Full TGIF Record # 139488
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Author(s):Clark, J. Marshall
Author Affiliation:Professor and Director, Massachusetts Pesticide Analysis Laboratory, Department of Veterinary and Animal Science, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Massachusetts
Title:Optimizing vegetative filter strips treating runoff from turf
Source:USGA Turfgrass and Environmental Research Online. Vol. 7, No. 19, October 1 2008, p. [1-8].
Publishing Information:Far Hills, NJ: United States Golf Association, Green Section
# of Pages:10
Keywords:TIC Keywords: Pesticides; Nutrients; Surface runoff; Fungicides; Herbicides; Insecticides; Andropogon gerardii; Scirpus cyperinus; Spartina pectinata; Tripsacum dactyloides; Iris versicolor; Salix nigra; Lolium perenne; Leersia oryzoides; Festuca arundinacea; Evaluations; Comparisons; Aesthetic values; Buffer zones; Filter strips; Chlorpyrifos; Imidacloprid; Pendimethalin; 2,4-D; Chlorothalonil; Propiconazole; Establishment; Research
Abstract/Contents:"Joint greenhouse and field studies are currently underway to evaluate selected plants for their effectiveness in removing pesticides and nutrients from turfgrass runoff waters that enter vegetative filter strips (VFS). Ten plant species were evaluated in a greenhouse pot study to determine which species most effectively remove six pesticides (2 fungicides, 2 herbicides, and 2 insecticides) from a silt loam soil. Five species (big blue stem, blue flag iris, eastern gama grass, prairie cord grass, and woolgrass) were determined to be most effective. A run-on plot, consisting of 12 VFS, was established. Each VFS had a 5% slope and was lined with an impermeable liner. A manifold was placed on the front (top) edge of each VFS to evenly apply run-on water. At the bottom of each VFS, runoff water was collected. Lysimeters near the bottom of each strip sampled subsurface water. Several storm/run-on scenarios using a rainfall equivalent to an average 1-year rain event were evaluated. The selected storm scenario produced runoff that was 1) measurable, 2) manageable, and 3) roughly equivalent to that used by Bell and Moss (3). A bromide tracer study determined any hydraulic differences between VFS prior to planting. VFS were then established in replicates of three (unvegetated, random mixture of plants, succession of plants, and turfgrass cut to three heights). The study found: Five plant species (blue flag iris, woolgrass, prairie cord grass, big blue stem and eastern gama grass, given in increasing heights) removed turfgrass pesticides from contaminated soil and have been selected for planting into the VFS. A run-on plot consisting of twelve identical VFS has been constructed at the UMASS Turfgrass Research Center. An initial bromide tracer study determined hydraulic characteristics and runoff flows of the 12 VFS prior to planting. A pump-driven delivery system has been fabricated for the precise delivery of run-on water to the VFS. Nine VFS have been planted (3 VFS will remain unvegetated) with either turfgrass or the five plant species selected from the greenhouse study. A pesticide run-on experiment will be conducted at the end of the 2008 growing season."
See Also:Other items relating to: 2, 4 - D in Turf

Other items relating to: What Good is Turf?
See Also:Other Reports from this USGA research project: 2006-25-333
Note:Summary as abstract
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ASA/CSSA/SSSA Citation (Crop Science-Like - may be incomplete):
Clark, J. M. 2008. Optimizing vegetative filter strips treating runoff from turf. USGA Turfgrass Environ. Res. Online. 7(19):p. [1-8].
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