Keyword: Watering-in
Showing items 1 to 99 of 99.
Title | Author and Source | Category | View TGIF Record |
Influence of post-application irrigation and soil surfactants on tebuconazole efficacy against spring dead spot Access Restrictions |
Hutchens, W. J.; Booth, J. C.; Doherty, J. R.; Roberts, J. A.; McCall, D. S. 2022. Crop Protection. June. 156: p. 105961 [1-6]. |
336481 |
Influence of posttreatment irrigation timings and herbicide placement on bermudagrass and goosegrass (Eleusine indica) response to low-dose topramezone and metribuzin programs Access Restrictions |
Brewer, John R.; Craft, Jordan C.; Askew, Shawn D. 2022. Weed Science. March. 70(2): p. 235-242. |
318142 |
Influence of herbicides and irrigation on tall fescue shoot and root growth |
McFadden, Dani; Fry, Jack; Keeley, Steve; Hoyle, Jared. 2021. 2021 Turfgrass Research: Research Reports [Kansas State University]. 7(4): p. [1-6]. |
319661 |
Influence of post-application irrigation and mowing timing on fungicide fate on a United States Golf Association golf course putting green |
Stephens, Cameron M.; Kerns, James P.; Ahmed, Khalied A.; Gannon, Travis W. 2021. Journal of Environmental Quality. July/August. 50(4): p. 868-876. |
316017 |
Post-application irrigation timing affects dislodgeable azoxystrobin foliar residue |
Maxwell, Patrick J.; Gannon, Travis W. 2021. Crop, Forage and Turfgrass Management. June. 7(1): p. e20098. |
315853 |
Turfgrass management practices influence fungicide fate on golf course putting greens Access Restrictions |
Stephens, Cameron M.; Kerns, James P.; Gannon, Travis W. 2020. 7th European Turfgrass Society Conference Proceedings. p. 68-69. |
330659 |
Irrigation following a fall Proxy (ethephon) application affects spring seedhead suppression of Meyer zoysiagrass Access Restrictions |
Patton, Aaron J.; Braun, Ross C.; Schortgen, Geoffrey P.; Hoyle, Jared A.; Reicher, Zachary J. 2020. Crop, Forage and Turfgrass Management. 6(1): p. [1-4]. |
311125 |
Turfgrass management practices influence fungicide fate on golf course putting greens |
Stephens, C.; Gannon, T.; Kerns, J. P. 2020. Phytopathology. July. 110(7S): p. S1.20. |
315124 |
Reducing winter-related injury and spring dead spot of bermudagrass fairways Access Restrictions |
Roberts, Joseph; McCall, David; Carroll, Mark. 2020. Golf Course Management. March. 88(3): p. 82-84. |
315730 |
Where does your fungicide go? Fungicide fate following various mowing and irrigation treatments | Stephens, Cameron; Kerns, James P.; Gannon, Travis W. 2019. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 120904. |
310341 |
Distribution of cyazofamid as affected by irrigation timing and amount on a putting green surface | Freund, Daniel; Gannon, Travis W.; Kerns, James P. 2019. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 122355. |
310348 |
Help your fungicide with post-application irrigation | Hutchens, Wendell; Gannon, Travis; Shew, Dave; Ahmed, Khalied; Kerns, Jim. 2019. Golfdom. December. 75(12): p. 42-45. |
309685 |
Three things that impact wetting agent performance |
Anonymous. 2019. Hole Notes. May. 54(4): p. 46-47. |
307543 |
Evaluation of application strategies for wetting agents | Soldat, Doug. 2018. The Grass Roots. January/February. 47(1): p. 20, 22-25. |
295135 |
Effect of various irrigation amounts on fungicide movement and efficacy | Hutchens, Wendell J.; Kerns, James P.; Gannon, Travis W. 2017. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 105884. |
290313 |
Influence of management practices on distribution of fungicides in golf course turf | Ou, Ling; Latin, Richard. 2017. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 107118. |
290320 |
Grub damage apparent in Miami Valley lawns | Corle-Bennett, Pamela. 2017. My Dayton Daily News. October 13. p. [1-2]. |
296044 |
Down to the root: Fungicides and patch diseases | Hockemeyer, Kurt. 2017. The Grass Roots. May/June. 46(3): p. 18-19. |
286036 |
Post-application irrigation timing and formulation affect azoxystrobin retention in hybrid bermudagrass clippings | Jeffries, Matthew D.; Gannon, Travis W.; Yelverton, Fred H. 2016. 5th European Turfgrass Society Conference Proceedings. June. p. 127-128. |
317623 |
Irrigation and soil surfactants affect abamectin distribution in soil | Gannon, Travis W.; Jeffries, Matthew D.; Ahmed, Khalied A. 2016. 5th European Turfgrass Society Conference Proceedings. June. p. 149-150. |
317617 |
Impact of post-application irrigation and pigment on the efficacy of spring fungicide applications targeted for large patch control | Miller, G. L.; Earlywine, D. T. 2015. Turfgrass and Environmental Research Program: 2015 Research Summaries. p. 235-237. |
285093 |
Annual bluegrass control with Xonerate in creeping bentgrass fairway turf, 2013 | Inguagiato, J.; Miele, K.; Brown, E.; Chen, X.; Vose, S. 2014. 2013 Annual Turfgrass Research Report [Connecticut]. p. 31-34. |
243852 |
Effect of turf species on pesticide clipping concentrations and subsequent release in aquatic systems | Yelverton, Fred H.; Jeffries, M. D.; Gannon, T. W. 2014. 4th European Turfgrass Society Conference Proceedings. June. 45(2): p. 71-72. |
317776 |
Amicarbazone for annual bluegrass control in cool-season turfgrass | Yelverton, F.; Gannon, T.; Warren, L.; Jeffries, M. 2013. Proceedings of the Southern Weed Science Society: 66th Annual Meeting. 66: p. 234. |
227380 |
Influence of spray volume, post-application irrigation and canopy height on the persistence and distribution of prodiamine residues following application to a tall fescue lawn Access Restrictions |
Cooper, Richard J.; Shea, Damian; Peacock, Charles H.; Miller, Grady L.; John, Christopher, V. 2013. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 12: p. 47-52. |
223106 |
Pre-emergent herbicides for golf turf |
Reicher, Zac. 2013. Golfdom. January. 69(1): p. 51-53. |
214950 |
Effect of post application irrigation and mowing on premergence [preemergence] herbicides targeting crabgrass in tall fescue, 2012 |
Dernoeden, Peter H. 2012. 2012 TurfgrassPathology, Weed Science and Management ResearchSummaries. p. 36-38. |
225592 |
Effect of delayed watering-in on insecticide efficacy against annual white grubs on cool season turf | Haguewood, John; Xiong, Xi. 2012. University of Missouri Turf & Ornamental Field Day [2012]. p. 43. |
244833 |
Biology of entomopathogenic nematodes (EPN) | Sharififar, Shahram. 2011. Sports Turf Manager [STA]. Summer. 24(2): p. 17, 19, 21. |
185606 |
Influence of fungicide timing and post application irrigation on dollar spot severity |
Kaminski, J. E.; Inguagiato, J.; Putman, A. I. 2011. Phytopathology. June. 101(6S): p. S87. |
272563 |
Post application irrigation effect on fungicide efficacy influencing take-all patch control on bentgrass putting green turf 2009 | Inguagiato, John C.; Blake, Robert; Lessard, Derick; Machnicki, Jessica; Knox, Kyle; Kaminski, John E. 2010. 2009 Annual Turfgrass Research Report [Connecticut]. p. 27-28. |
248225 |
Station #13: Influence of post application irrigation on QoI and DMI fungicide efficacy for controlling take-all patch on a creeping bentgrass putting green |
Inguagiato, J. C.; Blake, R.; Bade, E.; Knox, K.; Kaminski, J. E. 2010. 2010 UCONN Turfgrass Field Day Research Program and Summaries [Connecticut]. p. 30-32. |
183688 |
Nutrient and pesticide losses from bermudagrass fairway turf: Study shows amounts of runoff after major storm events | Bell, Gregory E.; Koh, Kyungjoon. 2010. USGA Green Section Record. December 17. 48(27): p. 1-6. |
173900 |
Use of Basamid for fairway re-grassing at Edina CC | Schindele, Brandon. 2010. Hole Notes. November/December. 42(10): p. 5-7, 9. |
191325 |
Hunting billbug alert | Silcox, Diane E.; Brandenburg, R. L. 2010. TurfFiles - Turfgrass Information for North Carolina. June 21. p. [1]. |
168832 |
Plan fairy ring prevention in the next few weeks | Miller, Lee; Tredway, Lane. 2010. TurfFiles - Turfgrass Information for North Carolina. March 19. p. [1]. |
168853 |
Influence of post-application irrigation on efficacy of Acelepryn and Merit applied at optimal timing against Japanese beetle larvae in Kentucky bluegrass turf 2009 | Richmond, Doug; Gibb, Tim; Nance, Autumn; Hoctor, Terri; Caceres, Victoria; Baldauf, Walter; Abdelwahab, Mohamed; Hathaway, Stephanie. 2009. 2009 Annual Report: Purdue University Turfgrass Science Program. p. [1-2]. |
170263 |
Influence of post-application irrigation on preventive efficacy of Acelepryn and Merit against Japanese beetle larvae in Kentucky bluegrass | Richmond, Doug; Gibb, Tim; Caceres, Victoria; Baldauf, Walter; Nance, Autumn; Hoctor, Terri; Abdelwahab, Mohamed; Hathaway, Stephanie. 2009. 2009 Annual Report: Purdue University Turfgrass Science Program. p. [1-2]. |
170264 |
Managing pesticide exposure from treated turf | Clark, J. Marshall; Doherty, Jeffery. 2007. 2007 Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary. p. 47. |
132591 |
Nifty tips & tricks that worked! |
Schweihofer, Brian. 2007. Newsnotes (Michigan Turfgrass Foundation). Fall/Winter. p. 9. |
144205 |
Impact of fungicide water application volume on take-all patch suppression in a creeping bentgrass fairway | Kaminski, J. E. 2005. 2005 Turfgrass Research Report [Connecticut]. p. 27-28. |
110498 |
GCSAA-USGA wetting agent evaluation | Throssell, Clark. 2005. USGA Turfgrass and Environmental Research Online. August 1. 4(15): p. 71, 52-89 [1-34]. |
105568 |
Watch for breakthrough from early preemergence herbicide applications | Reicher, Zac. 2005. Purdue Turfgrass Science Program Publications. April 25. p. [1]. |
129136 |
[Highlights from the Midwest Turf Expo] | Brame, R. A. 2005. USGA World Wide Web Site. February 1. p. [1]. |
110889 |
Movement and residual activity of deltamethrin on a golf course fairway under two post-treatment irrigation timings |
Xia, Yulu; Fidanza, Mike A.; Brandenburg, Rick L. 2004. Florida Entomologist. March. 87(1): p. 60-64. |
162144 |
Runoff of nitrate nitrogen and phosphorus from turfgrass after watering-in Access Restrictions |
Shuman, L. M. 2004. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis. January. 35(1/2): p. 9-24. |
94150 |
Influence of foliar absorption, post-treatment irrigation, and application methodology on the control of turfgrass diseases with trifloxystrobin | Weibel, Eric N.; Hart, Steve E.; Clarke, Bruce B. 2003. Proceedings of the Twelfth Annual Rutgers Turfgrass Symposium. 12: p. 52-53. |
100450 |
[Spring Merit applications] |
Vittum, Pat. 2003. TurfNet Monthly. May. 10(5): p. 7. |
292709 |
White grubs: What's the deal?: This pest can be controlled with the proper combination of product and timing Access Restrictions |
Vittum, Patricia J. 2003. Golf Course Management. April. 71(4): p. 113-116. |
85877 |
Nutrient leaching and runoff from golf courses | Shuman, Larry M. 2002. USGA Turfgrass and Environmental Research Online. November 1. 1(17): p. [1-11]. |
83191 |
Comparison of two rates and two formulations of imazaquin for control of purple nutsedge | Kopec, D. M.; Jensen, D. P.; Gilbert, J. J. 2001. Turfgrass, Landscape and Urban IPM Research Summary [Arizona]. p. 28-34. |
77284 |
Best management of post-application irrigation on turfgrass to minimize exposure to volatile and dislodgeable foliar pesticide residues and their breakdown products | Clark, J. Marshall. 2001. 2001 Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary. p. 45. |
78381 |
Best management practices to reduce pesticide runoff from turf | Branham, Bruce E. 2001. 2001 Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary. p. 51. |
78387 |
Grub attack | Rao, Balakrishna. 2001. Landscape Management. October. 40(10): p. 50. |
76858 |
Chemical hotline: Life after methyl bromide: University of Virginia uses alternative to methyl bromide for successful field renovation |
Anonymous. 2001. Grounds Maintenance. August. 36(8): p. Contractor 14-15. |
74981 |
Weed management | Anonymous. 2000. Sustainable Urban Landscape Information Series. p. [1-7]. |
66740 | |
Best Management of Post-Application Irrigation on Turfgrass to Minimize Exposure to Volatile and Dislodgeable Foliar Pesticide Residues and Their Breakdown Products: USGA Annual Report | Clark, J. Marshall; Putnam, Ray; Carrier, Scott A.; Edwards, Robin. 2000. [Far Hills, New Jersey: United States Golf Association]. 8, [4] pp. |
215302 |
Integrating natural enemies, cultural control, and plant resistance for sustainable management of insect pests on golf courses | Potter, Daniel A. 2000. 2000 Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary [USGA]. p. 17. |
72119 |
Best management of post-application irrigation on turfgrass to minimize exposure to volatile and dislodgeable foliar pesticide residues and their breakdown products | Clark, J. Marshall. 2000. 2000 Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary [USGA]. p. 64. |
72166 |
Hazard evaluation and management of volatile and dislodgeable foliar pesticide residues following application to turfgrass Access Restrictions |
Clark, J. Marshall; Roy, G. R.; Doherty, J. J.; Curtis, A. S.; Cooper, R. J. 2000. p. 294-312. In: Clark, J. Marshall; Kenna, Michael P., eds. Fate and Management of Turfgrass Chemicals. Washington, D.C.: American Chemical Society. |
64624 |
Effect of post-treatment irrigation on the eficacy of CGA 293,343 (Meridian) against white grubs in turf 1998 Access Restrictions |
Held, D. W.; Kreuger, B.; Mason, N.; Lopez, R.; Eliason, E.; Walston, A.; Potter, D. A. 2000. Arthropod Management Tests. 25: p. 360. |
70150 |
Effect of post-application irrigation on efficacy of halofenozide and imidacloprid against Japaneese beetle larvae on golf course rough, 1999 Access Restrictions |
Vittum, Patricia J.; Becker, Christopher. 2000. Arthropod Management Tests. 25: p. 393. |
70414 |
Roundup is more rainfast than previously thought | Yelverton, Fred. 2000. TURFAX. November/December. 8(6): p. 5. |
71600 |
[14C]Glyphosate transport in undisturbed topsoil columns Access Restrictions |
de Jonge, Hubert; de Jonge, Lis W.; Jacobsen, Ole H. 2000. Pest Management Science. October. 56(10): p. 909-915. |
69540 |
Controlling pests: The target principle | Anonymous. 2000. Lawn and Landscape. October. 21(10): p. 53. |
69628 |
Mach 2 works in rough | Kalik, Rich. 2000. Golf Course News. September. 12(9): p. 6. |
71973 |
Superintendent gives thumbs up to burn-down herbicide | Anonymous. 2000. Golfdom. August. 56(8): p. 61-62. |
66607 |
Improving disease control Access Restrictions |
Gelernter, Wendy; Stowell, Larry J. 2000. PACE Insights. July. 6(7): p. 1-4. |
104877 |
Effect of irrigation on the efficacy of insecticides for controlling two species of mole crickets (Orthoptera: Gryllotalpidae) on golf courses | Xia, Yulu; Brandenburg, Rick L. 2000. Journal of Economic Entomology. June. 93(3): p. 852-857. |
65686 |
How irrigation affects your applications | Watschke, Thomas L. 2000. Grounds Maintenance. April. 35(4): p. Contractor 20, C22, C24. |
65914 |
Why and how we apply pre-emergents to stay a step ahead | Thompson, Carter. 2000. The Florida Green. Spring. p. 54-55. |
64985 |
Evaluation of new chemical treatments for control of Japanese beetles on turfgrass |
Gibb, Timothy. 1999. 1999 Annual Report - Purdue University Turfgrass ScienceProgram. p. 1-3. |
75403 |
Evaluation of Mach 2 formulations and application strategies for curative control of black cutworms (Agrotis ipsilon) on golf course turf | Gelernter, Wendy; Stowell, Larry J. [199X]. Super Journal: PACE Turfgrass Research Institute. p. 1-5. |
104943 |
Who's who in white grubs? |
Vittum, Patricia J. 1999. Turfgrass Field Day [Massachusetts]. p. 6. |
64340 |
Postemergence herbicide efficacy on crabgrass - 1998 |
Street, John R.; Stewart, Renee M. 1998. Turfgrass Research Report - 1998 [Ohio State]. p. 7-13. |
68641 |
Effect of post-treatment irrigation on deltamethrin for buffalograss chinch bug control, 1997 |
Heng-Moss, T. M.; Baxendale, F. P.; Weinhold, A. P. 1998. Arthropod Management Tests. 23: p. 341-342. |
68324 |
Response of runoff diazinon concentration to formulation and post-application irrigation Access Restrictions |
Evans, J. R.; Edwards, D. R.; Workman, S. R.; Williams, R. M. 1998. Transactions of the ASAE. September/October. 41(5): p. 1323-1329. |
203406 |
Strategies for improved chemical control of summer patch |
Clarke, Bruce B.; Majumdar, Pradip; Murphy, James A.; Dernoeden, Peter H. 1997. Proceedings of the Sixth Annual Rutgers TurfgrassSymposium. p. 28. |
63621 |
Effect of post-treatment irrigation on control of buffalograss chinch bugs with Deltamethrin, 1997 | Heng-Moss, T. M.; Baxendale, F. P.; Riordan, T. P.; Weinhold, A. P. 1997. 1997 Turfgrass Research Report [Nebraska]. p. 59-60. |
69726 |
Handling and applying fungicides | Nelson, Eric B. 1996. TurfGrass TRENDS. August. 5(8): p. 10-15. |
17015 |
Irrigation scheduling for weed control |
McAfee, James A. 1996. Landscape & Irrigation. March. 20(3): p. 64-65. |
71667 |
Responsible use of lawn care pesticides | Mugaas, Robert J. 1995. University of Minnesota Extension Service. p. [1-4]. |
71115 | |
Turfgrass Management for Protecting Surface Water Quality | Mugaas, Robert J.; Agnew, Michael L.; Christians, Nick E. 1995. St. Paul, Minnesota: Minnesota Extension Service, College of Agricultural, Food, and Environmental Sciences, University of Minnesota. 16 pp. |
154330 |
Development of an integrated summer patch control program for fine turf areas | Clarke, Bruce B.; Thompson, David; Murphy, Jim; Majumdar, Pradip. 1995. Proceedings of the Fourth Annual Rutgers Turfgrass Symposium. p. 18-19. |
68112 |
Control of fairy ring with surfactant |
Blenis, P. 1995. PTRC - Prairie Turfgrass Research Centre Annual Report1995 [Alberta]. p. 32. |
59872 |
Plant growth regulators applied at low volumes of water | Bingaman, B. R.; Christians, N. E. 1995. 1995 Iowa Turfgrass Research Report. p. 39-40. |
51100 |
Why insecticides fail |
Vittum, Patricia J. 1995. Foreground [HVGCSA]. June/July. 33(3): p. 4. |
254115 |
GTI research report: Effect of wetting agent on adsorption, movement and uptake of benomyl applied to creeping bentgrass |
Liu, Leon X.; Hsiang, Tom; Eggens, Jack L. 1995. GreenMaster. June/July. 29(3): p. E4. |
70683 |
Effect of watering in preemergence herbicides | Branham, B. E.; Lickfeldt, D. W. 1991. 1991 Turfgrass Field Day Program [Michigan]. p. 6-7. |
93975 |
1990 turf update: [III. Preemergence herbicide studies] | Branham, Bruce. 1991. Proceedings of the 61st Annual Michigan Turfgrass Conference. 20: p. 3-4, 7. |
26490 |
Activity of imazaquin for purple nutsedge suppression using various application techniques |
Kopec, D. M.; Heathman, E. S.; Mancino, C. F.; Moharram, H. N. 1989. 1989 Turfgrass and Ornamentals Research Summary[Arizona]. p. 73-78. |
70348 |
Difficulties with grub control |
Schuder, Donald L. 1986. Proceedings of 1986 Midwest Regional Turf Conference. p. 16-17. |
139686 |
Putting "Southern Blight" to flight Access Restrictions |
Heacock, Michael R. 1983. Golf Course Management. May. 51(5): p. 53, 57, 61. |
97521 |
Fertilizer scorch Access Restrictions |
Sports Turf Research Institute. 1971. Journal of the Sports Turf Research Institute. 47: p. 141. |
114617 |
Control of green June beetle larvae |
Wene, George P. 1970. Report on Turfgrass Research [Arizona]. p. 27. |
172074 |
Spurge control in bermudagrass |
Hamilton, K. C. 1965. Report on Turfgrass Research [Arizona]. p. 1-2. |
169199 |
[Vapam penetration in clay soil] Access Restrictions |
Noer, O. J. 1958. The Golf Course Reporter. September/October. 26(7): p. 61. |
126088 |
[Orchard spray gun] Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 1951. The Golf Course Reporter. July/August. 19(4): p. 14. |
121066 |
The Improvement of Lawns, Golf Greens and Fairways |
Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd. [1930]. London, England, United Kingdom: Agricultural Research and Advisory Department, Imperial Chemical Industries Ltd. 12 pp. |
127563 |