Full TGIF Record # 219864
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Web URL(s):https://dl.sciencesocieties.org/publications/books/articles/agronomymonogra/turfgrassbiolog/37
    Last checked: 10/09/2019
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Publication Type:
Material Type:Chapter
Author(s):Breuninger, James M.; Welterlen, Mark S.; Augustin, Bruce J.; Cline, Van; Morris, Kevin
Author Affiliation:Breuninger: Dow AgroSciences LLC, Indianapolis, IN; Welterlen: PBI/Gordon Corporation, Kansas City, MO; Augustin: Scotts MiracleGro Company, Marysville, OH; Cline: The Toro Company, South Bloomington, MN; and Morris: National Turfgrass Evaluation Program, Beltsville, MD
Title:The turfgrass industry
Volume Editors:Stier, John C., Horgan, Brian P., and Bonos, Stacy A.
Monographic Source:Turfgrass: Biology, Use, and Management, 2013, p. 37-104.
Publishing Information:Madison, Wisconsin: American Society of Agronomy
# of Pages:68
Series:Agronomy Monograph 56
Abstract/Contents:Includes: Changes in the Turf Industry During the Past Two Decades (Advances in Information Technology (Turf Equipment; and Seed and Sod); Big-Box Retailers; Turf Quality; New Chemistry (New Active Compounds; and New Formulations)); Segmentation and Scope of the Turfgrass Market (End-User Groups (Demographics and Size of the Professional Industry (Golf Courses; Professional Lawn Care; Irrigation Installation Contractors; and Sod Production)); Institutions (Parks (National Parks; State Parks; and Park and Recreation); Schools, Colleges and Universities; Highway Roadsides; Airports; Sports Fields; Government Facilities; and Military Installations); and Size of the Residential Consumer Turf Market); and Turf-Related Manufacturing and Turf Production (Pesticides; Equipment; Irrigation; Seed; Sod; and Fertilizers)); Future Market Forces (Environmental Challenges (Water Availability and Quality; Pesticide and Fertilizer Use; Greenhouse Gas Emissions; and Land Use); and Economic Challenges (Post-Patent Products)); International Turf Markets; The Turf-Equipment Industry (Business Organization (Professional Turf Products; and Residential Consumer Turf Products); Driving Factors (Computer-Aided Design; Customer Care and Value-Added Services; and Demand for High-Quality Turf); and Future Market Forces (Environmental Challenges; and Economic Challenges); Turf Irrigation Industry (Turf Irrigation Equipment (Irrigation-System Components); Advances in Irrigation Technology; and Challenges Ahead in Turf Irrigation); Development, Production, and Marketing of Turfgrass Cultivars (Cultivar Development (Private and Public Development; Identifying Market Trends and Needs; Seed and Sod Production; Timeline for Developing New Cultivars; Breeding Methods; Screening for Resistance and Tolerance; and Refining and Enhancing); Legal Protection of Cultivars; The Reality of Biotechnology; Cultivar Evaluation; Seed and Sod Production; and Marketing and Distribution); Plant Protection Products for the Turfgrass Industry (Discovery; Early-Screening Programs; Secondary and Tertiary Screens; Small-Plot Testing Under Field Conditions; Predevelopment (Field Testing; Mammalian Safety Data and Environmental Impact Data for Regulatory Review; and Manufacturing, Product Positioning, Label Writing and Marketing Plans); Development Stage; Commercialization; and Final Remarks); and The Turfgrass Fertilizer Industry (Size and Scope of the Turf Fertilizer Industry; History of Fertilizer; The Scope of the Fertilizer Industry; Fertilizer Raw Materials and Manufacturing; Slow-Release Nutrients; Turf-Fertilizer Production; Fertilizer Types; Governmental Fertilizer Regulations; and Carbon Sequestration By Turf and the Role of Fertilizers).
See Also:For more information about the book this record is from, or to see other records from this work: R=219854
Note:"Chapter 2"
ASA/CSSA/SSSA Citation (Crop Science-Like - may be incomplete):
Breuninger, J. M., M. S. Welterlen, B. J. Augustin, V. Cline, and K. Morris. 2013. The turfgrass industry. In Stier, John C., Horgan, Brian P., and Bonos, Stacy A. (eds.) Turfgrass: Biology, Use, and Management. Madison, Wisconsin: American Society of Agronomy.
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DOI: 10.2134/agronmonogr56.c2
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    Last checked: 10/09/2019
    Access conditions: Item is within a limited-access website

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