45(2): p. 83-84. |
313112 |
Wetting agent program and irrigation effects on putting green performance |
Charles, Ethan D.; Karcher, Douglas E.; Richardson, Michael D. 2014. Golfdom. March. 70(3): p. 25. |
238032 |
An experimental study of coupled heat and water transfer in wettable and artificially hydrophobized soils Access Restrictions |
Davis, Dedrick D.; Horton, Robert; Heitman, Joshua L.; Ren, Tusheng. 2014. Soil Science Society of America Journal. January/February. 78(1): p. 125-132. |
238392 |
Effect of sample size on the accuracy of geospatial mapping | Straw, Chase M.; Henry, Gerald M.; Carrow, Robert N.; Cline, Van W.; Tucker, Kevin; Landry, Robin. 2013. ASA, CSSA and SSSA Annual Meetings [2013]. p. 79023. |
232235 |
Irrigation management effects on nitrate leaching | Chabon, Joshua D.; Bremer, Dale J.; Fry, Jack D. 2013. ASA, CSSA and SSSA Annual Meetings [2013]. p. 80108. |
232263 |
Evaluating putting green moisture near the surface | O'Brien, Daniel P.; Karcher, Douglas E.; Richardson, Michael D. 2013. ASA, CSSA and SSSA Annual Meetings [2013]. p. 81542. |
232450 |
Soil surfactant properties for improving hydrologic function in post-fire water-repellent soil Access Restrictions |
Madsen, Matthew D.; Coronel, Eric G.; Hopkins, Bryan G. 2013. Soil Science Society of America Journal. September/October. 77(5): p. 1825-1830. |
272594 |
Water and salt status of bare soil and turfgrass systems irrigated with recycled water |
Devitt, Dale A.; Wright, Lena; Young, Michael H. 2013. Agronomy Journal. July/August. 105(4): p. 1051-1060. |
225843 |
Using soil moisture sensors for irrigation management on a creeping bentgrass and Poa annua putting green | Frank, Kevin; Bryan, Jeff; Laskowski, Kevin. 2012. Golf Course Turfgrass Field Day. p. 17-19. |
211669 |
Soil surfactants and humic acid application affects water retention, repellency and localized dry spot in a sand based rootzone | Bigelow, Cale; Moeller, Adam; Nemitz, Jared R. 2012. The Bouyoucos Conference on the Advances in Research on Soil Biological, Chemical and Physical Properties for Sustainable Constructed Rootzones [Constructed Rootzones 2012]. p. 27. |
212862 |
Using GPS to map soil conditions in turf areas | Christians, Nick; Simons, Zachary A. 2012. ASA, CSSA and SSSA Annual Meetings [2012]. p. 71719. |
213392 |
Water conservation using soil moisture sensor technology | Anonymous. 2012. ASA, CSSA and SSSA Annual Meetings [2012]. p. 73047. |
213376 |
Physiological responses and gene expression of Kentucky bluegrass under salt stress | Wang, Lijun; Johnson, Paul; Bushman, B. 2012. ASA, CSSA and SSSA Annual Meetings [2012]. p. 74420. |
213346 |
Landscape coefficients of mixed turf and woody plant landscapes | Pannkuk, Timothy. 2012. ASA, CSSA and SSSA Annual Meetings [2012]. p. 75279. |
213430 |
Influence of soil surfactants and fungicides on soil moisture, disease presence, and quality of 'Champion' ultradwarf bermudagrass greens | Park, Dara M.; Martin, Bruce. 2012. ASA, CSSA and SSSA Annual Meetings [2012]. p. 75389. |
213431 |
Irrigation frequency influences establishment of silvery thread moss (Bryum argenteum Hedw.) and rooting of creeping bentgrass (Agrostis stolonifera L.) on simulated golf greens Access Restrictions |
Lyons, Eric M.; Jordan, Katerina S.; James, Iain T.; Hudner, Darra M.; McGowan, Darragh. 2012. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica: Section B, Soil and Plant Science. 62(Supplement 1): p. 79-85. |
221470 |
The size of topdressing sand: Does it matter? | Murphy, James A. 2012. USGA Green Section Record. September 7. 50(19): p. 1-4. |
210594 |
Timing and frequency effects of lightweight rolling on dollar spot disease in creeping bentgrass putting greens Access Restrictions |
Giordano, Paul R.; Nikolai, Thomas A.; Hammerschmidt, Ray; Vargas, Joseph M. Jr. 2012. Crop Science. May. 52(3): p. 1371-1378. |
203712 |
How dry is my soil? | Charbonneau, Pamela. 2012. Green is Beautiful. Spring. p. 10-11. |
213230 |