Full TGIF Record # 250
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Material Type:Booklet
Monographic Author(s):Noer, Oyvind Juul
Monograph Title:The A B C of Turf Culture: With Typical Examples of Field Surveys and Soil Tests, 193x.
Publishing Information:Milwaukee, Wis.: Sewerage Commission
# of Pages:28
Keywords:TIC Keywords: Soil testing; Fertilization; Fertilizers; Cultural methods; Organic fertilizers; Soils
Trade Names:Milorganite
Abstract/Contents:Includes 1: Underlying causes of turf trouble; 2: How grasses grow - the function of individual fertilizer elements - their use and mis-use; 3: Factors controlling turf management; 4: Soil as a medium for growth and a source of plant food; 5: Soil factors and their control; 6: Basic principles of grass fertilization; 7: Fertilizer tests and trials...plant nutritional requirements; 8: Practical aspects of fertilizer usage on fairways, cemetery lawns and parks; 9: Fertilization of greens and related practices
See Also:Not to be confused with the earlier 1928 work of the same title and by the same author, R=251. R=251

Not to be confused with the much later 1978 work, ABC of Turf Culture, by John Escritt, R=8810. R=8810
See Also:Other items relating to: NOER
Note:First published serially in Golfdom (under article series 'The ABC of turf culture') and The Greenkeepers' Reporter, 1937, as a 9 part "new, condensed edition." (sans 4 "case histories")
"A contribution from The Service Bureau, Milwaukee Sewerage Commission"
Reprinted as a facsimile about 2010 by MMSD, with an incorrect publication date on a sticker on the cover (1928 instead of this edition's [1937].
Title sometimes reported as: The ABC of Turf Culture
Annotation from Turfgrass History and Literature: Lawns, Sports, and Golf, by James B Beard, Harriet J. Beard and James C Beard:"A rare, completely different booklet than the authors 1928 version. It is a short publication originally published serially in 1937 in Golfdom and Greenkeepers Reporter. It is oriented primarily to the culture of turfgrasses on golf courses in the United States, with emphasis on soils and nutrition." p. 300
Beard Section Heading:Bibliography of books/monographs on turfgrass culture
Beard Rarity Statement:Rare
Beard Special Note:Identified by James B Beard in Turfgrass History and Literature: Lawns, Sports, and Golf (2014) as being old and rare based on his experience.
ASA/CSSA/SSSA Citation (Crop Science-Like - may be incomplete):
Noer, Oyvind Juul. 193x. The A B C of Turf Culture: With Typical Examples of Field Surveys and Soil Tests. Milwaukee, Wis.: Sewerage Commission.
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