Full TGIF Record # 115928
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Publication Type:
Author(s):Lednovich, Michael
Author Affiliation:Orange, California and Contributing Writer, Golfweek's SuperNEWS
Title:Phoenix courses revert to overseeding
Section:Focus on: Spring prep
Other records with the "Focus on: Spring prep" Section
Source:Golfweek's SuperNEWS. Vol. 7, No. 20, November 11 2005, p. 21, 26.
Publishing Information:Orlando, FL: Turnstile Publishing Company
# of Pages:2
Keywords:TIC Keywords: Overseeding; Golfer perceptions; Color; Water conservation; Economic impacts; Golf courses in tourism; Golfer satisfaction; Municipal golf courses; Membership relations
Geographic Terms:Phoenix, Arizona
Abstract/Contents:Discusses overseeding, stating that "just as water is essential to keeping turf healthy, so are green fairways essential in keeping golfers at the course during the winter." Profiles municipal golf courses in Phoenix, Arizona, stating that they "ended up getting late winter storms [in 2004] that dumped about 4 more inches of rain than normal...by the time [they] had those rains it was too late to overseed." Reports that "the city still is operating with caution, limiting the overseeding to fairways, tees and greens. The Bermuda rough will be left to go dormant." States that "the city golf courses are a business and need to operate as a business. The only way you grow a business is to make constant investments and improvements." Suggests that "in the future, when the city makes a decision impacting the courses...they [should] consider these courses as business assets and treat them that way."
Note:Pictures, color
ASA/CSSA/SSSA Citation (Crop Science-Like - may be incomplete):
Lednovich, M. 2005. Phoenix courses revert to overseeding. Golfweek's SuperNEWS. 7(20):p. 21, 26.
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