Full TGIF Record # 199507
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Publication Type:
Author(s):Stahl, Jason
Author Affiliation:Free-lance writer, Cleveland, Ohio
Title:Pass the salt: With more and more golf courses using reclaimed water for irrigation, salinity is becoming a bigger issue. Here is how you can effectively manage it
Other records with the "Irrigation" Section
Source:Golf Course Industry. Vol. 24, No. 1, January 2012, p. 36-38.
Publishing Information:Cleveland, OH: G.I.E. Media, Inc.
# of Pages:3
Keywords:TIC Keywords: Best management practices; Effluent water; Irrigation practices; Leaching; Salt tolerance; Soil salinity control; Soil sampling
Abstract/Contents:Discusses high salinity levels in turf due to the increase of reclaimed water used for irrigation. Highlights best management practices (BMP) approach for salinity control. States that in order to get a handle on salinity on the course, superintendents need to start with a site assessment and then proactively monitor their progress.
See Also:Other items relating to: Soil Salinity

Other items relating to: Effluent Water Use
Note:Includes sidebar, "Salinity solution?", p. 38
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ASA/CSSA/SSSA Citation (Crop Science-Like - may be incomplete):
Stahl, J. 2012. Pass the salt: With more and more golf courses using reclaimed water for irrigation, salinity is becoming a bigger issue. Here is how you can effectively manage it. Golf Course Industry. 24(1):p. 36-38.
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