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Author(s):Anderson, Jeff; Taliaferro, Charles; Martin, Dennis; Wu, Yanqi; Anderson, Michael
Author Affiliation:Anderson, J. and Martin: Professors, Department of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture; Taliaferro: Emeritus Regents Professor; Wu: Assistant Professor; Anderson, M.: Associate Professor, Department of Plant and Soil Sciences, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, Oklahoma
Title:Bermudagrass freeze tolerance: Some seeded and vegetatively propagated bermudagrass cultivars are more likely to tolerate severe winters in the transition zone
Other records with the "Research" Section
Source:Golf Course Management. Vol. 75, No. 10, October 2007, p. 110-113.
Publishing Information:Lawrence, KS: Golf Course Superintendents Association of America
# of Pages:4
Keywords:TIC Keywords: Cynodon; Cold resistance; Seeding; Acclimatization; Vegetative establishment; Cultivar variation; Variety trials; Cold chambers; Temperature stress; Winterkill
Abstract/Contents:Presents a study conducted to "develop vegetatively and seed-propagated bermudagrass with high turf quality and improved freeze tolerance." Explains that "a common way to compare relative freeze temperatures of a group of cultivars is to establish them in the field, then wait for cold temperatures to sort them out. However, during a mild winter, temperatures may not be cold enough to kill any cultivars of interest, and no progress would be achieved." Details the materials and methods of the study, stating that "bermudagrass plants were established and maintained in growth chambers. For studies with seed-propagated cultivars, seed from the lots used in the 2002 NTEP [National Turfgrass Evaluation Program] bermudagrass trial was obtained from the sponsors." Reports that "vegetatively propagated bermudagrasses ranged in freeze tolerance from 20.8 F [Fahrenheit] (-6.2 C [Celsius]) (GN-1) to 11.3 F (-11.5 C) (OKC 70-18). Three cultivars, GN-1, Celebration and MS-Choice were significantly less freeze-tolerant than Tifway." Concludes that "although many factors in addition to freeze tolerance will be assessed in making cultivar selections, choices are...available with freeze tolerance suitable for areas of the transition zone requiring superior winter hardiness."
See Also:See also related article "Bermudagrass freeze tolerance" USGA Turfgrass and Environmental Research Online, 6(18) September 15 2007, p. [1-7] R=128187 R=128187

See also related article "Freeze tolerance of seed- and vegetatively-propagated bermudagrass compared with standard cultivars" Applied Turfgrass Science, May 8 2007, p. [1-7] R=124630 R=124630
See Also:Other items relating to: WINKIL

Other items relating to: Winterkill
Note:Pictures, color
ASA/CSSA/SSSA Citation (Crop Science-Like - may be incomplete):
Anderson, J., C. Taliaferro, D. Martin, Y. Wu, and M. Anderson. 2007. Bermudagrass freeze tolerance: Some seeded and vegetatively propagated bermudagrass cultivars are more likely to tolerate severe winters in the transition zone. Golf Course Manage. 75(10):p. 110-113.
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