Full TGIF Record # 219888
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Web URL(s):https://dl.sciencesocieties.org/publications/books/articles/agronomymonogra/turfgrassbiolog/219
    Last checked: 10/09/2019
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Publication Type:
Material Type:Chapter
Author(s):Gardner, David S.; Goss, Ryan M.
Author Affiliation:Gardner: Dep. of Horticulture and Crop Science, Ohio State Univ., Columbus, OH; and Goss: Dep. of Plant and Environmental Sciences, New Mexico State Univ., Las Cruces, NM
Title:Management of turfgrass in shade
Volume Editors:Stier, John C., Horgan, Brian P., and Bonos, Stacy A.
Monographic Source:Turfgrass: Biology, Use, and Management, 2013, p. 219-248.
Publishing Information:Madison, Wisconsin: American Society of Agronomy
# of Pages:30 pp.
Series:Agronomy Monograph 56
Abstract/Contents:Includes: Light Environment in the Shade (Light Quantity; and Light Quality); Turf Growth in Shade (Photomorphogenesis and Physiological Changes (Physiological Responses to Shade; and Morphological Responses to Shade); and Shading and Turf Establishment); Factors Affecting the Loss of Turfgrass in Shade (Shade Microclimate (Moderated Temperatures; Reduced Wind Speeds; and Relative Humidity and Leaf Wetness); Tree-Root Competition; Disease, Moss and Algae Activity; and Attrition Due to Reduction of Light Quality and Light Quantity); Relative Shade Tolerances of Turfgrass Species (Cool-Season Turfgrasses (Highly Shade Tolerant; Shade Tolerant; Shade Intolerant; and Highly Shade Intolerant); Warm-Season Turfgrasses (Shade Tolerant; Shade Intolerant; and Highly Shade Intolerant); and Breeding Efforts); Managing Turf in Shade (Turfgrass Selection; Mowing; Fungicides; Traffic Effects; Fertilization; Plant Growth Regulators; and Environmental Modification); Sports Turf in Covered or Highly Shaded Stadiums; and Conclusions.
See Also:For more information about the book this record is from, or to see other records from this work: R=219854
Note:"Chapter 5"
ASA/CSSA/SSSA Citation (Crop Science-Like - may be incomplete):
Gardner, D. S., and R. M. Goss. 2013. Management of turfgrass in shade. In Stier, John C., Horgan, Brian P., and Bonos, Stacy A. (eds.) Turfgrass: Biology, Use, and Management. Madison, Wisconsin: American Society of Agronomy.
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DOI: 10.2134/agronmonogr56.c6
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    Last checked: 10/09/2019
    Access conditions: Item is within a limited-access website

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