Full TGIF Record # 232961
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Web URL(s):http://archive.lib.msu.edu/tic/rpr/1992/Environmental/27775,%20Cornell,%20Nelson.PDF
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Publication Type:
Material Type:Manuscript
Monographic Author(s):Nelson, Eric B.; Craft, Cheryl M.
Author Affiliation:Principal Investigator, Department of Plant Pathology, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY
Monograph Title:Microbial Basis of Disease Suppression in Composts Applied to Golf Course Turf: [1992 Annual Research Report], 1992.
Publishing Information:Ithaca, New York: Department of Plant Pathology, Cornell University
# of Pages:9
Collation:[1], 8 pp.
Abstract/Contents:"Our goal in this project is to develop more effective biological control strategies with compost-based organic fertilizers by understanding the microbial ecology of disease-suppressive composts. In particular, we hope to understand the microbiology such that disease-suppressive properties of composts might be predicted and an assemblage of beneficial microorganisms useful in the development of microbial fungicides for turfgrass disease control might be discovered. The objectives of our study are to 1) determine the spectrum of turfgrass pathogens suppressed by compost applications, 2) establish relationships between overall microbial activity, microbial biomass, and disease suppression in composts, 3) identify microorganisms from suppressive composts that are capable of imparting disease-suppressive properties to conducive composts or those rendered conducive by heat treatment, and 4) determine the fate of compost-derived antagonists in golf course putting greens following application of individual antagonists and composts fortified with these antagonists. Over the past year, our efforts have been focussed [focused] on 1) further evaluating composts in the field for disease suppression; our goal has been to verify previous findings as well as expand the diseases for which composts are suppressive; 2) further developing laboratory assays to assess microbial activity and biomass; and 3) enumerating and recovering specific isolates of bacteria, fungi, and actinomycetes from suppressive composts. Much of our emphasis in 1992 was on objective 3. Although 1992 was not a good year for disease development in our experimental plots, data were obtained for the suppression of dollar spot with various composts. Additional evaluations for snow mold suppression are underway[.] We have performed isolations of bacteria, fungi, and actinomycetes from over 20 different composts. Actinomycetes have been the most difficult group to enumerate and purify since they are extremely slow-growing and cultures can be easily contaminated with bacteria and fungi. As a means of better recovering antagonistic actinomycetes, we have employed a triple layer agar technique to recover antibiotic-producing actinomycetes. We have over 100 strains of actinomycetes that are currently being evaluated for their disease-suppressive properties. We are currently in the process of characterizing the fungal and bacterial populations from composts and we are just beginning to screen these organisms for disease suppression. We have also been successful in refining our microbial biomass assay. We are now able to generate repeatable standard curves from both inorganic phosphate and glycerol phosphate and we are proceeding to assess biomass with this procedure in a number of different composts. During the first half of 1993 we hope to be able to assess over 25 different materials for levels of biomass and activity to determine whether this method may be suitable for assessing and thus predicting disease-suppressive properties of composts."
See Also:See also related summary article "Microbial basis of disease suppression in composts applied to golf course turf" 1992 Environmental Research Summary [USGA], 1992, pp. 16-17, R=27775. R=27775
Note:Also appears as pp. 00213-00222 in the USGA Turfgrass Research Committee Reporting Binders for 1992.
"Climatic Region: Cool Humid"
"USGA Region: Northeastern/Mid-Atlantic"
"United State Golf Association Greens Section Research Annual Report, 1992"
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