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Web URL(s): | Last checked: 06/07/2023 Requires: PDF Reader Notes: Item is within a single large file |
Publication Type: | Report |
Author(s): | Bonos, Stacy A.; MacPherson, Eric |
Author Affiliation: | Rutgers University |
Title: | Selection and evaluation of shade tolerance in creeping bentgrass (Agrostis stolonifera) |
Section: | Genetics and breeding Other records with the "Genetics and breeding" Section Cool-season grasses Other records with the "Cool-season grasses" Section |
Source: | Mike Davis Program for Advancing Golf Course Management: 2022 Progress Reports. 2022, p. 13-23. |
Publishing Information: | Liberty Corner, New Jersey: The United States Golf Association Green Section |
# of Pages: | 9 |
Keywords: | TIC Keywords: Agrostis stolonifera; Breeding improvement; Chlorophyll content; Field tests; Genetic analysis; Germplasm; Heritability; Mechanism of resistance; Shade resistance; Variety trials; Visual evaluation |
Language: | English |
References: | 6 |
See Also: | Other Reports from this USGA research project: 2022-04-747 |
Note: | Pictures, color Tables Graphs |
USGA Summary Points: | Plant height and chlorophyll content are phenotypic traits correlated with increased shade tolerance and should be the primary data collected when looking at shade tolerance in creeping bentgrass. Biomass and tiller number are not significantly different enough to allow for differentiation between shade tolerant and susceptible plants. There is a significant amount of variation in shade performance across currently commercially available cultivars.; Cultivars - L93XD, 007XL, and Oakley performed the best under shade and maintain consistent plant heights in sun and shade.; Cultivars - Penncross and Pin Up exhibited significant shade avoidance responses.; Cultivars - Tyee, AU Victory and Penn A4 showed significant etiolation under shade. 40 genotypes were intercrossed for further iheritance studies. |
ASA/CSSA/SSSA Citation (Crop Science-like – may be incomplete): | Bonos, S. A., and E. MacPherson. 2022. Selection and evaluation of shade tolerance in creeping bentgrass (Agrostis stolonifera). USGA Turfgrass Environ. Res. Summ. p. 13-23. |
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Web URL(s) : | Last checked: 06/07/2023 Requires: PDF Reader Notes: Item is within a single large file |
MSU catalog number: | b3609415 |
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