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Web URL(s): | Last checked: 05/01/2019 Requires: PDF Reader Notes: Item is within a single large file |
Publication Type: | Report |
Author(s): | Umeda, Kai; Burayu, Worku |
Author Affiliation: | University of Arizona |
Title: | Low-input new groundcover and native grass species for turfgrass replacement in the low desert |
Section: | Integrated turfgrass management Other records with the "Integrated turfgrass management" Section Ecophysiology: Grass testing Other records with the "Ecophysiology: Grass testing" Section |
Source: | Turfgrass and Environmental Research Program: 2018 Research Summaries. 2018, p. 88-95. |
Publishing Information: | [New York, New York]: The United States Golf Association Green Section |
# of Pages: | 8 |
Keywords: | TIC Keywords: Desert climate; Ground cover; Low maintenance; Native grasses |
Language: | English |
References: | 0 |
See Also: | Other Reports from this USGA research project: 2016-14-564 |
Note: | Pictures, color Tables Graphs |
USGA Summary Points: | Amount and uniformity of irrigation markedly affected the overall quality of plants; At Scottsdale, AZ, Kurapia, plains lovegrass, alkali sacaton, blue grama, big galleta, and alkali muhly performed well for all quality parameters; In Sun City West, AZ, big galleta, blue grama, Kurapia, and sand dropseed performed well; The evaluations and observations at both sites indicated that Kurapia was very aggressive and vigorous as a groundcover. Differential growth between tall and short stature nativegrasses provided information for potential sites where each type of grass could be utilized. |
ASA/CSSA/SSSA Citation (Crop Science-like – may be incomplete): | Umeda, K., and W. Burayu. 2018. Low-input new groundcover and native grass species for turfgrass replacement in the low desert. USGA Turfgrass Environ. Res. Summ. p. 88-95. |
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Web URL(s) : | Last checked: 05/01/2019 Requires: PDF Reader Notes: Item is within a single large file |
MSU catalog number: | b3609415 |
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