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Web URL(s): | Last checked: 09/17/2010 Requires: PDF Reader Last checked: 05/03/2012 Requires: PDF Reader Access conditions: Item is within a limited access website |
Material Type: | Book |
Monographic Author(s): | Cunningham, S. A.; Leavens, George D. |
Author Affiliation: | Cunningham: Chairman, Greens Committee, Englewood Golf Club; and Leavens: Formerly of the Department of Fertilizers, Massachusetts Agricultural Experiment Station |
Monograph Title: | Lawns, Golf Courses, Polo Fields, Turf Courts, and How to Treat Them, 1914. |
Publishing Information: | New York, New York: The Coe-Mortimer Company |
# of Pages: | 40 |
Collation: | 40 pp. |
Keywords: | TIC Keywords: Polo grounds; Lawn turf; Golf courses; Tennis courts; Sports turf; Renovation; Seed mixtures; Seeding; Seeding rate; Seeding time; Harrowing; Mowing; Rolling; Fertilization; Fertilization rates; Topdressing; Golf greens; Drainage; Golf green renovation; Choice of species; Golf green maintenance; Sand; Earthworm castings; Earthworm control; Golf fairways; Golf fairway maintenance; Fertilizers; Product profile; Pesticides |
Abstract/Contents: | Includes: Lawns (Re-Making an Old Lawn; Making a New Lawn; Seed Mixtures; Clipping, Rolling and Watering; and Fertilizing Established Lawns); Golf Courses (Putting Greens; Drainage; Fertilizers for Putting Greens; Seed Mixtures for Putting Greens; General Care of Putting Greens; Sanding Putting Greens; Eradication of Worms; Fair Greens; New Fair Greens; Seed Mixtures for Fair Greens; and General Care of Fair Greens); Polo Fields (Seed Mixtures for Polo Fields; and General Care of Polo Fields); and Turf Tennis Courts (Seed Mixtures for Turf Tennis Courts; Fertilizers for Lawns, Golf Courses, Polo Fields and Turf Tennis Courts; Country Club Golf and Lawn Fertilizer Brand A; Country Club Golf and Lawn Fertilizer Brand B; Country Club Polo Field Special; and Country Club Worm Eradicator). |
Language: | English |
References: | 0 |
See Also: | See also closely related book, Lawns, Golf Courses, Polo Fields, and How to Treat Them, 1914, R=204906.R=204906 |
See Also: | Other items relating to: Classic Reads in Turf Other items relating to: Turf books online |
Note: | Cover title: Lawns, Golf Courses, Polo Fields Pictures, b/w Figures Tables |
Annotation from Turfgrass History and Literature: Lawns, Sports, and Golf, by James B Beard, Harriet J. Beard and James C Beard: | "A very rare, early booklet on turfgrass selection, seed establishment, renovation, and culture of turfgrass for lawns, golf greens and fairways, polo fields, and tennis courts. It is oriented to conditions in the northeastern United States. There are scattered pages in the text concerning the fertilizers and worm controls available from The Coe-Mortimer Company. Soil preparation for putting greens using dynamite was described in 1914 as follows: If, however, the sub-soil is compact it is best to remove the entire top-soil and work first with the sub-soil itself. Sub-surface drains if needed should be put in place while the top-soil is removed. If the hard-pan or compact sub-surface is not too deep it may be broken up by exploding dynamite in holes bored from two to two and one-half feet deep and from ten to twenty feet apart. This shattering of the sub-soil often makes sub-surface drains unnecessary, but in this matter be guided by the advice of your engineer or turf expert." p. 202 |
Beard Section Heading: | Bibliography of books/monographs on turfgrass culture |
Beard Rarity Statement: | Very rare |
Beard Special Note: | Identified by James B Beard in Turfgrass History and Literature: Lawns, Sports, and Golf (2014) as being old and rare based on his experience. |
Quotable quotes | "Until the work has been attempted, the difficulties encountered in making good lawns, polo fields, and golf greens are not apparent, although liberal sums of money are generally expended." p. 3 "Although sometimes recommended, lime should never be used on putting greens in the northeastern United States." p. 21 "The objections to Annual Blue Grass are so serious that the writer is not disposed to view it in the same tolerant manner as do some authorities. In the northeastern United States it is particularly subject to winter killing. Compression due to accumulations of ice and snow frequently kills this grass out, resulting in large dead areas in the greens in the spring. It is shallow rooted, a shallow feeder, and a surface grower. No matter how closely clipped, it will re-seed itself and will usually make an abundant growth in the early spring and in the fall; it dies out, however, during mid-summer at the time when it is most desirable to have the greens in good condition." p. 21-22 |
ASA/CSSA/SSSA Citation (Crop Science-like – may be incomplete): | Cunningham, S. A. 1914. Lawns, Golf Courses, Polo Fields, Turf Courts, and How to Treat Them. 40 pp. New York, New York: The Coe-Mortimer Company. |
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Web URL(s) : | Last checked: 09/17/2010 Requires: PDF Reader Last checked: 05/03/2012 Requires: PDF Reader Access conditions: Item is within a limited access website |
WorldCat entry: | Accession number: 17290047 Accession number: 794854671 |
MSU catalog number: | b10276105 b5685627 b10146570 |
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