Full TGIF Record # 298201
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Publication Type:
Author(s):Behle, Robert; Richmond, Doug
Author Affiliation:Behle: USDA-ARS-NCAUR, Peoria, IL; Richmond: Department of Entomology, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN
Title:Biological control of black cutworm in turf with baculovirus - 2017
Section:ITM: Entomology
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Source:Turfgrass and Environmental Research Program: 2017 Research Summaries. 2017, p. 269-272.
Publishing Information:[New York, New York]: The United States Golf Association Green Section
# of Pages:4
Keywords:TIC Keywords: Agrotis ipsilon; Baculovirus; Biological control; Insecticide efficacy; Insecticide evaluation; Larva
See Also:Other Reports from this USGA research project: 2015-09-524
Note:Pictures, color
USGA Summary Points:Treating turf with the black cutworm baculovirus is a highly effective control treatment for black cutworm larvae. Alternative microbial-based biological treatments (a Beauveria fungus or a Bacillus bacterium) were less effective for control of cutworm larvae. Mixing biological agents for application to turf did not provide synergistic pest control, which has been observed for other insect pests.
ASA/CSSA/SSSA Citation (Crop Science-Like - may be incomplete):
Behle, R., and D. Richmond. 2017. Biological control of black cutworm in turf with baculovirus - 2017. USGA Turfgrass Environ. Res. Summ. p. 269-272.
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